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Single Wire Power - A Search for Ambient Power to do Wwork

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  • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
    fluids can be said to have memory which can help show why fast rising impulse
    would be an advantage over slower sine at a specific frequency for a particular media.

    A thixotropic effect on aether allows formation of longer radiation pattern.
    This may also contribute to high Q coil physical characteristics such as
    natural amplification of weak signal in a crystal radio receiver.
    Great post, MV!
    Here is another one that I think supports your hypothesis:
    It certainly supports my position that resonance plays an important role in the influx of ambient charge (aether/dielectricity) into a circuit.


    • compression wave ..

      Oh – dear GR I'm forced to go out on a limb a bit and rather describe my conclusions because quite frankly I don’t have the mathematical relationships and quantities to do otherwise.
      Only a relatively few years ago in the late 1800s folks engineering in electromagnetic's had to do exactly the same thing, electrical engineers spoke of 'tension' and 'pressure' we alas loose sight of what a very recent science electricity is – in any form.
      Its human nature I guess to flutter our feathers like pea-cocks in our enthusiasm to show just how clever we are … and how foolish is the ignorant rabble.
      Of course GR your absolutely correct in what you have written for my enlightenment , I expected nothing less from an erudite man.
      As a youngster I built a signal generator, the fact that a perfect – ish sine wave was the first requirement became obvious as I learnt that the mathematical construct of all other wave-forms were embraced by the Sine wave . It also makes sense that regarding AM radio transmission all contained in the sine wave remain undistorted.
      GR my friend It is not what you see or write that causes my question mark. It is rather the possibility of what you don't see .. and it is becoming increasingly a possibility to me. The clip you show me regards electromagnetism and more specifically volts .. shown on an oscilloscope, I know I have done the same thing, -- maybe because I didn't explain myself well enough you haven’t realized that in each case I refer to the impulse is progressed to the infinitesimal. (reversing and testing the mathematical assumption if you like)
      I use an Oscilloscope because there is no other instrument I know of that can give any indication at all.
      (Tesla I understand used something akin to what might be two timing lights)
      I suggest initially we are not interested in Volts , nor are we interested in electromagnetism or the electromagnetic wave. We are chasing a different science, with different units , different ratio's and very different effects which can in very special circumstances be manipulated to manifest electricity as we know it! It is not the electomagnetic wave we try to engineer but the electostatic wave.
      It's not the Sine wave that rocks our boat but the pressure wave, AKA the longitudinal wave.
      Its electrical existence is denied , so we have no units,no relationships no books.
      We do know something of the electomagnetic wave and can 'reverse engineer' and extrapolate to some extent so here goes ….. A common electromagnetic wave radio receiver (or transmitter) selects its signal frequency by means of parallel resonance. Its propagation is mainly sky-wave and of course a transverse wave, hence we know about it ! And yes you can see it on an oscilloscope and so talk of it.

      Now please regard this old video where EPD is a young pup . particularly circa 1M30sec .. Eric talks of the electrostatic wave here . (That’s the one we know nothing about GR not the one you show on your scope). The SWR is infinity .. This tells us 'series resonance', and propagation is mainly by ground. also unlike the electromagnetic wave the tuning is to maximum current.
      In short this is not electricity in any shape or form we are familiar with . The oscilloscope can't see this stuff and we don't know how to engineer it properly . We do now have some idea of how to receive the electrostatic ground current . (AKA Telluric current) 'Series resonance' w.r.t ground. To convert this bounty to a form we know and can engineer is another very different task. Lead acid batteries can do it
      (I've seen that happen) so can crystals (apparently) . What I try to Impress is - 'This is not a single stage operation.' What you wish to receive has as much in common with electricity that your familiar with as apples do with oranges.
      Xtals .. very interesting Things to consider Bob, as are fractal antenna's here's a pot porri of video's to consider and I hope entertain .. assuming you have the time of course

      I offer no simple answers I'm afraid but perhaps hope to jog a memory somewhere to release a little bit
      information just as MV has done with his interesting fluid experiment .
      Kind regards Duncan
      Last edited by Duncan; 11-13-2015, 08:05 AM.
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • Duncan
        The last YT link you posted up really drew together a lot of what you've been saying in this thread. Among the many things that stood out for me were

        6:10-- "It has been established that ...there are infinite levels of energy being released during cavitation."


