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  • Originally posted by clarence
    Hello BRO,

    GOT'CHYA !

    Have recovered all my pics and info - it's a done deal.


    I know exactly how you feel, I been promising myself I am going to go
    out shooting to practice up hunting season. The meth cooking
    is running rough shot over our area and very few police can do much
    about it.

    Of course I have always had to watch my back in Detroit so it's the
    same OLE different day. I love all of the info people post and many have
    nearly shamed me for paying out money for my own website with all of
    these freebee's.

    This work is personal and keeping it private til the right experiment if
    found is important. I have watched the best there is fold up shop and
    quit because they were unaware of the cut throat.

    Don't let them get you

    I come to these forums knowing what will happen and have chosen
    a screen name that fits the territory. I know I am going to me loved as
    well but attacks on every front accompany. Life. Zhit and fall in some
    days, same ole.

    Maybe someone has the insight where a better free website for pictures
    may be had. Once I found out FACEBOOK would never let me delete my
    profile I stopped putting stuff up.

    The latest just in is that all the major servers of GOOGLE, TWITTER
    FACEBOOK and many more have issued unconstitutional policies to
    stop certain materials from reaching the destination.

    Censorship is now being implemented without public notification.

    Not only are the big companies censoring what is being sen, are
    opening all of the back doors on private citizens personal files. So
    unless you don't care who gets your files, don't post them on the web.

    Also have everything backed up. Glad to hear you recovered.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-20-2016, 08:36 AM.


    • Hello,

      i think, i must find a way to recharge my battery?
      i try the capacitive battery charger circuit? needs bigger capacitor value?

      bat spec:
      MF N45
      12v 45 AH (20 hr) 79 min(RC) 360A(CCA)

      Thanks and Regards


      • very Merry Christmas

        Hello Clarence,

        The very BEST of seasons Greetings to you SIR!
        Your continued efforts have always been an inspiration to
        all others Clarence!
        We'll ALL keep up the good work and finally get there!

        note: i email you my latest circuit!!

        back to work!

        Blessings Clarence,


        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

          Hello BRO,

          Made new run on PV.

          3 panel no exterior light.
          12 v batt .
          12.6 v begin.
          11.6 v end
          1000 watt inverter with 75 watt load.
          7 hour run.
          Working towards powering 106.9 amp large toroid 24/7.
          To be continued.


          Last edited by clarence; 01-15-2017, 01:08 PM. Reason: added info


          • Originally posted by clarence View Post
            Hello BRO,

            Made new run on PV.

            3 panel no exterior light.
            12 v batt .
            12.6 v begin.
            11.6 v end
            1000 watt inverter with 75 watt load.
            7 hour run.
            Working towards powering 106.9 amp large toroid 24/7.
            To be continued.


            Yeah this sounds good. I am looking forward to even better results, this
            one is good. This shows a principle that is working and from what i gather
            is a way to transfer power without interrupting a dipole? If this is right
            then you just got 75 watts free for 7hrs?

            I think this is right. I know you have other processes going that have
            ranged from the captor to the Tesla pancake system.

            I know you will fill us in when you can get more of what you want.

            Very exciting progress in the right direction.:thumbsup


            • Originally posted by clarence
              Hello Bro .

              Yeah , thats right !

              Also below your post You will find BLUNDER DOG is back with
              usual ASS Hole ****
              Thinks hes intelligent - just a stinking TURD!
              The silly SOB doesn't understand I NEVER used a neon bulb open
              ended or otherwise. DUMB ASS!
              OH WELL!!!!


              Don't worry about the weirdo's they have to show their ability to
              screw over or they won't have a life. I know he wants to cloud the issue
              so he can show what a neon does.

              Same ole burning watts to ground genius

              The setup is coming along great, can't wait to hear more.


              • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                Don't worry about the weirdo's they have to show their ability to
                screw over or they won't have a life. I know he wants to cloud the issue
                so he can show what a neon does.

                Same ole burning watts to ground genius

                The setup is coming along great, can't wait to hear more.
                Hello BRO,

                Thanks again Bro.
                Have something new to try next couple of days. It should give me an indication of what is or is not next.
                Will give you an E on that thou about mid week.




                • Originally posted by clarence
                  Hello BRO,

                  Watch out - BLUNDERDOG ,s on the loose again!

                  You heard of the comedy show WONDERDOG
                  I call this comedian BLUNDERDOG!! HA! HA!


                  Egg-Zactly this gentlemen is front and center on your thread acting as
                  if he is going to explain everything mathematically but those are easy
                  to find copy and paste text out of books made by the shadow Gov who
                  fly around without gravity and make school books that use endless
                  formula and withhold the true knowledge.

