Originally posted by MadMack
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You are doing excellent Mack, it is not your problem, nor your fault the abilities from others to understand and then interpret what you write/describe.
So according to your second paragraph above...we must reduce the cross section from forks when reaching stator in order to weaken its effect at this point to rotor magnet leaving a stronger interaction between rotor-stator magnet...
As the tail sticking up is something we will have to adjust only by testing which curvature will have the best Throw Out Angle...or "Power Stroke" ...
So I believe it is better to start with mild steel bars or thick flat iron strips...in order to shape them easier.
By the way...this small Chinese neo magnets are pure crap...they are all different lbs pull...!!!
I could not find just two identical pulls going by a dozen...just close that is as good..
Must of Us really appreciate what you are doing here Mack.