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Barbosa and Leal Devices - Info and Replication Details
There was a little more information than I wanted out there at this time. I didn't have time to edit the post this morning and decided to dump the whole thing to save time. If you saved the drawings then it should be pretty clear. A few dollars in parts and 20 minutes worth of winding will get you there providing you have a couple grounds to work with.
so to improve te system is to add more rods now is in the 80s
if in the demo of barbisa leal they can use small area or less rods
then theres a way to harness it
6kw in their 1st demo can be a reference also
Great answer to those questions Clarence, thank you.
So if what Clarence says is true then he can indeed use the system to self charge the battery although slowly, and that in itself is pretty special.
Then the next logical question is why would the charger be charging slower off the earth than when using the mains (given there is no load other than the charger) if the system is capable of running a microwave just fine at 10+ Amps? Does a battery charger really draw that much current? I know battery chargers like that can probably push as much as 20 Amps to a battery bank at 14.2V DC but that only equates to about 2.5A at 110V AC. There should be no problem running the charger at full power.
To me this logically creates a hole in the theory that the battery and inverter is not powering the load all by itself. I could obviously be very wrong about the current draw of the charger though. Someone please pitch in here...?
Let's argue then that with the rain and moist soil the system's ability is severely hampered to the point where it cannot supply 2.5A at 110V... That is a pretty severe short coming meaning at this point you won't even get the microwave to turn on at all provided the power comes from the ground and not the battery.
Clarence would you say in your experience that when the soil is dry and everything is good the system can then charge the battery as fast as when using the mains?
Thanks again for your input.
Hello Fjohnnyb,
I have stated what is extremely important about this system many many times and all or most all of you IGNORE IT!
your main defeat to yourselves is your OLD SCHOOL electrical background.
its the same darn thing TESLA had to contend with.
you keep trying "TO FIGURE EVERY THING OUT". take your formulas and guess work and STICK them in the toilet and leave them there.
THEN you MIGHT(?) be able to just listen to the information I give and make use of IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't make use of it this time I simply won't bother to post any more. it would just be a waste of my time. I don't know how you value your time but mine is valuable to me!!!
1. there are two main features involved in this system and its ULTIMATE
2. the FIRST is the DEFEAT of the LENZ law effect,
that is accomplished in the precise windings of the toroids and their
proper connections!
3. the second feature is the USE OF THE ENERGY FROM THE GROUND!there
are a couple of important aspects to this achievement.
A. you need to install ground rods AND IN A PROPER MANNER!!!!
B. you need too install ENOUGH OF THEM to reach a very important
that objective is to be able to TAP ENOUGH ENERGY POTENTIAL FROM
C. HOW do you know when you have reached the point when you are at
the needed Level of potential????
SIMPLE!!!! when the voltage from the ground return NEUTRAL across
the CAPTOR output PHASE reads the EXACT SAME rms as is shown
POINT!!!! you will STILL have to add MORE RODS!!!! say 10 to 20 -
and after you apply loads and the rms on the CAPTOR output starts to
drop somewhat you can KNOW you will still need some more
potential from the earth by adding a few more rods.
now how many formulas and theories did you see in any of the info I just gave YOU!!!!!!! NONE! JUST BUILD IT OR DON"T
I have stated several times that my rod system was just barely past THE TIPPING POINT and that i KNEW I HAD TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND WOULD ! on my time table and NO ONE ELSEs!!!!!
my charger DOES charge my battery just not as fast as it should BECAUSE THE RMS DOES NOT MATCH EACH OTHER!!!!!!
IF I choose to charge it another way for MY convienience that's MY BUSINESS NOT YOURS!!!!! I said it was a TEMPORARY SOLUTION AND
Then the next logical question is why would the charger be charging slower off the earth than when using the mains (given there is no load other than the charger) if the system is capable of running a microwave just fine at 10+ Amps? Does a battery charger really draw that much current? I know battery chargers like that can probably push as much as 20 Amps to a battery bank at 14.2V DC but that only equates to about 2.5A at 110V AC. There should be no problem running the charger at full power.
To me this logically creates a hole in the theory that the battery and inverter is not powering the load all by itself. I could obviously be very wrong about the current draw of the charger though. Someone please pitch in here...?
Hello Fjohnnyb. Yes, if it were the captor arrangement that was providing the majority of power to power a load like a microwave, then that means the captor must be capable of supplying quite a lot of power. If that were the case, then when the microwave is disconnected, the captor should have no problem supplying the battery charger with all the power it needs to charge up the battery very fast. However Clarence has said that his battery charges very slowly when the captor is just powering the battery charger only.
