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Regenerative Acceleration in Use with Rotary Charging Systems

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  • #31
    The way I tested for this was to run my generator with NO COILS in place and measure the amp draw of the motor and the voltage daw. That gives me a baseline. Then I insert a coil and measure amp draw and voltage input again. Then I connect a load to the coil and make this same two measurements again. Then I compare the three amp draw and voltage consumed measurements and determined there IS something to this after all. But my coils are not bifilar. I have 10 strands.

    Last edited by Turion; 08-12-2015, 12:09 AM.
    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • #32
      Base Line

      Originally posted by Turion View Post
      The way I tested for this was to run my generator with NO COILS in place and measure the amp draw of the motor and the voltage daw. That gives me a baseline. Then I insert a coil and measure amp draw and voltage input again. Then I connect a load to the coil and make this same two measurements again. Then I compare the three amp draw and voltage consumed measurements and determined there IS something to this after all. But my coils are not bifilar. I have 10 strands.

      That's very good. By running the motor with no generator coil(s) or core(s) attached, once you get the motor up to speed, i.e., beyond the threshold speed (the speed would normally get the ReGen-X coils into resonance), you establish the base line at 100%.

      Now you add the core(s) only, and determine if you results are above or below base line.

      You could also consider the air-core ReGen-X coil if such a thing exists, and test against your base line.

      We know that there are two types of ReGen-X in use by Thane Heins. One is the power generating Parallel-wound Series-connected Bi-filer Coil, and the other one is the kinetic energy-assisting High Impedance Shorted Coil, but from what I have seen, both of these types of ReGen-X coils both use some type of core, but not an air-core.

      In Jean-Louis Naudin's video, Harnessing the Delayed Lenz Effect with an experimental Test Bench - YouTube, the ReGen-x core is fixed. It would be interesting to see the initial test results without the core in order to see the base line.

      However, what is interesting about his video to me is he is able to move the ReGen-X coil different distances from the rotor and achieve different results.

      The other issue is we don't know if the ReGen-X coil would work if it were just an air-core coil.

      The other issue is getting up to the proper speed. Without the coils attaining resonance, the belief is the desired results will not be achieved.

      And finally, another issue is disc material composition, if the disc that is being used in the debunker's experiment is metallic, that may affect the test results.

      And finally finally, we could consider the magnet strength, the magnets being used in Thane's experiment appear to be pretty hefty.

      And finally cubed, we should take into consideration the composition of the core material, and we should know how each core material reacts and understand why.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gestalt View Post
        I am the debunker, and yea I did that. The results are the same as with a standard coil as shown in my video.

        The Regen acceleration is REAL and gives the illusion of increasing performance

        My theory as to what is occurring is as follows. The high voltage (~1.2kV) on the open bifilar config causes an electro-static current to flow between the windings causing a substantial open circuit back-EMF. Then when shorting the coil the high voltage goes to zero and the artificially induced electrostatic back-emf goes away. As load is added regular back-EMF from actual current in the windings occurs demonstrated by the increasing Pin.

        The novelty here is that an OPEN coil can cause unusual amounts of back-emf under HIGH VOLTAGE circumstances. This is clearly seen when doing a comparison of power input numbers when the coil is NOT bifilar, and there is no bifilar in proximity to the rotor. This is something Thane has never shown and why he is in error.
        I find the statement "The Regen acceleration is REAL and gives the illusion of increasing performance" to be a very interesting one.

        What you report is very interesting.

        Much to think about.

        Thank you.



        • #34
          ReGen-X Generator Acceleration under Electrical and Mechanical Load


          ReGenX Generator Torque Measurements and New Physics for a New Humanity - YouTube


          Thane is calling this the New Physics for a New Humanity.

          So, should we first see what the motor can "do" without any cores or coils attached to it?



          • #35
            Originally posted by vidbid View Post
            I find the statement "The Regen acceleration is REAL and gives the illusion of increasing performance" to be a very interesting one.

            What you report is very interesting.

            Much to think about.

