Originally posted by tvka
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I have looked at this question and looked at this question and
looked at this question and finally I realized WHAT the question
is. The question IS
what is the current on L1 and L2
The way you typed the question is very confusing.
L1 = neutral and the designation L2 = hot leg
Before when you posted the question it looked like you wrote
"check 11 &12 for me" check current? 11 &12?
Now Clarence is very busy and you guys need to follow this thread
like it is posted. Clarence just told you all that he does not
waste a lot of time with those measurements. If you want to
measure, that is fine.
In the future use the capital L1 and the capital L2 please.
It has taken me 2 days to understand you and I am sure
Clarence is on a new project that takes all of his time.

Originally posted by tvka
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