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Single Wire Power - A Search for Ambient Power to do Wwork

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  • DavidE whilst I agree with you and I suspect a lot of folks reading here might also, my power utility company has very different entrenched idea's. My power utility company has like minded 'friends' They form quite a gang .. the bullies in the playground in fact.
    All of us research 'free energy' for different reasons help the planet, get rich,be superior or perhaps something quite sub-conscious. It would take a very special person to comprehend 'It all' for years I thought much the same thing as Dragon.
    The only thing lacking from this and other forums is the desire to identify and understand a source of energy.
    Of course its not lacking .. there's a rabid desire to know! there's also a lot of folks who have practically experienced it,some with the scientific acumen to know it must be so. A lot more who subconsciously just know. If you changed desire to identify and understand to wish to show everyone free of charge and risk terrible repercussions IMHO that might be closer to the mark.
    As I consider Bobs subject a little further It seems that we are each going to have to do a deal of building or study, and contemplation I am going to suggest at the outset and against the grain of the forum that we franchise and capitalise our discoveries whilst (as far as possible) staying open source. There are a few reasons for this suggestion and perhaps the main one is … over the last twenty years or so this forum and its Ilk haven't got the job done, free energy is still in the cage as Dragon has pointed out ,.. The medicine hasn't worked!
    Just my opinion but I think the reasons are far more complex than just 'spilling the beans' At the risk of encountering the Ire of Bob for drifting off subject
    Before considering the threats,bribery,smear campaigns,disappearances, and all the other direct action I wonder if you'd like to consider the social,economic and political reasons why we do not have a free energy source ? You would think the world would welcome a free,clean energy source I'm afraid the system demands the reverse. Using old videos and documentaries (really so you can see how much has come to pass) here's the picture (as I see it) taken by jumping stone to stone with little comment apart from a link to each video. It takes a little time to watch I'm afraid, still sometimes it can take a lifetime to alter a viewpoint!..
    We are it seems taught only what tptb (the powers that be) want us to know. In fact as a race it seems we are quickly being made 'dumb' (perhaps I've had an extra spoonful of that)
    At the end of the Vietnam war America found herself 'bankrupt' she was forced to renege on her debt's particularly to the French government which badly needed funds for a schools program.
    The slimy liar Tricky Dicky Nixon and his oppo Kissinger came up with a plan … dump the gold standard, destroy and then usurp the worlds trading system .. just a spiffing idea. don't you think ?
    What then to replace the gold standard ? How to cheat,lie, murder, twist and turn it to huge advantage? I think you have guessed its energy .. here's how (1 of three)
    What then might happen if a huge new energy source were to be found , say on American soil?
    It seems that happened, (quite apart from Stan Meyer) and the like here's the result
    What then is the ambition of the few people who have radically altered the system of trade and fairness to their own advantage? Well if just 30% of this next video is true be scared .. very scared
    Do you really think your going to be allowed to disclose any viable free energy system on an open forum ? Just how many forums, never mind the members are agents of the 'system'? how many of these video's are 'double bluff' ?
    Well perhaps I'm paranoid but I think 'quite a lot' some very clever,some nice, some very unpleasant
    whatever it takes to get the job done. What's the job ? I don't think I need to spell that out, do I?
    Confuse,confound,lead astray, threaten, frighten .. whatever it takes .
    What weapons do they have ? How the hell would you know? Felt depressed lately? What's the weather like ? From the film 'good things are done in the light' 'bad things are done in darkness'
    how open and honest can we be with ourselves before we start to consider each other?
    Last edited by Duncan; 06-18-2015, 06:05 AM.
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • Vidbid .. great to see you engaging on this thread ! Some time ago you opened a thread on series capacitive chargers , It came under attack from the nanny patrol if you remember .
      It was considered oh so very dangerous .. health and safety and wot not and is now on the back pages.
      I did research and experiment with that concept quite a bit more and the post concerning battery resonance and considering crystal energy transform really stems from that thread. Particularly
      Having discovered that it rejuvenates batteries I managed to get a few interested parties to replicate over on OUR forum.
      I guess the problem was its so stupidly simple people didn't believe it could possibly work. Of course It did as you no doubt know or else you would not have opened the thread. I see common cause particularly at resonance with one wire systems. I'm going to study your posting in more detail now
      Regards Duncan
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • Hi again vidbid I have just watched the video's and pp presentations you kindly provided like all of us, something's I grasp quite quickly something's very slowly something's (like EPDs stuff) not above half
        I thought an 'off the cuff reaction' to these idea's and video's might be good
        The basic concept presented by Prof banks reminded me very much of the system used by telephone companies in ye olden analogue days to transmit multiple conversations over a single line It was called multiplexing you probably remember when it went a bit wrong hearing multiple phone conversations at the same time . Viable it works I can't see any reason why it can't be used for higher voltages and currents as Prof banks suggests . Bandwidth permitting of course.
        I don't think it answers the anomalous energy part we seek (or rather prof Bank's system doesn't )
        the other system you show .. well may with some modification.
        Let me expand on that .. after twenty odd years with some brilliant minds the solution to free energy has not been resolved with the language of science .. mathematics in public view on this forum, yet most have seen ,made it, or experienced it. Where must we look then ? Of course where standard maths cant go, yet where practice can!
        Dr Banks is using anti phase and a Sine wave, a very different proposition from the square wave proposition in the last clip you show.
        We are taught basically that what isn't a sine wave must be a cosine a trigonometric ratio
        infinitesimal is regarded as zero infinate is regarded as one (your calculator tells you so) calculus is based on it. Pi has never been resolved ergo you have no idea if its infinite or infinitesimal ..
        all right for scribble no use when challenged by real world events.
        Those of us lucky enough to have experienced 'free energy' know that there are a few common denominators one of those that recurs time and again is 'fast switching '
        Those who have attempted to build a simple signal generator will know in theory every geometric shape is contained in the construct of a 'perfect 'sine wave.
        By the same token the impulse might be regarded as the total absence of construct .. Maths can't go there but coils and capacitors with slight adjustment can.
        So IMHO only like three sea lions balancing balls .. to harvest free energy all three difficult balls need to be in place at the same time .

