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I have disproven Time Dilation and Theory of Relativity

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  • #16
    A paradox is a statement that apparently contradicts itself.

    You can ask TA for the exact details, but in my understanding it is like this:
    para - something like "counter", "opposite", "against"
    dox - something like "words"
    paradox - words that oppose (themselves).

    I am not fooled. Thanks for your concern, though.
    I'll follow Matthews advice.



    • #17
      Einstein Fraud

      Been watching this thread and I fully support your effort to challenge the mainstream brainwashing, but you're kind of mixing apples and oranges. A person moving fast isn't experiencing slow motion. It is normal to them, but only slow to someone standing still IF there was a way to see other areas outside of the local area that we are subject to.

      First of all, Einstein is wrong so I agree with you there, but not because special relativity doesn't work as described. Special relativity works BECAUSE OF the aether. Einstein's view is so twisted that he sees everything upside down and backwards from how it actually is. His universe is one of isolation and magic where real work mysteriously disappears and potential energy is conveniently stored. It is a real joke that more and more people are catching onto.

      You're right about the points that someone isn't going to be living in slow motion, but one of the underlying points to something being relative is that the person with time going slow compared to someone where time is fast is that to themselves, time is at a normal rate.

      We have to understand what time is first before this makes sense and the pro Einstein people will never comprehend it - not because it is difficult to understand but because they're simply brainwashed into seeing more fingers on a hand then actually exist.

      The instantaneous communication is possible actually and has been done here on Earth - it is Extraluminal Transmission, which means it is not faster than the speed of light, there is no velocity, it is instantaneous. I just read an article about Einstein being proven wrong in some of the wave/particle duality, but the authors are obviously brainwashed into believing that information cannot be transmitted faster than the speed of light. That is true, but the distinction they're ignorant of is that it is no velocity if it is instantaneous. Eric Dollard is a master of this science, but the Germans have developed some "scalar" communication methods with no velocity, was done early in the 1900's at the Bolinas RCA station on the Alexanderson network for ship to shore communication with the Navy and I believe in Norway or some Scandinavian country, there is still an Alexanderson type station still in existence - the only one left that operates with these electrostatic transmission methods that are completely different than electromagnetic transmission, which do have a velocity.

      Since each person is experiencing the flow of time at their own rate (relative to someone else - the difference is not perceptible to themselves), that means the imaging/data/etc... will be compressed or decompressed to their own local time, which is based virtually entirely on the density of the aether they are in.

      When we see starlight, that light is sped up and slowed down depending on the area of space it goes through, which is dependent on the density of the aether in those areas. When we see it on Earth, we are only seeing it based on the density of the aether in our location and therefore, it will always appear to be moving at the speed of light. Trying to analyze the distance of stars, etc... based on this is an effort in futility - like a fish trying to analyze the water that it is in that it doesn't know it is in because it is always the default for it's own present location. We're incapable at this moment of accounting for the distance by taking the aetheric density into account that the light traveled through and this isn't changing anytime soon since a major human downfall is that through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail.

      When someone is accelerating to the speed of light, the mass of their ship encounters more aether per unit of universal time for the ship, which means the absolute density of the aether increases. While accelerating, the inertia is simply an electrostatic type equivelant of back emf. The aetheric charge induces a counter electrostatic repulsion against it so the faster something accelerates, the more resistance there is to the movement. That is what inertia is.

      With the increase in absolute density (more aether encountered per unit of local time), the slower light moves and the slower time ticks RELATIVE to someone in a lower density area. For the ship, it is only going from xyz coordinates to another xyz coordinates and lets say it is a distance of 1. Normally light would travel that distance in its normal Universal (non-relative benchmark time), but in this case, it takes 3 times as long because it moves through space that is of 3 times the density.

