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Single Wire Power - A Search for Ambient Power to do Wwork

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  • In this case, why would it be that notes regarding the Colorado Springs experiments exist in a library in San Francisco, but the same notes are omitted from Colorado Springs Notes?

    I believe Eric also states that some of Gerry's material isn't accurate.

    "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

    "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


    • The actual Colorado Spring Notes and the "Colorado Spring notes by Prof. Aleksandar Marincik. " are a commented collection.

      Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900

      Marincik is adding in much commentaries which accurately describe "perhaps" and "most likely" what his research has found. It is the format by injecting comments making reference to various events years before and years later that lend support. The lab notes are day to day description of data on specific set up and outcome, the calculations and methods deriving transmission of electrical energy through the natural media.

      It was not the beginning of HF wireless telegraphy. It is the familiarity and quanitative deduction the precision of workmanship that gives credence to what was destroyed in New York by fire that show Tesla's contribution to radio predated the others.

      The concept of using AC high voltage in transmission systems was better understood
      that the extremely high voltage was investigated that the criterea and scope of electrical safety could be developed and this gave him some advantage that his know-how would reduce nervous investment and assure the Niagra project could meet the challenge and not just German folk lore. The famous picture of Tesla sitting peacefully beside the long arcs was used to show that the understanding HV technology had arrived and could satisfy public safety concerns.
      It does suggest Tesla had a thrill seeking side as a calculated maniac. A reminder that taking a break from intense theoretical mathematics one should put on thier
      shoes before going out to pace because thorns and thisles contain toxins and untreated open cuts can lead to complications.

      There was little free energy research at the isolated lab in Colorado Springs which leads to
      many of the other fields of study where energetic rays could be used or interact with ambient. It is the distinction between artificial energetics and natural background energetics and how they inter-react are definetly subjects that need more explanation.

      The subject of one wire by Tesla in Colorado Springs relates to transmission through the earth and or the atmosphere by sea and in dielectrics for running lights and motors of those years. The general subject of one wire does have connection to natural ambient and obviously lightning sprites and ball lightning however the term artificial radiance could enlarge the scope such as vacuum flux variations may later be treated as ambient but at present are facilitated.
      Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-15-2015, 02:05 AM.


      • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
        The famous picture of Tesla sitting peacefully beside the long arcs was used to show that the understanding HV technology had arrived and could satisfy public safety concerns.
        It does suggest Tesla had a thrill seeking side as a calculated maniac.
        Perhaps not, seeing as the text describing the photos explain that they are multiple exposure photos. Colorado Springs Notes page 333.

        Originally posted by Nikola Tesla
        The picture of a human figure (Mr. Alley) was introduced to give an idea of the magnitude of the discharge.

        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


        • I'm only pointing these things out in an effort to show how easily and quickly the truth becomes distorted when one refuses or fails to get information directly from the source.

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • pulsed DC .. strange things happen?

            Citfta .. rather than contradict one another with different views of the same dogma taught in various different ways as required for different skill sets (intentionally I think) I find it better if its possible to try very hard to find some way to make the differences 'mesh' even if it has to be massaged a bit . There is a huge weight of evidence that a large section of electrical theory has been in some cases fudged and in others simply omitted.
            I find it very difficult to pin down as no one particular researcher seems to wish to write a proof or commit full details still by using standard dogma in a very radical way it seems possible to glimpse what is 'probably' responsible and why .. Its a very different matter to sort the maths and science out (at least for me) here's an example and its relation to single wire transmission (as I see it) ..
            I alluded to two types of resonance to wit series and parallel I also suggested that the transformation of electricity from one form to another is caused by one circumstance resonance .. The major problem as I see it with present day electrical theory is the dimension opened up by series resonance is simply not there . Its been erased from the text books . Its been erased from Lorentz force law.
            What I suggest here is that there is basically a second form of electricity running alongside (in fact part and parcel of)that we are familiar with but about which little is revealed to us (by intension) and even then only on a strictly on a 'need to know' basis.
            Just as there are two resonances then there are two electricity's and of course two basic waveforms
            the sine wave (The one we know all about) and the Impulse wave or square wave about which we have been taught next to nothing regarding resonant transformation .. its hidden
            I would suggest its this series resonance that is used to create the current vectored standing wave which is used in a deal of single wire transforms . That effect is explained and demonstrated nicely at the start of this teaching PDF a 1000w light bulb is shown fully lit with a volt drop of 19 volts
            (Its explained on page 5)


            despite your calculator telling you that cos 90 = 0 regarding a sine wave it can't be so, the reason being of course its impossible to have a 'perfect sine wave' In the same way It is of course impossible to have a perfect square (impulse) wave. After all how can an event (change of voltage) happen in zero time?

