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Magnet motor revelation

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  • wantomake
    soft steel

    Madmack or All,
    Can we use just flat bar cold rolled steel instead of transformer laminated metal for the ramps? The laminate is difficult to cut without a lazer cutter, which is out of reach for me.

    Is there any advice from anyone cutting laminate it would be appreciated very much.


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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
    Where is the video of your running magnetic motor ?
    Where is yours? Video? Yes? Hey Bog-man, hang on, it won't be long.

    Check this out while you wait. Besides, I can't find my head with both

    hands, so I need to first find out what to do. Still waiting for your

    magnetic wisdom. Here's your big chance before it becomes obsolete.

    Better hurry. What is he talking about?

    The the trolls are so predictable.

    Hey UFO

    "Check me out on this side"

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-30-2015, 07:54 AM.

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  • boguslaw
    Where is the video of your running magnetic motor ?

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

    Now you have the Ramp perfecto!
    Only minor thing is the green line from rotor mag should be ending EXACTLY at stator's line where it finishes right at edge of rotor.
    Look at my corrected figure again...


    Okay UFO I couldn't have done it without you OBVIOUSLY!!!

    I can't believe myself sometimes. I promise to try harder I really will.

    The red dot pivot? Sunk in today, I got it now.

    Here is my offering today. I fixed the rotor magnet angle error.

    I am thinking about all of the time I spent looking at these geometric

    shapes and realizing that my mind is unaccustomed to comprehending

    them. Looking at an object and shaking my head yes, that I think I know

    what it is, and then proceeding to the lab to create a piece of hardware

    like it, shows up my perceptual lack.

    However let me restate again that I have many ramps and some of them

    I have specifically shaped to the arc of the circle then the leading edge

    is opened wider and as the rotor magnet travels into the ramp induction

    zone the space between the two narrows. This last adjustable ramp

    I built could not be changed. I am re-cutting some new ones that I have

    very high hopes for. I am very excited about this recent adventure.

    It is time to pull out my drafting equipment that cost hundreds that I

    barely ever use. When I need it though it is the tool of choice. I have

    two of those large swing arm drafting machines for architectural.

    I love these beauties. Vemco makes them.

    I am way out of practice.

    Thanks for pushing my off my stool Mack.

    Look Here. I am not sure about the STOP position shown below.

    For those of you stopping by to peer in, pay close attention to the

    yellow ramp position AS IT COMES NEAR THE MAGNET!!!

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-30-2015, 06:07 AM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Good man Siggi

    Good to see somebody jump on board and do the work.

    @ UFO

    I don't know why I am getting these brain backward images.

    Oh Well, I crossed it off and made this drawing.


    Now you have the Ramp perfecto!
    Only minor thing is the green line from rotor mag should be ending EXACTLY at stator's line where it finishes right at edge of rotor.
    Look at my corrected figure again...


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  • BroMikey
    Good man Siggi

    Good to see somebody jump on board and do the work.

    @ UFO

    I don't know why I am getting these brain backward images.

    Oh Well, I crossed it off and made this drawing.

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  • Siggi1974
    Thanks mate

    Hey Ufo,
    thanks for that answer summerizing Ken's work in such a brilliant matter...For me the picture is glass clear now...I am not yet 100 percent convinced that only the intermediate pressure zones of a magnets face are responsible for the interactions in motors or generators. But this would be interesting to know....
    Bought material today to start my build and started programming my CNC..

    Best regards friend

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Hello Mickey,

    Mickey I have your final drawing and turn it around to set it next to Mack's Ramp latest CAD...:

    In order to correct your mistakes...

    First off your setting of the stator related to your rotor circumference is off, it must be exactly aligned to the center of the rotor, passing through the center axis of magnet where I have the green line with green arrow.

    The 30º angle of rotor magnets are taken from the center of the rotor circumference (stator center green line) where I drew the second green line and my 30º...then you set-align the rotor magnet center line with that green line at 30º and get it all the way to the edge of rotor circumference. Not from the chord of circumference like you have it. I did not make the right rotor magnet position not to overpopulate more the graphic.

    Related to Ramp now...

    Your Ramp is way off friend...look at the one I made from Mack´s CAD and scale it to your drawing blue.

    Your smooth curved forks following the blue semi-circumference are not where they are supposed to be...and so all your angles are also wrong.

    Take a look at the way it should look like:

    Note that I have slightly inclined/tilted the ramp and blue circumference just a bit to smooth even more the ramp blue curve with rotor red curve, aligning better with the stator front face.

    I am just trying for you to get it right and running!!

