Originally posted by mikrovolt
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What is Cold Electricity?
In this video is a simulation of a hurricane which is a thermo air / moisture event that precedes the electrical lightning. It is my opinion that to harness the great wheel work of nature begins with understanding what it is. I don't know about ancient symbols but the 3D version at the end of the video may have more meaning later.
But what about the various forms of electrical energy ?
It was estimated that over 14 days the hurricane delivered the equivalent of 750 million 1 Megawatt power stations into iososphere and thunder clouds. It is friction process that is the molecules have tremendous amount of friction and the clouds cycle thru a natural charge separation.
It is in the expanded model of the ionosphere of atmospheric electricity that allows us to
venture beyond the atmosphere. As we develop better understanding of the open system.
Tesla if he lived today would no doubt be keenly interested in some satellite instrumentation
studying this expanded model.
The TLE 's have more significance than previously thought. They are difficult to study
because the present tools are slow in comparison. Because these events are so fast
our understanding and progress has been slow. It is the red sprites travel that suggest
to me that solar wind and magnetic connections are the pathways in which
cold electricity plays a significant role.
This is conventional magnetosphere 101
The magetic reconnection exists and our magnetosphere is not isolated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK_xlAmf2TQLast edited by mikrovolt; 11-01-2015, 02:36 AM.
Here is a COLD energy video. Marc B. is a credible researcher.
Listen to him talk about his self running circuit with the cold
entering it.
Marc Belanger
Proof that radiant energy can be drawn from the Earth's magnetic field by utilizing cold rotational energy with a simple relay, battery, and capacitor that is completely se
Hi everybody, the relay will oscillate by itself if wired correctly no matter the size or type, just as long as the relay has a normally closed switch. To do this, the relay's coil must be wired in series with the normally closed switch, start your wiring like this:
Start wiring the negative from a battery to one side of the relay coil. Then, wire the other side of the coil to one end of the relay's normally closed switch, then, the other side of the normally closed switch back to the positive of the battery. This is only the part of the relays circuit that will force oscillation. Oscillation here has nothing to do with resonance, etc., it is a forced oscillation that starts by energizing the relay coil, the relay opens the switch and forces the circuit open, shutting down the coil, releasing the high voltage from the coils back emf pulse to the battery, then, since the circuit is shut off, the switch goes back to its normally closed position and cycles the system all over, repeating itself between 800-1200 times per second causing a nice rise in voltage. Since we have the potential to replace the energy used as it is a functional but mechanical tank circuit, energy will rise depending on how the circuit is wired, components used, and its super important to utilize the better type of battery. Some batteries allow absorbtion of ac current such as lithium poly and lithium ion packs but, its vital to be sure the voltage levels remain in the window they are designed for. This can be achieved by adding a variable 2-3watt resistor as a dummy load to prove you have a gain in energy between your input and output. Its vital the correct diodes are used in the correct place to get the results i claim will happen, allowing the battery to charge while being loaded without discharge. The circuit will NOT continue functioning with any large load , it is merely the method i use to prove overunity is possible by the use of this circuit.
I receive thousands of emails daily so please give me time to respond. I get hate comments and a lot of trash talk from skeptics and suppressionists where folks are waiting for replies telling them how to complete something, sometimes asking me for instructional videos. I work by myself performing research daily and i dont have the time to answer every email or comment, so, no, I am not disregarding comments because i am mentally unable, not smart enough, or am not willing to answer those questions, i just dont have enough time in my life to see and answer each message as the entire world seems to be questioning my posts.
I apologize if this has happened to any one of my followers, i will eventually post these instructions and my sources, part numbers as well as clear, professional detailed schematics, so, please allow me the time to do so. I am also blocked from posting videos from many of my devices by compute r hackers most likely working for energy companies, so, please allow me the opportunity to take the time and make the effort to complete these tasks. Im on my vacation and ive been trying to answer my subscribers, then, the many questions by email, then, lastly, answer and fight my battle with the skeptics who are doing nothing but offering negativity to everything i post. My theory to electrical and the energetic community is that there is nothing in this world or universe for that matter which is impossible. I feel there is always a logical explanation for what skeptics call an anomaly. I feel an anomaly is a true method of the supposed impossible actually happening and cant be pushed off as something that is accidentally happeningg. If these anomalies were impossible according to physics laws, then, either laws are wrong, which they are not, or, there is another form of electricty out there that pertains to different mathematical system that has not been put together or allowed to be theorized.