            Thank you.
            Why don't you show us one of your experiments. Your posting all this stuff and I have personally seen a lot of people doubt for one reason or another this tech even is real. Come on Tiny (I made a mistake Tiny is his new name) put your money where your mouth is.

            Show us YOUR work...?


            See how I owned up to my mistake??? See???
            Last edited by Matthew Jones; 08-12-2015, 11:26 PM. Reason: Forgot to call VidBid, Tiny his newest name.


            • #36
              Positive Example

              When I was conducting my experiments with different sized coils and a single rotor, I would get the rotor up to speed using a power supply and watch the amp draw to the motor. Then I would introduce a coil to the system. I was using all air core coils.

              What I found was that basically NONE of the three sizes of coil I was using with an air core caused anything but possibly a small vibration in the needle of the amp meter. It was only a five amp meter, so I had it shorted out until the motor got up to speed because the motor would draw too many amps on startup. I could test simply by moving a small steel bolt near the rotor and see the reaction on the amp meter. By the way, the sizes and number of strands on these coils had been determined because of experiments we had done in the past in determining the proper number of wires and length of wire for coils in the big generator I built, so I didn't just wind some coils and hope for the best. Some thought had already gone into the coils I was going to test.

              The coils didn't affect the amp draw of the motor. However, as soon as I put a load on two of the coils, the amp draw on the motor went up. The third coil, however, didn't affect it by itself or when loaded. The amp draw went neither up, nor down, which was encouraging. So I doubled the number of windings on the coil and the length of those windings. Again the amp draw did not go up or down with the coil alone or with the coil loaded.

              So, I took this same coil and put it in my dual rotor setup. I ran basically the same test. I got the motor up to speed and then introduced the coil. There was the slightest decrease in amp draw, perhaps the width of the needle on the 5 amp meter. (Different rotor setup, different analogue meter) Then I put a load on the coil. Again the slightest movement of the needle. When I measure the RPM of the rotor with the coil loaded and unloaded, there was an increase of 12 RPM with the coil loaded.

              This is not a bifilar coil. It has 10 strands, and I have seen NO evidence of those open wires causing a slow down in the RPM's of the motor turning the rotor or of an increase in amp draw when the coil is introduced to the rotor. Neither do I see a slow down of RPM's or an increase in amp draw when I place a load on the coil.

              Admittedly, much more testing of this particular coil needs to be done, and I am working on that. I will be experimenting with core materials, air gaps, and a number of other things. But we all have to start somewhere, and this is where I am starting.

              The coils on my generator also cause IT to speed up under load, but now I am searching for the highest performance coil I can get to improve the production of that generator. With the circuit we have been working on and Matt's pulse motor spinning air core coils at high RPM that speed up under load, who knows what the limits are.

              If and when this is the coil I stick back in my big generator and run with the modified motor and potential difference circuit we have been working with, I will be discussing it on the Basic Free Energy Device thread. For now, we are here talking about regenerative acceleration in a rotary device, and while I believe it is possible, not every coil you wind is going to do it.
              Last edited by Turion; 08-13-2015, 01:26 AM.
              “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
              —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


              • #37
                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                Why don't you show us one of your experiments. Your posting all this stuff and I have personally seen a lot of people doubt for one reason or another this tech even is real. Come on Tiny (I made a mistake Tiny is his new name) put your money where your mouth is.

                Show us YOUR work...?


                See how I owned up to my mistake??? See???
                Show us yours, scumbag.



                • #38
                  Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                  Show us yours, scumbag.
                  Plenty of my work is on this board just search my name. All you have to do Tiny is show us an example your work as iit pertains to the thread or admit your a small tiny mind who only understands You Tube videos.

                  No Shame, your just like bro mikey. Small.



                  • #39
                    I know Matt is probably too busy to build and film something right now. He is in the process of working with the new CNC machine we just purchased, as well as the new 3D printer. We got these things so that we can manufacture parts for devices we have built and tested. He is also working on a new generator design he plans on releasing to everyone once it is completely tested.

