DavidE whilst I agree with you and I suspect a lot of folks reading here might also, my power utility company has very different entrenched idea's. My power utility company has like minded 'friends' They form quite a gang .. the bullies in the playground in fact.
All of us research 'free energy' for different reasons help the planet, get rich,be superior or perhaps something quite sub-conscious. It would take a very special person to comprehend 'It all' for years I thought much the same thing as Dragon.
The only thing lacking from this and other forums is the desire to identify and understand a source of energy.
Of course its not lacking .. there's a rabid desire to know! there's also a lot of folks who have practically experienced it,some with the scientific acumen to know it must be so. A lot more who subconsciously just know. If you changed desire to identify and understand to wish to show everyone free of charge and risk terrible repercussions IMHO that might be closer to the mark.
As I consider Bobs subject a little further It seems that we are each going to have to do a deal of building or study, and contemplation I am going to suggest at the outset and against the grain of the forum that we franchise and capitalise our discoveries whilst (as far as possible) staying open source. There are a few reasons for this suggestion and perhaps the main one is … over the last twenty years or so this forum and its Ilk haven't got the job done, free energy is still in the cage as Dragon has pointed out ,.. The medicine hasn't worked!
Just my opinion but I think the reasons are far more complex than just 'spilling the beans' At the risk of encountering the Ire of Bob for drifting off subject
Before considering the threats,bribery,smear campaigns,disappearances, and all the other direct action I wonder if you'd like to consider the social,economic and political reasons why we do not have a free energy source ?
You would think the world would welcome a free,clean energy source I'm afraid the system demands the reverse. Using old videos and documentaries (really so you can see how much has come to pass) here's the picture (as I see it) taken by jumping stone to stone with little comment apart from a link to each video. It takes a little time to watch I'm afraid, still sometimes it can take a lifetime to alter a viewpoint!..
We are it seems taught only what tptb (the powers that be) want us to know. In fact as a race it seems we are quickly being made 'dumb' (perhaps I've had an extra spoonful of that
At the end of the Vietnam war America found herself 'bankrupt' she was forced to renege on her debt's particularly to the French government which badly needed funds for a schools program.
The slimy liar Tricky Dicky Nixon and his oppo Kissinger came up with a plan … dump the gold standard, destroy and then usurp the worlds trading system .. just a spiffing idea. don't you think ?
What then to replace the gold standard ? How to cheat,lie, murder, twist and turn it to huge advantage? I think you have guessed its energy .. here's how (1 of three)
What then might happen if a huge new energy source were to be found , say on American soil?
It seems that happened, (quite apart from Stan Meyer) and the like here's the result
What then is the ambition of the few people who have radically altered the system of trade and fairness to their own advantage? Well if just 30% of this next video is true be scared .. very scared
Do you really think your going to be allowed to disclose any viable free energy system on an open forum ? Just how many forums, never mind the members are agents of the 'system'? how many of these video's are 'double bluff' ?
Well perhaps I'm paranoid but I think 'quite a lot' some very clever,some nice, some very unpleasant
whatever it takes to get the job done. What's the job ? I don't think I need to spell that out, do I?
Confuse,confound,lead astray, threaten, frighten .. whatever it takes .
What weapons do they have ? How the hell would you know? Felt depressed lately? What's the weather like ? From the film 'good things are done in the light' 'bad things are done in darkness'
how open and honest can we be with ourselves before we start to consider each other?

All of us research 'free energy' for different reasons help the planet, get rich,be superior or perhaps something quite sub-conscious. It would take a very special person to comprehend 'It all' for years I thought much the same thing as Dragon.
The only thing lacking from this and other forums is the desire to identify and understand a source of energy.
Of course its not lacking .. there's a rabid desire to know! there's also a lot of folks who have practically experienced it,some with the scientific acumen to know it must be so. A lot more who subconsciously just know. If you changed desire to identify and understand to wish to show everyone free of charge and risk terrible repercussions IMHO that might be closer to the mark.
As I consider Bobs subject a little further It seems that we are each going to have to do a deal of building or study, and contemplation I am going to suggest at the outset and against the grain of the forum that we franchise and capitalise our discoveries whilst (as far as possible) staying open source. There are a few reasons for this suggestion and perhaps the main one is … over the last twenty years or so this forum and its Ilk haven't got the job done, free energy is still in the cage as Dragon has pointed out ,.. The medicine hasn't worked!
Just my opinion but I think the reasons are far more complex than just 'spilling the beans' At the risk of encountering the Ire of Bob for drifting off subject
Before considering the threats,bribery,smear campaigns,disappearances, and all the other direct action I wonder if you'd like to consider the social,economic and political reasons why we do not have a free energy source ?

We are it seems taught only what tptb (the powers that be) want us to know. In fact as a race it seems we are quickly being made 'dumb' (perhaps I've had an extra spoonful of that

At the end of the Vietnam war America found herself 'bankrupt' she was forced to renege on her debt's particularly to the French government which badly needed funds for a schools program.
The slimy liar Tricky Dicky Nixon and his oppo Kissinger came up with a plan … dump the gold standard, destroy and then usurp the worlds trading system .. just a spiffing idea. don't you think ?
What then to replace the gold standard ? How to cheat,lie, murder, twist and turn it to huge advantage? I think you have guessed its energy .. here's how (1 of three)
What then might happen if a huge new energy source were to be found , say on American soil?
It seems that happened, (quite apart from Stan Meyer) and the like here's the result
What then is the ambition of the few people who have radically altered the system of trade and fairness to their own advantage? Well if just 30% of this next video is true be scared .. very scared
Do you really think your going to be allowed to disclose any viable free energy system on an open forum ? Just how many forums, never mind the members are agents of the 'system'? how many of these video's are 'double bluff' ?
Well perhaps I'm paranoid but I think 'quite a lot' some very clever,some nice, some very unpleasant
whatever it takes to get the job done. What's the job ? I don't think I need to spell that out, do I?
Confuse,confound,lead astray, threaten, frighten .. whatever it takes .
What weapons do they have ? How the hell would you know? Felt depressed lately? What's the weather like ? From the film 'good things are done in the light' 'bad things are done in darkness'
how open and honest can we be with ourselves before we start to consider each other?