        1:26:12 -- that DC current is actually "AC current beyond the gamma range."

        Now, perhaps the idea of cavitation fits well with your allusion to the asymptotic character of certain electrical impulses. Perhaps we have failed to understand the influx of charge (from the aether) into a system as a manifestation of cavitation or implosion. An impulse rises then precipitously drops off, effectively creating an electrical "vacuum" of sorts, allowing what Pond described as an occasion for infinite energy to enter the system.

        Consider what Graham Gunderson describes re strange forms of energy which do not register on conventional equipment, charging batteries:

        This entire video is worth watching.

        So the plot thickens! But ironically it would seem that steady impulses lower the aetheric viscosity, and the more rapid and steep the fall, the greater the cavitational inrush of charge.

        Oh my.



        • Increasing the frequency of oscillation at a sharp rise and fall effectively increases the density of inrush into a circuit from the ambient: a series pulses which lower the viscosity of the aether, enabling it to rush into the system in cavitation fashion.
          Last edited by Bob Smith; 11-14-2015, 01:53 AM. Reason: word change


          • cavitation -- for your consideration

            I certainly don't want to side track your thread but let me offer you a train of thought demonstrated by a few very simple (in fact almost kindergarden) experiments which might (when put together) pull your thinking around. The first although simple might be considered dangerious, and it certainly is if you stick your tounge (or anything else) in the water –SO DON'T. The Recipee ... Take two table spoons attatch a wire to each handle with tape . Seperate the spoons by about an 1/8 inch with an insulator along the handle (it matters not what – your choice) use a few plastic cable ties to fix the spoons together .
            Put tap water in a jam jar and introduce your spoons.
            Fit a ammeter and plug top and plug the thing in ... then plot a few graphs (in fact quite a few graphs) To save you a little time here I am (bless my soul)some years ago doing exactly what I describe. -Its a poor video, shot with a webcam (It was really not meant for public digestion.) So I apologise for the meter which is difficult to see. It is on a 10 A fsd scale. For the moment I would like you simply to take on board that a/ The water heats and boils and very much more importantly IMHO that it is a non-linear process. Notice particularly as the water boils furiously that the Current , (which is in this case is directly proportional to energy consumption) drops to very nearly zero.


            This is of course is very different from a resistive element. Also the effect Bob's suggesting 'cavitation' is at play. In fact its called by some 'cavitation heating' .. Lets advance that..
            It is pretty efficent even in this crude form but doesn't break the rules we are sorely testing,- in order to break, but it does put the key in the lock. We can use Asymetrical properties .. and will in due course

            Shall we turn the key a tad ? .. Next simple experiment .... Take an old one gallon oil can . Put in a few cups of water , boil it on your gas stove for a couple of minutes . Turn off the hot plate ( don't forget this bit ye absent minded Prof's or you'll have a bomb) quickly screw the lid back on the oil can . Watch the can crumple and fold as a partial but very effective vacuum is formed ... beneath your dignity ? ridiculously simple ?Then So am I ... The air pressure is locally dramatically altered ! I want that in the fore front of your mind !

            Key 1/2 a turn ? Next experiment ... Take an empty plastic coke bottle. Fill it with water . Turn it upside down in a bowl of water. Steal a childs drinking straw and introduce it to the neck of the bottle.
            “You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything. Not a thing. ... You just put your lips together and... blow” (to have and have not 1944)
            however I would like you to consider the effect in that container and particularly the air pressure .. if it were steam displacing the water and not your CO2..

            a little bit more ? I once spoke to mountain climber Chris Bonnington he had been “doing everest” one of his greatest annoyances was 'cold tea' I can happily testify Englishmen do not like cold tea!!
            Why cold ? Water boils at a much lower temperature at altitude because of .. lower air pressure. You knew that of course .. but we do tend to miss the obvious, I want to talk to you and again I want this front and centre.

