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Single Wire Power - A Search for Ambient Power to do Wwork

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  • Thanks.

    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

    Please read Tesla Great Britain patents. The main purpose for radiant energy patents is to cover the autonomous receiver, powered like crystal radio from the signal energy. In simpler words - it collects the energy of Tesla magnifying transmitter to run receiver without battery.

    Thank you for the reference. The patents are very enlightening. I am in touch with Skycollection, and am encouraging him to join us over here at Energetic Forum. I have suggested that he try to replace his second set of induction coils with Earth Grounds to use the natural resonant oscillations instead.


    • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post

      Please read Tesla Great Britain patents. The main purpose for radiant energy patents is to cover the autonomous receiver, powered like crystal radio from the signal energy. In simpler words - it collects the energy of Tesla magnifying transmitter to run receiver without battery.
      Do you have links to the patents? The British patents I've seen so far refer to the transmission of energy, not the accumulation of energy from high energy rays or particles. If I remember correctly, he also had some Canadian patents about transmission. In the patent drawings the transmission patents show elevated coils but the radiant energy patents show elevated, insulated plates. Keep in mind also that Wardenclyffe, which was to be a transmission system, had its own steam driven generator which supplied the power and the transmission patents covered transmission regardless of the source of the energy.

      "It is well known that certain radiations—such as those of ultra-violet light, cathodic [cathode rays], Roentgen rays [X-rays], or the like—possess the property of charging and discharging conductors of electricity, the discharge being particularly noticeable when the conductor upon which the rays impinge is negatively electrified. These radiations are generally considered to be ether vibrations of extremely small wave lengths, and in explanation of the phenomena noted it has been assumed by some authorities that they ionize or render conducting the atmosphere through which they are propagated. My own experiments and observations, however, lead me to conclusions more in accord with the theory heretofore advanced by me that sources of such radiant energy throw off with great velocity minute particles of matter which are strongly electrified, and therefore capable of charging an electrical conductor, or, even if not so, may at any rate discharge an electrified conductor either by carrying off bodily its charge or otherwise."
      Highlights added by me.

      "In practice I have found that the best results are obtained with condensers treated in the manner described in a patent granted to me February 23, 1897, No. 577,671. Obviously the above precautions should be the more rigorously observed the slower the rate of charging and the smaller the time interval during which the energy is allowed to accumulate in the condenser. The insulated plate or conducting body should present as large a surface as practicable to the rays or streams of matter, I having ascertained that the amount of energy conveyed to it per unit of time is under otherwise identical conditions proportionate to the area exposed, or nearly so."

      Referring to the tethered balloons for transmission -
      "Expressed briefly, my present invention, based upon these discoveries, consists then in producing at one point an electrical pressure of such character and magnitude as to cause thereby a current to traverse elevated strata of the air between the point of generation and a distant point at which the energy is to be received and utilized."

      "... preferably of large surface, formed or maintained by such means as a balloon at an elevation suitable for the purposes of transmission, as before described."

      "With reference to the facts which have been pointed out above it will be seen that the altitudes required for the transmission of considerable amounts of electrical energy in accordance with this method are such as are easily accessible and at which terminals can be safely maintained, as by the aid of captive balloons supplied continuously with gas from reservoirs and held in position securely by steel wires or by any other means, devices, or expedients, such as may be contrived and perfected by ingenious and skilled engineers. From my experiments and observations I conclude that with electromotive impulses not greatly exceeding fifteen or twenty million volts the energy of many thousands of horse-power may be transmitted over vast distances, measured by many hundreds and even thousands of miles, with terminals not more than thirty to thirty-five thousand feet above the level of the sea, and even this comparatively-small elevation will be required chiefly for reasons of economy, and, if desired, it may be considerably reduced, since by such means as have been described practically any potential that is desired may be obtained, the currents through the air strata may be rendered very small, whereby the loss in the transmission may be reduced."

      The benefits of transmitting at altitude are two-fold: the air is thinner; and it is cold (-40C) both of which aid conduction. Tesla stated in several interviews that his method was via conduction rather than induction.


