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New Wardenclyffe

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  • New Wardenclyffe

    For those who are interested some preliminary info.

    Although we have had some delays (together about 2-3 months) I still believe I can publish the complete diagram, workings and mapping to Tesla's writings before the end of this year.

    The document in the link describes the three coil Tesla transformer as I have built it.
    At half power it produced a spectacular display of streamers.... and blew the primary capacitors.

    So it requires some repairs now.
    Still some work has to be done to make it a TMT.
    More on that later...

    Any comments on the document are welcome.

    more on this project can be found here.


  • #2
    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
    For those who are interested some preliminary info.

    Although we have had some delays (together about 2-3 months) I still believe I can publish the complete diagram, workings and mapping to Tesla's writings before the end of this year.

    The document in the link describes the three coil Tesla transformer as I have built it.
    At half power it produced a spectacular display of streamers.... and blew the primary capacitors.

    So it requires some repairs now.
    Still some work has to be done to make it a TMT.
    More on that later...

    Any comments on the document are welcome.

    more on this project can be found here.

    It is an impressive project. No doubt countless hours, dollars, blood, sweat and tears have gone into it. The DC side of it looks scary! Too bad you cooked those expensive capacitors.

    The published documentation and photos of the project is of high standard.

    Some questions:

    What kind of grounding system do you have or intent to have?

    What do you say the difference is between a Three Coil Tesla Transformer and a Tesla Magnifying Transformer? What do you believe the magnifying component consists of? (The big question haha).

    Do you have a receiving system? (Of equal standards)?

    Please elaborate on the "Pan Flute" effect.
    "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


    • #3
      Hi Sputins,

      Some answers:

      What kind of grounding system do you have or intent to have?
      There are three 2.5 m ground pins, one to go with the 230 mains, one to protect electronics and one to protect myself. Then there is a 15 m ground pin for the secondary coil. (ground water is at 10 m)
      What do you say the difference is between a Three Coil Tesla Transformer and a Tesla Magnifying Transformer? What do you believe the magnifying component consists of? (The big question haha).
      As much as I want to, I can not tell you yet, the people who have funded this project want to use this knowledge first. I can tell you that the three coil transformer is the starter engine for the magnifying transmitter. As long as the complete diagram is not public, there will always be this discussion. I'm sure that once it becomes known, everyone will agree it is so bloody obvious that all this discussion will be futile.
      Do you have a receiving system? (Of equal standards)?
      No, no receiver of any standard.
      Please elaborate on the "Pan Flute" effect.
      I don't know how I can make this more clear. There are basically two circuits linked by the spark gap:
      - the power supply which is shorted in the spark gap
      - the resonating circuit
      I have called it the "pan flute effect" because it is exactly the same principle. The airflow over a pan flute creates a noise. The resonating cavity below it picks its resonating base frequency out of this noise and uses it to energize this resonating.
      In the electrical equivalent the shorted power supply creates the noise out of which the resonating circuit draws its energy. The funny thing that happens is that the voltage in the resonating circuit rises way beyond the voltage of the power supply.
      Well, funny,.... it was a quite expensive lesson learned.
      Now when I say 'resonating circuit', I mean the capacitors C1 and Cp, and the primary coil, but also the secondary and extra coil. Without extra coil this effect is much less pronounced. With extra coil, there is an overwhelming difference caused by this effect.
      This difference can be made visible by adding a resistor between the power supply and the spark gap. This resistor should be chosen so that it does not make much difference when charging the capacitors but does make a big difference when the spark gap fires.
      BTW I believe an AM radio works in a similar way, there you have a resonating circuit that amplifies one specific frequency out of all electro-smog in the air.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Ernst View Post
        Hi Sputins,

        Some answers:

        There are three 2.5 m ground pins, one to go with the 230 mains, one to protect electronics and one to protect myself. Then there is a 15 m ground pin for the secondary coil. (ground water is at 10 m)
        As much as I want to, I can not tell you yet, the people who have funded this project want to use this knowledge first. I can tell you that the three coil transformer is the starter engine for the magnifying transmitter. As long as the complete diagram is not public, there will always be this discussion. I'm sure that once it becomes known, everyone will agree it is so bloody obvious that all this discussion will be futile.

        No, no receiver of any standard.