            Variable this and that ? Thats how it is IMHO Bob the compounded error introduced by a mathematics founded on infinitesimals .. Which is Alice in bloody wonderland ... Its going to need reversing with lots of maxima and minima related to real size in a real world.

            The next experiment involves a vacuum pump, I dont have one so I'll offer up these YT clips instead for you.



            So to re-cap you have seen – The temperature water boils at can be altered radically by air pressure.
            Air pressure can be radically lowered by evacuating water and air with steam.
            Crutially when boiling, heating by cavitation uses little or if adjusted 'perfectly' I presume no energy. (were that 'perfect' possible)
            That is if such a shape is made SO … The boiling point is kept at the temperature of the water and altered only by varying the air pressure as the temperature increases. That air pressure being altered locally by the shape of the vessel and the condensing steam such that very little energy is ever required … because the water is in effect always boiling. (All be it inside the vessel)
            It is not what our eye's see Bob but rather what our minds eye see's . look again now at this old chestnut but imagine (with the clips I have shown) what happens under the dome and how the pressure is altered.


            Just to press this home. here is a PDF on Peter Davey you might like to quickly scan.


            The first thing that caught and rivited my attention was Peters test socket that slips into the newspaper photo.
            On that test socket is screwed a huge ammeter ! Tuned by sound ? Perhaps in so much as its the compression wave AKA the longtitudinal wave (which the sound wave is) but of course Peter is tuning for minimum amps using various shapes … I'm sure you start to see why that might be now.
            Kindest regards Duncan

            PS Bob you may like to factor in this DC example D
            Last edited by Duncan; 11-14-2015, 01:29 PM.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • Sooooo I watched your video' clips with a bit more concentration Bob now I'd like to expand a bit on them .. and what your writing . With regard to the transformer consider this video made by Dan Combine who was an active member of the rotoverter team before it was damaged.


              Regarding Batteries and particularly lead acid batteries - VARs and conversion . To ' real power'
              regard this web page and its Ilk

              Capacitive Battery Charger - John Saves Energy

              just to take this crude use of reactive power to charge batteries one more step .. George Wiseman uses impulse charging (capacitive) to charge a huge bank of batteries whilst adjusting the capacitance w.r.t
              the spin of his power meter (KW/H). The result ? The power company has to pay him each quarter

              Reverse Your Electric Meter, Legally! |

              I have come to regard the lead acid battery as being in various stages of 'crystallisation' anyway Bob as I have to take a holistic view and crystal frequency separation (which we know happens) explains the effect and the electrostatic wave involvement from the ambient, -- put a LA battery on a crystal structured (concrete) floor and see how long it lasts!
              again kind regards Duncan
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • I give you both credit for effort in a long difficult trek.

                The balance of energies in the body is in the category of health " change your frequency "
                is often only a small frequency shift can make a difference. In crystals one may have a
                very small natural reception (resonance) to energy and another crystal is close in frequency but unable to be receptive.
                When the two crystals are said to be the same field the less receptive can shift slightly so as to also receive energy.
                The principal of matching frequency in healing uses this principal. The crystals observable frequency is slight
                and the unobservable is operating differently. Possibly stored by thixopic absorbtion.

                The energy as in doing traditional understood work requires transferring
                and converting aetheric energy. This concept requires visualization of
                facilitated pathways as Bob is referring to resonating lower density thixotopic field.
                the term ambient without the aetheric structure is ambigious. The open circuit
                that interface earth is structured so the framework of this picture includes the plenum s
                that extend thousands of miles into space as a basic model.
                Last edited by mikrovolt; 11-15-2015, 02:06 AM.


                • frequency - health - Luminious aether

                  Hi MV thanks for reading and your consideration. being a practical electrician I am forced to observe and then try to make the pieces fit. Happy to put forward a conjecture with vigour if I think it has merit (as I have done with Davey) – If I'm wrong and have to be shot down .. I'm not so happy. but so be it! these things need consideration by my peers – so does my train of thought it is a major reason for forums I guess.
                  Here then MV are some of my feelings regarding crystals and why they could prove very important.
                  As I pointed out before I take a holistic view and so for example the Theory of why John Bedini's methods rejuvenate Lead acid batteries need to match how John Hutchinson s crystal cell works , That in turn needs to match how the rotoverter works and like wise the 3BGS and many more systems that I have actually seen to work . To have seen one or more machine sucking energy from the ambient ? is not unusual most have seen it on this forum I think . To put a mathematical construction on the event is the challenge . To make it a certain and undeniable 'event' thats understood without the need to 'tune' variables.
                  Anyway Crystals …. As Bob considers DC is really AC beyond the Gamma range in that regard consider this clip ..


