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Pulse Motor

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  • #76
    Vidbid Asymmetrical Electromagnetic Repulsion Motor & Battery Charger

    @erfinder: Thanks for sharing.

    Last edited by vidbid; 08-22-2015, 03:14 PM. Reason: Updated Image



    • #77
      Vidbid asymmetrical electromagnetic repulsion motor & battery charger





      • #78
        Originally posted by erfinder View Post

        To each his own.

        Sine to Impulse?
        I see nothing more than a positive or negative biased AC sine wave.

        Don't suppose you would want to define impulse for me?

        Guess it doesn't matter as I am doubtful you will ever show the method behind the video which begs the question, why show the video to begin with.


        • #79
          Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
          Sine to Impulse?
          I see nothing more than a positive or negative biased AC sine wave.
          good for it down.

          Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
          Don't suppose you would want to define impulse for me?
          For really....

          Originally posted by OrthoParameter View Post
          Guess it doesn't matter as I am doubtful you will ever show the method behind the video which begs the question, why show the video to begin with.

          Since according to you, you "see" nothing more than a "positive or negative biased AC sine wave", the method is irrelevant.

          Regarding the question of why show, several reasons, but two are enough.....first because I can, and second, because I have never seen this done before.



          • #80
            Originally posted by erfinder View Post
            good for it down.

            For really....

            Since according to you, you "see" nothing more than a "positive or negative biased AC sine wave", the method is irrelevant.

            Regarding the question of why show, several reasons, but two are enough.....first because I can, and second, because I have never seen this done before.

            Thanks E

            I don't care they say about-ch KING OLE BUDDY OLE PAL>You are

            opening up to me and I take that very personal. Thank you for helping

            me to understand your mind on the inside of your work. I see the impulse

            wave beyond a doubt. Is that caused by a specific winding process?

            Or are you making the impulses another way, such as external parts?

            Caps, Diodes''''''''''''''''''''''??

            We need to keep it up, keep sharing because one man will always

            benefit from the expose. And as far as offenses go we all know

            what to expect now, just wear a hard hatand we will

            all get over.

            You are way past me on this experiment, but I enjoy it all and will

            til my number is up.


            • #81
              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Thanks E

              I don't care they say about-ch KING OLE BUDDY OLE PAL>You are

              opening up to me and I take that very personal. Thank you for helping

              me to understand your mind on the inside of your work.
              I don't care what they say about me either......good or bad.....

              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              I see the impulse wave beyond a doubt. Is that caused by a specific winding

              Whether you see an impulse or not is immaterial. What matters to me, the disseminator, is that you were moved to act, moved to investigate. My aim is to make an impression, not to spoon feed or start fads and trends.

              The mechanism for producing the effect is to be found in the relations between the inducing and induced fields during the brief instant when the induced is shorted onto itself. It is imperative that we have a good idea of whats going on inside and around the coil before the switch is closed, most don't. My recommendation is that we try and determine what are the "real" conditions within an open circuit.

              Asymmetrical relations between rotor and stator (inducing and induced fields) is mandatory, geometry as it applies to asymmetry includes but is not limited to:
              • geometric relations between coils.
              • geometric relations between coils and magnets.
              • geometric relations of inducing and induced fields (before, during, and after shorting).

              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Or are you making the impulses another way, such as external parts?

              Caps, Diodes''''''''''''''''''''''??
              If possible, try and differentiate between the rectification of Magnetism, from induced electrical currents.

              What I am presenting is in my opinion, a demonstration in how one can rectify magnetism using nothing more than properly configured coils, properly configured magnets, and a switch of proper construction and application.

              Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              We need to keep it up, keep sharing because one man will always

              benefit from the expose. And as far as offenses go we all know

              what to expect now, just wear a hard hatand we will

              all get over.

              You are way past me on this experiment, but I enjoy it all and will

              til my number is up.
              All I can offer anyone, is my experience on the bench, my way, my speculation, and with that each his own.



