Battery 101
Okay let us continue in the vane of rational thought.
That vane being that it works rather than it doesn't work.
Working from this premise we need to study our battery in Clarence
setup. The battery is a 60amp Hour marine type battery if I am not
Many of you have never had a battery connected to an inverter trying
to run lights or fans off of it, so it is important that you do that, if you
are ever going to become proficient at closing the loop on many free energy systems.
I hear those on this thread making statements that do not add up to the
practical aspects. For instance listen to John Bedini, one of my teachers
talk about battery size and rates of discharge and recharging values.
John B. is one of many intellectual minds who is very advanced concerning
battery technology. The first thing needed to advance battery tech is to understand normal battery systems available for the past 100 years.
Clarence battery is no different, nothing magic in his battery.
Just a normal C20 rate 60ah battery. I have the same ones like Clarence that are 100ah batteries. These batteries are nothing special in fact my 100ah battery only gives me 35ah before it reaches 10.5vdc every single time.
And what might be of importance to those of you who really want to understand is that the only way I can get those 35 ah out of this one hundred amp hour battery is to divide those 35ah by C20 or a 20 hour discharge period.
If you can not understand this portion of the study and you are all out of breath then you need to go to an easier replication. Oh Bromikey is insulting us again. Nope just making sense out of who is running the calculations.
If you can not give me a definitive answer about normal battery inverter
operation then you do not belong here judging this project.
Okay 35ah divided by 20 = 1.75 amps. That is correct 1.75amps and no more if I want to get the full ah rating of 35ah. Clarence battery will be about 25ah divided by 20hrs = 1.25 amps. 1.25amps discharging and no more to get the full 25ah out of that battery.
I have 100 batteries I should know. Some of my batteries are converted to ALUM also and this is a huge improvement often doubling or nearly doubling capacity though it takes double the joule count to charge it back up again.
Now here is what happens when you exceed the 1.25amp draw. As the battery is called upon to provide more amps than the factory rating allows
internal heating occurs in the form of chemical friction. This will lower Amp Hour capacity up to as much as 40 percent less.
If we pull 6 amps from Clarence 1.25amp battery rating the battery also will
degrade faster, meaning he will have to keep replacing his battery all of the time due to the abusive demands.
Almost everyone here making comments about how all of the energy comes from Clarence battery is showing us as a group that they have no practical common sense concerning battery, inverter operation.
My recommendation is to get a camping inverter pure sine wave and buy different types of batteries to run so you can make an educated guess in the future. Until people can make these steps no others are possible.
That is why I have been listening to John Bedini, because John is very much aware of what is needed to close the loop on many energy extraction devices.
Here is a video also of the approx same size battery as Clarence has running a 500 watt light. I have done this many times using those junk batteries or NON TRUE DEEP CYCLE batteries. By the time the video is ended he is ready to recharge his battery becauce he is demanding 40amps off his tiny battery, it looks like a 100ah truck battery.
Until people make common load tests they have no idea what they are talking about.
Here is a Microwave Oven running off of Clarence size system calling on the battery at 100amps. He fried the battery in 5 minutes.
Okay let us continue in the vane of rational thought.
That vane being that it works rather than it doesn't work.
Working from this premise we need to study our battery in Clarence
setup. The battery is a 60amp Hour marine type battery if I am not
Many of you have never had a battery connected to an inverter trying
to run lights or fans off of it, so it is important that you do that, if you
are ever going to become proficient at closing the loop on many free energy systems.
I hear those on this thread making statements that do not add up to the
practical aspects. For instance listen to John Bedini, one of my teachers
talk about battery size and rates of discharge and recharging values.
John B. is one of many intellectual minds who is very advanced concerning
battery technology. The first thing needed to advance battery tech is to understand normal battery systems available for the past 100 years.
Clarence battery is no different, nothing magic in his battery.
Just a normal C20 rate 60ah battery. I have the same ones like Clarence that are 100ah batteries. These batteries are nothing special in fact my 100ah battery only gives me 35ah before it reaches 10.5vdc every single time.
And what might be of importance to those of you who really want to understand is that the only way I can get those 35 ah out of this one hundred amp hour battery is to divide those 35ah by C20 or a 20 hour discharge period.
If you can not understand this portion of the study and you are all out of breath then you need to go to an easier replication. Oh Bromikey is insulting us again. Nope just making sense out of who is running the calculations.
If you can not give me a definitive answer about normal battery inverter
operation then you do not belong here judging this project.
Okay 35ah divided by 20 = 1.75 amps. That is correct 1.75amps and no more if I want to get the full ah rating of 35ah. Clarence battery will be about 25ah divided by 20hrs = 1.25 amps. 1.25amps discharging and no more to get the full 25ah out of that battery.
I have 100 batteries I should know. Some of my batteries are converted to ALUM also and this is a huge improvement often doubling or nearly doubling capacity though it takes double the joule count to charge it back up again.
Now here is what happens when you exceed the 1.25amp draw. As the battery is called upon to provide more amps than the factory rating allows
internal heating occurs in the form of chemical friction. This will lower Amp Hour capacity up to as much as 40 percent less.
If we pull 6 amps from Clarence 1.25amp battery rating the battery also will
degrade faster, meaning he will have to keep replacing his battery all of the time due to the abusive demands.
Almost everyone here making comments about how all of the energy comes from Clarence battery is showing us as a group that they have no practical common sense concerning battery, inverter operation.
My recommendation is to get a camping inverter pure sine wave and buy different types of batteries to run so you can make an educated guess in the future. Until people can make these steps no others are possible.
That is why I have been listening to John Bedini, because John is very much aware of what is needed to close the loop on many energy extraction devices.
Here is a video also of the approx same size battery as Clarence has running a 500 watt light. I have done this many times using those junk batteries or NON TRUE DEEP CYCLE batteries. By the time the video is ended he is ready to recharge his battery becauce he is demanding 40amps off his tiny battery, it looks like a 100ah truck battery.
Until people make common load tests they have no idea what they are talking about.
Here is a Microwave Oven running off of Clarence size system calling on the battery at 100amps. He fried the battery in 5 minutes.
