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Single Wire Power - A Search for Ambient Power to do Wwork

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  • #31
    How can we categorize the kind of charge that is being carried along the single wire/wave guide?

    Here is an interesting test by Woopy, using a compass to measure the kind of electricity in a wires in a setup. Notice at 3:55 he says, it ''is not all [the] same electricity", because the fields around the wires interact differently with a compass:

    If it's regular RF, there should be an influence on the magnet.
    If it's something different (perhaps minus one "dimension" as Magnethos expressed), then perhaps it won't interact with the magnet in the same way.

    What kind of charge is being carried along the single wire wave guide?


    • #32
      Originally posted by lotec View Post
      I never heard of him before thanks
      Well, the Michael's method is quite old, almost 2 years. And it seems easy to replicate.

      It has 2 versions: AC single wire and DC single wire.
      You can see both in the video.

      Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
      Nicely put, Magnethos!!
      If we remove one dimension, then it is going to interact differently with everythying, I think:
      - with the ambient/electrostatic environment
      - with diodes
      - with wires
      - with resistors
      - with capacitors
      - with loads
      Well, to better understand electricity you have to see the interactions in 1 dimesion, 2 dimensions, 3 dimensions... is just a task of adding dimensions and understanding the behaviour and dynamics of each dimension and also understand the relations between each dimension combination.
      1 dimension = scalar = potential
      2 dimensions = transversal = wave
      3 dimensions ... = spinor. The geometric element is a cube
      4 dimensions ...

      Each dimension is a plane. So, more planes = more dimensions.

      Yes, the electronics have different behaviours if you use for example 1 dimensional electricity in a 2D ready electronic components. I don't remember exactly, but in the past I knew the relations between different planes and for example what is a 2D capacitor in a 1D system. But I don't remember.

      Last edited by Magnethos; 05-29-2015, 10:24 AM.
      "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


      • #33
        Look at the similarity of the following pictures and see how the linear polarization oscillates like an elastic spring. That is exactly the behaviour of a longitudinal wave.

        The spring has a tendency to stop in a point of equilibrium when no force is applied.
        Last edited by Magnethos; 05-29-2015, 10:28 AM.
        "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


        • #34
          I've been seeing some more information about this phenomena and I've found this similarity:

          Take a look at an ordinary spring and take a look at the orbital angular momentum
          "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


          • #35
            One of the main questions to resolve is how to tap that scalar potential in the space and bring down to a 2D space.

            We know that we cannot tap electromagnetic energy from the space because it doesn't exist any electromagnetic energy naturally present in the space. It's like wanting to go to the desert to take water. You won't find.

            As we know, in the space only exists potentials. A potential is a 1D dimensionally polarized particle. Our electromagnetic systems use 2D dimensionally energy. So feed a 2D ready system with 1D energy won't work.

            So, how could be possible to "translate" 1D energy to 2D energy?
            "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


            • #36
              Originally posted by Magnethos View Post
              One of the main questions to resolve is how to tap that scalar potential in the space and bring down to a 2D space.

              We know that we cannot tap electromagnetic energy from the space because it doesn't exist any electromagnetic energy naturally present in the space. It's like wanting to go to the desert to take water. You won't find.

              As we know, in the space only exists potentials. A potential is a 1D dimensionally polarized particle. Our electromagnetic systems use 2D dimensionally energy. So feed a 2D ready system with 1D energy won't work.

              So, how could be possible to "translate" 1D energy to 2D energy?
              my point of view tell me, the process of amplification start from 1D , for example the one dimensional capacitor in the E-TBC imply the interconnection between positive energy side and negative energy side to work together in harmony, this bring an amplification toward 2D dimension now the electromagnetic flux is amplified but as i understand it recently this is not the point !! there are further amplification toward 3D dimension which is radiant energy streams this is obviously visible if we see the static charge as a plane for the amplified 2D energy toward 3D radiant energy !

              to extract the power it's important to go in a gradual manner! from your 3D environment start by lowering only one dimension and take into consideration the symmetry here ! from decompressed state go to another compressed state, this is why Tesla himself was interested in the shape of radiant energy stream and he suggested they look like cylinder or sphere., Tesla was aware about these dimensions this is why in one of his patent he say : the insulated plate or conducting-body should present as large a surface as practicable to the rays or streams of matter here he was talking about extracting the power from 3D ( radiant stream) into 2D the insulated plate! from 2D now toward 1D which is the final extraction point he has to close the loop externally not internally using two different 2D plane which is the radiant voltage and the the ground!!!

