Hi Magnethos,
I agree with citfta. All I see in those videos are poor measurements and a misunderstanding of Mains. But, in the spirit of seeking understanding, if you want to proceed I would change up a couple things. Your toroid transformer has AC in and DC out. This means it has to, at least, have a couple FWBRs under that tape. I would remove them. Actually, "I" would remove the secondary windings. Next I would connect a load in series with the primary of the toroid on the Phase side. Maybe a 100watt bulb between the breaker and your next tap in your circuit. Then I would test the transformer without any load or large wire in it. The bulb should NOT light up. If the bulb lights up, Your transformer's primary winding has a short in it. Assuming all is well, measure power consumption using a amp meter on the "Phase" wire. Not some Kilowatt meter. Calculate your watts from there. The light bulb will act as a safety should something get shorted. If this device works as advertised, the bulb should not light or at the very most, very dimly. This is what I would do. I'm not suggesting anyone should try the above

If you give us the dimensions of your toroid, I can give you a close idea of the primary windings assuming it is made from silicon steel. Most AC power transformers are.
Good Luck,
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