    There must be very high precision and high observation to CAD's here or it will not work my friend.


    Thanks UFO

    I knew it looked wrong somehow and I just have to work so hard

    to picture this stuff. I am trying. I see it better now, let me study

    this again and I will correct my mistakes.

    BTW someone said that Bedini showed that motor but it may have

    been meant for the slow moving SG monopole that only needed

    a little extra push.

    Like his Ferris Wheel that goes real slow but has enough energy to

    power a house and then some.

    Besides the money is not in free energy, it's in arcade machines.

    And he gets to live this way. John has done his best.

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  • Stealth
    Bedini did build that motor and said that it worked, although I don't know whether he made a video of it or not. So, all we may have is his word that it worked, which I trust. I haven't seen any indication of him trying to deceive anyone. Good Luck. stealth

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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by genessc View Post
    check it out here... the magnets have to be set in a semi-repulsive fashion... the trick is to get the north to draw towards the north up till its almost on top of it then it should kick that north away as it leaves while drawing in the next north...


    First diagram on that link.


    Bedini already showed this...and that first graphic was also shown in the very beginning of this a different configuration...that is a full repulse motor of N-N all times.

    We discussed this a very long while back here...didn't you read the first part first?

    The Motor in development here is based on modules of attract-repulse in perfect balance...a totally different concept.

    By the way...did Bedini or his Alumni ever showed a working motor on video from this diagram?

    Did anyone ever built one that works and has showed it around?

    Take care

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 09-29-2015, 03:09 PM.

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  • genessc
    Bedini already showed this... whats left to discuss.

    check it out here... the magnets have to be set in a semi-repulsive fashion... the trick is to get the north to draw towards the north up till its almost on top of it then it should kick that north away as it leaves while drawing in the next north...


    First diagram on that link.


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  • Ufopolitics
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Fig F. Updated

    Hello everyone

    Thanks for the nice comments Ron and good to see Siggi puttin in.

    The only way I work is by putting my head down and study and the best

    way is to draw it up for me. Guys like me are not as fortunate as others

    who can build a motor in their minds, run it, test drive it and send it off

    for mass production. No I have to work much harder.

    Thanks to our team, I am getting my head on right as can be witnessed

    by all of the help I have around here.

    Hello Mickey,

    Mickey I have your final drawing and turn it around to set it next to Mack's Ramp latest CAD...:


    In order to correct your mistakes...

    First off your setting of the stator related to your rotor circumference is off, it must be exactly aligned to the center of the rotor, passing through the center axis of magnet where I have the green line with green arrow.

    The 30º angle of rotor magnets are taken from the center of the rotor circumference (stator center green line) where I drew the second green line and my 30º...then you set-align the rotor magnet center line with that green line at 30º and get it all the way to the edge of rotor circumference. Not from the chord of circumference like you have it. I did not make the right rotor magnet position not to overpopulate more the graphic.

    Related to Ramp now...

    Your Ramp is way off friend...look at the one I made from Mack´s CAD and scale it to your drawing blue.

    Your smooth curved forks following the blue semi-circumference are not where they are supposed to be...and so all your angles are also wrong.

    Take a look at the way it should look like:


    Note that I have slightly inclined/tilted the ramp and blue circumference just a bit to smooth even more the ramp blue curve with rotor red curve, aligning better with the stator front face.

    I am just trying for you to get it right and running!!

    There must be very high precision and high observation to CAD's here or it will not work my friend.


    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 09-29-2015, 03:15 PM.

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  • Ufopolitics
    Hello Siggi..

    Originally posted by Siggi1974 View Post
    Hey Ufo,
    thanks for bringing this brilliant information here, as I believe this is one key to make this motor run...
    Hello Siggi,

    My pleasure, so do I think this is key to understand what's going on here.

    However as far as I understood Ken's picture from magnetism the accelerated centrifugal force lines exit at the edges of a magnet's surface with highest speed and will enter again centripedally in the middle of the other side of the magnet where they are accelerated again towards the dielectric inertial plane.
    Siggi, the highest pressure and stronger force of any magnet, any pole, whether North or South is located exactly at the very center and extreme edge end of each pole.


    The Centripetal (return to center) forces enter right at the very center of magnets end pole, not in the middle. Configuring the "inner cone"


    The Centrifugal (exit from center) forces generate from the dielectric (center, equatorial plane) out to space...configuring the "outer cone"

    Both cones, inner and outer are spirals, not straight, nor rigid either.

