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Single Wire Power - A Search for Ambient Power to do Wwork

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  • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
    Figure 4

    These are Tesla's diagrams which he used to illustrate how his system works

    The analogy of a hand pump doesn't work for Meyl's view of it, because what Meyl has in his mind and is spreading under the guise of the original isn't correct.
    i think it take a long time to understand Tesla patent, in this field everyone has his own way for understanding, the device i use to generate radiant power called the E-TBC, it's not like any ordinary coil, this device is able to be a capacitor and coil at the same time providing twice the normal resonance frequency of its equivalent parallel circuit, in other hand it's able to be a serial capacitor/coil at the same time if the junction CD is open ! both geometry has the same resonance frequency!! , the idea consist of managing the both sides of electricity ( magnetism and electricity ) as a single entity.

    another device called the mixed E-TBC ( more detail in my thread ) provide a strange behaviour where it provide voltage in one side and current in the other side at the same time, so the voltage phase is 90° between both side, the oscilloscope result show this and prove the concept behind the single E-TBC , now we have both sides: 1- the first is the physical E-TBC this side generate the electromagnetic waves, 2 - the hidden E-TBC is the unseen coil which generate radiant energy.

    the target coil is the second coil because it's a pure unseen energetic element where both geometry exist at the same time, the serial interaction with the parallel interaction, the gathered electrostatic charge in the physical E-TBC will transform into scalar electrostatic charge taking the shape of cylinder ... so this device will push radiant energy in vertical manner compared to the flow of electromagnetic flux, Tesla talked about this condition where he has to minimize the radiated electromagnetic waves so he used a flat coil ...

    the twice frequency being produced involve the optimal geometry to produce the radiant energy, now you have a faster waves compared ordinary coils, the beauty in all this is the fact that radiant voltage is related with radiant current, if you could increase R-voltage the R-current will be increased automatically using the special vortex serial/parallel interaction in the hidden E-TBC.

    i am just trying to see this mechanism in Tesla patents and i found it, if i want to use this radiant power in its optimal conditions i have to understand this mechanism because i am forced to treat another kind of electricity, this kind of energy is reversed and rich in geometry so i have to respect the conditions how it behaves in order to use it perfectly ....

    Edit : correcting a wrong info about Tesla flat coil , he used this kind of coil to minimize the mutual induction as to allow free oscillation but he used a relatively low speed oscillation less than 20KHZ to minimize electromagnetic waves being radiated.
    Last edited by med.3012; 06-23-2015, 11:38 PM.


    • Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
      Subscribing to the notion of an all-pervasive AETHER as I do, leads to conclusions which will impact our understanding of electrical systems.

      Most importantly... All electrical power comes from the ambient/aether. That is to say that the aether is a kind of primordial, undifferentiated omnipresent reservoir of energy in its most basic form, which is tapped in many different ways to produce usable forms of electric charge (and other forms of energy which are outside the scope of this thread). EPD describes "induction" as "polarization of the aether" - just one example.

      This understanding of the ambient as source of all electrical charge is going to radically affect the way we envision electrical circuits and transmission systems. If all charge comes from the aether, then is there such thing as a truly closed system?

      I would argue that there are gradations in what constitute open and closed electrical systems, and that truly closed systems are rare at best or perhaps better, a logical impossibility. This does not invalidate electrical laws; rather, it allows research to develop within reliable predictable parameters, with reasonable success of replication, while acknowledging that no electrical operation is fully immune from the effects of the surrounding environment at some level.

      This being the case, I would propose that certain setups involving resonant coils, though perhaps not all, lend themselves by their open configuration to interacting more actively with the ambient, drawing in or "cohering" (to use a Doc Stiffler term) ambient power.

      Examining the nature of electrical forces in the resonant one wire open system, and how to use this kind of system to draw useable electric charge from the ambient to power small loads has been my intent from the beginning.

      I realize that my recognition of the ambient as source of all electrical charge and understanding of certain resonant single wire power setups as open systems for drawing charge from the aether are not going to be accepted by all. That's okay - it's part of our freedom which brings richness to our discussion.

      But to be candid and honest, this is where I stand:
      All electrical charge comes from the ambient/aether; certain resonant SWP systems can be configured as open systems to tap useable charge from the ambient.

      I agree with you 100%.
      A lot of people have read tons of textbooks but I think there is a really poor understanding about how the electricity really works.

      We've in this forum hundreds of even thousand of people trying to get a 'free energy device'. Of course, an ordinary battery is a 'free energy device'. A battery is like a solar panel, exactly the same. The difference is that the battery taps the energy from another source instead of sunlight. The key is to understand why and how a battery is 'discharged'. There is not discharge in the battery, there is a self-neutralization. Also, there is not a clear view about the origin of amperage. The batteries don't draw watts. Watts are a side effect of a more primitive form of energy. Etc...