                  The boy blunder is the average college boy who never smelled any of
                  the real coffee. It is one thing to get schooling, that is fine yet
                  somewhere, you would think, reality would kick in. NOPE. Just the
                  endless parroting of "TEACHER TOED ME" like some 3 fingered brain
                  dead zombie who was programmed NOT to think through the simple

                  Your posts need not be cluttered or speckled about with school boy
                  rhetoric that isn't even used in real world science. I have seen children
                  do much better than these big boys coming out of the gov crusher.

                  Your post gives me the chance to explain how it feel from our end.

                  It's not just "BLUNDER"

                  From here it looks like so many people can not follow simple directions
                  however in many cases I have learned that their obstinate way turns out
                  to be a condition picked up from their professors,

                  "Here are all the answers say this and you will pass"

                  Most of those caught up in big business power producing plants have
                  been duped to believe they are up with Telsa as they clean all of the
                  beautiful copper/brass lugs off and like pets right out of schools look
                  for that special stroking by their superiors who herd them around under
                  this fraudulent mind warp.

                  I agree, this is what I deem true "Comedy" almost as pathetic as the new
                  SNL hit job mind freeze pulled over the public mud guppies

                  It's the best they can do.

                  I don't mean to take up to much time on the subject on all these look
                  alike 'ARM CHAIR COMMANDERS" who should have known that schooling
                  was only a basic entry level while they all seem to reject anyone who
                  does the experiment. They all say the same things, "SHOW ME MATH"

                  IT WON"T WORK BY THE BOOK" "You are a FE circus clown" on and on
                  we go showing pure disdain for the direction that the experiment takes us
                  and implementing their own obsolete dogma as cover for their $50,000
                  school bill that they are still paying at age 45 years.

                  Most of the highly educate all fall into this bracket so look for another

                  Anything you offer them out of kindness is looked at as incorrect even
                  before any evidence is presented.

                  We are blessed here with leaders who can see both sides and they are
                  the real minds. I use to think that all that glitters is gold
                  like the big money and the prestigious position of power in the tech
                  industry. It is all meant to keep us traveling down a path opposite to
                  reality using peer pressure as a "Whipping Post"

                  I hope I didn't put anybody to sleep.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 01-17-2017, 01:45 AM.


                  • Originally posted by clarence
                    Hello BRO,

                    No sleep here Bro!
                    Thanks for the comments and insight and support as well.You are correct
                    in saying there are many excellent leaders here and they have continually proven themselves so in the same manner.

                    Thanks Again Bro,
                    Best Wishes,


                    Thanks Clarence I knew you like that, also the BOYBLUNDER?

                    The BOY BLUNDER has deleted his book math copy and paste so
                    he doesn't like who he really is. Now he has added something else.

                    He is a tricky fox.

                    Next it will be all my fault because of his embarrassing thought process
                    and even tho he and others would love to call me everything but a
                    white boy, I am the one who is the bad man attacking the poor defenseless.

                    What a world of men who are spiritually castrated.


                    • Originally posted by Vinyasi
                      I bought my classic for two reasons: I wanted
                      to contribute to what has proven itself to be the best solution for going
                      green despite the inconvenience of driving an electric car in today's world
                      of politically correct bondage to the gas pump.
                      Respectfully please do not post your personal messages on this thread. Such as car reviews etc.

                      If you are going to address the thread owner (CLARENCE) do so by
                      saying excuse me and do not change the topic.

                      This thread is about building designs of the B&L captor and getting
                      yours working, not about hypothetical external operating systems
                      of endless schemes.

                      A moderator will be asked to delete your comments in this thread if
                      you continue and that is more work for them.

                      You have your own thread so by all means use that one for your
                      personal topics.

                      Thank you and God Bless.

                      Michael Rowland (Central Kansas USA)
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 01-23-2017, 02:29 AM.


                      • Hi Clarence and BroMikey,

                        It took a month to get registered here, but eventually made it here.

                        I have been studying your posts from page one through to the last page after watching almost each and every Youtube video. (Ignoring all the clatter of course).

                        After experimenting with a Pulsed Magnet Motor design (successfully self-driven/self-charging, not OU yet but with potential), and self-resonant oscillators that proved to me COP1+, I decided to search for a high power solution that might fall within my limited capabilities. I am electronics qualified, but mains systems and high-frequency HV designs is not my expertise. although I understand the basics of course.

                        I have my two 230V, 300VA 160 deg wound grain-orientated silicone steel cores now. Had them manufactured in South Africa for a mere equivalent of $26 ea. That was before I read about the geomagnetic strength issue. My area is lousy as well. So I decided to follow the route of a single Toroid solution that I will first get going from mains supply, Being in a country where this most corrupt Government is openly stealing billions from us, I don't care too much for now about the so called ground loop issues, just want to get the thing doing the job and will then look for solutions to run it independent from the grid. I pray for Clarence to find a solution to replace the ground rods. Please keep on doing and posting sir!