        1/ High Q series resonance … The reason ? I have seen transformation in a sulphated lead acid batteries
        It is my feeling and assumption that as the internal impedance dramatically lowers the Q factor obviously drops away too .. end of miracle!
        2/ Square wave .. impulse .. simply because every system that works to some degree or another uses an impulse be it commutator like Dave Bowlings 3BGS. sudden switching like John Bedini 's SSG spark gaps,capacitors and dielectric breakdown .. whatever which way. Its almost certainly an important part of the equation
        3/The third Ball is the most difficult and the one we know least of all about .. the transformation medium .. I assume it to be crystal because of the teaching of John B, my own experience with LA batteries and the pulse capacitive charging effects the fine work done by Thomas Trawoeger
        (seems he's been bought now so no more from that stable)
        you might also like to watch the screen carefully in the last you tube clip vidbid .. you can see the resonant transform square wave to sine .. of course I don't know for sure but I think this is the 'practical' tight rope we have to walk .
        I say practical because its akin to asking the maths of this impulse resonance demonstration first done hundreds of years ago with a violin bow.
        quite easy to do and demonstrate practically but to mathematically describe and predict is a different matter. Never done as far as I know (at least not for our enjoyment) despite it being very easy to do.
        Like the arrival of free energy though there is no doubt given the right circumstances 'it happens'
        I'm still trying to digest what Microvolt describes as harmonic content ? The teaching in this area has changed drastically over a few years, I wonder perhaps if someone would review .. this for instance
        and then clearly differentiate the difference and the sequence of a/ Harmonics and b/ Overtones
        I see them occupying their own time and space and being very different entities with a different sequence . I used to tune a particular transceiver to the 9th overtone … a very different circuit and mental picture to a harmonic sequence.
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • Duncan

          I have no quarrel with the power company. I pay my monthly bill and say thank you for bringing this capacity to my door. But it has not stopped me from learning about and installing a small solar power system. But that is no threat to the power company, it is a capacity that is there when the grid goes down. And it does quite often. I have a responsibility to take care of my family in the light of day, or in complete darkness.

          My comments on this thread are only about discovery. The science of how energy weaves in and out of our powered world. I don't really claim to know anything - but I do suspect, speculate, wonder, reflect and that is all that I have offered here.

          When you decided to post and bring up the power over threat scenario... you decided to become part of the those efforts, versus part of the discovery conversation.

          Maybe what you say in that regard is idle chat, or more devious - either way I suggest in the future that your efforts be pure one way or the other.

          Countless others before me have stated that we are swimming in a sea of energy. Like any other earth resource we need to determine if that can be harnessed to do work, by simpler more local means.

          Either that appeals to you or not. I for one hope you will contribute in a fellow human way - but that will always remain your choice.


          • Magnetism is that "Catalyst"...

            Hello to All,

            @Bob Smith: A heck of a Thread!, thanks Bob for making this one! has gathered a great deal of info...lot of excellent conclusions...and that D. Smith words are just like a Bible complements a Religion...all the true hidden side that some are not aware off is revealed there in great detail.