        I don't know how I can make this more clear. There are basically two circuits linked by the spark gap:
        - the power supply which is shorted in the spark gap
        - the resonating circuit
        I have called it the "pan flute effect" because it is exactly the same principle. The airflow over a pan flute creates a noise. The resonating cavity below it picks its resonating base frequency out of this noise and uses it to energize this resonating.
        In the electrical equivalent the shorted power supply creates the noise out of which the resonating circuit draws its energy. The funny thing that happens is that the voltage in the resonating circuit rises way beyond the voltage of the power supply.
        Well, funny,.... it was a quite expensive lesson learned.
        Now when I say 'resonating circuit', I mean the capacitors C1 and Cp, and the primary coil, but also the secondary and extra coil. Without extra coil this effect is much less pronounced. With extra coil, there is an overwhelming difference caused by this effect.
        This difference can be made visible by adding a resistor between the power supply and the spark gap. This resistor should be chosen so that it does not make much difference when charging the capacitors but does make a big difference when the spark gap fires.
        BTW I believe an AM radio works in a similar way, there you have a resonating circuit that amplifies one specific frequency out of all electro-smog in the air.

        Hi Ernst,
        Thanks for some answers.

        On page numbered 22, a picture labelled Top Load, with extra coil version 1, there is the small sphere (perhaps made from Aluminium) on a post, no doubt calling this the Top Load. However it looks to me as if it’s meant to be raised up inside of the giant toroid as seen from the outside. I gather this is raised / lowered inside the toroid to achieve an optimal position, (just like Wardenclyffe). I would also suggest here would be some kind of RF spark gap / discharge from the small top load sphere to the toroid itself. Likely an optimal discharge distance / discharge frequency.

        As we know Tesla coils are not intended (in their proper operation) to be spark generators, the outer toroid would likely not be designed to give of huge streamers into the air. Efforts would be taken to minimise this. Did not Tesla have attached to the outside of the toroid either vacuum bulbs, or some type of tubes, (vacuum) to restrict the streamers breaking out into the air?

        My suggestion is that the combination of the RF spark gap, (between the top load and toroid) together with the vacuum bulbs/tubes on the outside of the toroid, these things together in combination, constitute the Magnifier part of the system...

        Of course, the output of the system remains the reflected component back into the ground of the Earth.
        Last edited by Sputins; 07-09-2015, 01:12 AM.
        "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


        • #5
          Hi Sputins,

          Read the "rare notes" as they are called.

          Vacuum tubes in order to make it possible to raise the potential further without streamers emerging, is indeed one of Tesla's ideas. But it is from a time many years after Wardenclyffe.
          I guess if Tesla would rebuild it, without financial constraints, he would definitely use those.
          The outer top-load as I have build, should be able to hold 4 MV without much streamers, corona and the like. That should suffice for now. If I would raise the voltage beyond that it would discharge to the ground. (=not good )



          • #6
            How unrealistic is this ?

            Recreating Wardenclyffe ?? Why so useless big?

            Tesla could build this so small he could fit it in his Pierce Arrow car.

            Anyway, would this be ready before this 2015 warning ??

            If you ask me everything after this date would be very too late !

            Now dumbo's look for that warning !


            • #7
              Rare Notes

              Originally posted by Ernst View Post
              Hi Sputins,

              Read the "rare notes" as they are called.

              Tower Outside:

              Notice the “lines of force” between C1 and C2 show directional arrows towards C1 and also returning from C1 back to C2.

              So what is the difference between Statically Charged and Electrostatically Charged?

              Statically Charged:

              Notice two primary coils, (or split primary) driving two secondary coils, then both secondary coils driving one common Extra Coil. Gap C1 & C2 adjustable. The output of the secondary coils is the ground rod (leg).

              Electrostatically Charged:

              A standard looking primary coil and flat spiral secondary coil. Secondary coil output to ground. Gap C1 & C2 adjustable

              Funny this schematic is identical as to what I have set up on my bench.
              Last edited by Sputins; 07-27-2015, 02:13 AM.
              "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


              • #8

                Good you noticed the arrows!
                Good because if you'd spend something like 300 USD on "From Colorado Springs to Long Island", you'll notice that that picture is redrawn with the arrows pointing up only.
                Sad isn't it, that this museum that prouds itself on providing knowledge on Tesla's legacy actually gives you disinfo. They also say they have started digitizing his work a few years ago to prevent losing it. So I thought,
                1 - They say they want to help anyone who has a serious interest in Tesla's work
                2 - The must have digitized a substantial part of it
                putting 1+2 together, they would surely help me and provide me to some of his (digitized) research notes. Especially if I were to offer 1000 USD to prove that I am serious.
                Well, guess what, you won't get anything of them and they advised me to buy this book.