      To the traveler, their entire perceptual apparatus, brain, light movement, conscious awareness, etc... is also restricted to the same aetheric density, which would be 3 times slower than someone in a benchmark 1 unit of density aetheric location. But to the traveler, they would measure light moving at light speed since EVERYTHING for the traveler is subject to that increase in density but doesn't perceive it. If someone could have Godvision and see the traveler and someone in 1/3 the density space, the traveler's clock would be ticking 1/3 slower than the person in the normal 1 density place. But again, to the traveler, time is normal since the movement unfolds based on how fast the aetheric density lets it unfold and the person standing still experiences their local time as fast as it can unfold.

      So TIME is always going to be an incremental measurement of motion, which at the local area irrespective of density will always tick and be observed to tick at a "normal" speed. But to someone with Omnivision, the higher density area has slower time, slower light, etc... because of the increase in density and the area of lower density has faster time, faster light... TIME is just motion of mass through the aether.

      The ship wouldn't be able to move faster than the speed of light because at that speed, the aether would be at an infinite density.

      However, the aether can be deflected around the shell of the ship instead of inducing an electrostatic repulsion against the mass that makes up the ship and its contents. That creates the only true vacuum, which is a space that is void of the aether. Therefore, the ship can move without resistance or inertia because the aether is slipping around the ship instead of moving through it.

      Space is not filled with aether - space is aether. If there is no aether, there is no space and therefore no distance. If the aether is deflected around the shell of the ship, it can move extraluminally from one location to another without taking time to get there since it doesn't travel through space, but counterspace and in my opinion is how it would happen instead of the joke of the theory about wormholes. Every effort by mainstream science to get around various ideas always conveniently are constructed to avoid recognition of a basic provable fact that space is aether.

      Anyway, just my opinion - please don't think I don't support your efforts because I disagree with you.

      Originally posted by johnnyfalcon View Post
      If you are on a face time call on earth to an astronaut twin brother traveling faster than speed of light, then acccording to time dialation , once astranaut came back to earth that astranaut may be 15 years younger looking than you

      Simply not true

      Because if you were on a "face time call" (like an iphone but better that is instantaneous communication no matter how fast your going or how far away you are)that entire time for 30 earth years watching terminater 2 50,000 times there would be no ****ing time dialation because you would have bothd watched the movie the same exact amount of times/hours/minutes/ect thus absolutley no differences in time between your twin brother and you regardless of how fast he was going!

      if they were both watchin terminator 2 the same amount of times then theres no difference in time

      any delay would be due to equip malfunction

      No things wouldnt happen faster on earth end because both are watching t2 the same amount of times

      Just because youre in a ****en rocket doesnt mean you do **** like watch tv faster

      if it takes 30 years on earth to watch terminator 50,000 times then by flying in a rocket doesnt mean you can watch termintor 50,000 in 20 years

      When atoms are cooled to absolute zero or super heated weird **** then happens, buut you wont experience that isolated in a rocket

      You see gravity effects cellular resperation however humans can only exist under certain gravity/atmospheric conditions thus we would and can never experience any other stronger gravity than eaths or we would explode and with too little gravity we get frail weak and die, we cant experience accelerated time but only slighly different fluctuations of cellular resperation rates until our bodies must go back to homeostasis

      in twin paradox my twin flying in the rocket sbodily functions do not magically speed up or slowdown if someone is traveling in a fast vehicle, does that even make sense?? Of course not

      If the face time call signal was instantaneous faster than light do you really beleive that you would be watch a humans face and voice in slow motion while they are in a rocket? Because that would mean they would have to be literally living in slow motion which is imposible for a human to do

      If 30 years on earth pass and my twin goes flys away in a rocket and comes back only 15 years older by einstiens time dilation theory then that means he must age slow motion while being on a rocket ship(wich is physically biologically imposible) because i watched my twin for the entire 30 earth years from a telescope
      Thus i will know my twin has aged 30 years not 15

      time is purely passage of events biologically and universally
      Earth time is charted as we go around the sun, its rather purely only passage of events we chart as we go around sun our biology also purely experiences a passage of events cells replicate divide ect nothing ambiguos

      If im on earth watching my twin brother take 3 ****s a day sleeping 7 hours a day (identicle habits ill be ****ting 3 times a day and sleeping 7 hours per 24hrs) then he will return the exact same age as me regardless of how fast he was going because he did all the exactt same stuff as me during this 30 year round trip voyage. Thus i have conclusively disproven time dilation and theory of relativity!