            @ Magnethos: Excellent animated graphics, very "self explanatory" graphics...they can speak any language!...However, there is an error there...Magnetic Fields are Not a 2D Phenomena at all...they are "Multidimensional" my friend...we are only perceiving at max, Three Physical Dimensions in which the giant Curled-Ring Elements of the EM Spectrum develops in Space. We know absolutely nothing, about the 'Counter-Space Gate' that is opened every time we "magnetize" any ferromagnetic material 'dividing it into two polarized fields'.

            @DavidE; Friend, you are on the perfectly 'aligned' and right track...don't even waste time to those who try to divert from those true concepts...Energy is space, in the air we breath, in the can trespass any 'mass' boundaries of any kind everywhere.

            As in D. Smith words...or in T. Bearden...about the " 34 Flaws in Classical EM Theories"...specially: #29. Has nothing at all to say about form of EM entities in massless space.That very strong and huge Massless, Spatial side of the Magnetic Spectrum has been disregarded from the conventional EM Physics (in my opinion, deliberately and very conveniently so)...Let's remember Oliver Heaviside Giant Curl Component...disregarded by the Lorentz-Einstein "re-arranging Joint Venture" to EM and financed by J.P Morgan...

            Magnetic Fields are the primary Catalyst that separates, divides and aligns the Spatial and randomly dispersed flowing energy that is everywhere and all along our Universe. By doing this "dually polarized alignment and separation" we can then, collect it to be used as a flow known as electricity.

            Each EM Polarized and Counter ends contains an Opposed Directional Flow...where each one, independently, could generate energy, however, we have been 'mixing' both channels or just ignoring one or two of we could "afford" such waste of generating sources in our designs...

            Then we need that 'secondary catalyst' as D. Smith mentions...that will 'interpret and stamp' that EM flow accurately transmitting it to the right circuits, coils or whatever means we use.

            Every single "apparatus" to collect energy is based on the same exact principle...designed to capture energy from the environment, the Aether...however, all the ones "officially recognized" by Classic/Dogmatic EM Physics does it with excessive losses, and fighting "face to face" the constant counter forces that nature enforces every time we conceive any "unstable system"...destroying our efforts in every turn.

            If, and only if a Ferromagnetic Material, once being 'magnetized' would render only a few hours of work as a magnet, based on its mass composition spec's, field intensity gradients applied, etc,etc which could be then calculated for a "time duration limit"...for the use in either a motor or a generator, where other calculations based on applications or "magnetic degree of stress usage"...then the Classic Physics theories about "domains alignment" could be somehow acceptable...but never, when we observe this magnet time duration...generating thousands and millions of volts/amps or power enough to source other machinery that lasts almost "perpetually" and that can 'magnetize' -in their lifetime- thousands of other magnets ...then We all could have concluded a long time ago that all this "Theories" are just Flaws, and very far from the truth.

            No electrical engineering department in the Western World presently teaches what powers an electrical circuit, or what actually powers the electrical power grid. None ever has. It also does not appear in a single electrical engineering textbook in the Western world, nor has it ever appeared in one.

            All the hydrocarbons ever burned, nuclear fuel rods ever consumed, steam turbines turned, and generators rotated, have not directly added a single watt directly to the external power line and to the power grid. Nor has any windmill, nuclear power plant, battery, or hydroelectric generator or solar cell array. None ever will.

            Every electrical circuit ever built — and those built today — are in fact powered by electrical energy extracted by the circuit dipolarity from the local seething vacuum, from active space itself. But our engineers are trained to build circuits which also self-destroy the extraction of that vacuum energy, faster than they power their loads.

            The Tom Bearden Website
            Like T. Bearden writes in the Classic EM Flaws... #27 Higher Topology Required, to Model Electromagnetic Reality.

            Or like Bruce De Palma wrote...:

            The phenomenon of direct extraction of electrical energy from space has a simple explanation based on a re-interpretation of magnetism.
            Until then, we will be like blind people waiting for a miracle to occur in order to see the whole environment (I call it "The Big and Real Picture") around Us.

            Regards to All

            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-18-2015, 04:18 PM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Vidbid and UFO, welcome aboard, and thank you for your encouraging contributions.