                        Unfortunately all the pictures of that one Toroid system have been removed, is there any way I can get hold of the pictures Clarence posted on this forum?

                        Clarence: could I PM bug you for that info on the treatment of cancer you mentioned somewhere in this forum? Know many people who could benefit from that as I share your opinion about the traditional medical approach, lost several family members and friends who went that route.

                        Anyway, thanks for all your work and R&D burning candles to help us all.

                        All the best!


                        • Give me a pm to get you started

                          Originally posted by JS5 View Post
                          Hi Clarence and BroMikey,

                          It took a month to get registered here, but eventually made it here.

                          I have been studying your posts from page one through to the last page after watching almost each and every Youtube video. (Ignoring all the clatter of course).

                          After experimenting with a Pulsed Magnet Motor design (successfully self-driven/self-charging, not OU yet but with potential), and self-resonant oscillators that proved to me COP1+, I decided to search for a high power solution that might fall within my limited capabilities. I am electronics qualified, but mains systems and high-frequency HV designs is not my expertise. although I understand the basics of course.

                          I have my two 230V, 300VA 160 deg wound grain-orientated silicone steel cores now. Had them manufactured in South Africa for a mere equivalent of $26 ea. That was before I read about the geomagnetic strength issue. My area is lousy as well. So I decided to follow the route of a single Toroid solution that I will first get going from mains supply, Being in a country where this most corrupt Government is openly stealing billions from us, I don't care too much for now about the so called ground loop issues, just want to get the thing doing the job and will then look for solutions to run it independent from the grid. I pray for Clarence to find a solution to replace the ground rods. Please keep on doing and posting sir!

                          Unfortunately all the pictures of that one Toroid system have been removed, is there any way I can get hold of the pictures Clarence posted on this forum?

                          Clarence: could I PM bug you for that info on the treatment of cancer you mentioned somewhere in this forum? Know many people who could benefit from that as I share your opinion about the traditional medical approach, lost several family members and friends who went that route.

                          Anyway, thanks for all your work and R&D burning candles to help us all.

                          All the best!
                          Hello JS5,

                          YOU can give me a PM and I would receive and answer it.
                          Am not to hot towards constant PMs but a first time from any member is welcome Sir! I will try a jpg thumbnail now of the Large toroid build that gives 106.9 amps AC.


                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by clarence; 01-23-2017, 08:29 PM. Reason: edit


                          • Thank you Clarence. I was mistaken, all those photos are showing up now in previous posts. I will PM for that other info. Won't waste your time with PM's on silly stuff.

                            Much appreciated!


                            • Self looped system with large toroid build

                              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                              Respectfully please do not post your personal messages on this thread. Such as car reviews etc.

                              If you are going to address the thread owner (CLARENCE) do so by
                              saying excuse me and do not change the topic.

                              This thread is about building designs of the B&L captor and getting
                              yours working, not about hypothetical external operating systems
                              of endless schemes.

                              A moderator will be asked to delete your comments in this thread if
                              you continue and that is more work for them.

                              You have your own thread so by all means use that one for your
                              personal topics.

                              Thank you and God Bless.

                              Michael Rowland (Central Kansas USA)
                              Hello BRO,

                              regarding the self loop system I discussed by E - which includes my FIRST use of the Large toroid for it's ability to transfer amperage by induction to wire coils wrapped around it's own 5 turn loop - I will make a post some time next Tuesday maybe Wednesday (depending on how long it takes to make the mentioned improvements) - I will use the forum jpg attachment method for clarity. No more photos for certain.

                              Kindest Regards Bro,



                              • Originally posted by clarence View Post
                                Hello BRO,

                                regarding the self loop system I discussed by E - which includes
                                my FIRST use of the Large toroid for it's ability to transfer amperage
                                by induction to wire coils wrapped around it's own 5 turn loop -
                                I will make a post some time next Tuesday maybe Wednesday
                                (depending on how long it takes to make the mentioned improvements)
                                - I will use the forum jpg attachment method for clarity.
                                No more photos for certain.

                                Kindest Regards Bro,


                                Hello Clarence

                                Exciting to hear from you and to watch you experiment (Stumbling process)
                                till you hit a homerun. At-ta-Boy In your message to me
                                privately I think i know exactly what you are doing with the changes
                                and soon I will be sure when you post your final.

                                Your setup is so over the top, looks industrial, components are all
                                high quality. There is always another improvement to be had.

                                Looking forward

