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Magnet motor revelation

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  • @ Cristian

    I look forward to your new progress and maybe a new video when
    you can show me something exciting Like your last video. Mack
    has said he likes people to experiment outside his box and so
    all new inventions are welcome.

    @ Group Magnet Motor HeadsMadMack Style

    This is another picture i have made to help me see the new ramp

    ideas. If something is wrong, correct it, I have wide shoulders AND

    no working motor I might add. But she is coming I am sure

    of that more everyday.

    Like UFO has stated about Mack being so very patient with my struggles

    to comprehend, UFO gets an A+ for his gracious words, he stole the words

    right out of my mouth.

    If this diagram is all wrong by all means shoot at it. I want a perfect

    picture soon. Where is UFO? Oh that's right it's 2 am and he is an early

    riser. Okay well this one is for me.

    Also I want to express my thanks to Randy for his very detailed thoughts

    of his data collection strategy. These are good contributions that show

    me I am on the right track.

    The previous diagram's have been left in place with a large red "X" on them

    to show that they are faulty or wrong. I feel it is important to let others

    see our failed work leading up to finding the "RIGHT DIAGRAM" for great

    success. It's a stumbling process.

    An as always giving credit where credit is due to the wiz-kid madman/Nerd

    MADMACK who has helped ME!! Once a WizKid always a WizKid

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-20-2015, 09:59 AM.


    • Mickey patience, shortly. Right now I'm putting together the big motor you have seen the picture.
      Last night, with the small motor and a transformer core in hand, it did not stop(about 5min),but the big, gives me problems
      While you wait, take a tour here:

      OK Mack ok. I am poor at English. So I ask directly,where I'm wrong? Thank you . cristian alba

      This is exciting, or not?
      Last edited by lorinrandone; 09-20-2015, 09:43 PM.


      • Originally posted by MadMack View Post
        This should make things more clear.

        This is the concept only. The ramp ends are unfinished and the angles and distances are not exact. It is not to scale.
        Why show this?


        • Originally posted by lorinrandone View Post
          Mickey patience, shortly. Right now I'm putting together the big motor you have seen the picture.
          Last night, with the small motor and a transformer core in hand, it did not stop(about 5min),but the big, gives me problems
          While you wait, take a tour here:

          OK Mack ok. I am poor at English. So I ask directly,where I'm wrong? Thank you . cristian alba

          This is exciting, or not?
          Yeah Cristian

          Mikey likes it I see your channel now. Nice work.


          • Originally posted by shylo View Post
            Why show this?
            Originally posted by MadMack View Post
            This should make things more clear.

            This is the concept only. The ramp ends are unfinished and the angles and distances are not exact. It is not to scale.

            Mack tells you why in his post, for "CONCEPT ONLY" other than

            that I would have to say to build a magnet motor that runs on

            it's own. Not like the junk you and i have built.

            When we learn this new concept we won't be making magnet motors

            that don't run on their own and are therefore junk motors only for

            learning A,B,C's. I can tell you that this is all we have

            seen on these boards up until now is incomplete junk.
            Last edited by BroMikey; 09-21-2015, 04:19 AM.


            • Originally posted by shylo View Post
              Why show this?
              Hi Artv,

              Mack shows this as a means to the end. He saw the confusion regarding the ramps and gave us this gift for clarity at his possible peril. I, for one, greatly appreciate his help at any level.

              The forks help with the transition of the rotor magnet with the sticky points of the stator magnets.

              Good Luck,



              • I have been building junk here.

                I used magnets from a motor smart drive and found that

                the polarity was like this. I think many magnet motors

                have been built with incorrect materials that do not work

                and are therefore junk.

                I have some neo's now and have started to work on their

                mounts. Don't assume anything, such as all magnets being

                generally the same. It is the little blunders that trash a project.

                Be it yours or mine. I have no one to blame but myself.

                As you can see here, I had 3 magnets in one so this has

                been confusing. I started checking polarity and sure enough

                this is what one magnet has inside of it.

                Last edited by BroMikey; 09-21-2015, 04:13 AM.


                • Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post

                  The forks help with the transition of the rotor magnet with the sticky points of the stator magnets.
                  Yes indeed, I can see so clearly now. The opening of the fork keeps the

                  ramps attractive pull separate from the stator magnets attractive pull.