      • Kiss .. adages a'plenty

        keep it simple, stupid a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door ! .. build a free energy device something else will beat a path to your door . ... you won't like it !
        " If you remember the 60s .. you weren't there " Eric was there ! I was lectured by Eric once upon a time .. straight as an arrow.
        suppressed technology comes down to this .. if joe public cant do it .. it won't get a ' get out of jail card' joe public can't build what he doesn't understand ! IMHO monkey see .. monkey do has got to be the way of it. step by step
        Last edited by Duncan; 12-01-2015, 03:33 PM.
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • Read this one
          Look at Fig 4. Everything is explained.
          The "signal" used to charge condenser must be produced by tesla magnifying transmitter working in special mode (unidirectional) - in other case the other receiver is used with switching exactly matched with the transmitter frequency of polarity change.
          It's RADIO as I said once. The only difference is how transmitter is used.
          It's like comparing flashlight with a laser.


          • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
            Read this one
            Look at Fig 4. Everything is explained.
            The "signal" used to charge condenser must be produced by tesla magnifying transmitter working in special mode (unidirectional) - in other case the other receiver is used with switching exactly matched with the transmitter frequency of polarity change.
            It's RADIO as I said once. The only difference is how transmitter is used.
            It's like comparing flashlight with a laser.
            The highlighted part is only true in the case of communicating information as in telegraph or radio because the source must be modulated to convey the information and demodulated at the receiver. J. P. Morgan was interested only in communications to Europe. Tesla's goal was to transmit industrial scale power. This patent clarifies the receiver's ability to receive communications but specifically says that it can be used for other purposes.

            Paragraph 3 of the patent you cited: "The invention is particularly useful in systems of signalling by means of electrical disturbances produced by proper transmitters and conveyed to such receiving devices through the natural media, but it involves, among other things, the employment of apparatus of novel character, which may be used for other purposes, such, for example, as the investigation or utilization of terrestrial solar, or other disturbances, produced by natural causes."

            Once a system is developed to transmit power it can also be used for communications just like modern power line networking is used today. This is a somewhat hybrid patent which combines the ideas of the transmission and radiant energy patents but the radiant energy patents are not dependent on a Tesla transmitter.

            "In the accompanying drawing a general arrangement of apparatus is diagrammatically illustrated such as I contemplate employing in the carrying out of my invention on an industrial scale—as, for instance, for lighting distant cities or districts from places where cheap power is obtainable."


            • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
              keep it simple, stupid a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door ! .. build a free energy device something else will beat a path to your door . ... you won't like it !
              " If you remember the 60s .. you weren't there " Eric was there ! I was lectured by Eric once upon a time .. straight as an arrow.
              suppressed technology comes down to this .. if joe public cant do it .. it won't get a ' get out of jail card' joe public can't build what he doesn't understand ! IMHO monkey see .. monkey do has got to be the way of it. step by step
              I understand what you're saying about the unseen but to interpret the anomalies in the 3BGS (or 2BGS) as another form of electricity or some other energy source one would have to rule out any conventional explanations. The further I get into studying the piezoelectric effect the more I think what was going on in the 3BGS system was conventional. To rule that out one would have to know exactly what chemicals were in the battery and that info we don't have unless someone ran a chemical analysis on the battery contents. Lead is important in piezoelectrics. PbTiO3 is both ferroelectric and piezoelectric and, as noted earlier, TiO2 is used in water treatment and could have been in water added at some point. How is PbTiO3 made? Pb + TiO2. Add some zirconium in, possibly from the water or electrolyte or just contamination and you have Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) which is one of the most important piezoelectric materials today. PZT exhibits a nonlinear piezoelectric effect and is used most piezoelectric transducers today.

              Then you have the buckled plates which would be exerting stress on a piezoelectric material which produces electricity. And you have a pulsing electrical field in the battery which causes the the ferroelectric property of the material to concentrate the polarities in the PZT on opposite faces.

              The point is to declare the energy anomalous would require ruling this out by fully explaining what was going on chemically in the battery and we can't do that without knowing everything involved.

