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Regenerative Acceleration in Use with Rotary Charging Systems

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  • #76
    New Paradigm

    Perpetual Motion with Thane Heins - Episode 5 - Out Of Their Minds - CBC Player

    The establishment is against him, but then again, why wouldn't it be? After all, they have vested interests.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by vidbid; 08-21-2015, 11:20 PM. Reason: added file



    • #77
      Originally posted by Turion View Post
      Here is what I have seen

      I threaded a 12" rotor onto the shaft of my razor scooter motor and spin it up to 1850 RPM. I recorded the amps, volts and RPM's of the motor. Then I introduced an air core coil to the rotor. (Howdy! Glad to meet ya.) I saw no increase in amp draw, no increase in voltage and no decrease in RPM's. This indicated to me that the air core coil in and of itself has no effect either positive nor negative on the prime mover. When I put a load across the coil, I got no increase in RPM and no increase in amp draw.

      So I stepped it up.

      I did the exact SAME experiment with my three rotor generator. I recorded amp draw, voltage and RPM prior to introducing coils, and then introduced 12 coils to the rotors. (This took a while as there was a lot of shaking of hands and meaningless greetings.) Again there was little or NO change in amp draw or voltage nor was there a decrease in RPM's. I will say that the needle on the amp meter did wiggle, but did not change substantially. When I loaded one coil I got a decrease in amp draw and an increase in RPM. Not much, but measurable.

      That is what I saw. Make of it what you will. Ignore it if you choose.


      I should say that the FIRST coil I used is NOT the same coil as what is in my generator. When I took a single coil out of my generator and ran the same test without by itself, I got a speed up under load of 12 RPM. Again, nothing exciting, but I am happy with just maintaining speed under load and producing the most power possible.
      Turion, what is your input compared to output ?

      If there is acceleration under load and no OU then whats the point. Many of
      us can get acceleration under load without OU but no one can show OU from
      such a setup.

      One of Thanes best demo's shows about 190 Watts consumed for about
      20 Watts or less output, clearly very inefficient and no were near even 50%
      efficiency, Certainly not OU, and yet he claims he can make energy. pffft.



      • #78
        Originally posted by vidbid View Post
        Perpetual Motion with Thane Heins - Episode 5 - Out Of Their Minds - CBC Player

        The establishment is against him, but then again, why wouldn't it be? After all, they have vested interests.

        Yeah and I'll tell you one more thing, THESE CONTROL freaks are

        playing mind games with the general populous till over half are

        suffering one form or another mental illness. Dementia is connected

        to vaccines and chemical trails. Aluminum is being sprayed more than

        ever before in large volumes from aircraft. The pilots are getting

        sick from it. Radiation being released as never before which is an

        electrical disruptor to the human biology.

        WE THE PEOPLE are under a secret attack and this effects our


        The point in all of these few words are that if we know that we

        might be under bombardment, maybe it can begin to make more

        sense why we see people around us not making clear divisive

        judgements. And let's remember each of us may eventually follow

        suit as we are witnessing the weakest ones fail first.

        These people who can get up on youtube and make a comedy of

        a mans life have no moral system whatsoever. It's just money

        to them. They will lie, cheat, steal, murder in exchange for a few

        shillings. These are the soulless ones.

        Do not be side tracked by the goofy clown/ story rhyming jokers

        who has learned to hoodwink the vulnerable and are able to turn

        the masses at will.

        The masses are PEER PRESSURE DRIVEN this mean they have no mind

        of their own. Thanks 4 the article showing just how low these

        planners will stoop to discredit a man. Just like the MYTH BUSTERS did

        to John Bedini years ago.

        These manipulators are world wide and THEY hate you and I.

        THEY hate themselves.

        The people who go with THEIR agenda to hurt their fellow-mates

        will be treated the way they have been treating others in the

        end of THEIR game.

        The people will rise victorious from their snare
        Last edited by BroMikey; 08-22-2015, 12:55 AM.


        • #79

          I can't speak for Thane or his device. I don't even have enough specific information about his stuff to attempt an accurate replication. All I can do is speak for what I see on my bench. Yes, I have compared input to output. 60 watts to turn all three rotors and only 25 watts output from one coil. Those are facts. I posted that video. I did not load up the other 11 coils to determine their output. I already KNOW I can get back better than 80% of the 60 watt input and I did not run the setup on the pulse motor, which is even more efficient. Right now I am concentrating on which coil will produce the best results. Once I have completed all my testing I will probably post some video of my gen running with the pulse motor, recovery circuit and modified coils. Until then, I am just as full of hot air as the rest of the quacks out there but that's ok. I don't have anything to prove to anybody but myself.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • #80
            Thane Heins has Patents, Thane is not going to give away

            for free everything he has learned for the last 20 years.