                  As I pointed out earlier I really don't think the 'electro-magnetic' wave is anything to do with what we seek. The Electro-static wave .. the ground wave, That fits, but of course it doesn't obey ohms law (or any other law we are familiar with for that matter.) you consider crystals and frequency w.r.t health MV surly the greatest documented example of that is the Ellen Scripps hospice where all the inmates were returned to rude health very quickly by Rife over a one month period..
                  A video of his life story can be found half way down this page . Although some two hours long I can't overstress the importance of being familiar with this man's work (if you are not already) and make no apologies for posting it . If there is one film I would like every school kid to see .. it would be this one.

        ,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words

                  gas discharge thermionics immediately shout's 'impulse' to me, and so may be used for electrostatics and the longitudinal wave . It also makes logical sense that if you wish to extract light . Engineer it .heterodyne it and then present it to view, In real time, then some thing is moving faster than C .
                  There is only one wave I know of that can be .. The longitudinal wave at ½.pi x C. It is a distinct possibility that Rife was crushed and destroyed simply to cloak this technology yet again.
                  I was interested in what you had to say about crystals I don't and never have really understood how they work , only that they do. I once worked serving tranceivers in the 2 Ghz band … obviously very precise tuning was required using quartze crystals to generate Harmonics … or overtones the required overtone or harmonic being filtered out at later stage. The crystals were 'driven' by parallel resonance in order that harmonics predominate and driven by series resonance in order that overtones predominate.
                  The cut and structure of the crystal also has its part to play of course.
                  The only part of those two wave sets to be presented to electrical theory is harmonics and the electromagnetic wave … volts ,amps,oscilloscopes ….ect ect
                  The other half .. The overtones .. is simply missing from the electrical curriculum. (on purpose ??). Anyway Its been erased. IMHO It is this unknown (to us) that we probe.
                  Crystals it seems can divide and select the overtone chain . Seems So can spark gaps and capacitors to a certain extent. Alas having caught the rabbit ,
                  We can't measure the stuff,we don't really know what it can do, don't know how to convert it,don't know how to engineer it,and only have snippets of science added to that as its 'cloaked' there's endless agents, false trails and red herrings. Perhaps Its cloaked with good reason as RADAR was prior to WW2.? Obviously I dont think so or else I wouldn't be posting. And its been cloaked for a great deal longer than that.!
                  May the teleforce be with you ! Kind regards Duncan
                  Last edited by Duncan; 11-15-2015, 12:04 PM.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • Duncan
                    Just watched Jason Verbelli's Marcus Reid video you linked above. The one take-away I really appreciate is the understanding that the energy output of a system equals the cube of its frequency. This might also address your quest for what's "beneath" the wave form, and ties in with the ideas about asymptotic rises in voltage you were mentioning, I think.


                    It seems to uphold what I said about increasing frequency to provide a more dense return from the aether - when power is put into a system. As the presenter says, double the frequency, and you have 8x (cube of 2) the energy return.

                    In my mind, an important piece of info if we are to get to a coherent understanding of how to access the energy stored in the aether.

                    Rife, Casimir - yes, all related - parts of the one big beautiful symphony.

                    Happy Sunday!


                    • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                      It's not the Sine wave that rocks our boat but the pressure wave, AKA the longitudinal wave.
                      Its electrical existence is denied , so we have no units,no relationships no books.
                      I'm referring to the waveform. Denied this and that is neither here nor there because a sine wave is a sine wave. It doesn't only exist in an electrical or electromagnetic system. Longitudinal pressure waves through the air still sounds like a sine wave because that's the waveform being produced at the source and what propagates through the air.