              With all of that said, this might actually be the clue. Are batteries intentionally made without this chemistry to ensure a continuous replacement market for battery producers? It's interesting to note that titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used as a catalyst to purify water by releasing an electron which creates an ion which attaches to the organic impurities to destroy them. The released electron creates a hole in the TiO2 which is filled from the solution so the TiO2 catalyst is never depleted. It will continue purifying the water as long as it is present. It just sits there and pumps out electrons while illuminated with UV light.

              Could we make a more powerful and/or longer lasting lead acid battery simply by adding a piezoelectric material that the manufacturers are purposefully and intentionally omitting and then extract that energy by pulsing it at high frequency?

              Update: Lead dioxide from wikipedia:
              Lead dioxide
              "It also has several important applications in electrochemistry, in particular in the positive plates of lead acid batteries."

              Under Production/Electrolysis
              "The drawback of the lead electrode is its softness, especially compared to the hard and brittle PbO2 which has a Mohs hardness of 5.5. This mismatch in mechanical properties results in peeling of the coating. Therefore, an alternative method is to use harder substrates, such as titanium, niobium, tantalum or graphite and deposit PbO2 on them from lead(II) nitrate in static or flowing sulfuric acid."

              So it's entirely possible to have the piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of PbTiO3 in a flooded cell lead acid battery just from the manufacturing process. I'm not sure but I imagine different types of flooded cell lead acid batteries (starting, deep cycle, marine, etc ) have different amounts of various chemicals introduced during their manufacture.

              The ferroelectric electric properties of PbTiO3 enhance charge separation. It is, in fact, used in some capacitors. The piezoelectric properties would come into play with the flexing of the buckled plates in the 3BGS system. Set all of that up chemically and submerged in sulfuric acid and then whack it with high voltage, low amperage, short duration pulses and what will you get?

              Further down in Applications:
              "The most important use of lead dioxide is as the cathode of lead acid batteries. Its utility arises from the anomalous metallic conductivity of PbO2. The lead acid battery stores and releases energy by shifting the equilibrium (a comproportionation) between metallic lead, lead dioxide, and lead(II) salts in sulfuric acid.

              Pb + PbO2 + 2 HSO4− + 2 H+ → 2 PbSO4 + 2 H2O, E = +2.05 V"

              Chemistry appears to be the method of causing of the anomaly you are looking for. That's a place to start your investigations into what the anomaly actually is. I suspect it is related to Electronegativity which is an atom's affinity to either release electrons (low electronegativity) or capture electrons (high electronegativity). That could also explain why many thing interesting electrical things occur at the interface of two different materials, i.e. thermoelectricity in thermocouples.

              It might be interesting to look into barium titanate in combination with lead dioxide, the lead providing a conducting path and the oxygen in the lead dioxide having a high affinity to capture electrons from the barium in the barium titanate which has a low electronegativity which means it surrenders electrons easily.
              Last edited by thx1138; 12-03-2015, 07:59 PM.


              • trying to digest ...

