oh dear thx I never intended you suffer three hours of that video !
Sorry you did . As for flooding (HARRP?) there are thousands in a far worse state. Anyway as we conjecture and then conjecture again on that probable outcome the validity and truth of what we consider becomes more unlikely. It is really why I proposed a/one heavily sulphated battery and a brushed motor Then b/ capacitive charging . I knew each would work every time
without fail. conjecture is fine (in fact absolutely essential ) but here and there must be a dependable peg to hang our hats on.
You wonder at the feeble voltage Troweger records to be Honest I'm very surprised to see much at all I believe we are looking at a somewhat twisted and backward version of a RF receiver.
One of the sentences of EPD tells us that that for longitudinal wave work SWR must be infinity and not unity as with normal transverse wave RF work
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5ZWrjcrPl4 (1M40 – 1M 55)
This huge observation of yours ..
Researching the lead acid battery electrochemistry, sulfation, etc., I took a look at dendrites in lead acid batteries which are the lead crystals that grow in a battery that eventually short out the plates.
It kind of brought it all together - fractals, crystals, batteries, etc. Dendrite means "tree like". When examined under a microscope they clearly show their tree like structure and it immediately reminded me of Yagi antennas.
If any part of that could be shown true and definatly 'part of reception' and conversion are search would be greatly reduced. My train of thought was much the same as yours .. Where's the tuning ? This is a very simple construct for an SWR meter based on a wheatstone bridge
Simple Wideband SWR Meter | Circuit Diagram
I'm very aware that this isn't the 3BGS and am very eager to dive into the Dendrite fractal relationship which is where the answer has to be . Still if you redraw the 3BGS as a bridge circuit it seems quite possible Its a variable ATU unit thats also making overtones avaliable for cascading.
Troweger has no tuning at all . You might regard a radio example as being a crystal set with no tuning … ergo broadband and feeble .. stochastic background (if you like) in this case. I'm eager to get well away from the 3BGS stuff becuause simply looking at batteries and DC motors confounds people into thinking in terms of DC. Arsing about with motors and taking the path of least mental strain. Just my opinion you understand but I think the following applies … The sulphated battery is thousands of Dendrite fractals … A super demodulaor – It is (if you like) taking the place of the little crystal diode .. but in parellel and by the thousand . It isn't dealing with volts or Amps as you know it, nor the elecromagnetic wave . It is reciving Telluric current … reactive current; from the ground and converting it to intsant energy.
By a happy accident the rest of the 3BGS thing made up a balanced (ish) matched impedance – (maximum power transfer) ATU .
As you perhaps begine to see everythings balanced on a knifes edge but the bits fit . As for armature action thats a bit more 'fudge' 'back emf' we talk of in volts and amps too as if it were just a direct 'opposition' It is an opposition of sorts but an algerbraic oposition in all dimentions. Consider your yagi beam in normal radio use the conversion is from the pure (ish) sine wave to a different dimention , The electromagnetic wave – (unit wavelenghth) the conversion event happens at resonance.
Here then is why I suspect motor or di-electric breakdown action is so important
Harmonics, Triplen Harmonics, Adjustable Speed Drive, Power Quality
It can seperate harmonics from overtones .. as a Radio works on transverse electromagnetic waves So this contraption ideally requires tuned ,longtitudinal (waves) , at fundimental overtones This in turn attracts Telluric current into the series resonant circuit.
(just as a radio does with a parellel tuned circuit and the electromagnetic wave)
- The conversion you all ready seem to have a better grasp of than me .. that is already a step to far IMHO without another 'solid peg' still .. it fits .

without fail. conjecture is fine (in fact absolutely essential ) but here and there must be a dependable peg to hang our hats on.
You wonder at the feeble voltage Troweger records to be Honest I'm very surprised to see much at all I believe we are looking at a somewhat twisted and backward version of a RF receiver.
One of the sentences of EPD tells us that that for longitudinal wave work SWR must be infinity and not unity as with normal transverse wave RF work
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5ZWrjcrPl4 (1M40 – 1M 55)
This huge observation of yours ..
Researching the lead acid battery electrochemistry, sulfation, etc., I took a look at dendrites in lead acid batteries which are the lead crystals that grow in a battery that eventually short out the plates.
It kind of brought it all together - fractals, crystals, batteries, etc. Dendrite means "tree like". When examined under a microscope they clearly show their tree like structure and it immediately reminded me of Yagi antennas.
If any part of that could be shown true and definatly 'part of reception' and conversion are search would be greatly reduced. My train of thought was much the same as yours .. Where's the tuning ? This is a very simple construct for an SWR meter based on a wheatstone bridge
Simple Wideband SWR Meter | Circuit Diagram
I'm very aware that this isn't the 3BGS and am very eager to dive into the Dendrite fractal relationship which is where the answer has to be . Still if you redraw the 3BGS as a bridge circuit it seems quite possible Its a variable ATU unit thats also making overtones avaliable for cascading.
Troweger has no tuning at all . You might regard a radio example as being a crystal set with no tuning … ergo broadband and feeble .. stochastic background (if you like) in this case. I'm eager to get well away from the 3BGS stuff becuause simply looking at batteries and DC motors confounds people into thinking in terms of DC. Arsing about with motors and taking the path of least mental strain. Just my opinion you understand but I think the following applies … The sulphated battery is thousands of Dendrite fractals … A super demodulaor – It is (if you like) taking the place of the little crystal diode .. but in parellel and by the thousand . It isn't dealing with volts or Amps as you know it, nor the elecromagnetic wave . It is reciving Telluric current … reactive current; from the ground and converting it to intsant energy.
By a happy accident the rest of the 3BGS thing made up a balanced (ish) matched impedance – (maximum power transfer) ATU .
As you perhaps begine to see everythings balanced on a knifes edge but the bits fit . As for armature action thats a bit more 'fudge' 'back emf' we talk of in volts and amps too as if it were just a direct 'opposition' It is an opposition of sorts but an algerbraic oposition in all dimentions. Consider your yagi beam in normal radio use the conversion is from the pure (ish) sine wave to a different dimention , The electromagnetic wave – (unit wavelenghth) the conversion event happens at resonance.
Here then is why I suspect motor or di-electric breakdown action is so important
Harmonics, Triplen Harmonics, Adjustable Speed Drive, Power Quality
It can seperate harmonics from overtones .. as a Radio works on transverse electromagnetic waves So this contraption ideally requires tuned ,longtitudinal (waves) , at fundimental overtones This in turn attracts Telluric current into the series resonant circuit.
(just as a radio does with a parellel tuned circuit and the electromagnetic wave)
- The conversion you all ready seem to have a better grasp of than me .. that is already a step to far IMHO without another 'solid peg' still .. it fits .