                  Also if I only use a ramp on one side and not the other with past ramps

                  the balance is thrown out badly.

                  Maybe with the "Y" ramps this imbalance will not prevail when only adding

                  ramps to the attraction side. But I think ramps must be the same on each

                  side to keep the magnetic forces equal. So as it stands the rotor magnet

                  sees the ramp first and is accelerated just before the stator and after

                  that I am at a loss to explain what might be happening. Maybe this "Y"

                  gap keep the rotor magnet from being drawn backward like a sticky

                  spot. One thing is for sure, I have found spots where the rotor magnet

                  goes past the sticky point much better. When this happens I am

                  amazed. Just all at once I spin the rotor again and the sticky spot just

                  goes completely away, even with goofed up magnets.

                  I have learned something again. Time to throw this one in the trash

                  and move on.


                  • Balance

                    Wow! When trying to balance multiple magnets, you quickly find out how unequal, equal magnets really are. When I designed my rotor magnet mounts I didn't allow for adding material to the back of the magnet (for magnetic equalizing). Don't make the same mistake I did. You will need to "tune" your magnets. When the magnets are balanced, the rotor spins freely as if the magnets are not even there. Even at slow speeds. Add another 4 magnets and . This balancing is , but maybe I'm just obsessing.

                    Good Luck,



                    • Originally posted by lorinrandone View Post


                      OK Mack ok. I am poor at English. So I ask directly,where I'm wrong? Thank you . cristian alba

                      Hola Cristian,
                      Hello Cristian

                      La réplica que hiciste de Torián es excelente!!
                      The Torian replication you´ve made is excellent!!

                      Respecto a tu me permites, te puedo decir lo que veo mal en el video de arriba.
                      Related to your question, if you allow me I can answer what I see wrong about above video.

                      Esa Rampa no está bien por varias cosas...
                      I see some errors in that ramp construction...

                      1-Está tomando el imán por casi la parte central y no el extremo final hacia el rotor...eso hace que la inducción no sea completa, sino parcial.
                      1-Is contacting the magnet almost at its center, and not at its extreme end towards rotor, that causes the ramp not to induce a full pole field.

                      2-La parte que se engancha al tenedor hace una "S" que también entra en el espacio central del imán...el espacio equatorial de cualquier imán es casi neutro.
                      2-The part of the ramp that connects with the fork, makes an "S" that also enters that center space of magnet, this space is almost neutral.

                      3- ¿Porqué le pones imanes a la rampa?...haciendo esto estás cancelando la attracción e inducción del imán del rotor hacia el hierro doblado.
                      3-Why do you put magnets in ramp? doing this you are cancelling the attract and induction from rotor magnet to the bent iron

                      Fíjate en el tenedor (fork) y el brazo que lo soporta en la imagen que subió RECTO, y NO curvo y está EXACTAMENTE posicionado casi en la punta del imán, esto define la fuerza polarizada muchisimo más.
                      Notice on Mack's drawing that fork and supporting arm is completely STRAIGHT, and NOT curved, as it is positioned EXACTLY at the end of magnet, this defines much more the polarized forces.


                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 09-21-2015, 01:09 PM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Hola UFO. La verdad que estaba mareado, despues de unos 15 oras de trabajo para armar el rotor de ocho polos y montarle dos estatores. Has visto, he modelado la forma del estator iman , para encajarsele facilmente el tenedor.Todo esto es un trabajo extenuante. Por encima de todo, no podia centrar el rotor siendo construido de cuatro discos de plexiglas.Al final me he dado cuenta de todo esto y ahora lo tengo corregido todo incluso los picos de centimas que me sobre salia los imanes uno con respecto a otro. Va redondo ahora.
                        Te agradezco mucho por tu espirito despierto y analitico.
                        Un saludo. Se me ha ocurrido una pregunta. Tu crees que este motor se mantendra girando solo con dos polos en estator ,el rotor teniendo ocho?Sin detenerse - por supuesto.
                        Un saludo cristian.
                        Last edited by lorinrandone; 09-21-2015, 02:39 PM.


