Hello to all
I have been watching the DON Smith video's again and all over again
and even tho DON is swiping his mouth from the many strokes he
has had I could still make out his talk on freq's.
Don said that a device (1 of 200 in Don's case) will have it's own
happy spot at whatever freq, let's say 38khz I think in one video
which is a common range.
Don states the IDEA many different ways and said he had parts
shown that did not work in the circuits because of what people
expected. Then he also stated different way about filtering
as he drooled and swiped. You could tell at his late age that
he was happy to express his whole heart as a going away
present. He was happy doing video.
Basically as a general description based on what people expected
to see and hear he stated that a portion of the 38khz was extracted
then saying that the filter would say take only 60hz of that without
disturbing the main operational stability.
He also went on to say that the calculations were run as computer
models took days and he could not go into the filtering process to that
detail in one meeting. But he generalized that a resistor and transformer
coil could form a simple filter as the simplest way of relaying a much
more complex calculation in the end.
The talks are not engineering focused more flow chart idealistic.
No calculations were done or shown at the beginning of the circuit
where the neon transformer was but it did have a specially ordered cap
on it that later had a value that was discovered and would only work
on that specific coil impedance of that NST.
You will see the trend, next is the tesla bifilar step up and spark gap
with no mention of any calculations on one of the many devices built
by Don, just here it is , see it? Nothing very specific anywhere.
2 days is a long time to run and rerun the capacitor inductor impedance/
resistance models to ensure success into the ball park for openers so
eventually another one could be done later, in one direction or another.
For instance we all know a transformer has it's own capacitance so
when DON pointed out that his output transformer was especially
wound I know he wasn't kidding about that one.
In Tesla's work John B. said that he understood the documents
on HOW Tesla wound them using spacing materials and so forth
to create the proper relationship between coil turns, spacing,
gapping between sets of windings to gain the right capacitance
to inductance needed to extract 60HZ without waste.
Gotta run guys, C-YA
I have been watching the DON Smith video's again and all over again
and even tho DON is swiping his mouth from the many strokes he
has had I could still make out his talk on freq's.
Don said that a device (1 of 200 in Don's case) will have it's own
happy spot at whatever freq, let's say 38khz I think in one video
which is a common range.
Don states the IDEA many different ways and said he had parts
shown that did not work in the circuits because of what people
expected. Then he also stated different way about filtering
as he drooled and swiped. You could tell at his late age that
he was happy to express his whole heart as a going away
present. He was happy doing video.
Basically as a general description based on what people expected
to see and hear he stated that a portion of the 38khz was extracted
then saying that the filter would say take only 60hz of that without
disturbing the main operational stability.
He also went on to say that the calculations were run as computer
models took days and he could not go into the filtering process to that
detail in one meeting. But he generalized that a resistor and transformer
coil could form a simple filter as the simplest way of relaying a much
more complex calculation in the end.
The talks are not engineering focused more flow chart idealistic.
No calculations were done or shown at the beginning of the circuit
where the neon transformer was but it did have a specially ordered cap
on it that later had a value that was discovered and would only work
on that specific coil impedance of that NST.
You will see the trend, next is the tesla bifilar step up and spark gap
with no mention of any calculations on one of the many devices built
by Don, just here it is , see it? Nothing very specific anywhere.
2 days is a long time to run and rerun the capacitor inductor impedance/
resistance models to ensure success into the ball park for openers so
eventually another one could be done later, in one direction or another.
For instance we all know a transformer has it's own capacitance so
when DON pointed out that his output transformer was especially
wound I know he wasn't kidding about that one.
In Tesla's work John B. said that he understood the documents
on HOW Tesla wound them using spacing materials and so forth
to create the proper relationship between coil turns, spacing,
gapping between sets of windings to gain the right capacitance
to inductance needed to extract 60HZ without waste.
Gotta run guys, C-YA
