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Magnet motor revelation
If you can get it to work with two stator and two magnets, add the rest of the magnets on the rotor and it should work. All additional stators do is increase speed and torque. If it won't work with two stator and all the magnets on the rotor, it won't work.
Have You done this test?
Originally posted by shylo View PostThe poles change, When you place a magnet on a flat piece of steel at one end ,The other end is an opposite field.
When a magnet passes over a flat piece of steel , things change.(the poles move)
Have YOU done this test?
If You approach a North Pole* from ANY Kind Magnet to ANY kind Piece of steel, NO matter the shape, Type or whatever, let's just say A FERROMAGNETIC MATERIAL of ANY Kind...You will ONLY get a NORTH POLE there period.
No South anywhere you look, test, seek, search or whatever.
*North just as reference "color"...BUT it would do it with South as well.
Why don't You do like just Tachyoncatcher did...went to his workshop and check it out...then convince yourself before you keep spreading the wrong info here?
The Polarity INFLUENCE (North or South) spreads, expands in Space to a Ferromagnetic Material by trying to expand that 'particular' polarity type into that ferromagnetic material. No Opposite Pole will manifest anywhere in that piece of iron.
It is seen better on more sophisticated equipment, like Viewing Film, Ferrocell Lenses or even a Color CRT.
Below: A Neo Cylinder half way under Viewing Film, could see the Dielectric Plane in green separation, Bloch Wal or whatever you wanna call Neutral well as both poles defined in black.
Below: A piece of Iron Cylinder, same mass weight, separated by a piece of plastic as the "Gap", attached to the same exact Neo Cylinder.
And...You can clearly see the North Magnetic Pole expanded towards the iron mass, WHILE the South Pole REMAINS exactly in the same place/space:
Now, the same magnet, same iron cylinder ...same results, except different colors...this time under CRT screening:
First, the Neo Cylinder by itself:
Now, the same iron cylinder attached to same magnet:
Convinced?...No?...Then You do it!
If You guys keep repeating the same old school based on iron particles spread over all the surrounding "theories" based on its readings...then no one would be able to enlighten you BUT Your own selves and a "wish" to make it happen.
Only knowing the Real Magnetic Spectrum, behavior related to Ferromagnetics, or diamagnetics, etc,etc could ever bring you whatever the old establishment have been repeating is "impossible"...or a "Myth".
The only myth is what they have been teaching Us all for 184 years.
To me what everybody is saying ,with this system ,is it will balance.
There has to be some form of change, or it will just balance
If not won't it just lock up?
A Modular Structure consisting of Two Opposite Interactions, where each INTERACTION (Attract-Repulse) CANCELS out in a perfect ZERO.
The Ramps Angles (Rake) will either shunt one side and generate an "extra" attraction favoring rotation...Ramps create a Positive Unbalance to Our previous Balance.
If We have a Two Pole Motor and Ramps... working by showing rotor Passing Stators Bisectors towards rotation in a noticeable acceleration and in such displacement angle that would start Interacting with the Next Module we set, in the "due coming positioning angle"...then we are fine to keep going. Now, once we add more "Modules", the Ramps size, plus Adjustment Plus ANOTHER BALANCE MUST BE MADE AGAIN...and so on and on, each time we keep adding Modules.
It WILL Work.
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 09-07-2015, 03:49 PM.
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Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View PostHey Grum or anyone,
I am having difficulty with the adjustable angle magnet mount design on the rotor. For economics sake, I am using wood for the rotor which limits my possibilities. Any help in that area would be appreciated. I would like to be able to adjust the angle. Everything that I could come up with involves a piece of steel or aluminum which would make tuning the magnet tough. Angle easy, magnetic tuning tough. I am using 1.5 x .75 x .375 ceramic rectangle magnets.
For the sake of simplicity I'm going to " fix " the rotor magnet angle to 30 deg. My reasoning behind that ? Fine adjustments can be more easily accomplished on the stator whilst the rotor is turning, also it will be much easier to ballance mechanically. I have a huge stock of Polycarbonate off cuts and a full engineering workshop so if 30 deg don't " cut it " I'll just make another one!!
As a footnote, the builders here may find that a telephone call to a local plastics company might just yield a few off cuts, Gratis, as they have to pay for the disposal of scrap.
Cheers Grum.
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Originally posted by BroMikey View PostThese are a bit pricey. Motor Magnets are made to form circles.Maybe good for rotors.This is what I have.
Guys, this is only a toy anyway, the only real usage for it is to open mind for better possibilities ...
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Simply I have no time to read foolish comments. I can post what I know if you are serious about building it and open source it. The only requrement is that if you got it running then send me small working model. Is that too much ?
Yes, I don't have it, I have no mechanical skills and tools so I asked many times people to build it, yet nobody was interested. How is that , when somebody comes with beautiful yet not working schematic then everybody is happy while an old proved design patented before WWII is not interesting ?'s because the slick CAD or Inventor 3D model seems so easy to build and make it run, right ? No way!
No sweat,no joy.
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Originally posted by Turion View Postboguslaw,
And when nobody begged you to tell us the secret you come back with:
Guys, do you really want to build working magnetic motor ? Or is that just a funny game here ?
Are you so starved for attention that you have to come here and try to lure us into begging you for information? If you have something to share, get to it.
It should be obvious that there are several folks working toward this build.
a cat and mouse game of "peek-a-boo" "My Dogs bigger than your dog"
When men grow up past this point(If they ever do) you will see
the unfettered sharing as we see with Mack. Let's hope that people
like boguslaw gets over that hump and will begin to show what they
have learned before it is obsolete. What he knows may not apply at all
to what we are doing. There are just so many ways to create a design
just like a cook does with each individual mixture.