      We would obviously have to have a special iphone to watch each other all the time it would be documented proof
      We would age the same rate regardless of what sell out scientists and especially atheist sell out scientists would have u believe
      If hes doing the same amount of stuff ****ting 3 times in 24hrs ect how can you possibly argue time dilation exists
      Last edited by Aaron; 03-29-2015, 05:53 AM.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ernst View Post
        A paradox is a statement that apparently contradicts itself.

        You can ask TA for the exact details, but in my understanding it is like this:
        para - something like "counter", "opposite", "against"
        dox - something like "words"
        paradox - words that oppose (themselves).

        I am not fooled. Thanks for your concern, though.
        I'll follow Matthews advice.

        Almost there captain ernst but you left out even though something is a paradox doesnt mean its all true either but it could be

        Basically in otherwords a paradox is still open for debate, nothing is solved yet,

        Kinda like lieng to someone but with the majority of your dialogue being truth but that one percent is a lie thus it becomes bull ****

        Dont miscontrue the language but pardon my spelling
        Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 03-29-2015, 10:31 PM.


        • #19
          Well thought out reply bro but keep in mind you are talking about acceleration to light speed.not a constant velocity of light speed or faster than light speed . One could techinically be accelerating the whole time on a round trip to andromeda thus would experience gradually increasing aether density but the body could only take so much , and a spacesuit would have to completly errradicate this effect in order for the space man to live

          you dont experience a higher aether density at a constant speed unless you fly through a space zone of high density aether, nor will you experience a stronger than normal g force unless you are accelerating or close to jupiter.... kinda like how u cant tell if your going 300mph on a plane, but you certainly feel acceleration and lift off

          The body is not shielded from the physical effects of acceleration , but the body is sheilded from the effects of constant high speed provided the aircraft holds up

          Because what if the acceleration to light speed is a mere 10 minites

          Im guessing you are arguing that however long acceleration lasts is where we get time dilation? I dont see time dilation happening there either and even less inclined to see dlation a constant super fast speeds but i always keep an open mind

          Now could some materials on the exterior of the spaceship experience time dilation more or less than other materials ot side the ship no but im no scientist but who knows im thinking extreme amounts of wear and tare
          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Been watching this thread and I fully support your effort to challenge the mainstream brainwashing, but you're kind of mixing apples and oranges. A person moving fast isn't experiencing slow motion. It is normal to them, but only slow to someone standing still IF there was a way to see other areas outside of the local area that we are subject to.

          First of all, Einstein is wrong so I agree with you there, but not because special relativity doesn't work as described. Special relativity works BECAUSE OF the aether. Einstein's view is so twisted that he sees everything upside down and backwards from how it actually is. His universe is one of isolation and magic where real work mysteriously disappears and potential energy is conveniently stored. It is a real joke that more and more people are catching onto.

          You're right about the points that someone isn't going to be living in slow motion, but one of the underlying points to something being relative is that the person with time going slow compared to someone where time is fast is that to themselves, time is at a normal rate.

          We have to understand what time is first before this makes sense and the pro Einstein people will never comprehend it - not because it is difficult to understand but because they're simply brainwashed into seeing more fingers on a hand then actually exist.