    Now, the Intermediate Pressure (Fig below), which is the closer to the magnet embodiment, and is this Force-Pressure the one that actually and directly interacts in every machine cycle, whether motors or generators consisting in very close and "tight" air gaps.


    The outer pressure starts where the intermediate ends...extending to infinite, and of course the density and strength is much lower.

    The only difference of a South and a Northpole is the direction of spin they have on their travel, either CW or CCW. Maybe I am wrong but this is how I undestood Ken. I think this whole topic is important, when we think of an induced Iron ramp in the areas where the force lines of the stator magnet are strongest. I also think that this is the reason to angle the rotor magnets namely to show the ramp and stator magnet only the edges of the rotor magnet...

    Best regards
    Agree there to certain point... CW and CCW are completely "relative" terms that depends from the point/angle of view and where we position our watch......for example, let's say the North turns CCW on a typical cylinder magnetized through its height, say South turns CW...Now point that cylinder with North facing your eyes, you see CCW, while South is turning in the back CW...right?...Right...but now turn the cylinder 180º facing South to your do you observe that South spinning now?...Yes, South is turning CCW...

    The only way you will see a difference every time you turn that cylinder poles...would be if both poles are turning same way related to their common center axis...think about this.

    This fact requires full examination as we start observing magnetic interactions between the two basic actions between two or more magnets..attract or repulse...and unfortunately Ken Wheeler´s book does not includes magnetic interactions with ferromagnetic materials nor with other magnets...Therefore, I had to conduct myself all this testings with Ferrocells, Viewing Film and CRT's for a while now...writing and analyzing all data with extreme details.

    Magnetic Interactions are the basic and fundamental part of this new concepts of magnetism...applicable for the development and improvement of any Electrodynamic Machine.

    I learned from Ken the real and basic structure of a single magnet in different shapes...with vast explanations and graphics...introduction to the new technologies to see magnetic fields...etc,etc...and this was the very essence to be able to "move up/transcend" into the following interacting stage I am still working on.

    Kind regards

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 09-29-2015, 01:34 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Fig F. Updated

    Hello everyone

    Thanks for the nice comments Ron and good to see Siggi puttin in.

    The only way I work is by putting my head down and study and the best

    way is to draw it up for me. Guys like me are not as fortunate as others

    who can build a motor in their minds, run it, test drive it and send it off

    for mass production. No I have to work much harder.

    Thanks to our team, I am getting my head on right as can be witnessed

    by all of the help I have around here.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
    Mikey...since you have brought the above picture...I will use it to comment about it...thanks for posting it...and absolutely the below post is not addressed just to you but to all participating here.

    It is a FALLACY, A LIE...that has existed for over 200 years!!

    I could never stop thanking Theoria Aphopasis (Ken Wheeler)

    Regards to All

    Are you kidding? I know very little, say on, UFO say on. I love how

    careful you are about damaging peoples image, but I have no image

    to damage. It's just little ole me!!

    All seriousness set aside.

    And some of you other guys need to give us your insight, so let her rip.

    All I have is you Mack, Dave, Randy to interrogate. A million questions

    with only a tiny experience. But remember this, when I find

    the gold nugget I recognize it right away. Your information is the

    good stuff. This is my high for the day. And tomorrow, I'll get off

    again by this learning fix I am hooked on. It's my crutch.

    Question number 999,999 where can I find the flux density

    information that Mack talked about where I am sure some sort of

    basic conversion formula shows the amounts collected or trapped

    in iron. This information will give me a way to figure out how much

    iron (as a minimum) I need when making a ramp that will be the

    item used to redirect the flux path.

    Also Gauss is part of this thought. For anyone seeing this question

    this shows how unlearned I am concerning basic motor facts. All

    motor designers use those simple formula's wherever they are.

    Note: Now let me rephrase about the curvature in your beautifully

    done drawings. I am not a designer, yet I am a thinker and when I

    got going (Mack pushed me over the edge) I began looking at what

    must be done with any ramp to optimize induction.

    I learned that bending the metal around gave a lot of results not

    found in a book. And the first thing I saw was that the rotor travels

    in an arc so any induced field will also. It has been pointed out that

    the gaps all around the magnet motor might be measured in thousandths.

    Since .060 thousandths offers a huge increase over a .090 thousandths

    gap I realized right away that in order to keep a uniform progression

    of field strength used to accelerate the rotor, I need to keep a careful

    watch that the rotor is following a precise curve.

    It's the little things, right Mack?

    I'll be back with question Number 999,998 later

    I trust you all. Randy hurry up I want to see it running.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-29-2015, 07:17 AM.

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