      There are tons of different things to relearn again.
      "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


      • Static (electrostatic conduction) happens when a charged object touches another object.
        But electrostatic induction happens when a charged object gets near another object
        without touching. This happens in all capacitors with AC. It Is a fundamental part of our circuits
        and exists in different degrees in most rotating machines. In the picture is a 2 plate capacitor.
        This is an electrostatic field where electrostatic induction takes place (shown in green)
        The electromagnetic field shown in red. together they can form a resonant tank.
        These are found Sept 19, 1899

        electromagnetic induction.jpg parallel plate.gif

        Colorado Springs Notes - September 1-30, 1899 - Open Tesla Research

        Tesla used Electrostatic Induction in most of his work. It is obvious that he wanted to
        increase the electrostatic field by increasing the voltage. The electrostatic induction
        is also found between the capacitive hat and the ground.
        Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-24-2015, 09:58 AM.


        • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
          With static electrostatic conduction happens when a charged object touches another object.
          But electrostatic induction happens when a charged object gets near another object
          without touching. This happens in all capacitors. Is fundamental part of our circuits
          and exists in different degrees in most rotating machines. In the picture is a 2 plate capacitor.
          This is an electrostatic field where electrostatic induction takes place (shown in green)

          The electromagnetic field shown in red. together they can form a resonant tank.

          [ATTACH]15913[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]15912[/ATTACH]

          Tesla used Electrostatic Induction in most of his work. It is obvious that he wanted to
          increase the electrostatic field by increasing the voltage. The electrostatic induction
          is found between the capacitive hat and the ground.
          When you speak about electrostatics are you refering to displacement (reactive) current?
          "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


          • A few more questions

            Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
            But electrostatic induction happens when a charged object gets near another object
            without touching. This happens in all capacitors. Is fundamental part of our circuits
            and exists in different degrees in most rotating machines. In the picture is a 2 plate capacitor.

            This is an electrostatic field where electrostatic induction takes place (shown in green)

            Look at the similarity with this picture:

            Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
            Tesla used Electrostatic Induction in most of his work. It is obvious that he wanted to
            increase the electrostatic field by increasing the voltage. The electrostatic induction
            is found between the capacitive hat and the ground.
            What you mean exactly with that?
            "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


            • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
              Static (electrostatic conduction) happens when a charged object touches another object.
              But electrostatic induction happens when a charged object gets near another object
              without touching. This happens in all capacitors with AC. It Is a fundamental part of our circuits
              and exists in different degrees in most rotating machines. In the picture is a 2 plate capacitor.
              This is an electrostatic field where electrostatic induction takes place (shown in green)
              The electromagnetic field shown in red. together they can form a resonant tank.
              These are found Sept 19, 1899

              [ATTACH]15913[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]15912[/ATTACH]

              Colorado Springs Notes - September 1-30, 1899 - Open Tesla Research

              Tesla used Electrostatic Induction in most of his work. It is obvious that he wanted to
              increase the electrostatic field by increasing the voltage. The electrostatic induction
              is also found between the capacitive hat and the ground.
              dR-Green I like Dr Meyl. He may have made errors but I reviewed some of his ideas some are original some are echoes like many of the traveling speakers the demo
              is getting some ideas across where nothing would before. There is much work needed
              in getting medical labs better informed.

              Sorry but I believe Maxwell invented displacement current theory because he needed to patch up his equations for cases where boundary conditions did not conform but were varieties of open systems.

              I do not know any better way to solve the problem. By all means use what you have.

              The capacitor model presented is a standard maybe velocity will be interesting as it applys to one wire systems. The 2 plate image is for someone who concepts from a visual aspect
              who can solve problems without too much math. I used light green as a background to try to keep the red background from being interpreted the same.The lab notes certainly show Tesla's skill in both visualizing and brilliant mechanical math interpretation.

              The top hat is an antenna expression the aluminum torroid or sphere sometimes located on top of a tesla coil. It can be said that a capacitive hat antenna has it's own charecteristics and as it's name implys it has capacitance. The use of the extra coil further increased the voltage.
              Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-24-2015, 12:38 PM.


              • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                dR-Green I like Dr Meyl. He may have made errors but I reviewed some of his ideas some are original some are echoes like many of the traveling speakers the demo
                is getting some ideas across where nothing would before. There is much work needed
                in getting medical labs better informed.
                No information is better than disinformation!

                He can hardly be said to be moving understanding forward, rather he is moving it backwards because now all that nonsense needs to be undone, more false theories need to be "argued against" in order to get the truth across.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • Originally posted by Magnethos View Post
                  I agree with you 100%.
                  A lot of people have read tons of textbooks but I think there is a really poor understanding about how the electricity really works.