                      When you are hearing a square waveform you are hearing a bunch of harmonic sine waves all playing at the same time and you say it's a square wave because that's the sound/waveform that's produced when you play all those sine waves at those frequencies together. Increase or decrease the volume/intensity of any one harmonic frequency and you change the waveform and the sound. The "shape" of the compressed and rarefied areas propagating through the air is changed.

                      A microphone diaphragm moves in (ideally - there's a reason why music studios don't use $5 mics from the computer shop) exact relation to the pressure changes in the air, which moves the coil in relation to a magnet, or changes a capacitance value, which produces the electrical signal which you see on the oscilloscope, which is the sound that comes out the speakers. Thus the measured voltage accurately represents the acoustic situation.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • another try

                        Hi DR thanks for your consideration .although you havent grasped. I Have over the years been taught wave forms and resonance by many different folks . Each of course believes their particular view is correct and are happy to promote It as definitive.
                        I certainly don’t profess to be any sort of 'know it all' on the subject but being a practical working guy each time the subject has been taught it has been to deal with a practical application .. more by accident than design then .. if you like.
                        Power grids, Antenna systems, Baud rates, crystal oscillators , PF and triplins. Yagi beam amplification
                        In each case the subject area is the same , The teaching and conclusions are very different.
                        In the case you cite DR where the sound is accurately depicted by the lateral movement of the microphone (if perfect) That microphone is itself a transducer. Its transforming the lateral movement of the diaphragm (impulse wave) to a transverse wave (sine or square and all the harmonics and overtones contained to a lesser or greater degree) Transverse waves do not exist in free space they are in effect abnormal. In the simple case you cite without the resistive effect of air .. The sine wave would not exist. No sound in a vacuum!
                        The square wave I wrote of is a mathematical concept and Its tending to absolute infinity. This is a point of radical change in my mind … resonance of the longitudinal (electric?) wave. When you write
                        Denied this and that is neither here nor there because a sine wave is a sine wave .. Its very much here and alas depicted as not there ! The maths and science of the electro-magnetic transverse wave is taught --- The maths and science of the electro-static longitudinal wave is not ! It is suppressed and for that reason only half of the effects are studied. electrical systems are known like the part of this known system you quote which is a pointless exercise. (As It is of course the exception we seek not the well known obvious dogma)however complex it can be made.
                        As I wrote of the square wave I was actually considering the sequence by which a sine wave collapses on a power grid … taken to the extreme, ergo extrapolating. By intention or perhaps because I didn't explain very well you are considering a waveform in the presently taught dimensions .. No use to us I'm afraid! That would be like a dog chasing its tail .. and that’s how the suppression was intended to be I'm sure. I don't know quite how EPDs crystal radio initiative works .. I haven't bought one but I can pretty much guarantee its going to tune to the longitudinal wave . Why ? Because that’s how Tesla's wireless system worked. A system that was erased from science and the maths books and about which you or I know very little.
                        To try and explain a system about which we know next to nothing using a system that been intentionally designed to confuse and confound it is absolute folly keep in mind DR you and I do so .. because we have no option! You are talking about effects of a known and perceived phenomena, I am not! I am referencing its disappearance and imagining phenomena that occurs in its vacuum. This short audio clip may offer you something of the flavour of this ..


                        electrics ? .. well at least it can have some electrical effects (sometimes if your lucky) . However IMHO its certainly not a case of learning a little bit more electrical theory , or thinking a BSc electrical engineer will have any idea what’s happening .. he won't! Its not in a taught dimension. Obviously - if the wireless wave is untaught and an unknown technology, then so are all the associated effects. All we can say for certain is its not volts and amps or any of the waveforms you presume. Rather an absence of them .. at least to the infinite (as I tried in vain to convey)
                        which I might add is where they are mathematically constructed , from infinitesimals. Grim Fairy tales indeed !
                        You can have no idea if Pi is infinitely large or infinitesimal. The sine wave comes from that very very iffy root. I tried to convey what is happening under that sine wave as it collapses I'm not at all interested in the wave only its collapse sequence by overtones . 3rd 5th 7th 9th ... and harmonics. Put simply what is the result of an infinite amount of the infinitesimal ? Mathematics it seems can't go there and assumes zero. Very luckily practically by physical adjustment we can go there, and some of us have found lots to interest us. even if A/its by accident B/ doesn't last long and C/ can't be easily reproduced and D/ is very difficult to convert to electricity as we know it. I hope DR regardless of if you agree or disagree you understand the gist of this … 1/ The properties of the longitudinal RF wave are not taught 2/ The existence of the longitudinal wave is denied 3/ All resulting electrical (equivalent) effects whilst not totally unknown to us.… we have no laws so its hit and miss.
                        Kind regards Duncan
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • I mean "it's neither here nor there" as in the type of wave or how it propagates doesn't make any difference in this context, "a waveform" doesn't have any LMD or TEM properties.