We have been suppressed from the true Maxwellian equations which allow all overunity systems to be scientifically possible. This is why the suppressionists ammo bags are full and they have valid ways to argue and state the unlikely is impossible, but, their arguments will tell us new technology is impossible unless it pertains to the scientific theories labeled as Laws, laws are merely theories that have not been proven. Maxwell and tesla worked to prove their theories, Morgan and Lorenz erased, rewote, and forced publishing of only the mathematic equations that stated overunity is impossible. This is totally wrong as asymmetric equations have been released and allowed to be presented in modern day physics classes at Ivy League schools such as Yale, but, the studies must be paid for to view on the IEEE WEBSITE. FOR PROOF, PLEASE PAY FOR THESE DOCUMENTS TO SEE THE TRUE RESULTS OF THESE STUDIES. DO NOT ALLOW THE SUPPRESSIONISTS TO CONVINCE YOU INTO THINKING I AM LYING, AS THE IEEE HAS ALLOWED THESE PROVEN SCIENTIFIC STUDIES TO BE PUBLISHED WHETHER ONE BELIEVES ME OR NOT, THIS IS MY PROOF. LOOK UP ASYMMETRIC MOTOR VS. SYMMETRIC MOTOR STUDIES AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE AND PURCHASE THESE SCIENTIFICI STUDY RESULTS FROM THE IEEE. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF THESE STUDIEZ PUBLISHED WHICH OFFER THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AS WELL AS ALL BUILD CRITERIA SO ONE CAN DUPLICATE THIS ON YOUR OWN. THEY WILL SAY IM A LIAR AND A SCAM ARTIST, BUT, I TELL NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH AS I AM NOT TRYING TO SELL YOU ONE THING AND HAVE NO REASON TO LIE ABOUT ANYTHING.
hello, actually that will work as a coil driver as I've done this for my Tesla coil, however, you won't get much driving power unless you use a battery capable of high amperage, or, a good power supply. be very careful if you use this to try driving sensitive electronics since the back end can create up to 450 vac and could destroy cmos ICs . If you use light duty batteries like a 9v, or wall wort 12v power supplies, you'll only get high voltages worthy of creating high frequency arcs, maybe too low to create large arcs capable of driving hairpin circuits. It's an easy driver to.use, and, is one of the first circuits used for the Tesla coil. relays at one time were what Tesla and a lot of other scientists used as vibratory.switches for many electronic experiment. thanks for your post, please share my videos... I will share yours as well and post some cool instructional videos very soon.
Here is a COLD energy video. Marc B. is a credible researcher.
Listen to him talk about his self running circuit with the cold
entering it.
Marc Belanger
hello, actually that will work as a coil driver as I've done this for my Tesla coil, however, you won't get much driving power unless you use a battery capable of high amperage, or, a good power supply. be very careful if you use this to try driving sensitive electronics since the back end can create up to 450 vac and could destroy cmos ICs . If you use light duty batteries like a 9v, or wall wort 12v power supplies, you'll only get high voltages worthy of creating high frequency arcs, maybe too low to create large arcs capable of driving hairpin circuits. It's an easy driver to.use, and, is one of the first circuits used for the Tesla coil. relays at one time were what Tesla and a lot of other scientists used as vibratory.switches for many electronic experiment. thanks for your post, please share my videos... I will share yours as well and post some cool instructional videos very soon.