              NB: i will post this reply in the thread : resonance energy device explained , thank you :-)
              Last edited by med.3012; 05-29-2015, 04:07 PM.


              • #37
                I will take a large speculative jump in concept that a new model is needed hopefully improve

                3D great stuff
                it is a still image like beads on a string a toroid followed by a trumpet and since a single electron probably would not stretch around the wire perhaps a 3D cluster that forms a toroid. There is another entity that moves the toroid down the wire and I dare to give this longitudinal a 3D representation because of the form and function. For this shape I choose a 3D trumpet no doubt clusters. Again this is the stil shot at an initial low spin. The fast spining clusters take on an expanded and compressed shapes.

                Here is an old video where Peter Lindemann explains how the Tesla wave is different than HF AC by refreshing these charecteristics one wire neeeds some entity help conceptualize. The trumpet needs some visual representation for the compression wave function. Peter draws the analogy to a pulse jet and why unidrectional spark gap employed magnets to quench and with what effect ect.

                In order to simplify the understanding the equation expands to allow the trumpet as a mathematical expression so it is logical to visualize it's role in the
                vacuum flux transformation event. The conjigate entering this dimension may be intantaneous but is also facilitated.

                Last edited by mikrovolt; 05-30-2015, 02:26 AM.


                • #38
                  This last round of discussion has been interesting.
                  The 3-D illustrations, and conceptualizing in terms of dimensions are all worthy of consideration for arriving at a better understanding the nature and workings of SWP.

                  Other concepts may need to be explored as well.
                  For instance, Eric Dollard often refers to counterspace. In my understanding, this may be more of a philosophical "dimension", because it does not seem to involve space (a three dimensional reality). Yet, it seems to be the medium through which longitudinal EM lines of force propagate in instantaneous fashion. It is everywhere and yet nowhere. It may also be closely associated with the notion of an all-present aether.

                  But getting back to the circuit, here are some points for further consideration:

                  What kinds of power or charge are present in the SWP circuit?
                  - It is claimed by some that the AV plug converts AC oscillation to DC. However, there are Single Wire Power (SWP) setups that do not involve AV plugs.
                  - There seems to be an oscillator in each circuit, and this does imply AC. However, there may be a different kind of wave form in the single wire portion.

                  A scope shot might reveal whether AC or DC power is actually in the single wire transmission portion of the circuit.

                  However, what if the power in the single wire portion of the circuit is neither AC nor DC? How do we determine what kind of power it is? For example, can it be classified as:
                  - ambient power?
                  - radiant electricity?
                  - cold electricity?
                  I would invite you to recall what I posted from Woopy's experiment about a seemingly non-conventional kind of electricity in his setup - one which did not seem to exhibit magnetic effects:
                  Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                  How can we categorize the kind of charge that is being carried along the single wire/wave guide?

                  Here is an interesting test by Woopy, using a compass to measure the kind of electricity in a wires in a setup. Notice at 3:55 he says, it ''is not all [the] same electricity", because the fields around the wires interact differently with a compass:


                  If it's regular RF, there should be an influence on the magnet.
                  If it's something different (perhaps minus one "dimension" as Magnethos expressed), then perhaps it won't interact with the magnet in the same way.

                  What kind of charge is being carried along the single wire wave guide?
                  Pulling this all together, Some questions for further thought:

                  Is there more than one form of power displayed in these circuits?

                  If so, what kind of power... where in the circuit?

                  How might we test to prove our theory of what power where?


                  Considering that not all amateurs have scopes or sophisticated test apparatus, how could the average experimenter test to prove their claim?

                  How would we test for AC Power?

                  How would we test for DC Power?

                  How would we test for pulsed DC Power?

                  How would we test for Ambient Power?

                  How would you test for Radiant Power?

                  What kind of power does not have an electromagnetic signature?

                  Are their forms of power that we cannot yet quantify?



                  • #39
                    Hi Bob,
                    To get solid answer it's needed a serie of requirements that we have but we will never do.

                    1. A big group of dedicated people
                    This is a complicated field and it's needed a lot of things. Some guys have good ideas and want that someone tries them, other people have deep technical knowledge and want to find new ideas to explore, other people have money and they want to invest to earn more money, etc...