                  We've in this forum hundreds of even thousand of people trying to get a 'free energy device'. Of course, an ordinary battery is a 'free energy device'. A battery is like a solar panel, exactly the same. The difference is that the battery taps the energy from another source instead of sunlight. The key is to understand why and how a battery is 'discharged'. There is not discharge in the battery, there is a self-neutralization. Also, there is not a clear view about the origin of amperage. The batteries don't draw watts. Watts are a side effect of a more primitive form of energy. Etc...

                  There are tons of different things to relearn again.
                  Thanks Magnethos,
                  Yes, much to relearn...


                  • dR-Green

                    No information is better than disinformation!

                    He can hardly be said to be moving understanding forward, rather he is moving it backwards because now all that nonsense needs to be undone, more false theories need to be "argued against" in order to get the truth across.
                    Please. There is an element of truth in all utterance. In each age of existence we see and accept to a greater degree, the immensity of creation. But when we are infants our vision is limited, as it should be. Most of humankind at this time is infantile.

                    Blatant disinformation or obfuscation is something very different. That is the common enemy of altruistic agendas.

                    As we each traverse life, we make a choice... Do we humbly stumble through a life of discovery for a greater good - or take a side and advance a power over cause. Which ideal appeals to you more Mr. Green?


                    • Originally posted by DavidE View Post

                      Please. There is an element of truth in all utterance. In each age of existence we see and accept to a greater degree, the immensity of creation. But when we are infants our vision is limited, as it should be. Most of humankind at this time is infantile.

                      Blatant disinformation or obfuscation is something very different. That is the common enemy of altruistic agendas.

                      As we each traverse life, we make a choice... Do we humbly stumble through a life of discovery for a greater good - or take a side and advance a power over cause. Which ideal appeals to you more Mr. Green?
                      I'm not interested in attacking Meyl, but since others keep referring to him/his diagrams which are clearly wrong, then I feel, for whatever reason you may interpret it as, that it should be pointed out, despite knowing the fact that the audience want to believe it so my words are only a nuisance. His mistakes are idiotic at best, and one fails to see how they can be accidental, given the fact he earns his living off selling kits, books and lectures. How stupid does he seem?

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • dR-Green

                        Question ??

                        As the wave density changes from lower to higher on the energetic scale, do you believe (example) that a Gamma ray has more net power than say a UV ray?

                        This is not a pound of feathers versus a pound of gold type of question. Maybe the unit of measure is a one minute emission of HF versus LF.

                        Secondly, do you believe that these waves interact in any way with the ambient that may become a component of their net available charge?


                        • Hi DrGreen I am busy with a single wire antenna system which I have to say isn't the huge success I was hoping for. Feeble I expected! infinitesimal Isn't helping my cause, more cable and better insulators required I suspect.
                          Regarding Meyl and EPD for that matter Its a lot of head scratching before I can even start to get the gist of what they are saying .
                          Certainly Meyl says in this Interview that the kits he sells are manufactured and sold by students working at his University on a 'non profit' basis. I see at 1H43 he says ' we don't need all these physicist's they can go do something else' … I don't think that's quite what the physicist's have in mind ! 'something else' doesn't sound like a well paid life of Riley to me.
                          Anyway right or wrong here's prof Meyl on the subject he says he doesn't need or want to make money from his kits “ I am a professor I'm (well) paid by the state” (0H 41 min)
                          “This would be called over unity” (0H34 min) “The earthing would always be required” (0H39min)
                          In short if you would like to review that 15 min of video OH30 to 0H45 Prof Meyl seems to contest the discussion here.
                          I have emailed prof Meyl previous to writing. He was kind enough to reply but unfortunately he made it clear he is not prepared partake in open forums. Fair enough I guess .
                          I post the link to his video for your interest. As I wrote previous if it doesn't oblige and charge my battery It won't hold my attention long.
                          Last edited by Duncan; 06-25-2015, 11:04 AM.
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Bob Smith

                            This understanding of the ambient as source of all electrical charge is going to radically affect the way we envision electrical circuits and transmission systems. If all charge comes from the aether, then is there such thing as a truly closed system?
                            Fascinating thought. So are you saying that even when we are using a battery for our local power source dipole - it is still an open circuit thus in some way connected with the ambient?

                            Is this the mechanism that Bedini talks about (paraphrase) relative to the Bloch wall (neutral space between poles) that pulls in or pushes out vectors until local equilibrium is produced, as a fundamental natural force of creating energetic balance?



                            • Duncan

                              Will you share your SWP setup? And what results are you searching for (specifically)?



                                Meyl is inventing a narrative that extends over the horizon. Compelling. But when the traditionalist hear him Scalar speak, they dispatch the dinosaur brigade. They have one singular objective - to eat the invader at all cost.

