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Barbosa and Leal Devices - Info and Replication Details

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  • Farmhand

    Farmhand: You seem to be the kind of bloke who relies on proof.
    You obviously don't make suppositions.

    Where is your proof that the Kapanadze device is not "free energy" from the ambient background?
    Or have you made a supposition and broken your own rule?

    Definition of supposition: an idea or theory that you believe is true even though you do not have proof.
    Last edited by a.king21; 05-03-2015, 03:55 PM. Reason: more clarity


    • .Seeing is believing...

      Few persons have "your" perspective...It is a completely
      different story to see with your own eyes something running
      a BIG Load on nothing... until the cows come home..

      As we know there is nothing that will deter you from this pursuit
      having seen what you did.
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • My 'free energy' device's inner workings

        Hello friends. I was tied up for the last few days so I couldn't post an update on my 'free energy' device until now. Yes, I was just kidding about the 'agents of suppression' stuff. The absurdity level was getting too high in this thread so I thought a little comic relief might be in order.

        Even though I had already posted a few times in this thread that you shouldn't power a device from the mains that is configured like the Barbosa and Leal devices, if you live in a country where the mains neutral wire is earth grounded at the mains service panel (which probably many countries do), or if you have a SWER mains system, some people still seemed to be doing or considering that.

        See below to see what was under my tupperware 'electron capture device' in my setup. Like many countries, in my country the mains neutral is earth grounded at the mains service panel, so the yellow input wire on my 'device' was just connected to the mains hot wire via an extension cord, and the other end of the light bulb was connected to my rusty two foot long earth ground rod. There were no tricks or hidden wires lighting the 100 Watt light bulb. It was just the mains hot wire going to one side of the light bulb, and then from the other side of the light bulb through to the rusty two foot long earth ground rod, and then the mains current returns back through the ground (a ground loop) to the grounded neutral at the service panel. That's it. Even a single rusty two foot long ground rod provided me with a good enough ground to power my 100 watt light bulb using a ground loop.

        This demonstrates clearly why you should be only using a battery to power any potential free energy device you are experimenting with that requires an earth ground connection to provide free energy. If you are powering any part of your device from the mains and you have an earth ground connection on your device, you could well end up with ground loop issues back to the mains, which can be quite deceiving if you not aware of what is really happening.

        There were some good comments made here about the importance of taking steps to try to fully understand where the energy is coming from before you can start to understand what is really going on in any potential free energy device. As the saying goes, having an open mind is good, but your mind shouldn't be so open that your brains fall out. IMO, if a person really wants to understand what is going on in any potential free energy setup, you have to be willing to put a lot of effort into careful and thorough testing and analyzing and measuring and thinking critically, i.e., to investigate fully, otherwise it is just way too easy to end up being lead down the garden path.

        Happy Experimenting!

        Last edited by level; 05-04-2015, 03:48 PM.


        • Originally posted by level View Post
          Hello friends. I was tied up for the last few days so I couldn't post an update on my 'free energy' device until now. Yes, I was just kidding about the 'agents of suppression' stuff. The absurdity level was getting too high in this thread so I thought a little comic relief might be in order.

          Even though I had already posted a few times in this thread that you shouldn't power a device from the mains that is configured like the Barbosa and Leal devices, if you live in a country where the mains neutral wire is earth grounded at the mains service panel (which probably many countries do), or if you have a SWER mains system, some people still seemed to be doing or considering that.

          See below to see what was under my tupperware 'electron capture device' in my setup. Like many countries, in my country the mains neutral is earth grounded at the mains service panel, so the yellow input wire on my 'device' was just connected to the mains hot wire via an extension cord, and the other end of the light bulb was connected to my rusty two foot long earth ground rod. There were no tricks or hidden wires lighting the 100 Watt light bulb. It was just the mains hot wire going to one side of the light bulb, and then from the other side of the light bulb through to the rusty two foot long earth ground rod, and then the mains current returns back through the ground (a ground loop) to the grounded neutral at the service panel. That's it. Even a single rusty two foot long ground rod provided me with a good enough ground to power my 100 watt light bulb using a ground loop.

          This demonstrates clearly why you should be only using a battery to power any potential free energy device you are experimenting with that requires an earth ground connection to provide free energy. If you are powering any part of your device from the mains and you have an earth ground connection on your device, you could well end up with ground loop issues back to the mains, which can be quite deceiving if you not aware of what is really happening.