                Wow deep thoughts indeed .. I'm afraid my chemistry is woeful Thx and I get easily lost there. Still I'm doing my best to grasp Electronegativity meanwhile I'll kick the ball around a bit
                Being electrically based I tend to peck around that area until I find anomalies .. there is a deal of 'fudge' all around the area of resonance and anti-phase, particularly it seems in the area of batteries , water fracture , and hydro-sonic's whilst I can't deny something chemical is also occurring ,(In fact I know it is because LA battery plates change to a very different colour)
                I have no idea what that might be. The concept that we are looking at a radically different energy does not originate from the 3BGS alone .. it is but one example and IMHO stripped to the basic two batteries it's easiest to demonstrate . (even if temperamental)
                Still the mind runs way ahead (as yours does w.r.t chemistry) The fact that a LA battery in the state referred to > as approaching infinite impedance> Can of its own volition start driving a motor , repair and recharge itself whilst also bringing the primary battery to a full state of charge requires careful thought. That there is another electrical system running parallel to the one we are taught there is little doubt. EPD demonstrates the electrostatic ground wave time and time again. Tesla defending his wireless patent also says many times over “ Its not an electromagnetic system” as sure as night follows day if there's a hidden wireless system there's a corresponding hidden electrical system. (There is I've touched it and it is very different!) The abstract doesn't help here and saying I've seen the magic doesn’t inspire serious scientific thought so from an electrical stance let me dig a bit deeper.
                The nightmare for the 3BGS researchers wasn't seeing the effect , that was done over and over again by many different people and verified. The nightmare was trying to keep a battery heavily sulphated.
                Anyway lets take that a step further in an earlier post you assumed current had found a path through the suphation aided by another battery .. That isn't how things unfolded - (even though it does make logical sense and .. It could be that way.) After running for half an hour the sulphated battery still demonstrated infinite impedance. Subjecting the battery to an insulation tester still showed infinite impedance .
                Keeping in mind this is experimenting 'on shifting sand' My thoughts then ran So …1/ Is it possible that a Sulphated battery could be made resonant ? 2/ Might the crystal structure be acting as a transducer ?…
                (Perfect resonance at infinite impedance = no energy consumption) .. As Tesla , EPD, Moray and many other have indicated series resonance and ground connections are key points. It then doesn't take to much convincing to make me view the crystallized battery as simply a demodulator or transducer just as a crystal diode is in an AM radio.
                The casimere effect perhaps ? .. This is a very crude battery re conditioner
                Battery Desulfation - Storage
                You'll see that the author assumes a rough resonant point .. 2 – 6 Mhz but makes no attempt to follow it … why should he ? His ambitions are different the poor fool actually want's to de-sulphate the battery.!
                It is well known that a lead acid battery has a very low Internal resistance when charged any resonance benefit is then lost .
                Another designer has noted that pulse charging as near as possible to resonance can very quickly return 80% of the batteries charge . This guy ponders on using PLL technology to try and hove closer to resonance . He's certainly realized like John Bedini … resonance and hence Reactive power is the key to FREE ENERGY.
                Lead acid batteries then are frustrating examples. … The bloody things keep restoring themselves! In the prescribed manor as you (and all the text books suggest)
                The only part of this that’s of interest in this novel battery ( if we insist on calling a box of crystals a battery) charging method . Is that huge injection of free energy created by resonant conditions. 0%-80% of full charge
                Stabilize the effect with some other Xtal structure as it seems T.H.Moray did This - What Moray could have found is quartz in a metamict state was
                sourced here T. H. Moray's Swedish Stone - Nu Energy ™ Research Archive
                yeah he might also might have found Germanium or any other combination .. I'm obviously playing a hunch here but its the only way all the pieces fit in with my own observations .. John Bedini's writing. Moray's writing . Not forgetting EPD and John Hutchinson .
                Last edited by Duncan; 12-04-2015, 01:25 PM.
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • Let me throw something on the fire here. I'm not sure whether it's fuel or water, but either way it may change things and give some more food for thought.

                  On SEVERAL occasions with the 3BGS I saw that the battery in the 3rd position had actually flipped polarity. In EVERY CASE where this happened I got unlimited energy out of the system until the battery reverted back to normal.

                  One individual told me that flipping the polarity of ONE battery is the key to getting unlimited energy, but he said it was flipping the MAGNETIC polarity and not the electrical polarity. He disclosed that he was able to do this by charging a battery with a generator or by using large magnets in some fashion. Just how, he wouldn't tell me, and although I was able to reverse polarity on a battery by using a small motor as a generator, it wouldn't stay flipped. He also said that you have to flip the polarity 90 degrees. I DO know that when flipped, it produces POWER, which you wouldn't necessarily expect from a battery that is showing just a few volts negative.

                  I have all our conversations in a document if anyone is interested. He says you only need ONE battery to produce unlimited energy. I am no longer in communication with him as he went dark, but from some of the phrases he used I have an idea who he is. I have attempted in vain to contact him.

                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                    Let me throw something on the fire here. I'm not sure whether it's fuel or water, but either way it may change things and give some more food for thought.

                    On SEVERAL occasions with the 3BGS I saw that the battery in the 3rd position had actually flipped polarity. In EVERY CASE where this happened I got unlimited energy out of the system until the battery reverted back to normal.

