Hello Clarence. Well I did check in once in a while, but just not so recently until now. If you think about it, using a battery and inverter as the power source instead of the mains should really not make any difference at all as far as powering something like a heater or toaster, but this would allow you to measure the current draw from the battery and see what the actual power consumption is when powering a load. Anyway, I hear you that you still are strongly resistant to doing such a simple test to see what is really going on, so I'll leave you with it.
If you are just throwing the power meter off (depends on the type of power meter you have) by just going from the mains hot to your earth ground rod array and bypassing the neutral wire, the power company may still detect it and that could get you in trouble with the power company, but you probably already know that.
If you are just throwing the power meter off (depends on the type of power meter you have) by just going from the mains hot to your earth ground rod array and bypassing the neutral wire, the power company may still detect it and that could get you in trouble with the power company, but you probably already know that.