            There is no absolute scale of size in the Universe, for it is boundless towards the great and also boundless towards the small. Oliver Heaviside

            oliver Heaviside

            we are then considering something that can't actually happen in mathematics (as its taught) but may be arranged practically with unexpected results. Consider then these questions … is it possible for a square wave to be resonant ? If a square wave is made resonant what would be the transformed energy ? What units ?
            How would it manifest itself ? Certainly not volts and amps , Its different stuff!
            .. The square wave brought to resonance … Here's one of a set of video's by member gotoluc has been kind enough to post as a teaching aid on resonance.


            I would like you to note that regardless of waveform input at the resonant frequency the oscilloscope demonstrates the same thing … a sine wave. I wonder if you'd like to consider the mathematical construct of that ... keeping in mind that energy (reactive or not) is proportional to the integration of the area under that curve. I will use this collection of anomolies to knock up a practical explanation for you to consider and peck at.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • "From Tesla's writings, it seems like aether acts like a highly compressed gas. With his Tesla coil he was able to first isolate the aether (pure voltage) from the current, and then magnify it with his secondary spiral or pancake coil to produce a gain of energy. If this is possible, then there must be many ways to extract energy from this limitless source that fills the universe. We just have to find them.

              This "cold" form of electricity (devoid of electron flow) has many unique properties that are being demonstrated on a regular basis by multiple inventors. For example, when hooked up to an antenna (like the sphere on top of a Tesla coil) it can transmit power wirelessly via longitudinal waves. These waves can then penetrate Faraday cages, unlike conventional transverse waves. Also, aether flow or "cold electricity" can be used to transmit power down one wire for long distances, in a way that would not be possible with conventional current. In addition, it does not "burn" like hot electricity, in that individuals have used it to illuminate light bulbs underwater, without getting shocked."
              Aether Flow -- The True Electric Current? by Hank Mills


              • Some may use an anchor in exploring aether concepts looking at our understanding of Aether from a historical alternative chemistry perspective and some useful terminology.


                The lamb shift has been around a while, the small inconsistency
                with hydrogen was a narrow seam that some scientist have worked hard to pry open.
                By becoming familiar with a few persons that worked on lamb shift we can be encouraged.
                Possibly you can place this effort catagorically on Dale Ponds black board
                just where our understanding Ether might be in relation to Tesla.

                Freeman Dyson - Scientist - The Lamb shift - Web of Stories

                As we move into casimir we are expected to understand virtual particles.
                In waves it may be helpful to look at what happens when all the harmonics
                of waves are added together such as in a beaker of water.
                it goes from large waves to smaller and smaller until it appears still and clear.

                Because of the elasticity a repeition of a wave should bounce back.
                A one wire signal is interacting with the aether.
                The model allows the sine wave to fly and the fixed model
                can help with the closed portion of the circuit such as a tesla coil.
                Last edited by mikrovolt; 06-16-2015, 08:51 AM.


                • resonant Impedance matching ?

                  Thanks for posting Hank Mills Bob I enjoyed the read. At the start of calculus I remember having to do the maxima/minima thing (I'm sure you do too) the trouble is after that whenever looking at a pendulum (even now) .. by some quirk, I feel nauseous. The reason? That instant transform from kinetic to potential energy can't be true .. nothing can happen in zero time can it? my physical senses could not agree with the teaching.
                  I would long ago have given up chasing this 'free energy' rabbit if not for David Bowlings 3BGS which in turn he based on John Bedini's work and the Tesla switch. frustratingly now and again it did amazing things!
                  Here then I force the bits to fit for your amusement .. your invited to take them apart again but of course I'd much prefer to see some more meat put on these bones.
                  At the heart of this hypothesis is the lead acid battery or more precisely a somewhat sulphated battery. A battery I suggest which does not require any energy to become charged . Having already demonstrated that a square wave may be 'resonant' lets combine the advantages of DC to the advantages of AC combined with this simple statement

                  “After my 35 years of experiments with the term "free energy" and "over unity machines". This is what it turns out to be "Reactive power" and that's it”. John Bedini