                    One individual told me that flipping the polarity of ONE battery is the key to getting unlimited energy, but he said it was flipping the MAGNETIC polarity and not the electrical polarity. He disclosed that he was able to do this by charging a battery with a generator or by using large magnets in some fashion. Just how, he wouldn't tell me, and although I was able to reverse polarity on a battery by using a small motor as a generator, it wouldn't stay flipped. He also said that you have to flip the polarity 90 degrees. I DO know that when flipped, it produces POWER, which you wouldn't necessarily expect from a battery that is showing just a few volts negative.

                    I have all our conversations in a document if anyone is interested. He says you only need ONE battery to produce unlimited energy. I am no longer in communication with him as he went dark, but from some of the phrases he used I have an idea who he is. I have attempted in vain to contact him.

                    I can't help but think back to EPD's demo (replicated by Curt Kinen) in which he showed that voltage-dielectricity and amperage-magnetism become separated from each other when a circuit is at resonance.

                    So my query is this:
                    - does resonance have something to do with magnetic polarity reversal in a battery?
                    - that is, could resonance actually establish the conditions whereby a battery becomes a conduit for limitless energy from the environment?

                    I have seen some strange things coming off my 12V lead acid battery running a simple resonant circuit - like voltage at the terminals shooting up higher than my DVM can handle and shutting it down. It hasn't happened often, but once in awhile... one can't help but notice there's a whole lot of power out there that the battery is able to draw in under the right conditions.

                    Is it possible that resonance, in separating dielectricity from magnetism, renders the battery's magnetic polarity negative?

                    Are magnetism and amperage not usually associated with heat and resistance in a wire? If we remove the elements of resistance and heat that are associated with positive magnetic polarity, are we not creating ideal conditions for voltage to enter the battery without any resistance? - A kind of vacuum of sorts into which ambient charge is only too happy to rush?



                    • The missing Vector?

                      Hi David .. nice to read you .I think by simple reduction of the 'non essential’s' we can get this very basic keeping in mind all we are interested in is .. Isolating the cause . You initially ran only two batteries and one brushed motor , I have done that too !
                      Of course I know there's pages and pages of making different motors .. altering brushes , brush spacing
                      switching circuits … But cut to the bone that’s it ! .. and its seen to work.
                      The only frustrating variable of course is an 'old battery' . I guess there's the first serious error, and that is even starting to consider this 'black box' full of crystallized gunk, which measures infinite impedance 'A battery' It has no polarity or if it has its slight and as you note may be flipped.
                      Again not a subject I'm worldly wise on David but Xtals can be flipped they can also be cut or shaped
                      to follow a harmonic or overtone sequence . You might view this as the electo-static equivalent of magnetizing.
                      Here is a web page regarding that being done to quartz
                      Piezoelectric Materials: Crystal Orientation and Poling Direction | COMSOL Blog
                      If its good enough for the goose … what about the crystallized crap in those old batteries ?
                      I'm also sure you well remember the effect of Randy connecting to solid ground connection the ground current flow into the system disintegrated the batteries inner connections. ! odd pictures indeed reminded me of Hutchinsons transmutations.
                      I guess the frustrating truth is Dave anyone who was in anyway associated with that thread could reproduce a very powerful free energy machine if only they could produce and stabilize whatever was happening in that 'black box'
                      I have stressed electrical 'series resonance' Bob because through part of a LA batteries charging cycle even standard electrical dogma agrees free reactive power is available . Reactive power results from a resonant state and is sometimes called 'The watt-less component' because 'It can do no work' allegedly
                      Here David I depart from the books and theory .. I can reproduce all this So far you see . But its rather the how and why it should be ! Thx is not biting down very hard on the possibility of a very different energy type entering this system so let me prod that a bit . Not to beat about the bush and understanding that I have only an 'electric view' of things a flaw, error , or importantly an omission in the Lorenz force law is a requisite for there to be a little what shall we say .. something extra available.
                      Inspection of that law shows no electrostatic 90 deg phasor , Its just omitted … Why?
                      At this level I would invite you to inspect the work of Dr, Prof , P.T.Pappas. As you look at the CRT tube it might be useful to keep in mind D.L Smith who said a CRT was itself a OU device.
                      Its reminiscent to me of a space ship 'sling shot' and the huge energy transfer. (from the mother planet?)
                      More interesting still about half way down the page the Lorenz force law is substituted for its almost forgotten cousin Ampere's force law. The results are very different.
                      If this is all true then rather than it being a remote possibility that we are searching for a novel energy type it becomes a very strong probability. I'm afraid I took this bit pretty much 'as read' thx hence the explanation for consideration ..
                      Last edited by Duncan; 12-05-2015, 08:41 AM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • just a view ..