I have pointed out that once you disconnect the microwave or whatever load that the battery will be seeing much less of a load, so the battery voltage will likely begin to slowly rise from the voltage it had dropped to when the microwave was being powered. This slowly rising voltage on the battery would likely happen to some extent even if the battery charger were not connected. Since Clarence has not provided us with much details about this slow battery voltage rise, there is no way to tell if the battery's voltage is slowly rising just due to having less load on it, or if it is also rising to some extent from receiving some new charge. I am not trying to be difficult at all. That is just how it is for that setup. So from the point of view of those of us who are really trying to understand what is going on, this seems to be a very legitimate question to consider at this point.
Is there something to this or not?
Do I need a hundred rods?
If so wouldn't I be better off just buying some solar panels?
Can you collect power from the ground or not?
Best I could ever get was a couple volts.
Seems like a maze of never-ending bull....
Dragon I don't know why you deleted your post, it was quite a nice articulate posting explaining your thinking on Clarence's replication and what you are up to with your own experiments...
I managed to save a MHT copy of the webpage last night before you deleted your post. After the Zilano incident a few years back on the Don Smith thread here, I make a copy of every forum thread that I take interest in... I just happened to miss getting large copies of the pics you posted.
Would it be possible for you to PM me those pictures you had attached? I just have tiny little pics and they don't expand to well.
Is there something to this or not?
Do I need a hundred rods?
If so wouldn't I be better off just buying some solar panels?
Can you collect power from the ground or not?
Best I could ever get was a couple volts.
Seems like a maze of never-ending bull....
It's tough to say. Looking at the circuit diagram it looks like the toroids and transformers are almost irrelevant to the actual circuitry. The only VARIABLE to the circuit seems to be the ground rods themselves.
Potentially the "Captor loop" could be returning some of the power to the circuit like the "Serp's device" but without there being any capacitors involved in the circuit diagram, nor with there being no tuned lengths of wire I don't see any real purpose to the "Captor" section of the circuit.
Attached is a schematic of how I'm visualizing the circuit. Without any real measurements of the circuit and without me getting me hands on it it's tough to say if there is any sort of over unity happening. From Clarence's description it sounds like he maybe getting some extension of run time, but this could also be what he wants to see not what it's actually doing.
To answer your question... It's looking more no than yes, but you won't know until you build it yourself.
Don't get me wrong, I want free energy as much as the next guy and I'll be the first to admit that I'm wrong if I'm proven such... But I'm just not seeing here.
another Item of interest is the fact that this last Sunday evening and night
a violent wind storm of 60 mile/hr came thru my area tore the hell out of things .......................................
the point being it caused a long session of BROWN OUTS to a total of 6 events! Guess who was sitting in LIGHT for those hours AND cooking as needed! YYYEEEPPP!!!! old Clarence.
In addition to the night time outage for several hours the next AM the power went out so that joint community utility effort could repair the downed wires and poles. Clarence had his breakfast cooked with no Problemo tho!
such as this is why I LOVE MY UNIT!
Hope this answers your questions for you Sir. if not blast me back.
@all thanks for listening,
Some of the people seem to suggest that you have been getting your power
from the power company and not the ground. I wonder if they ever hear themselves.
Are you all going to call Clarence names? Say he didn't get the power from his system while the entire area had the mains pulled?
When are these disgusting nay sayers ever gonna believe?
You people who think Clarence gets his power by stealing it, go back and read where Clarence is the only man with power in his house while the hood
is turned off.
Where is your big mouths now? Where is the affirmative response?
Where are all of your heads at?
You won't count the joules, you don't know how, you refuse the gift.
Buy a pure sine wave inverterSome rodsa charger some toroidsand quit belly aching.
This answers many of us who wondered if the power was coming from the ground as the Patents state it does.
Great work keeping this thread going Clarence, I am right there with you all of the time.
@all, I know the spirit of a complainer and you won't get anywhere here.
What questions did you have about the ground circuits?
So it is where I am.
I do have a working background in electricity. But as many other I'm interest in "Free energy" concept.
First of all I'm a builder. I learn with thing I build. Everything I achieve until now came from the community idea. So what I achieve also go to the community. I think that's the way it may go.
with that said I'm confident that the majority of the people are honest and need to be treat with respect. I'm also aware that it is easy to think we find the grail...
I will reply what Clarence does cause I think he is honest. And anyway it is the best way I learn. But I also think you have something to share and I don't know why you wont...
Don't try to pm me on this forum cause it is not seem to work... ...an I am surely no going to paid every month for it!
If you have something to share; just share it with everyone... there is surely someone how will learn about it...
Is there something to this or not?