              • #82
                Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                Matthew. Maybe you didn't mean to bully me, but if I felt like you were bullying me, and if I was too proud to admit it at first, that wouldn't be a first. As for anybody looking at me and judging me, I couldn't care less. I'm going to say what I want when I want. No is going to silence me on this forum (with the exception of the moderator or administrator of this forum.). Now maybe what I say isn't the most intelligent thing to say at the moment, but so what, I make mistakes and so does everybody else. Heck, all I wanted to do is post about the rotary motor and how it could be integrated with regenerative acceleration technology. I don't care about p*ssing contests, and I don't care what anybody else thinks.
                From your sentence above in bold: "No is going to silence me on this forum". Who is "No" and why is he going to silence you? LOL Your English isn't doing that well either but in my case I assume people on forums are not concerned with writing PhD quality and typos and other grammar errors will happen just to get the message out quickly. Most of us know what is being stated despite a few errors.

                WTF - Anyone who has been around this forum long enough would have seen plenty of evidence that Matt lives in the U.S. and all this bashing on him and racist talk is pathetic. I'll chalk up some of it to the "Internet Lord of the Flies mindset" where people with little character and morals don't hold back anything that comes to mind due to the anonymity factor. While it's been entertaining I don't think you (vidbid) are going to have any credibility here and at this point no amount of back pedalling is going to get you any. Even an apology would leave you largely on the negative side. I suggest you just crawl back under a rock for a year or two and maybe most will forget about this.
                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                • #83
                  Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                  No one is going to silence me on this forum (with the exception of the moderator or administrator of this forum.).
                  Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                  your sentence above
                  A correction has easily silenced you.

                  Here's my two cents about you:

                  You're a cult follower. You don't think for yourself. You let others think for you.

                  I have no respect for you, and I couldn't care less about what you believe.

                  You're not worth my time, so don't waste my time.



                  • #84
                    Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                    A correction has easily silenced you.

                    Here's my two cents about you:

                    You're a cult follower. You don't think for yourself. You let others think for you.

                    I have no respect for you, and I couldn't care less about what you believe.

                    You're not worth my time, so don't waste my time.

                    Yes this is a fair assessment, unfortunately most young men

                    are easily bullied. Remember this, the ring leader or so he thinks

                    he has signed a many Non-Disclosure-Agreements and those who

                    follow him in the back ground threads snicker and carry on

                    , cackling back and forth to one another how much above

                    everyone else they are. Thus the continual suggestion that

                    everyone should put Mikey on the ignore list and the other pack

                    members. Why, what is he afraid of? Who is it really?

                    I don't know but they all speak as one.

                    Any one who shares details openly and is making progress in the

                    same direction as all researchers do, are a potential threat to the

                    investor list that the leaders of these back ground or under ground

                    threads compile.

                    Like E sharing, he is advanced and poses a much greater

                    threat. Well not really but this is the way their minds work.

                    Those on the inside of the N.D.A. can not share daily for fear of

                    revealing to much information and be subject to prosecution

                    of violating the N.D.A.

                    This is all well and good and I am glad they have 3 working

                    and practical free energy designs but then why disrupt the

                    underclassmen as they search for the answers themselves?

                    Simple, we are the enemy who pose a threat of making ripples

                    with those on the inside of the N.D.A.

                    They are fed up with endless promises.

                    Therefore when we share and are happy and making progress the

                    insiders are angry to the point of verbally slaughtering those around them.

                    It is a form of social insanity I have seen all of my life.

                    Ain't nothing new going on, just the rent. I forgive them but

                    where does this end?

                    BIG DOG eat's the little dog and this is the way they were raised.

                    These people only speak when they are out of the minds

                    with envy and hatred for the ones here who are open and honest.

                    They a dead spiritually and need us desperately to continue to reach

                    out to them all of the day long.

                    Don't stop sharing. We know we are on the right track when the

                    hounds see the joyful exchange amongst the members and begin

                    attacking. This is the only time they speak. They better keep

                    quiet, that is what they promised to do in the

                    Non-Disclosure-Agreements. But like I said that isn't satisfying

                    enough to this type of power hungry creature who fancy

                    themselves far above everyone around them.

