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opto triggering ssg

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  • opto triggering ssg

    Hi All,
    Wanting to learn How to trigger a multicoil SSG with opto triggering.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Has anyone used a mosfet driver for power tranny's?

    Many Mosfet drivers but no bipolar transistor drivers.



    bro d

  • #2
    It will be more complex. I can only suggest something like this video:
    IR Short Distance Beam Cut Detector

    Lets say you drilled small holes in a disk and employed IR detector. The timing could be initiated before firing with an adjustable delay after which a shaped pulse is fed to the base of the HV transistor.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Donald Haas View Post
      Hi All,
      Wanting to learn How to trigger a multicoil SSG with opto triggering.
      Any help would be appreciated.

      Has anyone used a mosfet driver for power tranny's?

      Many Mosfet drivers but no bipolar transistor drivers.



      bro d
      You want too turn all the coils at the same time?
      Or pulse rapidly on each cycle?


      • #4
        I used a hall which was switched by the rotor magnets. The hall was tied to a opto circuit which gave me great control of the pulse width and timing. Also, a nice square wave form with a spike, of course. Less power consumption as well. All in all, a failure for me. While the waves and spikes looked good on the scope, the charging was much smaller than the original induction trigger by JB. Go figure. I plan on restoring it back to the original configuration when I get done with my current project. Lost a good charger with the above mods.

        You want to see something different with that SSG? Use a odd number of coils and switch up the magnetic polarity of the coils. This will require a coil setup in which the coil position can be moved/tuned. Use attraction for the primary mover/s. All magnets on the rotor same polarity facing out. I used a 3/4 in core on my primary and small saturated cores on the reversed coils. Interesting effects. Best charger one could want. Not a generator. All symmetry goes out the window with this setup.

        Good Luck,


        • #5
          Hall sensors are what is used in todays washing machines.

          I am an appliance repair guy. Of course opto fired. It what they use.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-02-2015, 02:32 AM.


          • #6
            I built a pulse motor with optical triggering and once you do that it is not an
            SSG it's an optically triggered pulse motor with inductive discharge recovery.

            It used mosfets and worked quite well compared to an SSG.

            John doesn't own the "h" wave form either, it's just an "unclamped inductive
            discharge wave form".

            I'll locate my Schematic for you, here's a video clip just showing the first iteration of it,
            the stuff to the left is just the control and boost circuit.

            I have schematics for the optical trigger module and for the switching circuit
            and also for the main power circuit ect.

            Last edited by Farmhand; 05-02-2015, 03:05 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
              I built a pulse motor with optical triggering and once you do that it is not an
              SSG it's an optically triggered pulse motor with inductive discharge recovery.

              It used mosfets and worked quite well compared to an SSG.

              John doesn't own the "h" wave form either, it's just an "unclamped inductive
              discharge wave form".

              I'll locate my Schematic for you, here's a video clip just showing the first iteration of it,
              the stuff to the left is just the control and boost circuit.

              I have schematics for the optical trigger module and for the switching circuit
              and also for the main power circuit ect.

              Nice work even though you thought it was going to run itself and it didn't Had to throw a dig in there.

              You have restored my faith in your abilities to do the work required. I know
              experimenters had high hopes and were disappointed in the past but
              that is all over now. I watch part 22 energy from the vac and am a changed man today.

              I have explained this in a few other places but I will do it again here.

              Opto, hall effects, fast diodes all have their place in these circuits to increase their COP by a few more percents but that is not the whole story
              as some of you have heard.

              No John does not own the "h" wave, yet for the last 40 years he sure
              had mastered the use of it. Beyond that I take back everything I said
              about you in the past and I don't care what people say about you, if
              you can build an SSG and all those Bedini related machines, you are
              highly favored.

              Now let's get down to business.

              First let me say that just about everyone shuts out the other man and
              his ideas. It is like we are all in our own small cubical and can see nothing
              but our own way. This is an obstacle.

              But as they say "It is what it is"

              In nov 2010 Beardon had his 80th birthday and John had a conference.
              In that meeting John gave the answer YOU and everyone else has been
              looking for over a period of many years.

              If you have built an SSG and do not have the polarity reversing magnetic gates then you won't get 10X COP like John B. Does. Now that is what John B. SAID.

              I hope everyone hears that. Again Those are the words of JOHN BEDINI.

              Oh John also said that the circuits were highly modified this and that was improved or this helped and everyone's mind went to building a more advanced circuit to get the extra.

              That all helps.

              That is not what JOHN BEDINI was focusing on.

              JOHN asked if anyone had learned the Howard Johnson Gates tech?

              To make a long story short the surfaces of the flying/rotating magnet
              on the 16 pole were not flat. The magnet faces were arcing or convex.

              And at least two other magnet types and pieces behind that one.

              JOHN asked the people there, if they noticed anything different
              about this wheel that they did not see on their personal SSG's?

              They all shook their heads. John showed how when each time the 3,4,5
              part magnetic gate passed a pole it would speed up on the
              approach of a pole and upon leaving TDC the wheel jerked forward.

              Huge amounts of magnet energy released. The machine clearly shuttered.

              JOHN BEDINI said this was because his SSG was not like our SSG
              mainly due to the gates on the rotor.

              Ceramic, rubber neo.

              Take it or leave it, you have the root machine, the SSG without
              the gates. For now what we have is a glorified battery charger.

              I am wanting a set of these gate plans so I can add to my work.

              JOHN BEDINI said

              The reason why we don't have that understanding about his full
              machine plans is because the MONOPOLE 3 group pissed him off.

              I know that sounds like a cop out to many. JOHN B went on to
              say that he had tried for years to sharing this stuff online
              and that it is virtually impossible.

              He gave up.

              But in the 2010 meeting he spilled the beans, so to speak. Part 22
              energy from the vac. When we get these SSG machines setup
              with a reversible gate at TDC it's game over for the energy cartels.

              That is what I think about your SSG.

              If I figure it out, I'll ship you a set of gates so you can try them.

              I mean after all you have done the work. You just don't have
              what you need. John's words.

              Again John asked the group at the 2010 meeting

              "Do you know why your machine is not like his machine"???

              JOHN asked

              "Do you know why you don't have what you need"???

              I hope we can find out how to do those gates right.

              Opto trigger this

              Last edited by BroMikey; 05-02-2015, 08:21 AM.


              • #8
                To Don Haas, If you are out there, don't let these guys discourage you.
                The comment that the IR trigger needs a steady voltage is a good point. 5V works ok it could be a voltage regulator on a heat sink.

                The Halbach array is difficult to beat as a good magnetic gate.
                This video is a simple example.

                the magnetic pattern is shown here:

