Originally posted by dR-Green
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World's first real Free Energy Flashlight - no shaking - no batteries! No Solar
There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by ewizard View PostI assumed that was obvious to everyone here. As I said I was only quoting from their web site. They are not saying anything about having an overunity device or COP >1 and per their vids are not claiming it is breaking any laws of physics. I guess saying anything is 'free energy' triggers knee jerk reactions with those who have been into alternate energy for a while. I also assumed people knew that I know the difference between alternate energy sources like solar, EM fields, wind versus more exotic claims of zero point energy and overunity devices. Neither I nor Adgex as far as I can see are claiming anything exotic or physics law breaking so I don't understand dr_Greens attack profile on this.
Also I have found that they likely chose Australia as their home base because it is very difficult to get info on Australian patents - they are very protected there.
You said you were only quoting the web site so that's acknowledged.http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
Why is it that more and more often people seem to overreact to anything presented? Thanks ewizard for posting about this development. I think it is an interesting product and worthy of mentioning to those that may not know about it. I don't think it will end the use of fossil fuels as some seem to think. I don't even see where the manufacturers are making any claims like that. I don't understand all the negative comments or all the overblown reactions that claim this is going to end the oil monopoly. It just is what it is. I can think of some situations where this device could be very handy.
If you lived in Alaska where it is dark for six months at a time solar is not an option. If you have arthritis in your hands then the hand crank flashlight is not a good option. So there are situations where this could be a nice device to have around. Hopefully the price will come down once they get into full production.
CarrollJust because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.
Originally posted by citfta View PostWhy is it that more and more often people seem to overreact to anything presented?
You yourself have come up with a better and more honest marketing strategy without even trying.http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
energy harvesting flashlight
Originally posted by ewizard View PostThey are not saying anything about having an overunity device or COP >1 and per their vids are not claiming it is breaking any laws of physics. I guess saying anything is 'free energy' triggers knee jerk reactions with those who have been into alternate energy for a while. I also assumed people knew that I know the difference between alternate energy sources like solar, EM fields, wind versus more exotic claims of zero point energy and overunity devices. Neither I nor Adgex as far as I can see are claiming anything exotic or physics law breaking so I don't understand dr_Greens attack profile on this.
Also I have found that they likely chose Australia as their home base because it is very difficult to get info on Australian patents - they are very protected there.
And the COP would be considered infinite with the sideways infinity symbol because there is zero input required from the operator all without breaking any laws of physics. Solar, wind, water generators also have an infinite COP since they have zero operator input.
They're very clear in the claims that they say they're harvesting basically electronic smog, etc... In their press release I posted below, it does say, “Free Renewable Energy.” That is a free energy claim and if the operator doesn't input anything, then it's automatically infinite COP so they do claim this indirectly but of course id doesn't violate any laws.
Nokia already announced a while back that they're researching ways to do the same thing to keep the phones topped up without ever plugging them in. See this: Wireless Power Harvesting for Cell Phones | MIT Technology Review
RFID's are powered this way and Dennis Siegel that I posted about claims a charger that will charge a single AA battery in a day. That right there is more than enough to light an LED in dark hours without ever having to plug it in.
Most of these little harvesters seem to be for different frequency ranges - 50-60hz, then some higher frequency ranges so it is mentioned in various areas that to make these as practical as possible, they have to be as broad in their frequency range as possible.
So far, this flashlight looks feasible and most likely does as claimed because all the pieces are available to make it work. They just might have it working better than others and if so great.
I'd personally like to see the circuit that Dennis Siegel claims will charge the AA battery in a day. Just that alone has countless uses. And of course would like to see this flashlight circuit.
Since the flashlight circuit was filed as a provisional, if Australian law is similar than they probably have about a year or half year left to file the full regular patent application and when the regular patent app is filed, that would probably be published and available for viewing.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
Good job finding more details Aaron.
ewizard, where did you quote " World's first real Free Energy Flashlight - no shaking - no batteries! No Solar" from?
From the web site:
Be aware that If ELFE is used continuously for more than 12 hours; he will be restored to full power within 7 to 14 days. The rate of recharge may vary depending on a range of geographic and environmental factors.
Power Source: Adgex Accumulator deriving energy from the Earths magnetic fields, from solar radiation, & from industrial & environmental electromagnetic noise.ELFE durable aluminium casing ensures he is resistant to damage which makes him ideal for outdoor activities.http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
I'm In
Originally posted by trahedron View PostIs anyone seriously interested in reverse engineering and documenting this device in enough detail to reveal functionality?
PS - My intuition or guardian angel or wherever guidance comes from told me to take a look at Wilhelm Reich's Orgone ACCUMULATOR the last few days, so when I saw the e-mail about this accumulator, I jumped on it.
Its funny to see this because about 3 years ago a guy I knew from this forum PM'd me (I wish I knew his name off the bat) and asked me if I wanted a flash light. He said this flashlight will never go dead and I want you test it. The flashlight had to have energizer standard batteries and would stay charged.
When it was sent to me it came from some company like cutting edge or sharper image I can't remember the name even they use to have catalogs with a lot great stuff.
Anyway I burned the new energizer batteries for 24 hour +- and checked the voltage and low behold they were at about 1.8 volt, from a 1.5 volt battery. Still to this day I know they are fully charged and have more voltage than the battery is supposed to contain.
The bulbs are LEDS 2 real bright ones or 40 regular looking LED's, like a lamp type setup.
No matter how much I have run it it never goes dead. During the testing I ran it to death and the batteries never moved. I have used it for a camp light many dozens of times while camping. I don't how many times its burned over night while the power was out and I wanted to make sure the toilet was easy to find.