                    What is the point of all that? The point is that for one guy it will be very difficult to have time, money, devices, technical knowledge, ideas, theories... So it's needed an organized group of people that can give to the group their parts (money, ideas..)

                    2. See what is working on the net
                    Internet is very big and sometimes there are very good ideas and information on the net and sometimes that information is lost, forgotten, etc... So it's needed to have tons of different information and at the same time that information has to be very good organized and accesible.

                    How many times you want to go to see again a YouTube video and you say... "oh, wait..." and the video has been deleted or simply you don't know how to find that video again?

                    3. More theories
                    There are tons of different scientists and theories in the net and it's very frustrating to come to the forums again and again and see that the experiments and tests are rarely based on solid or well developed theories.

                    4. More ideas
                    In this thread, you're refering to the idea about the compass. You know what? I told that idea to woopyjump (the author of the video). Maybe I will have another idea and I will publish it and it will be lost in thousands of text lines in a forum. One day a guy will try to get his answer to the same question and he will perform different tests to get the same answer that I got and I published it, but for the guy is very difficult to find that answer because the information is very mixed in the net. One idea can change all. Take note.

                    5. Money
                    Sometimes a guy has a very good idea, want to test it but he doesn't have enought money to invest in his idea. Today it exists crowdfunding. Maybe between a dozens of guys like you or me and small amounts of money, the guy can buy the tools to perform that test and to get the answers.

                    6. People with devices
                    I tell you again the story of woopyjump. I explain the idea about the compass and he performed it very quickly. If woopyjump would not perform that test, be sure that I didn't because I don't have any device or tools. Sometimes it's possible that one guy has some tools at home and he will donate them to another guy to help to build the test.

                    7. A tool for organizing and measuring success
                    Have that guy received the wire that he needed?
                    How is progressing woopyjump on his new project? He needs more money? Theories? Time?
                    What about the new theories about one wire energy transfer? There is someone finding new formulas?
                    Where is that acrobat reader document about single wire energy transfer? In which one of the 10 USB sticks I saved it?

                    With a software all that information can be organizated quickly, easily and you can access to that in a question of seconds.

                    8. People with deep technical knowledge
                    Sometimes we only need to know 'how a transformer works'. There are guys with a lot of years of experience and knowledge in the classical theories and they can answer a question in a few minutes.

                    9. People with non conventional knowledge
                    The non conventional knowledge will help to make speculations about how to understand more in deep classical theories. Sometimes we can find interesting information hearing to other scientists that have new ideas.

                    10. Document results
                    One place where we can find all the information and experiences from other people. Just make a question, and the system will show you the answers.

                    It exists a high probability that you won't accept what I've just said. But we all know it's the way to start with.
                    "A knot cannot be undone, without knowing the way it was made" Aristotle


                    • #40
                      Hi Magnethos
                      Thank you for taking the time to respond in such a thorough manner. I do agree with you. These are concerns that a number of us share. Very few of us have the resources to experiment, organize ideas and compile data as we would like, and the only real way is to share what we are able. I think this forum is a good place to start, and many of us are sharing in other ways as well.

                      With all the differences of opinion and even information that may lead nowhere, I am hopeful that we can slowly build some kind of consensus around what is most helpful in arriving at some core principles that we can apply to this kind of technology.

                      At this stage, we are simply trying to share a lot of data. We will hopefully organize this data and come to some agreed upon terms. Slowly, slowly, we will seek to proceed, just as we are proceeding now.

                      Thank you for your contributions, they are very helpful and much appreciated.
                      Last edited by Bob Smith; 05-31-2015, 05:35 PM. Reason: a few extra words to clairify


                      • #41
                        Here is a little tip from the days when I worked on TVs. The old days when they all had CRTs. To test for a an electromagnetic field you can use a neon bulb. The small kind like an NE2. You just tape it to a stick with the leads not touching each other. The electromagnetic field will cause the neon gas to glow. I used to carry one of those in my tool box to check and see if the high voltage circuit was working. Just held it close and it would light up. Much safer and easier than any other way to test for the electromagnetic field around the high voltage transformer.

                        The circuit you are looking at may not be strong enough to light the bulb but if it does you will be able to see where the strongest fields are. Just thought I would pass this info on.