                    I can tell you that I am on the phone with Matt nearly every day, sometimes three, four, five times a day. Because I need his help, not because I love to chat. I have posted probably a several dozen private videos that only he and I have access to of devices I have built with Matt's help and encouragement. MOST of them he had some hand in designing before I went off on some tangent.

                    It was at his suggestion that I double the number of wires and the length of wires on the core I am testing, It is HIS design for the Potential Difference Boost Circuit I have been testing with such success, and it is HIS design for the 2Cap generator I have on my bench and am testing right now. It is also HIS design for the working generator I am running, although I scaled it up from two coils to 24, but that's because I like to foolishly spend money before something has been completely tested and Matt tends to focus on a small unit that he tests exhaustively. I would be happy to post videos or pictures of any of those things with Matt's permission. He has built some ****. I have been to his place and seen it. And now he has the tools to build even more. Things are going to get very interesting.

                    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                      Plenty of my work is on this board just search my name. All you have to do Tiny is show us an example your work as iit pertains to the thread or admit your a small tiny mind who only understands You Tube videos.

                      No Shame, your just like bro mikey. Small.

                      Bullsh*t. I'm not going to search cr*p. Show us your work, Ahmadinejad. And then maybe after you apologize, I'll show you some of mine. Otherwise, blow me.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Turion View Post
                        I know Matt is probably too busy to build and film something right now. He is in the process of working with the new CNC machine we just purchased, as well as the new 3D printer. We got these things so that we can manufacture parts for devices we have built and tested. He is also working on a new generator design he plans on releasing to everyone once it is completely tested.

                        I can tell you that I am on the phone with Matt nearly every day, sometimes three, four, five times a day. Because I need his help, not because I love to chat. I have posted probably a several dozen private videos that only he and I have access to of devices I have built with Matt's help and encouragement. MOST of them he had some hand in designing before I went off on some tangent.

                        It was at his suggestion that I double the number of wires and the length of wires on the core I am testing, It is HIS design for the Potential Difference Boost Circuit I have been testing with such success, and it is HIS design for the 2Cap generator I have on my bench and am testing right now. It is also HIS design for the working generator I am running, although I scaled it up from two coils to 24, but that's because I like to foolishly spend money before something has been completely tested and Matt tends to focus on a small unit that he tests exhaustively. I would be happy to post videos or pictures of any of those things with Matt's permission. He has built some ****. I have been to his place and seen it. And now he has the tools to build even more. Things are going to get very interesting.

                        No disrespect to you. You seem like an okay guy. I have no beef with you.

                        The following is a quote to Ahmadinejad:

                        Ahmadinejad caused this beef to spill over from another thread I created. If the dirty camel jockey wants to start being respectful, I'll consider listening to his apology. Otherwise, he should stay the F off of the threads I create.



                        • #42

                          okay, guys, let's have a truce. let's keep personal differences out of this thread. it's a good thread. it has potential. if a personal dispute is coming from another thread, please leave it there and don't bring it in here. in deference to vidbid creating this thread, let's stay on topic. let's have no threats of personal attacks after a member posts. let's stay on topic, and let's keep it cool.

                          Last edited by Berg; 08-13-2015, 04:19 AM. Reason: spelling correction


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                            Bullsh*t. I'm not going to search cr*p. Show us your work, Ahmadinejad. And then maybe after you apologize, I'll show you some of mine. Otherwise, blow me.
                            Scared what you'll find? Again just because you got corrected or have asked to provide a little experience you blew up and took the low road.

                            How Tiny of you

                            Enjoy your Mc Nuggets.



                            • #44
                              See, fall back on racism. Thats truly weak minded. You still have showed nothing in support of your subject matter. You have no clue what your posting.
                              And in light of your new found ignorance you'll never learn either.



                              • #45

                                I wouldn't waste my time in a futile search for your ISIS camel jockey bullsh*t. As for McNuggets, that's high cuisine for you over there in Hadjistan, instead of your usual diet of grubs, dirt and twigs.