          The instantaneous communication is possible actually and has been done here on Earth - it is Extraluminal Transmission, which means it is not faster than the speed of light, there is no velocity, it is instantaneous. I just read an article about Einstein being proven wrong in some of the wave/particle duality, but the authors are obviously brainwashed into believing that information cannot be transmitted faster than the speed of light. That is true, but the distinction they're ignorant of is that it is no velocity if it is instantaneous. Eric Dollard is a master of this science, but the Germans have developed some "scalar" communication methods with no velocity, was done early in the 1900's at the Bolinas RCA station on the Alexanderson network for ship to shore communication with the Navy and I believe in Norway or some Scandinavian country, there is still an Alexanderson type station still in existence - the only one left that operates with these electrostatic transmission methods that are completely different than electromagnetic transmission, which do have a velocity.

          Since each person is experiencing the flow of time at their own rate (relative to someone else - the difference is not perceptible to themselves), that means the imaging/data/etc... will be compressed or decompressed to their own local time, which is based virtually entirely on the density of the aether they are in.

          When we see starlight, that light is sped up and slowed down depending on the area of space it goes through, which is dependent on the density of the aether in those areas. When we see it on Earth, we are only seeing it based on the density of the aether in our location and therefore, it will always appear to be moving at the speed of light. Trying to analyze the distance of stars, etc... based on this is an effort in futility - like a fish trying to analyze the water that it is in that it doesn't know it is in because it is always the default for it's own present location. We're incapable at this moment of accounting for the distance by taking the aetheric density into account that the light traveled through and this isn't changing anytime soon since a major human downfall is that through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world is a nail.

          When someone is accelerating to the speed of light, the mass of their ship encounters more aether per unit of universal time for the ship, which means the absolute density of the aether increases. While accelerating, the inertia is simply an electrostatic type equivelant of back emf. The aetheric charge induces a counter electrostatic repulsion against it so the faster something accelerates, the more resistance there is to the movement. That is what inertia is.

          With the increase in absolute density (more aether encountered per unit of local time), the slower light moves and the slower time ticks RELATIVE to someone in a lower density area. For the ship, it is only going from xyz coordinates to another xyz coordinates and lets say it is a distance of 1. Normally light would travel that distance in its normal Universal (non-relative benchmark time), but in this case, it takes 3 times as long because it moves through space that is of 3 times the density.

          To the traveler, their entire perceptual apparatus, brain, light movement, conscious awareness, etc... is also restricted to the same aetheric density, which would be 3 times slower than someone in a benchmark 1 unit of density aetheric location. But to the traveler, they would measure light moving at light speed since EVERYTHING for the traveler is subject to that increase in density but doesn't perceive it. If someone could have Godvision and see the traveler and someone in 1/3 the density space, the traveler's clock would be ticking 1/3 slower than the person in the normal 1 density place. But again, to the traveler, time is normal since the movement unfolds based on how fast the aetheric density lets it unfold and the person standing still experiences their local time as fast as it can unfold.

          So TIME is always going to be an incremental measurement of motion, which at the local area irrespective of density will always tick and be observed to tick at a "normal" speed. But to someone with Omnivision, the higher density area has slower time, slower light, etc... because of the increase in density and the area of lower density has faster time, faster light... TIME is just motion of mass through the aether.

          The ship wouldn't be able to move faster than the speed of light because at that speed, the aether would be at an infinite density.

          However, the aether can be deflected around the shell of the ship instead of inducing an electrostatic repulsion against the mass that makes up the ship and its contents. That creates the only true vacuum, which is a space that is void of the aether. Therefore, the ship can move without resistance or inertia because the aether is slipping around the ship instead of moving through it.

          Space is not filled with aether - space is aether. If there is no aether, there is no space and therefore no distance. If the aether is deflected around the shell of the ship, it can move extraluminally from one location to another without taking time to get there since it doesn't travel through space, but counterspace and in my opinion is how it would happen instead of the joke of the theory about wormholes. Every effort by mainstream science to get around various ideas always conveniently are constructed to avoid recognition of a basic provable fact that space is aether.