              Here's an interesting reflection from John Bedini on Turion's 3BGS thread. Look at what he says about the bloch wall of the coil (i.e., the mid-point of the coil), and how it seems to be a kind of doorway for ambient energy to enter a system with each pulse of the coil:
              Originally posted by John_Bedini View Post
              ... At a different point in time I will discuss what the coil is and how quantum mechanics plays an important part in all of this and how you get the extra energy out of the system. I did write a paper for University of Edinburgh along with Dave Clemons that explained the way the coil works in the system as an energy pump and how the SSG in attraction mode works. This is why I said, the Back EMF is always lower than the battery voltage. If you look at the coil in space it can be viewed with vectors all pointing in but not coupled to form energy. As the coil is pulsed compression and decompression takes place these vectors get sucked in through the Bloch Wall while it is in compression mode forming magnetic poles, North and South. This was never released to the public as it would drive everybody nuts. The Engineers at the school answered me with; we never looked at it this way. But the analyses were correct and explained why some machines work better in different areas of this God forsaken planet. Yes Gravity plays an important part in all of this. It’s only a matter of time when you will tap that Gravity wave for energy as that is where my experiments have led me in my work. I know you will read this many times to understand what I have just said and you all know the meaning of this if you do it. If we take this further you now have discovered the answer to the TPU. Some say that the Shaman [Schumann] resonance is responsible for this but the energy is driven by gravity that permeates everything throughout space it’s just a matter how it’s taped for energy. Solid state devices detect this wave if arranged correctly and then the TPU becomes not complicated anymore with windings and high frequency’s oscillators that is what powered Tesla’s car, the box with many vacuum tubes, so again the term Free Energy is wrong as you must put some form of energy in to start the process of conversion and hope you get more out.

              Just remember that the energy cannot be destroyed it can only be converted into another form, for example the last version of the SSG. The unit converts the spikes and then filters it to be used with a Linear Amplifier Regulator. Just something to think about, so keep up your good work at least your group is getting somewhere here with this type of system. Good work all. I’m honored that you all would mention my early work, so thank you all.
              John Bedini
              Bearing this in mind, please have a look at this video sent to me by a friend. Look at where the builder (Ming Tsao) has decided to tap the coil - at the center of the coil (explains seven seconds into the video).

              Notice that he's taking the charge off the coil, through what looks to be an AV plug, and into a bank of parallel capacitors. This seems to be one way to get this abundant energy into a usable form.

              He's got a hefty doorknob type of capacitor followed by a spark gap - remind anyone of a Tesla hairpin setup?

              There are other things in this video to consider as well such as the ground placement...


              • It is beyond the scope of my lecture to dwell upon the subject of light in general, my object being merely to bring presently to your notice a certain class of light effects and a number of phenomena observed in pursuing the study of these effects. But to be consistent in my remarks it is necessary to state that, according to that idea, now accepted by the majority of scientific men as a positive result of theoretical and experimental investigation, the various forms or manifestations of energy which were generally designated as "electric" or more precisely "electromagnetic" are energy manifestations of the same nature as those of radiant heat and light. Therefore the phenomena of light and heat and others besides these, may be called electrical phenomena. Thus electrical science has become the mother science of all and its study has become all important. The day when we shall know exactly what "electricity" is, will chronicle an event probably greater, more important than any other recorded in the history of the human race. The time will come when the comfort, the very existence, perhaps, of man will depend upon that wonderful agent. For our existence and comfort we require heat, light and mechanical power. How do we now get all these? We get them from fuel, we get them by consuming material. What will man do when the forests disappear, when the coal fields are exhausted? Only one thing, according to our present knowledge will remain; that is, to transmit power at great distances. Men will go to the waterfalls, to the tides, which are the stores of an infinitesimal part of Nature's immeasurable energy. There will they harness the energy and transmit the same to their settlements, to warm their homes by, to give them light, and to keep their obedient slaves, the machines, toiling. But how will they transmit this energy of not by electricity? Judge then, if the comfort, nay, the very existence, of man will not depend on electricity. I am aware that this view is not that of a practical engineer, but neither is it that of an illusionist, for it is certain, that power transmission, which at present is merely a stimulus to enterprise, will some day be a dire necessity.
                - Nikola Tesla, On Light And Other High Frequency Phenomena, 1893

                Sounds simple enough.
                Last edited by dR-Green; 06-18-2015, 06:15 PM.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                  - Nikola Tesla, On Light And Other High Frequency Phenomena, 1893

                  Sounds simple enough.


