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Barbosa and Leal Devices - Info and Replication Details

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  • That is better than I thought Clarence. The project
    appears to be top notch professionally assembled
    and I am certain great operation will follow.

    Back a while we were talking about using so many of the TBC
    coils and the TPC coils to generate HF that some speculate
    bounce energy off the ionosphere then returning to be harvested
    in great quantities than when the signals left.

    The problem was that no 60hz loads could be run and that if
    a means to filter out the HF was ever found the new load might
    might throw off the HF portion.

    I hope you can tune it for a balance that will give the extra without
    drawing down the source then you won't need another 120
    earth grounding rods.

    Nice box. It that the big block with a sinc on the other side?
    It really looks pro. It is going to show great results.



    • Comment

      • Hi Clarence,
        You will have at the output coil both input frequencies as well and some others. It is mandatory to have an output filter where mains frequency can pass only. Else you have genuine transformer function. The frequency generators might be disturbed as well by the other frequency. Depending on their circuit you need to add there frequency filters as well.
        As proof you can see the Bob Boyce transformer where he intetionally mixed the frequencies and applied this complex mix to his hydrogen generator.
        Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


        • Clarence that is a great great idea to use a BFO I have
          always remembered the old books when i did some radio
          way back when. I love all the good old circuits and everybody
          needs to remember as you know, each circuit has a special place.

          Here is a basic description of what you are talking about so our
          viewers can understand what the goal is for the final stage. The
          old ways of heterodyne have been lost so it is time to bring it back.

          You really are going for the best final. Yes filters were suggested
          as we remember when DON S. talked but he didn't go into the
          depths of what that really takes. I think we have our answer now.

          In the most readily available material on the subject the targeted
          final stage is audio but we can't forget that by using this method
          any frequency is possible just as easily. It doesn't HAVE to be in
          the audio range of 20khz, it could be used just as well like you
          pointed out at 60hz.

          Below is a discussion about a lost art of true radio roots.

          The beat frequency oscillator (BFO) i

          Beat Frequency Audio Oscillator

          The BFO has mainly two RF oscillators. One of the oscillator gives a fixed frequency and the other one produces variable frequency. The variable frequency will be slightly different from the fixed frequency. The fixed and variable frequency outputs are fed to a heterodyne or mixer device. The sum and difference terms of frequencies f1 and f2 are obtained as the output of the mixer. It is so arranged that the difference terms of frequencies f1 and f2 lies in the audio-frequency range. All the RF components, leaving only the audio-frequency difference component, are removed in the RF filter. Audio-frequency output is then amplified in the AF amplifier.

          It should be noted that the two RF oscillators are completely isolated from each other. If there is any sort of coupling between them, they will synchronize when the difference is small.

          Beat frequency audio-oscillator has become obsolete now, because of its complicated circuit and Wien bridge oscillator has taken its place, which has already been described.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 07-06-2016, 08:59 AM.


          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

            Clarence that is a great great idea to use a BFO I have
            always remembered the old books when i did some radio
            way back when. I love all the good old circuits and everybody
            needs to remember as you know, each circuit has a special place.

            Here is a basic description of what you are talking about so our
            viewers can understand what the goal is for the final stage. The
            old ways of heterodyne have been lost so it is time to bring it back.

            You really are going for the best final. Yes filters were suggested
            as we remember when DON S. talked but he didn't go into the
            depths of what that really takes. I think we have our answer now.:
            Hello BroMikey,

            thanks for listening in and your info input.

            always good to hear from you!!!!!!!!




            • Wait a minute, that is not the whole goal and truth of the initial use of heterodyne principle. We should not mix the heterodyne principle with audio demodulation. The initial goal was not audio demodulation from high frequency only.
              First radio sets had to provide broad band amplifiers in order to cover the whole band (e.g. short wave). Now it is difficult to build a good and linear amplifier over a range of frequencies. Lots of unwanted artifacts and behaviors arise.
              In order to get rid of these bad behaviors they mixed a variable frequency to the HF rx signal in order to get at output a fixed center frequency (e.g. 455 KHz or 10.7 MHz were usual. Essential is that at these agreed frequencies no radio is allowed to transmit else they would mix to ANY radio station where we tune in!!). This heterodyn signal still contained the audio modulation but now at a fixed and shifted frequency. So they could optimize their amplifiers and filters to this fixed frequency and consecutive amplification and filtering discarded all cross modulations and one got clear and well amplified signals for use. No magic but very smart!
              In the end of this amplifier chain they used a mixer and filters - of course - to demodulate in order to obtain that clear audio signal.