                        • Cristian,

                          Please take what I have to say as constructive criticism.
                          First of all, round magnets. I can not help much with these, they are an unknown configuration. Magnets are too close together, two magnets are active on one ramp, and I suspect their fields are overlapping.
                          The ramp shape is not developed properly and is in two sections. The straight section terminates before the fork, and has a U shape with a curled end, that's no good. The best ramp will not have any breaks between the beginning and ends. Magnets on the ramp? That's an unknown configuration.

                          To everyone trying to make a motor at this time.

                          I can not help much with designs that are radically different than what I found to work.
                          It is way too soon to be trying to make a complete motor based on what I have revealed. It is a waste of time and money because you only have part of the information.

                          It is important that each part is learned in sequence. Each step, once accomplished, becomes the fall-back point for the next step.

                          The first step is finished. You can balance the magnets as needed.
                          We are at the second step, developing the ramp for the attraction magnets, without the repelling set.
                          After that comes the ramp for the repelling magnets, without the attraction set.
                          At this point you can determine the best rotor diameter.
                          Then, combine the action of the two ramps as a pair on the stator.
                          After that comes modifying the magnetic fields with shunts to assist rotation.
                          Then you will know exactly how to build the motor.


                          Your enthusiasm is admirable but think about the magnetic flux involved between the rotor magnet, ramp, and stator magnet. Picture the flow of the flux in all directions as the rotor magnet passes along the ramp, it always takes the path of least resistance. We want the rotor flux to transition between straight attraction to the ramp, then angle off to both sides smoothly while providing the least amount of back pull. As the rotor magnet gets closer to the stator magnet the flux will transition to an attraction mostly between the magnets and this is where the ends of the ramp need to lose their influence on the rotor magnet.

                          If you are using transformer laminations then stack them side by side so their widest part will be seen in the side view, and the top view will be their thickness. Eddy currents.
                          You can work out their shape with cereal box cardboard before cutting any metal.



                          • Hi Mack
                            In throughout my life (and is already quite long), I built many magnetic devices, but always empirically, no concrete plans, and of course, I have failed. I'm the first time, when I have access directly to a person --- its YOU ... that
                            offered qualified information non conditioned about building a real magnet motor
                            Personally I like to build, demonstrate physical effects and electrical principles etc.
                            I hope now time to demonstrate that one magnetic motor is funccional, which is not only dreamed of.
                            So for your patience and for their ability to illustrate physical things without drawing, photos, plans; Cristian Alba will thank Excuse my English


                            • second step

                              My ramp is sheet stock steel and is setup with the one attraction magnet. The rotor(2) magnets, if I just move it slowly, is pulled toward the ramp at around 35° to 45° but will be pulled back once past the stator magnet.

                              When do we know the ramp is the shape and distance that we need?

                              At 45° away I can tap it and the rotor mag will pass the stator mag then stop.

                              So just curious to when I've passed stage two.


                              • Originally posted by MadMack View Post


                                Your enthusiasm is admirable but think about the magnetic flux involved between the rotor magnet, ramp, and stator magnet. Picture the flow of the flux in all directions as the rotor magnet passes along the ramp, it always takes the path of least resistance. We want the rotor flux to transition between straight attraction to the ramp, then angle off to both sides smoothly while providing the least amount of back pull. As the rotor magnet gets closer to the stator magnet the flux will transition to an attraction mostly between the magnets and this is where the ends of the ramp need to lose their influence on the rotor magnet.

                                If you are using transformer laminations then stack them side by side so their widest part will be seen in the side view, and the top view will be their thickness. Eddy currents.
                                You can work out their shape with cereal box cardboard before cutting any metal.


                                Thanks Mack for your kindness. Here is my work for the day so far. Going
                                off to work.

                                @Randy, Thanks for reminding me.

                                Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
                                Wow! When trying to balance multiple magnets, you quickly find out how unequal, equal magnets really are. When I designed my rotor magnet mounts I didn't allow for adding material to the back of the magnet (for magnetic equalizing). Don't make the same mistake I did. You will need to "tune" your magnets. When the magnets are balanced, the rotor spins freely as if the magnets are not even there. Even at slow speeds. Add another 4 magnets and . This balancing is , but maybe I'm just obsessing.

                                Good Luck,