So in my traditional way I'll insult all of you and tell you how late to the game you really are. And NO!! I will not take it apart so you can have schematic to look at and do nothing with. Bunch of You Tube watching clowns...... Minus the one who know they aren't.
Originally posted by Matthew Jones View PostIts funny to see this because about 3 years ago a guy I knew from this forum PM'd me (I wish I knew his name off the bat) ...
I realize that this could be faked, but how about at least teasing us by putting up a time lapse video of 48 or so hours of the flashlight/torch operating? I'd be happy to give you some instructions on how to do that if you would need any.
Ruskies! And they look to be serious about this.
More info:
Sergei Ivchenko, head of Adgex Energy division, on breakthrough flashlights and NiCa accumulator
NiCa I take to mean Nickel Calcium, but I don't speak Russian. Fortunately this video is subtitled in pretty good English. Ivchenko makes some interesting statements:- Energy is everywhere around us - electromagnetic, gravitational etc. I have built a kind of sensor that collects energy. It collects small amounts of energy, enough to charge a battery.
- USB outlets can charge various gadgets. This flashlight can charge phones, computers.
- This is the first model of our flashlight. It is fed by Schumann waves, magnetic field of Earth, etc. We are going to implement the principle of flashlights for accumulators. Then you will not have to charge accumulators at all.
That last bullet point he made after changing course to a big "accumulator" that can replace a car battery, but after fully discharging it, he then charges it over 30 minutes with a welder - so I'm thinking that the big NiCa accumulator is a bit of a Red Herring - a distraction or another product they're working on. He says something about they don't have accumulators big enough to charge "it" - the big NiCa accumulator? But then the point about using flashlights for accumulators, obviating the need for charging.
Sergei then introduces the physicist who got him started down this path, Dr. Jabrail Baziev, who seems at first to be, if not on his own planet, at least in a different orbit - AT FIRST. But then he drops a couple of (possible) mental bombshells:- "A new theory of electrodynamics going beyond 1865 Maxwell." (He then goes on about studying gasses for quite some time that he was able to resolve using Planck's Constant, and then)
- Planck's Constant turned out to be a moment of an impulse of an unknown, very small particle, carrying a positive electrical charge. I called it electrino."
- Electron is considered the smallest particle by the modern scientific world. Electrino turned out to be much more (sic) smaller than electron, its mass being 150,000 times smaller, charge 200,000,000 times smaller.
- This is the smallest particle in the universe and the most widespread. 99.8% of any body consists of electrino.
- This led to the creation of an open structure of an atom. Structure of an atom is an ultimate objective of theoretical physics development. This helped resolve all problems which old physics could not tackle. Scientists of old school are trying to resolve the task of 12 dimensions using mathematical formulae. It's impossible to solve it as real space is 3-dimensional.
- The magnetic field of the Earth consists of 10^43 number of electrino which circulate through the Earth and around the Earth. It's electrical capacity is 10^24 Watts. This is an inexhaustible source of electrical current. The flashlights of Sergei burn thanks to [this] magnetic field.
- The new theory [unified field electro-physics?] is so objective that I could resolve any scientific - technical problem in a week.
He then goes on to speak about speed of light measurements and speed of current measurements, and that the speed of current is different in different conductors, and the speed of light depends on its spectrum - that it is a function of wavelength or frequency. This reminds me of the lost but pioneering work of Baron Karl von Reichenbach and what he called Od (Aether? Prana?) and the different sensations produced by different wavelengths of sunlight, broken out by a big prism.
- There had not been any equation in physics as well as no substantiation for 300,000 Km/S. The speed of light was [NOT?!?!] measured empirically. This was a deep mistake.
- Measurements of different one color beams of light shows that red beam diffuses with the speed of 1,5 * 8.
Does this mean 1.5 X 10^8th?!?! We need someone to translate what units / time he says, as the captions don't have it. If we're still talking Km/S then that's WAAY faster than 300,000 Km/S!!! Holy Tesla, Batman! See 11:49 point in the video. We also need to know if the caption translator left out the NOT (measured empirically) word.
There is damn little about Dr. Jabrail Baziev on the web, and nothing about the book he refers to that is soon to come out? I even waded into Russian Wikipedia, translating the pages I came up with using Bing Translator. It turned out to be a statement that a RU Wikipedia page didn't exist on him and inviting me to write one. HA HA.
It seems they have been taking money from sales since may 2015, however if
anyone adds an ELFE to the cart they will see that the item will not be
dispatched until December 03 - 2015, still 4 months from taking the money
before sending the item. If the items are for real then they should be able to
pre-manufacture stock for dispatch soon after sale. Something seems sus even
though there is theory that it is possible, I am guessing the devices would
not recharge away from man made noise and without knowing how it works
all anyone has is guesses.
Be careful, at $99.00 dollars a piece they could take a lot of money before
December from sales then either delay or fail to deliver.
For those who claim this and that with no evidence I say, show evidence or
your words are just noise in the wind.
Crank and shake lights are not free energy (unless you can get a hamster to
crank or get someone else to crank or shake the light to charge it), because
in order to use them you must expend energy to charge them. Solar is free,
wind is free ect.,
free energy flashlight - elfe
If they're working with Baziev, that gives it a lot of credibility in my opinion.
I'm in contact with a few of them at the company. I'm finding out when they're ready to ship or if I can get one early to test. Order pages does say: 03.12.2015 - since it is pre-order time, that must be 3 Dec so a few months.
I'll probably order one because $99 is worth it in case it works - not an enormous gamble. I also don't care if they're the first or not because I'm only concerned with what works or not and if so, they're the first to sell these openly and that is a good step.
Of course everyone has to make up their own mind and everyone has access to the same info so...Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io