          Anyway, just my opinion - please don't think I don't support your efforts because I disagree with you.
          Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 03-29-2015, 11:32 PM.


          • #20
            rate of change

            Originally posted by johnnyfalcon View Post
            Well thought out reply bro but keep in mind you are talking about acceleration to light speed.not a constant velocity of light speed or faster than light speed . One could techinically be accelerating the whole time on a round trip to andromeda thus would experi,

            you dont experience a higher aether density at a constant speed unless you fly through a space zone of high density aether, nor will you experience a stronger than normal g force unless you are accelerating or close to jupiter.... kinda like how u cant tell if your going 300mph on a plane, but you certainly feel acceleration and lift off

            The body is not shielded from the physical effects of acceleration , but the body is sheilded from the effects of constant high speed provided the aircraft holds up

            Because what if the acceleration to light speed is a mere 10 minites

            Im guessing you are arguing that however long acceleration lasts is where we get time dilation? I dont see time dilation happening there either and even less inclined to see dlation a constant super fast speeds but i always keep an open mind

            Now could some materials on the exterior of the spaceship experience time dilation more or less than other materials ot side the ship no but im no scientist but who knows im thinking extreme amounts of wear and tare
            Yes, it is about acceleration because a "rate of change" is necessary to create the asymmetry or polarization needed for the inertial effect of the aether inducing an opposing electrostatic force against the mass of the object.

            If there is a constant speed, there is no rate of change between the mass and the aether it is going through so no inertia.

            I just recently discovered that JJ Thompson has some interesting things to say about charged spheres moving through space in regards to electromagnetic momentum, etc... Those concepts are strongly related to Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Graivity, which was never published in whole.

            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #21
              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              Yes, it is about acceleration because a "rate of change" is necessary to create the asymmetry or polarization needed for the inertial effect of the aether inducing an opposing electrostatic force against the mass of the object.
              If there is a constant speed, there is no rate of change between the mass and the aether it is going through so no inertia.

              I just recently discovered that JJ Thompson has some interesting things to say about charged spheres moving through space in regards to electromagnetic momentum, etc... Those concepts are strongly related to Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Graivity, which was never published in whole.

              Aaron time dilation isnt possible on a human because we can only experience so much gravity or aether pressure before we would explode or die. A space suit would not allow our body to feel time dilation( increased aether pressure of fatal amounts), but our suits would take in the brunt of the force of acceleration and then we could only see time dilation (if time dilation existed at all ).

              i dont see acceleration creating time dilation but i am trying my hardest to empathize with your points/argument, above all i want to learn and master the teachings of dollard in under 100 years hopefully

              If you dont mind aaron could you re word the part in bold, im assuming that is your lead argument in short for time dilation, im just not quite understanding the logic in it sir ,thanks!


              • #22
                inertia and rate of change

                Originally posted by johnnyfalcon View Post
                Aaron time dilation isnt possible on a human because we can only experience so much gravity or aether pressure before we would explode or die. A space suit would not allow our body to feel time dilation( increased aether pressure of fatal amounts), but our suits would take in the brunt of the force of acceleration and then we could only see time dilation (if time dilation existed at all ).

                i dont see acceleration creating time dilation but i am trying my hardest to empathize with your points/argument, above all i want to learn and master the teachings of dollard in under 100 years hopefully

                If you dont mind aaron could you re word the part in bold, im assuming that is your lead argument in short for time dilation, im just not quite understanding the logic in it sir ,thanks!
                It is a concept or principle we're dealing with and not what a human being could actually experience, but the time dilation could happen to a person up to a point. With a fast enough acceleration, the human would be crushed of course. That is why it would be necessary to "travel" through counterspace, which is void of the aetheric resistance but in any case, the principle of slower time from an absolute viewpoint and not local viewpoint would happen.

                The rate of change that I'm talking about is what causes the inertia. If you have an object steadily moving through outer space away from any large bodies and it is moving at 100 mph steadily, the relationship between the mass that makes up the object and the aether is steady - there is no change. There is a relationship between the mass and aether that is at an equilibrium.