                  From this web page John Bedini: Reactive Power is the clue to Monopole, Hendershot, Moray.. | which reactive power ? After all there are two! just as there are two resonance types . Of course its series. (The forgotten twin)
                  Lets add the bits up then and leap from stone to stone. There is no mention of energy or power regarding a lead acid battery you just assume its a component , It isn't only amps and hours ... after all how do you buy the battery ? Amp /hours perhaps . (certainly not KW/hours)
                  It is of course energy we are interested in watt hours ergo power x time .
                  It is that power component we can manipulate. we have unexpected access to DC to charge the battery and at the same time can arrange things such that no 'real power' is used so that VI cos φ, = 0 using the AC properties (already shown by gotoluc)
                  (or nearly so nothings perfect)
                  The transformation … There is evidence that this transform takes place directly in a crystal structure in this case the crystal sulphate content of a LA battery .. which is far from ideal. A far better better instant transform at resonance might be quartz or perhaps blasted quartz (Metamict) as researchers have assumed in Moray's stunning devices
                  T. H. Moray's Swedish Stone - Nu Energy â„¢ Research Archive
                  naturally farting about with volts and amps or in fact any taught science is a waste of time if the transform is internal to the battery itself. (or crystal structure) And only about the resonant component.
                  It is in the nature of things that the straws get harder to clutch so lets go for a walk .. out on a limb ..
                  The resonance of crystals
                  That crystals can be oriented in the electrostatic spectrum in much the same way as iron magnets in the electromagnetic spectrum
                  This guy's a bit curt .. (kinda reminds me of some trolls on this forum)
                  look to ancient technology? oh yeah right Bashar .. well lets throw a pyramid or two at it !
                  This is a long video I hope you will regard the area about 1h38M 20sec as Thomas Trowoger shows how to 'pole' quartz and so make a crystal power transformer. (if he doesn't get zapped)
                  Here's a picture of Henry T Moray's antenna he was very proud of his antenna
                  I can't help but wonder how close Henry's antenna was to this design.
                  There are lots of bits to mesh together here and obviously with regard to lead acid batteries its rather like building sand castles on shifting sand. The internal impedance of the battery alters dramatically and that in turn destroys what is known as the Q factor in other circumstances. Impedance matching to infinity then becomes the only viable option … be that introduced by a spark gap . Huge capacitance, commutator action or high speed switching. In fact what we see as 'Single wire' is actually a circuit 'impedance matched' to our planet … consider this Tesla concept but instead of being passive and quite inefficient being driven at its natural resonant frequency.
                  Last edited by Duncan; 06-16-2015, 12:24 PM.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • Duncan
                    Great exposition on resonance and the role of crystals. I don't have much time to say much before heading off to work. Just that what you say strikes a lot of true chords with me. There's no denying the magic of heavily sulfated batteries in accessing the dielectric medium's omnipresent charge, when coupled with the right resonant conditions - others can comment further. There's the whole area of ferroelectrics and their role in cohering charge from the environment. I've posted a YT video of experts in this area on this subject, and will post it later here if I can find it. Some argue that it's a serious advance in energy production for our future.

                    I loved your final statement:
                    In fact what we see as 'Single wire' is actually a circuit 'impedance matched' to our planet … consider this Tesla concept but instead of being passive and quite inefficient being driven at its natural resonant frequency.
                    Kind of says it all!
                    Onward ho!!


                    • thanks for the kind words Bob. Hi Microvolt I'll bite and take issue lol .. (not really) I'll just kick about what you suggest here regarding diminishing waves but first let me remind you we are not contemplating waves or at least not in any normal way you can apply normal teaching and dogma to . The longitudinal impulse wave simply isn't taught electrically its assumed not to exist, applying any standard maths to the effect is 'a hiding to nothing' … on another forum in another universe periodically the shout goes up now and agian 'lets buy humpty (or who ever is flavour of the month) a very nice new oscilloscope , I have been thinking of some way to delicately introduce the concept of … lets buy Duncan a very nice couple of houses and a car but I haven't quite got it right yet.... It did however make me consider why do these people think an oscilloscope is so essential and I then started to consider what folks of Tesla's era had at there disposal because they sure as hell didn't have an oscilloscope!
                      They had a stroboscopic system running something along the lines of two car timing strobe lights
                      working interference with each other. And of course mathematical acumen .. In short they understood what they were doing at a fundamental level.
                      Unfortunately we don't have the science, maths or the information to grasp the doings of the impulse wave. (not really a wave but I guess you know what I mean) and in the terms you ponder A tsunami would surly fit the bill .. wouldn't it?
                      Whilst (as I see it) sine waves can't fit the bill at all there can arise a state of collision of sine waves which can do exactly that .. heterodyne .. I guess is the proper word.
                      This again brings us to the 'near perfect impulse' as long as the sine waves are near perfect
                      The heterodyne of two frequencies following Fourier's transforms results in f1+f2 , f1-f2, f1 and f2
                      and of course the resultants repeat the process running interference in time and space. As you point out the energy of the wave quickly diminishes. (in simple terms they are bashing into each other ad – infinitum)
                      Strangely there is an exception where the frequency (difference) is x6f , some years ago I was mentored by MJN when studying his water fracture system . In due course MJN came under in-tolerable pressure and curtailed the project .. still here is the man's post regarding this phenomena
                      here perhaps is the door to harvest ambient energy. Further reading can tie this x6 relationship into the overtone sequence
                      (I was taught electrical harmonic and overtone sequence sequence differently to this .. still the sequence is clear) and the overtone impulse sequence is not taught as a separate entity anymore
                      put The impulse cumulative overtone sequence back in place as the 'odds' rather than the even (harmonics)
                      3rd -5th -7th 9th … The majors are then 3rd and 9th cumulative on the centre and in the centre is?
                      Ring any bells?
                      If you only knew the magnificence ….. (perhaps) then the 'near perfect' shape becomes very important .. or as John Bedini says ... Its all in the switching.
                      Last edited by Duncan; 06-16-2015, 03:26 PM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • Duncan your accusations and attack on my post shows a discrediting motive. You most definetly kicked me around. There are people on this forum who know me that can see
                        this also. Aparrently your perspective on the interactions with aether goes into a finite mode.