                  • ...Only one thing, according to our present knowledge will remain; that is, to transmit power at great distances. Men will go to the waterfalls, to the tides, which are the stores of an infinitesimal part of Nature's immeasurable energy. There will they harness the energy and transmit the same to their settlements, to warm their homes by, to give them light, and to keep their obedient slaves, the machines, toiling. But how will they transmit this energy of not by electricity? Judge then, if the comfort, nay, the very existence, of man will not depend on electricity. I am aware that this view is not that of a practical engineer, but neither is it that of an illusionist, for it is certain, that power transmission, which at present is merely a stimulus to enterprise, will some day be a dire necessity.
                    Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                    Yes, Bob, indeed a beauty of words and facts...However, as Tesla mentioned clearly..."according to our present knowledge"...which still has not changed that much from those times...still the Planet is dependable on fuels, still burning stuff to run everything...but what if...what if we could be able to develop and build a simple, small and cheap generator that could be ran by the weakest and also cheaper motor on the market?...and still supply Industrial and Housing needs referred to electrical consumption?

                    Then We will have absolutely no need to transmit power anywhere my friend. Just because everyone could have one or two generators anywhere they want...from cars, motorcycles, homes, boats, planes, aircraft in general...houses, industry...commercial properties...etc,etc...then the whole story and "end of games" on energy production will be finished right there...Am I right or wrong?

                    Take care friend

                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • What if I had £10 million

                      P.S. How do you propose to run the motor?

                      Tesla says himself that the only known alternative to consuming fuels is in waterfalls, tides, wind, solar. Search for alternatives all you like, but why deliberately ignore and sidestep the most obvious and simple solutions in the meantime as if they were never mentioned or don't exist? What's the problem with using a waterfall to turn a generator that the subject must immediately be diverted from?
                      Last edited by dR-Green; 06-18-2015, 11:11 PM.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • Money Vs Intelligence...

                        Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                        What if I had £10 million
                        LOL...Having all the money in this world won't make you any smarter...

                        P.S. How do you propose to run the motor
                        Find out later...

                        Tesla says himself that the only known alternative to consuming fuels is in waterfalls, tides,
                        wind, solar. Search for alternatives all you like, but why deliberately ignore and sidestep the most obvious and simple solutions in the meantime as if they were never mentioned or don't exist?

                        Take care!

                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Hi to ALL,

                          i agree with Magnethos, we need a united work to achieve a desired results, i agree also with Ufopolitics about the small ;cheap and easy generator without the need to wireless power transmitter, everyone will be able to build his own generator for himself why not for his neighbours if they want to.

                          i think we have already a lots of good ideas that may lead to this kind of generator, we have to choose from the available ideas the best meet our conditions and start building, examining different designs but the most important is sharing the results so other experienced contributors may find the missing keys.


                          • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                            LOL...Having all the money in this world won't make you any smarter...

                            Find out later...

                            Tesla says himself that the only known alternative to consuming fuels is in waterfalls, tides,

                            Take care!

                            What if I had £10 million

                            P.S. How do you propose to run the motor?

                            Tesla says himself that the only known alternative to consuming fuels is in waterfalls, tides, wind, solar. Search for alternatives all you like, but why deliberately ignore and sidestep the most obvious and simple solutions in the meantime as if they were never mentioned or don't exist? What's the problem with using a waterfall to turn a generator that the subject must immediately be diverted from?

                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • I would agree with DrGreen on using anything that is available to us to produce energy. The environmentalists have different thoughts on streams and dams - they'd rather shut it all down... then look for alternatives. I'd bet, though, they would be the first to complain if they couldn't fire up the computer because of rolling black outs.

                              I pretty much run my home on wind and solar, eventually it will make it to my shop. I'd like to find some good solutions to heating water as well as area heating.

                              So we continue to search for quality solutions...


                              • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                                I want you to know that I do appreciate your help in giving a more accurate explanation
                                of the audio waves and why they are percieved. Some frequencies such as 528 and 432
                                are often cited and others possibly 174, 285, 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, 963 Hertz.
                                Some concider these to be healthy but I have'nt spent much time on this.

                                The article presented by Bob that non-linear open system by ambient
                                is responsible for the EM energy in the generators that we are missing something there.
                                Glad to be of assistance. I hadn't heard about being unable to distinguish between sine and square waveforms at higher frequencies before so I tried it out to see for myself and it turned out to be true, so thank you.

                                You might want to check this out because it covers some of the things you're interested in. It's info that I learned from this that led to figuring out why you can't distinguish between sine and square, so apparently it's useful!

                                How Music and Mathematics Relate | The Great Courses

                                Tunings have and probably will continue to change over time, and as you'd learn in the course it's a known fact that the tuning can have subtle effects on mood/feeling, so much so that some orchestras tend to tune a bit sharp to make the music feel a bit happier. That is to say, a slightly higher frequency than A4 at 440 cycles per second.

                                Also 2015-04-16 Eric Dollard Music, Harmonics & Electricity by Charles Roland Berry and Robert Emin - YouTube

                                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