                The moment the mass accelerates or decelerates, there is no more equilibrium between them but a change that causes an asymmetrical relationship between them that causes an induced counter electrostatic force that opposes the mass that makes up the matter.

                I posted diagrams on all of this somewhere.

                The only analogy I know that isn't a perfect analogy but gives the idea is the importance of rate of change with respect to electromagnetic induction.

                Anyway, back EMF is to a magnetic field being created with an electromagnetic coil as inertia kind of is to a mass accelerating through the aether. It keeps it in check.

                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #23
                  you've disproven a theory; new concept


                  • #24
                    Are there any definitive examples of counterspace,criteria ect or analogys are even better, sorry makein u work if you dont mind typing, i have searched the term before. I like the idea of counterspace wich is without pressure or gravity, maybe degrees of counterspace with high or zero pressure, but counterspace seems like an explosion and the gravity and aether keeps stable things from exploding. Am i totally off? Counterspace is rapid even infinit instantaneus explosion with no velocity just instant speed until it slows down back into our aether realm??

                    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                    It is a concept or principle we're dealing with and not what a human being could actually experience, but the time dilation could happen to a person up to a point. With a fast enough acceleration, the human would be crushed of course. That is why it would be necessary to "travel" through counterspace, which is void of the aetheric resistance but in any case, the principle of slower time from an absolute viewpoint and not local viewpoint would happen.

                    The rate of change that I'm talking about is what causes the inertia. If you have an object steadily moving through outer space away from any large bodies and it is moving at 100 mph steadily, the relationship between the mass that makes up the object and the aether is steady - there is no change. There is a relationship between the mass and aether that is at an equilibrium.

                    The moment the mass accelerates or decelerates, there is no more equilibrium between them but a change that causes an asymmetrical relationship between them that causes an induced counter electrostatic force that opposes the mass that makes up the matter.

                    I posted diagrams on all of this somewhere.

                    The only analogy I know that isn't a perfect analogy but gives the idea is the importance of rate of change with respect to electromagnetic induction.

                    Anyway, back EMF is to a magnetic field being created with an electromagnetic coil as inertia kind of is to a mass accelerating through the aether. It keeps it in check.


                    • #25
                      Im not sure im following the signicance of inertia in your pro time dilation argument ,inertia is just resistance, yes inertia/resistance keeps mass from getting too massive and keeps something from moving to yes infinitly fast speed travel seems possible without resistance\inertia getting in the way but where how does the time dilation happen
                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      It is a concept or principle we're dealing with and not what a human being could actually experience, but the time dilation could happen to a person up to a point. With a fast enough acceleration, the human would be crushed of course. That is why it would be necessary to "travel" through counterspace, which is void of the aetheric resistance but in any case, the principle of slower time from an absolute viewpoint and not local viewpoint would happen.

                      The rate of change that I'm talking about is what causes the inertia. If you have an object steadily moving through outer space away from any large bodies and it is moving at 100 mph steadily, the relationship between the mass that makes up the object and the aether is steady - there is no change. There is a relationship between the mass and aether that is at an equilibrium.

                      The moment the mass accelerates or decelerates, there is no more equilibrium between them but a change that causes an asymmetrical relationship between them that causes an induced counter electrostatic force that opposes the mass that makes up the matter.

                      I posted diagrams on all of this somewhere.

                      The only analogy I know that isn't a perfect analogy but gives the idea is the importance of rate of change with respect to electromagnetic induction.

                      Anyway, back EMF is to a magnetic field being created with an electromagnetic coil as inertia kind of is to a mass accelerating through the aether. It keeps it in check.