            I will address this ongoing malfunctioning thought process by

            the beginners. Thane never said he was giving away the secret

            to a self running engine, although he has for those who can see.

            What Thane is doing is this.

            Thane takes a motor that runs at 190watts and says "SEE THE MOTOR"??

            This is going to sound redundant to many of you so I apologize.

            Now there is a conventional motor running on 190 watts and that can

            never be less than 190 watts with that motor efficiency.

            There it is, a motor running on 190 watts, wouldn't it be amazing

            if we could lower that input and increase the power at the same


            Wouldn't that be amazing. So thane steps up to the plate, saying

            sure I can do that for you. The 190 watts represents $190,000

            in electrical bills that can never be lower.

            So when Thane can get more than 20 watts back he is getting

            more than $20,000 in returns, let's not forget the power increase.

            All the hard-heads tilt.

            From there we must review the material that Thane and others have

            witnessed. One input and one or two recovering coil systems and

            a percentage is recovered without degrading power or performance.

            Wait Thane must be hiding a battery.

            Each additional coil system is added maybe 12 more and the

            prime mover is UNAFFECTED by them. In fact the prime mover works

            better and the 12 coils all collect their portion till we see a nearly

            100 percent recovery. But even if it is not 100 percent, whatever

            the recovery is (Say 50 percent) that is more than what conventional

            systems can achieve. In conventional we see 100 percent input

            burnt completely to the ground immediately if not sooner.

            So when any one can stand before me and tell me they are able

            to devise a scheme whereby the energy available in a motor

            can be recycled, I say hats off to that man.

            In all cases when a prime mover is unaffected by the addition

            of an ever growing number of coil sets the current must be lagging

            approx 90 degrees out of sinc with the voltage.

            This is basic delayed Lenz.

            If 20 watts can be recovered then 190 watts can be recovered because

            to the added coil sets the 190 watts in the prime mover is seen as

            reactive power.

            Now as far as Thane going around the web and stating he is giving

            away free of charge to save the world self looped motors, it just

            ain't so. This is a lie and you all know it.

            A strategy against the accused, will the defendant rise?

            And of course the accuser has and will continue to elevate

            himself to a position of judge on something he knows nothing


            I am sure Thane needs more time to improve on that idea and is

            getting at it everyday. But this little spoiled rotten temper tantrum

            approach that demands all of the answers through twisting the

            truth of this investigation is a poor way of saying thanks.

            I wouldn't give my jewels away to you dogs so you can bury it

            in the dirt. Your fit throwing attitude has been spotted from day one,

            you are the only one who can't see it.

            Plus the fact that even the best investigators can not wrap their

            minds around this stuff in a short time.

            Thane is a great teacher and I want to publically thank him for all

            of his efforts to help us to understand. Just as Thane has always

            done, thane is a teacher. Canada screwed up when they put his

            book bag out on the front lawn.

            Many of the people who disagree with Thanes projects seem to

            suggest the same. Away with with Thane, is that it?

            Last edited by BroMikey; 08-22-2015, 09:20 PM.


            • #81
              vidbid imhotep repulsion motor and charger


              This is an idea for a repulsion motor. As you can see, it is inspired by the Imhotep Relay Charger.

              Last edited by vidbid; 08-22-2015, 03:54 AM. Reason: image name correction



              • #82
                Vidbid asymmetrical electromagnetic repulsion motor & battery charger

                Design employs battery charging. Design adapted from Imhotep Relay Charger.

                Doug Konzen stated that he figured out how to capture the "Splatter Energy" but that feature is not incorporated into this design.
                Last edited by vidbid; 08-22-2015, 04:13 PM. Reason: Image Update



                • #83
                  VIDBID A. E. R. Motor & Battery Charger

                  Updated VIDBID A. E. R. Motor & Battery Charger



                  • #84
                    hello everyone
                    my name is Cristian Alba, and I'm the same of the thread >>Magnet Motor revelation< <. Today I bring my research on the effect commented on this thread. Few expenses, with common materials by hand of any people
                    here: and here:
                    please comment.
                    Best regard.