          There were some good comments made here about the importance of taking steps to try to fully understand where the energy is coming from before you can start to understand what is really going on in any potential free energy device. As the saying goes, having an open mind is good, but your mind shouldn't be so open that your brains fall out. IMO, if a person really wants to understand what is going on in any potential free energy setup, you have to be willing to put a lot of effort into careful and thorough testing and analyzing and measuring and thinking critically, i.e., to investigate fully, otherwise it is just way too easy to end up being lead down the garden path.

          Happy Experimenting!

          Ha! ha! what a surprise!


          • Originally posted by wistiti View Post
            ha! Ha! What a surprise!


            • Level:
              I think that there are some people especially in 3rd world countries that would still appreciate the use of your type Captor crt, to save on electricity bills, etz...
              I would recommend using thicker wires to avoid the melting and overheating of the plastic Captor unit. Ha, ha...
              I understand that it's common practice in Brazil, among out countries, as well. Nothing wrong with that, as it's on your own property, and is not being enforced in any way, at all.
              If this were to be connected to a real captor device, even more output power can possibly be obtained. I can only light up to a a 50 watt bulb/to ground.
              So, I think that I need to cover mine with the plastic. To be able to reach 100w, output like yours...
              A little humor, doesn't hurt at times.

              I'm still waiting for some real proof of operation, to light the way.


              • Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                I think that there are some people especially in 3rd world countries that would still appreciate the use of your type Captor crt, to save on electricity bills, etz...
                I would recommend using thicker wires to avoid the melting and overheating of the plastic Captor unit. Ha, ha...
                I understand that it's common practice in Brazil, among out countries, as well. Nothing wrong with that, as it's on your own property, and is not being enforced in any way, at all.
                If this were to be connected to a real captor device, even more output power can possibly be obtained. I can only light up to a a 50 watt bulb/to ground.
                So, I think that I need to cover mine with the plastic. To be able to reach 100w, output like yours...
                A little humor, doesn't hurt at times.

                I'm still waiting for some real proof of operation, to light the way.
                Hello Nickz. If the ground connection or ground itself is not so good you could have a fair bit of voltage on the ground rod, and in the vicinity of the ground rod in the ground. It is a potential shock hazard. The power meter on your house may or may not pick up the power going to the ground loop, it depends on how things are set up and the type of power meter they have installed on your house. Some newer power meters at least may be able to detect this power usage no problem, and you will still be charged for it, and the problem may be flagged as a ground fault as well. To the power company this sort of power going to earth ground is considered to be a ground fault, and they make efforts to detect them and find out what the problem is. Power companies will probably not be happy about this sort of thing if they discover it. There is also the potential shock hazard. It is not advisable for anyone to try this sort of thing.
                Yes, the use of a tupperware electron capture device may give better results.
                Last edited by level; 05-05-2015, 12:04 AM.


                  Take a break go fishing
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                    Yeah it works, but in my experience, it kills the worms or at least makes them not near as stout or hearty, so that they die off way before your fish are caught.

                    Now if you could get those worms onto a nonconducting squirrel cage rotor, then as they climbed up the wheel, the wheel would turn producing mechanical power!
                    An excellent place for your tupperware electron capture device
                    Last edited by kenssurplus; 05-04-2015, 11:38 PM.


                    • All we need is one of these and we're in business:


                      Aren't we??


                      • Would it be possible to run the B & L system not directly from the mains but from a 1 to 1 transformer and hook up the polarities so that it is operating 180 degrees out of phase with your friendly local electric company.


                        • The last time I used the water tap as ground ..... Somebody in the shower room screamed like hell ..... so never try this at home

                          To use the battery is the better option.....

                          Kurt oscillator is best applied on this set up


                          • Thanks
                            I didnt think about the two waves in direct opposition colliding and causing a lethal build up of energy in and around the house, and other majpr problems including the wratth of the power company.


                            • best use?

                              Originally posted by totoalas View Post
                              The last time I used the water tap as ground ..... Somebody in the shower room screamed like hell ..... so never try this at home

                              To use the battery is the better option.....

                              Kurt oscillator is best applied on this set up
                              How would you use the Kurt oscillator to replicate this B &L setup?

                              I've tried and could only keep a 13 watt cfl powered (plus the car battery charger) for a very long run. The system only pulled small amounts from the earth grid.

                              If you could elaborate on this would be great.



                              • Hi Wantomake
                                I just used the power supply from a sony play station input power switched off from the mains and output either + or neg to + of the oscillator and the neg to earth ground
                                Instead of mains we can use inverter same in clarence set up..... but no time yet to test on this set up..... see my video