                        Hi Bob not wanting to steal Davids thunder I'll post a little on my thoughts of where the resonance bit fits in .
                        First I should point out that the understanding of this thing we all think we all understand resonance is very differently taught to every skill set . Its also I'm afraid human nature that we each think we know best. Resonance as taught to electricians works for LA batteries . But it is a very simplistic view (that’s good for me )
                        Regarding resonance of those old boxes of crystallized gunk I did test for resonance as suggested by gotoluc and found perhaps as you might expect that there was a harmonic series of 'resonant points' which I followed up to 20Mhz (The limit of my scope) I presumed this 'ringing' to be infinite (or high into the GHz at least)
                        Just my view you understand Bob .. but I assumed the brushed motor which at best can only switch at a few Khz to be providing 'The fundamental' frequency. By loading the motor it also becomes .. adjustable. .. think Casimire effect! (I did)
                        As known from Quartz theory crystals can A/separate harmonic from overtone progression and B/ Do it up to very high frequencies.
                        The rest Bob I see as pretty much the inverse of radio theory . Its all in those three early EPD video clips I posted
                        A/ There is a longitudinal wave B/ Its transmission and reception is predominately by Ground C/ Unlike Radio Series resonance is the key component for reception (not parallel) D/ The theory isn't taught, like the 'force law' its omitted from what we are allowed to learn
                        All of this had to mesh with a lot of other things of course before I offered it up here . And It does.
                        But I don't know Xtals or Chemistry well enough to progress what I simply view as 'a black box'
                        Last edited by Duncan; 12-05-2015, 08:47 AM.
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                          Let me throw something on the fire here. I'm not sure whether it's fuel or water, but either way it may change things and give some more food for thought.

                          On SEVERAL occasions with the 3BGS I saw that the battery in the 3rd position had actually flipped polarity. In EVERY CASE where this happened I got unlimited energy out of the system until the battery reverted back to normal.

                          One individual told me that flipping the polarity of ONE battery is the key to getting unlimited energy, but he said it was flipping the MAGNETIC polarity and not the electrical polarity. He disclosed that he was able to do this by charging a battery with a generator or by using large magnets in some fashion. Just how, he wouldn't tell me, and although I was able to reverse polarity on a battery by using a small motor as a generator, it wouldn't stay flipped. He also said that you have to flip the polarity 90 degrees. I DO know that when flipped, it produces POWER, which you wouldn't necessarily expect from a battery that is showing just a few volts negative.

                          I have all our conversations in a document if anyone is interested. He says you only need ONE battery to produce unlimited energy. I am no longer in communication with him as he went dark, but from some of the phrases he used I have an idea who he is. I have attempted in vain to contact him.

                          Did the battery with reversed polarity remain reversed when disconnected from the circuit? Since the 3rd battery is connected positive to positive and negative to negative in the 3BGS system I can see where it might reverse electrical polarity while connected.

                          Lead titanate which, noted above, can develop in a battery is ferroelectric below its Curie temperature which means it has spontaneous polarization and that polarization can be reverse by an electric field. This may be where resonance plays a role. Set the lead titanate to vibrating at whatever resonant frequency is needed to oscillate the crystal lattice and it will constantly flip polarity. That frequency probably needs to be a somewhat low frequency that builds up because the lead titanate polarization will have a hysteresis loop - a nonlinear hysteresis loop.