Do I need a hundred rods?
If so wouldn't I be better off just buying some solar panels?
Can you collect power from the ground or not?
Best I could ever get was a couple volts.
Seems like a maze of never-ending bull....
If you believe it is bull then that is what it is to you.
Some of the people seem to suggest that you have been getting your power
from the power company and not the ground. I wonder if they ever hear themselves.
Are you all going to call Clarence names? Say he didn't get the power from his system while the entire area had the mains pulled?
When are these disgusting nay sayers ever gonna believe?
You people who think Clarence gets his power by stealing it, go back and read where Clarence is the only man with power in his house while the hood
is turned off.
Where is your big mouths now? Where is the affirmative response?
Where are all of your heads at?
You won't count the joules, you don't know how, you refuse the gift.
Buy a pure sine wave inverterSome rodsa charger some toroidsand quit belly aching.
This answers many of us who wondered if the power was coming from the ground as the Patents state it does.
Great work keeping this thread going Clarence, I am right there with you all of the time.
@all, I know the spirit of a complainer and you won't get anywhere here.
Hello Bro.,
I am going to keep answering those that indicate they have a SINCERE need for information which comes from a sincere heart. they can use the information to their advantage or not as they please. its their free choice as always.
as for all the DRAMA QUEENS I will just leave them alone and let them keep warbling and waddling in their own continuum of puke and they will eventually annihilate themselves with their own virus.
the value members will always have my respect in whatever they choose to do.
I will leave it at that and go forward.
So it is where I am.
I do have a working background in electricity. But as many other I'm interest in "Free energy" concept.
First of all I'm a builder. I learn with thing I build. Everything I achieve until now came from the community idea. So what I achieve also go to the community. I think that's the way it may go.
with that said I'm confident that the majority of the people are honest and need to be treat with respect. I'm also aware that it is easy to think we find the grail...
I will reply what Clarence does cause I think he is honest. And anyway it is the best way I learn. But I also think you have something to share and I don't know why you wont...
Don't try to pm me on this forum cause it is not seem to work... ...an I am surely no going to paid every month for it!
If you have something to share; just share it with everyone... there is surely someone how will learn about it...
thanks' to all the open buddy!
ps: @Bromikey. please bro, take it easy!!!
Very well said Wistiti ; I also believe Clarence is an honest guy and will try
to replicate once appropriate weather and equipment are there . There is also great personal benefits in making our own experimenting , I believe we can all start at a small and relatively cheap cost and upgrade if proved successfull .
I think the big obstacle for many is the labor involved and/or space but no free lunch and Clarence put the work where his mouth and heart are .
As a side note BroMikey previously mentioned he was to make a try at higher voltage so I would be curious as to know how would the circuit be designed . I can't keep off my mind that Tesla ( and Don Smith and Vladimir Utkin ) and many others kept saying that frequency and voltage upgrades are the way to go to gain much much power so if say we keep same frequency but upgrade the voltage , for example , many rods and/or space could maybe saved and that would benefit much much more people including me .
You are right, that message was very good and i was looking for it again. Some of the back ground people have a circle of friends who are university kronies, PM certain people they can to stop their progress.
It is a shame people hate to go outside the box. dragon is already outside. But then again the fear of leading the way can get the best of inventors.
I hope Dragon reposts his info, but I completely understand as the information was over most of the peoples heads because some of them are not here to learn.
It takes time for this information to get around say a few months. Remember this, 10's of thousands peer into the window.
I hope Dragon reconsiders, because I liked his information, I just can't remember much about what he was talking about.Something about a hartly with no resistor to run LED's? To be used as a tool for finding rod spacing? Not sure where he was going.
But it was kool stuff.
Dragon I don't know why you deleted your post, it was quite a nice articulate posting explaining your thinking on Clarence's replication and what you are up to with your own experiments...
I managed to save a MHT copy of the webpage last night before you deleted your post. After the Zilano incident a few years back on the Don Smith thread here, I make a copy of every forum thread that I take interest in... I just happened to miss getting large copies of the pics you posted.
Would it be possible for you to PM me those pictures you had attached? I just have tiny little pics and they don't expand to well.
As a side note BroMikey previously mentioned he was to make a try at higher voltage so I would be curious as to know how would the circuit be designed . I can't keep off my mind that Tesla ( and Don Smith and Vladimir Utkin ) and many others kept saying that frequency and voltage upgrades are the way to go to gain much much power so if say we keep same frequency but upgrade the voltage , for example , many rods and/or space could maybe saved and that would benefit much much more people including me .
Best regards
Hitby is doing that in the Gerard Morin thread.
Looking in the ground for reflected impulse energy