              Nevertheless the principle of mixing frequencies can be used as tool in order to generate a lower frequency (e.g. 60 Hz). But please be aware that the mix products usually are of much lower power compared to the trigger frequencies. Thus it can be used only if the coupling and backlash to output can really be blocked. This property needs to be refined and elicited. Else we have just a lossy transformer. So, mixing frequencies as only means does not add the magic by itself.
              Last edited by JohnStone; 07-07-2016, 12:18 PM.
              Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


              • I have been reading this forum on Barbosa and Leal Devices from the beginning. Some places several times. Taking notes and gathering material to get started on my replication also. I have admired Clarence's build and the way BroMikey has explained some things I was having a hard time understanding. My hats off to you both on the time and energy it take to keep at something like a build like this. My question is I have lots of room to put a ground system in with ground rods but I have not found a good diagram on how is the best way to arrange these in the ground. It shows that all rods are series ed in the ground on the drawing but the 6 awg wire is connected in the middle going to the neutral on the sine wave inverter. I live in a area in north AL that shows to be in the pink area on the magnetic maps, and even tried a app someone suggested at it showed to be in the 48-53 uT on my phone. Would also starting out with 20 ground rods spaced 3 feet apart a good start? Does 5 of the 20 rods need to be connected in the middle of the other 15 rods, if I start out with 20 rods or does it matter?



                • It is my understanding that the spacing of the ground rod system
                  was best decided thru a trial and error method leaving us with
                  a 2 foot measurement.

                  So many sending or a few sending rods you might say and many
                  many more receiving all at 2 feet away from each rod set.

                  The thread shows this layout of 5 or 6 sending and 60 receiving if
                  memory serves. Also using the iron rod with the copper plating.

                  Some have installed a few rods and tried them as they added more
                  even Clarence did this.


                  • I have been trying to find that post where it shows the layout of the ground rods but as many times I have read over the post I must be missing it. A lot of the earlier post that showed some diagrams has been removed but I would appreciate if you could direct me to that post diagram. Thanks!


                    • Originally posted by reddb49 View Post
                      I have been trying to find that post where it shows the layout of the ground rods but as many times I have read over the post I must be missing it. A lot of the earlier post that showed some diagrams has been removed but I would appreciate if you could direct me to that post diagram. Thanks!
                      I will post a few so maybe I made a mistake? Clarence will see this
                      very soon and correct us both.


                      • Yes he probably will! Thanks a lot. I will get started on this and put my rod spacing to 2 feet then. Sweet, looking forward to this build.


                        • Best schematic for getting started use

                          Originally posted by reddb49 View Post
                          Yes he probably will! Thanks a lot. I will get started on this and put my rod spacing to 2 feet then. Sweet, looking forward to this build.
                          Hello reddb49,

                          this is the best schematic for starting out.
                          I would advise just going with a few rods to start and then go as needed.

                          If later you see it might be needed then you can connect the single NEUTRAL
                          powered rod to somewhere towards the middle of the other rod array but try it first without and then see what happens.




                          • Originally posted by clarence
                            Hello BroMikey,

                            no correction needed sir!
                            Just an A+ salute for your member to member kindness as always!

                            Best Regards BRO!



                            What is power output of your existing ground generator now?



                            • Originally posted by clarence
                              Hello edwins,

                              I don't know why people keep thinking I have a working GROUND generator when I do not. I have stated many many times in a lot of past post that my unit is actually no better than an any battery and large watt inverter set up.
                              the REASON for this is due to MY LOCATION!!!!! the earth crust magnetic anomaly for my location is somewhere around a - (negative) 30 nTesla value
                              which is so piss poor it took me a total of 60 ground rods just to get it
                              to perform as well as the plain ole battery - inverter set up I mentioned

                              my advise to everyone is to first check the earth crust magnetic anomaly for
                              their location and if it is not at least a + 140 nTesla value then don't waste your time and money.
                              Also DO NOT TRY THE SMARTPHONE pullup of the earths nTesla value for ANY magnetic anomaly because all you will get is the same old misleading trash I have seen a lot of others spouting about lately. I haven't said anything about it before but that's just what it is! TRASH! use the values stated on an ACTUAL magnetic map of the anomaly for your area!

                              this is the map info I used (way to late sad to say) .
                              the smartphone pull up does not even give the supposed Tesla value in the correct denomination either.

                              If anything that is worth doing it is always worth doing correctly!



                              Hello Clarence,

                              I find it hard to look for the earth magnetic anomaly in our place. Would it be possible to ask help from you about the nTesla in our place(Cebu City, Philippines)?

                              Thank you very brother!



                              • Originally posted by clarence
                                Hello edwins,

                                here it is! the blank spots are simply places they were not allowed to enter at time of making their magnetic map.

                                the red zones are the good spots and blue is the poorest. the green and
                                yellow are the same as my location - piss poor! hope you are in the red area!

                                Best Of Regards,



                                Thank you very much brother!
                                I belong to the blue zone.