Jealousy, hate, envy and many other aliens entities rule the human
domain till death do us part and this is a very sorrowful display.
Once someone has past the threshold of sanity pure reasoning rules
and no "good" will manifest. It is the goodness that we share among
one another that will bring a time of refreshing.
Anything short of that is starvation to the human conscientiousness
of which I can not afford. When men share they are alive.
This is our big chance.
Thanks Dave and a big thankyou to Mack, he has shown me that
his reasoning to bring us together and keep us together is much
higher than I had expected.
Still trying to cut me some stator brackets over here and while I was
player around with this all new mtr design I was able to watch
the rotor spin freely. What surprised me was that it didn't look like
the rotor was ever going to spin free and with just the slightest
change in stator magnet angle, all cogging would just go away.
Just watching these powerful magnetic forces cancel out is an
awesome sight to see as the rotor acts like it has no magnet
on it.
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You made the following posts:
1. A pure magnet motor with ratched propeller is know at least for 100 years
just to let you know
2. The secret of all magnetic mtors are additional freedom of movement. It can be a device wit mechanical switching to eliminate sticky points or a combined usage of gravity and magnetism or the contruction of device with not only one freely moving rotors but two or three. All in all it is the freedom which moves everything.Don't be angry.
And when nobody begged you to tell us the secret you come back with:
Guys, do you really want to build working magnetic motor ? Or is that just a funny game here ?
Are you so starved for attention that you have to come here and try to lure us into begging you for information? If you have something to share, get to it.
It should be obvious that there are several folks working toward this build. We don't need any more people playing games. There is enough of that already.
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Guys, do you really want to build working magnetic motor ? Or is that just a funny game here ?
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These are a bit pricey. Motor Magnets are made to form circles.Maybe good for rotors.This is what I have.
Last edited by BroMikey; 09-07-2015, 05:41 AM.
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I would say it depends on how thick your rotor is, and what it is made of. My rotors are 1/2 inch thick. I can epoxy magnets onto a piece of plastic with holes on both ends of it. Then drill holes into the plastic rotor and thread them. Using brass machine screws form Lowes, (non magnetic) I can fasten the plastic to the rotor, and with an adjustment nut, raise one end to get the angle. I don't know if that would work for you or not.
Without metal working tools,bending those things will be a pain. Possibly a vise and a sledge hammer would do it. Unless you have a way to heat it before bending. If the straight piece before the bend is not exactly the same on each one, you could take the shortest as your guide and file or grind the others to the same length. But working with metal and NO tools is always a challenge.
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Originally posted by Turion View PostGrumage,
You're right about what happens to the steel. But I will sacrifice some steel to develop the best shape for the ramps.
Max said the LEAST number of magnets he had on a rotor was 6. When you start adding more magnets than that, you really start to reduce the length of the ramp when you compare degrees of circumference allotted to each magnet, so the ramps need to be short. HOW short is what I want to know. I also think there is something to be said for ramps that have one end that curves way back around to get that one end away from the rotor magnet and actually put the middle of the length of the ramp at the point where the rotor first comes in contact with it. Does it even have to be a curve. Can the ramp be >shaped. Now BOTHE of the ends that the magnet wants to go to are in the same direction, and the middle is where the rotor comes into "contact" with the ramp.
If I take one of the short pieces of curved ramp like I used in my last video and I center a rotor magnet on it that rotor magnet will immediately spin the rotor so it moves to one end OR THE OTHER of the short piece of curved steel. It doesn't want to stay in the middle. SO what I want is a ramp that the middle is the first thing the magnet sees as it comes around, and it only has ONE end to go to...IF that makes any sense. Once I get the shape I want by experimenting with pieces of steel, I will use some laminate to replicate.
They are about 3 inches long by about 1/2 inch thick rods. The issue about using them in this project would be bending them, and bending them all the same. I would give these a try, but I don't have the metal-working tools and machinery to feel comfortable with the results. If any have thoughts or ideas about using these with this build speak up.
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Randy, if you can make a plastic or nylon carriage to hold your magnets, or if the magnets have a central mounting hole, then use nylon bolts / nuts to do your adjustments. You can find them at Ace Hardware (at least my local one carries them).
Also stainless steel, if you get the correct material, is much less magnetic than regular steel. If you can get 316L, 304 etc. or an equivalent low magnetic attraction stainless, it works well as a stator mounting hardware for my axial flux windmills that use high powered Neo-magnets. Some of the stainless steel hardware that I have tried does have a slight magnetic pull towards neo-magnets, and I have had to test each piece against a magnet to find the least affected for use in high magnetic field areas.
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Originally posted by Grumage View Post...Over the next week or so I shall be engineering a Six slot Polycarbonate rotor centred around a quality Ball Race and getting just a single pair of magnets to " play nice " with their fixed ones.
Cheers Grum.
I am having difficulty with the adjustable angle magnet mount design on the rotor. For economics sake, I am using wood for the rotor which limits my possibilities. Any help in that area would be appreciated. I would like to be able to adjust the angle. Everything that I could come up with involves a piece of steel or aluminum which would make tuning the magnet tough. Angle easy, magnetic tuning tough. I am using 1.5 x .75 x .375 ceramic rectangle magnets.
RandyLast edited by tachyoncatcher; 09-07-2015, 02:14 AM.
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Lock Up
i think this design takes advantage of attraction and repulsion and avoids lock up. But we shall see.
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The poles change, When you place a magnet on a flat piece of steel at one end ,The other end is an opposite field.
When a magnet passes over a flat piece of steel , things change.(the poles move)
To me what everybody is saying ,with this system ,is it will balance.
There has to be some form of change, or it will just balance
If not won't it just lock up?
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