                          Red paint is red paint whether it's on a wall or on a car. Likewise a waveform is a wave shape regardless of the system it exists in, it has no electromagnetic or longitudinal properties in itself, that's like saying red paint has car-like properties, or wall-like properties. If the paint goes on a car then the paint has speed properties... Obviously it doesn't. The paint is just a colour, like a waveform is just a wave shape. How and where the car takes the paint is another subject.

                          The waveform says nothing about the kind of wave it is or the means by which it propagates, only its shape. Like red paint tells you the paint is red, and nothing of the object it's painted on.

                          A waveform is the shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a physical medium or an abstract representation.

                          In many cases the medium in which the wave is being propagated does not permit a direct visual image of the form. In these cases, the term "waveform" refers to the shape of a graph of the varying quantity against time or distance. An instrument called an oscilloscope can be used to pictorially represent a wave as a repeating image on a screen. By extension, the term "waveform" also describes the shape of the graph of any varying quantity against time.
                          Waveform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • Concider the energy of a crystal both forced oscillation and natural.
                            in closed circuit shown by schematic as a single path.


                            The absorption of light, generating either electron-hole pairs or excitons.
                            The separation of charge carriers of opposite types.
                            The separate extraction of those carriers to an external circuit.

                            It is the separation of charge carriers that down converts .

                            The PN junction separates opposite type of charge carriers
                            that facilitates extraction of light to electrical current.
                            Last edited by mikrovolt; 11-16-2015, 11:00 PM.


                            • not a Sine .. not really a wave

                              Seems I'm not going to be able to get you to visualise this DR .. I must confess I'm getting a bit frazzled by the diminishing returns. I'm trying very hard to make you consider an unknown and you return a bit of copy and paste and a page of bog standard well known wiki . Wavelength is the unit of the electromagnetic wave. It certainly isn't the unit of the longitudinal wave . although it may be said to have a period. As I'm asking you to consider the electrical (equivalent) affects of this wave after what you may consider the (equivalent) of demodulation it is essential that you grasp the nature of it.
                              without rancor I urge you to watch and pay attention to this early presentation on the longitudinal wave. Particularly to the units whilst noting It isn't a sine wave and nothing to do with wavelength or really anything else your considering.


                              Alas if you can't grasp that this phenomena exists and its conversion produces something different to anything you (or I) know --(or is on wiki) there will be no progress , please avoid looping on sine and square waves - it doesn't apply as I explained I used it to indicate 'at a limit' a transformation to a different dimension.
                              of course Eric does it better Kind Regards Duncan
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                                I must confess I'm getting a bit frazzled by the diminishing returns.

                                Wavelength is the unit of the electromagnetic wave. It certainly isn't the unit of the longitudinal wave . although it may be said to have a period. As

                                consider the electrical (equivalent) affects of this wave after what you may consider the (equivalent) of demodulation it is essential that you grasp the nature of it.

                                It isn't a sine wave and nothing to do with wavelength or really anything else your considering.


                                I used it to indicate 'at a limit' a transformation to a different dimension.
                                of course Eric does it better Kind Regards Duncan

                                Don't give up, even I (EVEN ME) am starting to understand what Eric had stated years ago. Thanks DUNCAN Listening again now!!!!

                                It is so hard to out do the chirping bit of the university drill, burning through
                                the cerebral cortex. After graduation comes the chomping.
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 11-17-2015, 07:51 AM.