                          "In addition to being nonlinear, ferroelectric materials demonstrate a spontaneous nonzero polarization (after entrainment, see figure) even when the applied field E is zero. The distinguishing feature of ferroelectrics is that the spontaneous polarization can be reversed by a suitably strong applied electric field in the opposite direction; the polarization is therefore dependent not only on the current electric field but also on its history, yielding a hysteresis loop"
                          Would not reversing the electrical field polarity also reverse the magnetic polarity?

                          Further down in the article:
                          "In 2010 David Field found that prosaic films of chemicals such as nitrous oxide or propane exhibited ferroelectric properties. This new class of ferroelectric materials exhibit "spontelectric" properties..."
                          The artcle doesn't say whether other known ferroelectric materials were tested for "spontelectric" properties. I had not seen that term before but it is very interesting in relation to this thread.

                          "When laid down as thin films tens to hundreds of molecular layers thick, a range of materials spontaneously generate large electric fields. These fields can be greater than 10^8 V/m.

                          These films have rather special properties.They represent a new form of the solid state called spontelectric.[1] Spontelectric behaviour is intrinsic to the dipolar nature of the constituent molecules.

                          The detection of spontaneous electric fields in numerous solid films prepared by vapour deposition raises fundamental questions about the nature of disordered materials"
                          I suspect what we have in the "bad battery" in the 3BGS is a film of something, possibly PbTiO3, that is being laid down or possibly just exposed during the time the battery isn't being used because chemical reactions are ongoing when the battery is not being charged/discharged and when the battery is connected to the 3BGS the chemical process is reversed. That would also explain why only certain neglected batteries will work in the 3rd battery position. Not only would they have to be idle for an extended period of time but they would have to have been manufactured with the materials needed to cause the effect. I'm pretty sure lead titanate is the key here. Why isn't the effect seen in batteries of other chemistries, i.e. lithium ion, nickel metal hydride, etc.?

                          What we are talking about with lead acid batteries is electrochemistry. It appears there are quite a few unexplained phenomena in that field. But I don't think that looking at the battery solely in terms of electrical phenomena is going to explain anything if we don't also understand the chemical aspects of electrochemistry.

                          I have all our conversations in a document if anyone is interested.
                          I would very much like to see those conversations.


                          • Third Party Information


                            The batteries that I reversed polarity on would remain reversed for a WHILE when disconnected from the system. I believe the highest I got a battery to go was about -10 volts. This was a battery that was "Bad" and was sitting at about +7 volts positive when I started reverse charging it. When I removed it from the charging it slowly went down to "0" in voltage and then began to climb in positive voltage. Eventually it got up to about +11.5 volts positive (according to my notes).

                            I promised the individual who shared with me that I would NOT post all his stuff on the forum, but if you want to see what we discussed, I can email it to you. My email address is There is a lot he shared that could be of interest here. Unfortunately, I do not have the time right now to go through it and try and put it into my own words, and although he went dark over a year ago, I believe it is important to respect his wishes in this matter.

                            Last edited by Turion; 12-05-2015, 04:12 PM.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • I don't think that looking at the battery solely in terms of electrical phenomena is going to explain anything if we don't also understand the chemical aspects of electrochemistry.
                              Couldn't agree more thx .. many have probed this electrically from all sorts of view points. A fresh pair of eye's considering things from a chemistry aspect can only be good !
                              Meanwhile just some general observations .. I don't know who the Mr x is David talks of however that the effect could be done with one battery or substitute makes sense to me!
                              Regarding Ni-cads and the like even John Bedini tells us he has had little success with these batteries with pulse systems.
                              I would hazard a guess this is really down to a very low Q factor. Ni -cads and their ilk have a very low internal impedance even when dis-charged. (They tend to be charged by current limiting)
                              Regarding battery types I'm sure David will confirm that Lead acid gel type were the preferred flavor. (but not exclusive)
                              (that’s certainly the type that I saw ice up)
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • The individual went by the name Wallywonka, and only made three or four posts on this forum before going dark, or before giving up the name Wallywonka to post under a previous name or new name.

                                Here is a link to a video he posted:

                                I have suspicions about who he is from statements he made to me that matched word for word statements made by a certain individual in some of his YouTube videos, but they are suspicions and not facts. Although the video I posted might give you a clue
                                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