                        Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by citfta View Post
                          Here is a little tip from the days when I worked on TVs. The old days when they all had CRTs. To test for a an electromagnetic field you can use a neon bulb. The small kind like an NE2. You just tape it to a stick with the leads not touching each other. The electromagnetic field will cause the neon gas to glow. I used to carry one of those in my tool box to check and see if the high voltage circuit was working. Just held it close and it would light up. Much safer and easier than any other way to test for the electromagnetic field around the high voltage transformer.

                          The circuit you are looking at may not be strong enough to light the bulb but if it does you will be able to see where the strongest fields are. Just thought I would pass this info on.

                          That's a piece of info that will come in handy.
                          Thanks for sharing it, Carroll.

                          I believe there are other kinds of fields that we can test for as well. - Thinking along the lines of a kind of radiant energy related field that may not be EM or RF, perhaps what some might term "cold plasma." If we have different kinds of energies in different parts of this type of circuit, perhaps we'll have different accompanying sorts of fields. I wonder if the neo effect is restricted to the EM field (I suspect it is), which would be handy to identify the fields in various parts of a SWP circuit.


                          • #43
                            Hairpin Circuit Interaction With Ambient Power

                            Single wire power (SWP) circuits mentioned thus far are closely related to the standard hairpin circuit.

                            - the hairpin circuit employs a spark gap; the smaller SWP circuits replace that spark gap with a switching device.

                            - the hairpin circuit uses HV/HF oscillation; simpler SWP circuits operate with LV/HF oscillation.

                            - a single line (wave guide) can be run from both low power and hairpin oscillator circuits to power a load

                            - the circuit's interaction with Ambient Power plays an important role in both cases.

                            Let's bring the hairpin circuit into the discussion to further expand our understanding of single wire power circuits and how they interact with ambient power to power loads via single wire power transfer.

                            Please feel free to post any links to documents, illustrations or videos of hairpin circuits, and any observations about what you see happening - either in your own setups or in those of others.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Bob Smith
                              - the circuit's interaction with Ambient Power plays an important role in both cases.
                              I see absolutely no reason to assume this in either case.
                              Can you elaborate on why you believe that ambient power plays a role in the hairpin circuit and in SWP transmission?



                              • #45
                                Hi Bob a very interesting subject and like others I am pretty convinced elements of the longtitudinal wave are being brought to the fore I add these investigations for your interest
                                first the demonstration done by JNL Labs
                                Avramenko's Free Electrons Pump v1.0 by Jean-Louis Naudin
                                It seems JNL did some later 'improvements' to this design and came up with this demonstration
                                The AFEP v1.2, Single-Wire Energy transmission test by Jean-Louis Naudin
                                The circuit drawn in the first article of this PDF
                                is suggested as an improvement on the basic AV plug for single wire conversion.
                                The useful comment on neons as longitudinal wave detectors posted earlier reminded me of this now ancient circuit and information which obviously supports the idea. using neons teetering on the edge (so to speak)

                                The schematic, is a derivative of a microwave detector
                                described in the February, 1980, "Ham Radio" magazine. As
                                originally created, the circuit's purpose is to detect microwave RF
                                standing waves, but with minor modification, it can also be used as
                                an effective scalar wave detector.

                                The schematic shows a round magnet epoxied to the NE-2 lamp, to help
                                isolate it from EM signals. Additionally, the circuit should be
                                enclosed in a metal box, or "Faraday Cage", with shielded I/O

                                The power source consists of eight 9V batteries. Battery life is
                                very nearly the same as shelf life, because the lamp is operated in
                                "starvation" mode, drawing approximately 0.1ma.

                                The 25K and 250K potentiometers are adjusted first to fire the NE-2,
                                at approximately 60-70 volts, then adjusted until only the tip of
                                the cathode electrode glows. The 100K pot is adjusted for optimum
                                output gain.


                                1. The 741 can be replaced with a 1458 cascade amplifier for
                                better results.
                                2. The RF loops in the NE-2 leads are mandatory to reduce
                                interference as well as lamp current noise.
                                3. Component values are not critical, and can be changed as
                                required for the type of output device.
                                4. Removing the magnet and Faraday Cage, and adding a
                                capacitively coupled loop antenna will permit use as a
                                microwave EM detector.

                                Kind regards Duncan
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