                About fig 5, look up "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency" (from 1892-02-03) and find fig. 2. There is a small difference; the gap a-b is missing (in fig 5).
                Also count the secondary windings in Fig 5. and in the supports to ground in fig 6.
                In the before mentioned overly expensive book you will find some more diagrams showing how Tesla tried to get multiple frequencies with one system. (for example on page 492).

                BTW: If you'd get Tesla's correspondence, you will find that most diagrams have been removed. This is how they 'promote' Tesla's legacy!
                BTW II: I don't believe the difference in the subscripts "statically" and "electro statically" is significant. I didn't even notice that. But it is essential that when you read his work you watch for such things.

                Keep up the good work!



                • #9
                  Yeah, but they cannot remove simple truth, no matter how they mess with pictures. In fact that every picture makes things complicate unnecessarily
                  Last edited by boguslaw; 07-30-2015, 08:34 AM. Reason: small errort


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ernst View Post

                    Good you noticed the arrows!
                    Good because if you'd spend something like 300 USD on "From Colorado Springs to Long Island", you'll notice that that picture is redrawn with the arrows pointing up only.
                    Sad isn't it, that this museum that prouds itself on providing knowledge on Tesla's legacy actually gives you disinfo. They also say they have started digitizing his work a few years ago to prevent losing it. So I thought,
                    1 - They say they want to help anyone who has a serious interest in Tesla's work
                    2 - The must have digitized a substantial part of it
                    putting 1+2 together, they would surely help me and provide me to some of his (digitized) research notes. Especially if I were to offer 1000 USD to prove that I am serious.
                    Well, guess what, you won't get anything of them and they advised me to buy this book.

                    About fig 5, look up "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency" (from 1892-02-03) and find fig. 2. There is a small difference; the gap a-b is missing (in fig 5).
                    Also count the secondary windings in Fig 5. and in the supports to ground in fig 6.
                    In the before mentioned overly expensive book you will find some more diagrams showing how Tesla tried to get multiple frequencies with one system. (for example on page 492).

                    BTW: If you'd get Tesla's correspondence, you will find that most diagrams have been removed. This is how they 'promote' Tesla's legacy!
                    BTW II: I don't believe the difference in the subscripts "statically" and "electro statically" is significant. I didn't even notice that. But it is essential that when you read his work you watch for such things.

                    Keep up the good work!

                    I have not (yet) spent the $300 on a copy of “From Colorado Springs to Long Island". If the original drawing has been re-drawn with arrows pointing up only, it either represents purposeful misinformation and obscuration, or it’s redrawn with ignorance, through a mind-filter of modern day transmitter (or tesla coil) theory, rather than reproducing exactly what Tesla showed. Or perhaps they just couldn't see..

                    No doubt obscuration of Tesla's principals (deliberate or otherwise) still continues, even from the museum itself. Yes, I notice that many of the sketches and diagrams mentioned were omitted from the correspondence in the rare notes, but we don’t know if the author of ‘Rare notes’ even had them? (The Museum likely does).

                    1, They say they want to help. (Offering lip service).
                    2, They don't want (or are not allowed) to provide "un-published" material due to potential ramifications, which they don't want generally known. (Particularly to active experimenters). It’s called governing. (Likely mandated by their Government)? But I can’t say that I know what the (real) policies of the museum are...

                    Figure 2, in the Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency (below) does show a small gap (a b) between the primary coils, in comparison to Fig 5 of the rare notes which does not show it.

                    Is gap (a b) absolutely necessary? It may or may not be of utmost importance, but indeed it was omitted in fig 5. An experimenter who was working with transistors or tubes rather than spark gaps would likely omit this gap (a b).
                    Last edited by Sputins; 08-03-2015, 07:59 AM.
                    "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                    • #11
                      If you read the accompanying text (with fig 2), you'll find that gap a-b was put there to create very short pulses. It is of importance in the process of understanding what actually happens in such a system.
                      What I did, as you can (and have) read, is use an inductor between the power source and the capacitor to prevent the power source from recharging the capacitor while the RSG is still in a firing position. It is not quite the same, true, but it is a similar thing.
                      As the final system did not have a fancy spark-gap or circuit controller as you can read in the pre-hearing interview (1916), you can conclude that such a system was unnecessary or even counter productive.