                    Even the insiders are sick with this behavior.

                    These people are out for blood for fear someone is going to

                    steal their piece of meat. Constantly we hear how so and so

                    has stolen their intellectual property when they have no evidence.

                    The investors are constantly reaffirming their position as money

                    suppliers to the leader who is afraid someone might take his place.

                    Just because they talked to another new person who might

                    be able to provide answers. Like a jealous husband who goes

                    crazy when his wife talks to the grocery clerk at the check out.

                    They are prisoners of fear 24/7-365

                    So if you are looking for kindness and someone to nurture

                    your desire to learn and advance into these possibles, of

                    which these threads are for, don't expect that from a cut throat

                    position seeker whose intentions are purely selfish.

                    Hold up your sword, this is a war against your need to know.

                    So ends the soap opera.
                    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-26-2015, 06:12 PM.


                    • #85
                      PULSE MOTOR

                      Last I read the name of the thread was pulse motor. Posts like this one, and others like it, and those in which temper tantrums are thrown, or egos are shown are "THE" main reason why we don't make progress as a group.

                      NO FOCUS

                      Lets try focusing on the task at hand like our lives depended on it! Is it possible to post more of ones own work and not that of others? This allows them (the individual whose work is plastered all over the place, usually without his/her knowledge or consent) to share what they would like to share with the community, and not have to come in and undo any damage made by others who made poor attempts at presenting their work, keeps the confusion limited to the source.

                      Real progress can only be made if we are on the same page. Presently, we aren't, we should try and fix that.



                      • #86
                        Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                        PULSE MOTOR

                        Last I read the name of the thread was pulse motor. Posts like this one, and others like it, and those in which temper tantrums are thrown, or egos are shown are "THE" main reason why we don't make progress as a group.

                        NO FOCUS

                        Lets try focusing on the task at hand like our lives depended on it! Is it possible to post more of ones own work and not that of others? This allows them (the individual whose work is plastered all over the place, usually without his/her knowledge or consent) to share what they would like to share with the community, and not have to come in and undo any damage made by others who made poor attempts at presenting their work, keeps the confusion limited to the source.

                        Real progress can only be made if we are on the same page. Presently, we aren't, we should try and fix that.

                        I totally agree, but I think there is some truth to what BroMikey said in his last post. Divide and rule has been applied on this website as has misinformation and the presence of shills.

                        It does look like deliberate tactics.

                        Lets get back on topic and on the same page.


                        • #87
                          Posting offensive personal attacks are of no value, especially, when the offender's only post on this thread is a personal attack. From such, turn away.

                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by vidbid; 08-25-2015, 04:09 AM. Reason: added image for guest



                          • #88
                            Yur latest drawing shows no magnets and no coils. Out of curiosity, what makes it run?
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              Yur latest drawing shows no magnets and no coils. Out of curiosity, what makes it run?
                              That image is about construction details. I'll post a stator coil housing diagram and rotor coil housing diagram later, but you get an idea about it from

                              The VIDBID A.E.R. MOTOR & BATTERY CHARGER is super simple. Essentially, you're smashing opposing magnetic fields against each other and then harvesting the flyback energy through the slip rings. There shouldn't be any sparking at the commutator at all, as a path is provided to the charge battery for that energy.


                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by vidbid; 08-25-2015, 04:11 AM. Reason: added images for guests



                              • #90

                                back to the bricks

                                Doug teaches Pulse Motor work. It seems they all have

                                a run battery and a charge battery. But all these brushes

                                remind me of John bedini's motor. It seems to be a motor that

                                controls timing mechanically and I heard that this method

                                can raise COP's. Mainly because this is an easy form of

                                controlling the event in one direction without reverse

                                electrical impulses or bemf. Also I have seen the sequential

                                switch window motor? Whatever they call it but it uses

                                the brushes.


                                Last edited by BroMikey; 08-24-2015, 07:59 PM.

