Hello friends. I was tied up for the last few days so I couldn't post an update on my 'free energy' device until now. Yes, I was just kidding about the 'agents of suppression' stuff.

Even though I had already posted a few times in this thread that you shouldn't power a device from the mains that is configured like the Barbosa and Leal devices, if you live in a country where the mains neutral wire is earth grounded at the mains service panel (which probably many countries do), or if you have a SWER mains system, some people still seemed to be doing or considering that.

See below to see what was under my tupperware 'electron capture device' in my setup. Like many countries, in my country the mains neutral is earth grounded at the mains service panel, so the yellow input wire on my 'device' was just connected to the mains hot wire via an extension cord, and the other end of the light bulb was connected to my rusty two foot long earth ground rod. There were no tricks or hidden wires lighting the 100 Watt light bulb. It was just the mains hot wire going to one side of the light bulb, and then from the other side of the light bulb through to the rusty two foot long earth ground rod, and then the mains current returns back through the ground (a ground loop) to the grounded neutral at the service panel. That's it. Even a single rusty two foot long ground rod provided me with a good enough ground to power my 100 watt light bulb using a ground loop.
This demonstrates clearly why you should be only using a battery to power any potential free energy device you are experimenting with that requires an earth ground connection to provide free energy. If you are powering any part of your device from the mains and you have an earth ground connection on your device, you could well end up with ground loop issues back to the mains, which can be quite deceiving if you not aware of what is really happening.
There were some good comments made here about the importance of taking steps to try to fully understand where the energy is coming from before you can start to understand what is really going on in any potential free energy device. As the saying goes, having an open mind is good, but your mind shouldn't be so open that your brains fall out. IMO, if a person really wants to understand what is going on in any potential free energy setup, you have to be willing to put a lot of effort into careful and thorough testing and analyzing and measuring and thinking critically, i.e., to investigate fully, otherwise it is just way too easy to end up being lead down the garden path.
Happy Experimenting!

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