                      Does anyone know if there is a copyright on Tesla's correspondence? I'm talking about the micro-film prints. I could not find them anywhere online, so I bought them. But there is a wealth of info there that I believe should be available to everyone. I have scanned every page, excluding a few where no characters can be discerned (either 100% white or 100% black).
                      They were sent as a pile of A4's without any copyright message, and I think no one can claim copyright, but.... maybe one of you knows better?



                      • #12
                        What for technicians ?

                        How long is this going on now ? Keeping technicians on a leech ?
                        Worse, feeding b.s. to technicians. So that Sputins has it working??
                        I don't believe this for a second.
                        In Europe we have (some pay) websites who give far more info on the subject.

                        Anyway Ernst is good at molecules. A question then. A gold and lead atom are not that different from each other.
                        So why is the apearance soo different ?
                        They are build with the same 3 elements. Electrons can't be seen. Neutrons and protons. Some butterfly wings
                        capture a light color but don't have color of themselves. Since a light wavelength is far greater then an atom this
                        can be understood. But the color from a molecule or atom is un explanable.

                        Therefore i think a photon is bogus since it is too small to resonate with
                        the light frequency.

                        If people got the circuit right but it still doesn't work what's missing then ?
                        Does somebody like to be a sect leader because they have nothing else to do ?

                        Come on Ernst, even technicians can't explain how a bike works !
                        Can you or 'Sputins' or even 'Boguslaw' ?

                        Last edited by Hobby Eon; 08-17-2015, 07:49 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                          If you read the accompanying text (with fig 2), you'll find that gap a-b was put there to create very short pulses. It is of importance in the process of understanding what actually happens in such a system.
                          What I did, as you can (and have) read, is use an inductor between the power source and the capacitor to prevent the power source from recharging the capacitor while the RSG is still in a firing position. It is not quite the same, true, but it is a similar thing.
                          As the final system did not have a fancy spark-gap or circuit controller as you can read in the pre-hearing interview (1916), you can conclude that such a system was unnecessary or even counter productive.

                          Does anyone know if there is a copyright on Tesla's correspondence? I'm talking about the micro-film prints. I could not find them anywhere online, so I bought them. But there is a wealth of info there that I believe should be available to everyone. I have scanned every page, excluding a few where no characters can be discerned (either 100% white or 100% black).
                          They were sent as a pile of A4's without any copyright message, and I think no one can claim copyright, but.... maybe one of you knows better?

                          I was so appalled at the price tag on "From Colorado Springs to Long Island", combined with the fact that it was out of stock, that my initial thought was to buy it, edit out the other guy's commentary, and publish it myself for £14.99.

                          To that end, I haven't researched the legalities, but in cases like these I think that publishers own the copyright for a particular publication. They don't own the content which is written by Tesla, which leaves everyone else free to retype/reformat it and publish it themselves.

                          I would certainly appreciate those documents that you have anyway!

                          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Hobby Eon View Post
                            How long is this going on now ? Keeping technicians on a leech ?
                            Worse, feeding b.s. to technicians. So that Sputins has it working??
                            I don't believe this for a second.
                            You’re the leech upon technicians..

                            Try producing some constructive, informative and helpful posts, rather than telling everyone how wrong and useless you think they are. (By reading your previous post history).

                            The systems I have built do work. What would be “working” by your definition?

                            If you mean OU, then no, I have not produced OU. I’ve never claimed I have..

                            Tesla Transformer apparatus isn’t going to produce OU by itself. Only (perhaps), if said apparatus were connected (with a firm grip) to solid Earth with the correct form of current, frequency and modulation… Only then, might it act as a conduit for the Electrical Condition of the Earth to manifest out and into the System…

                            Any additional Power comes from the Electrical Condition existing within or from the Earth.. How much simpler does it need to be explained?

                            Besides that, this thread is about Ernst’s project, not about how you believe molecules are constructed.
                            Last edited by Sputins; 08-18-2015, 10:59 AM.
                            "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                            • #15
                              Sputins exposed

                              O.k. i am not native english. Leash. How little is your understanding ? No wonder you can only parrot and achive no results !
                              Since this thread is about Ernst’s project, why do you post an A5 big stupid picture ?
                              Since molecules have everything to do with this, i mentioned it.
                              No wonder dr. Shill turned up. You should have, if you're really interested, reacted on those European websites. Exposed 2.

                              And how does a bike work ? It's only 200 years old, why should you ?

                              And elaborate on that 'photon' issue please. Yes Boguslaw is invited too and all the rest of these 'technicians'.