                        I don't give a dam what some other forum does so don't vent your distastes on me.
                        I really don't care about your strobascope. Stop making accusations and twisting in
                        conjecture that my illustration is dogmatic science or that I will next talk about a tsumani.
                        The subject went from one wire and aether to you being a Jerk.


                        • Duncan,

                          What I suggest here is that there is basically a second form of electricity running alongside (in fact part and parcel of)that we are familiar with but about which little is revealed to us (by intension) and even then only on a strictly on a 'need to know' basis.
                          At certain frequencies and voltages, the second form of electricity reveals itself - but is lonely and confusing to utilize at this time. It was, is and will always be in front of us... if we are open to see it.

                          Just as Yin and Yan of all existence, the duality is omnipresent.

                          The power station makes nothing, it simple borrows from an inexhaustible coal pile in the ambient.


                          • This thread has progressed through some very interesting thoughts and idea's. I'm not convinced that the single wire energy phenomenon is singularly responsible for connecting to a given medium. Although it's extremely interesting, it is not that mystifying and is fairly easy to do once you understand the mechanism.

                            Several years ago I came to understand how and why this worked but the output energy closely matched the input on all attempts. Playing with various builds on and off over the years I found that mixing frequencies could help or hinder the success - better put the overall efficiency of the circuits. Using all the standards known and taught you pretty much end up in the same place.

                            In nature multiple frequencies will combine and given the right circumstances become self reinforcing and accumulative. A soliton or rogue wave is created by the accumulation of multi-self reinforcing frequencies(energies). This is, what I believe, we are looking for... this is not "overunity" simply a combination of existing energies - natural or man made.

                            I've played around with natural harmonics with some successes but nothing that warrants mention... when you offset the coils frequencies using Phi some interesting results occur. For instance, using the Fibonacci sequence, a driver frequency(primary) of 3Mhz, a secondary coil of 13Mhz and an extra coil of 5Mhz you get a huge spectrum of Phi related frequencies. The more frequencies you can excite the better, but more important ... the ability to remove or dampen those that are destructive.

                            I have yet to accomplish a sustained soliton but have briefly, very briefly, seen the destructive forces in action as a secondary coil goes up in flames. I don't fully understand the mechanism(s) that set it in motion and I've been chasing this rabbit far to long.

                            It's the understanding of all the energies that combine and converge on a central point all moving slowly until a critical mass is reached where they generate a force so destructive that it leaves us in awe of it's power - like a tornado or similar event.

                            A simple experiment using a length of steel rod say 3/4" diameter and about 1ft long. Wrap a wire around it and twist it to form a handle so you can hold it without touching the rod. Measure down it's length to form various harmonics and strike the end of the rod. As your listening to it ring you'll notice a harmonic relation based on where the "handle" is located. This can be done with normal harmonics to start with 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 etc. Then measure it off in Phi, phi^2, phi^3 and test it again. It rings longer and louder in Phi. You'll also notice it rings loud for quite some time then appears to die out then it starts to ring again... I find it fascinating...


                            • dragon

                              I'm not convinced that the single wire energy phenomenon is singularly responsible for connecting to a given medium. Although it's extremely interesting, it is not that mystifying and is fairly easy to do once you understand the mechanism.
                              Do you have the means to quantitatively detect and measure a Radiant/Ambient energy component?


                              • DavidE,

                                Overall, I would have to say No - It would take a much greater understanding than I have before I could actually detect any individual event. I can only measure what I understand, generally the product of the event such as heat or electrical activity.

                                Do you fully understand the phenomenon? Might I pose the same question you asked me?