                      • #26
                        inertia and time

                        Originally posted by johnnyfalcon View Post
                        Im not sure im following the signicance of inertia in your pro time dilation argument ,inertia is just resistance, yes inertia/resistance keeps mass from getting too massive and keeps something from moving to yes infinitly fast speed travel seems possible without resistance\inertia getting in the way but where how does the time dilation happen
                        Inertia is the effect of an apparent increase in density of the aether relative to the object, which restricts movement, including the movement of light, all motion of the mass and therefore the flow of time has slowed down compared to someone standing still.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Inertia is the effect of an apparent increase in density of the aether relative to the object, which restricts movement, including the movement of light, all motion of the mass and therefore the flow of time has slowed down compared to someone standing still.
                          Well then incresed inertia/resistance is like driving into wind blowing in the opposite direction right, so there for causing you car commute to take longer

                          Let me upscale my example, in a spaceship traveling and encountering increased inertia at high speeds where the ship is faster than light, the ship will always be far ahead in its trajectory than what is viewable. Lets say the ship is 10 years ahead on its flight trajectory than what we actually see. Because the ship is going much faster than light...

                          Viewing the ship from earth will never be accurate it will be 10 years behined the actual location. Doesnt mean The ship isnt aging slower. Time is still the same everywhere. The ship is just faster than what we perceive.

                          We can only see the ship 10 years behined its actual location. Again time hasnt changed because the ship is out running light


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                            Neither you nor your twin IS ageing slower. All your bodily functions and daily routine continue as they have always done. It is just that seen from your frame of reference your twin is ageing slower, and indeed, seen from his frame of reference you are ageing slower. Then there seems to be a paradox because during his trip you see him ageing slower and he sees you ageing slower, so when he returns will you be younger or will he be younger? You can not both be younger than the other one.
                            That is the paradox (which you have also missed).
                            When he returns at faster than light speed i will see him the moment he gets here becase he is close thus his light doesnt need to travel any massive distance however his hologram(the path that he was flying in a spaceship) will be visable in space for years. Which is really cool btw
                            Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 03-31-2015, 01:42 PM.


                            • #29
                              We see again and again that internet can be used to spread stupidity. Yet sometimes, on rare occasions it is used to spread knowledge. You will have to search through quite a bit of nonsense to find that video that explains it both simply and correctly.
                              Although the narrator hints that he will make some mistakes soon, he does not really make them in this video:
                              For now this is the best I can come up with. You do not have to read anything, just sit back and watch the video, and you will have time dilation served to you on a silver platter.
                              After you understand (as in "understand") this one, then you can start on the twin paradox. (maybe you need a video about that last difficult word too)

                              Good luck there in counter space,



                              • #30
                                From the video at the end about the clocks..
                                The bouncing and moveing light beam has a slower time interval between bounces because it has to travel through more space than the traveling light beam, big deal this isnt proof because if two objects are travelling and one object encounters more inteference and has to take a detour as well then he will just get to his destination slower

                                What are you not getting thats so simple to see?

                                Anytime you take a longer path such as with the moveing bouncing light in the vid will mean it will take more time to go through its bouncing intervals. There is no slowing down of time from the stationary point of view .

                                Its like going to the toolbox and getting a basin wrench now if iask a kid to get my basin wrench it may take him 5 hours, his path is longer but his clock isnt moving slower

                                You sir are a clown you arent thinking , but just posting a vid saying heres the proof
                                Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                                We see again and again that internet can be used to spread stupidity. Yet sometimes, on rare occasions it is used to spread knowledge. You will have to search through quite a bit of nonsense to find that video that explains it both simply and correctly.
                                Although the narrator hints that he will make some mistakes soon, he does not really make them in this video:
                                For now this is the best I can come up with. You do not have to read anything, just sit back and watch the video, and you will have time dilation served to you on a silver platter.
                                After you understand (as in "understand") this one, then you can start on the twin paradox. (maybe you need a video about that last difficult word too)

                                Good luck there in counter space,

                                Last edited by johnnyfalcon; 04-01-2015, 03:00 AM.