Marc Belanger 11 months ago
Thank you for your interest. No, I haven't modified it, it is basically how it is wired to put any relay into oscillation. Please visit Marc's MBR Circuit and view the A-02 circuit, then, instead of making the transformer yourself, get a 120 volt to 12 volt dc power supply (power packs for chargers that plug into the wall with internal transformer)
This makes it a hell of a lot easier to build, as it is built for resonance already, especially if the caps are put across the coils of the transformer. If the device has a secondary rectifier, that needs to be removed and put on the high side coil, so, most of the components are already there for you, but, I suggest following modification once it is built. Make a second jumper from the battery's positive pole and add a damn fast diode to the end, direction is important because it will connect to one of the high side connections of the transformer.
It doesn't matter which side, only one side will make the circuit run faster and make more energy. The circuit will already be looped back to the battery when you are done wiring it, but, this addition of the jumper is a must that will allow the voltage to rise and keep the battery up to voltage while in oscillation. You can then add a small led to the battery once it is successful. The jumper allows the rectification to be fast enough, and allow a one way "energy valve " so to speak which will allow the radiant energy to be absorbed into the battery, making it do work.
The difference in transformers are what makes this change necessary, but, I have noticed that followers have not been successful in getting this working by making their own transformers. It is vital that resonance is reached to make this function. If it enters resonance, you will know right away due to the oscillation tones, etc., as well as the voltage.
The battery will not rise above what it is supposed to, it levels off at about 13.7-14.2 volts if it is in resonance 100% or closest to it. (I don't think anybody has made this nearly 100%, I have come close with mine that had the hydrogen cell incorporated with it, but, the batterie were also brand new and it makes a world of difference.
Using the lead acid battery does not achieve the best effect so if you do use a lithium ion battery, it will work so much better, but, it is dangerous and an explosion is very evident, as well, believe it or not, the lithium ion battery will begin to change and absorb ac pulsation, releasing an ac pulse to the relay, killing the circuit if protection measures are not used, such as the rectifier bridge, which I highly recommend if using any battery.
I have tried this with just the cap bank and it will not work, so, save yourself some time, money and additional effort by taking a premade transformer, (of very small amp rating, the smaller, the better the gain) and follow this instruction. I am quite confident you will get it working flawlessly if you do so.
Do not forget the jumoper and diode, it is important. If the transformer is placed as in the picture, I show a switch. Connect the jumper from the switch to the connection of the larger transformer coil to the right of it.
If for some reason you get no effect of overunity of power gain, swap any of the two transformer coil leads. I suggest connections should be made with wire nuts so the connections could be swapped easily.
I will be posting some new circuits very soon, as well, feel free to come visit my new "free energy " forum at Dezeinstein.com. Pleae post comments, circuits, and send some people there. It isn't completed, but, anybody can start posting there. I will have some completely unknown circuits to the public that work very soon!
I have stumbled upon the relay circuits originally by accident, then, once I tried videoing these, I did look them up online, matching my discovery closely to imhoteps, but, It is a bit differently wired than his. I didn't know he discovered this too. I was actually wiring a relay and got shocked upon disconnection because i inadvertently placed wires in the wrong place and it started to buzz like an old car buzzer. That was the basis of design, it was based upon the old buzzer theory and it is exactly why the buzzers made so much electrical noise in the car through the radios, especially am radio.
When we turn on am radio, we could use this to show there is energy around us to be drawn in not only by am signals, but, many others and, we could use the tuning of the radio and signal strength, completely determined by the level of noise on the air of how to tune our circuits.
I bought variable inductors and variable capacitors for this tuning on ebay to tune into the energies I draw in and it is the best way since there is not any more guess work for which frequencies need to be tuned to.
We are constantly bombarded by rays of all sorts from the cosmos and almost all of these can be tapped into to use for energy.
I highly suggest building a completely isolated radiant energy antenna by taking a piece of aluminum plate, de-oxidizing it, then, mix a very finely milled graphite powder (for doorlocks) with an acrylic or polyurethane, and painting the plate with it.
While it is still tacky, I take the tube of graphite powder and "puff it on the tacky surface, then allow it to completely dry. Then, I take a buffer and buff it to a high sheen. The color of the outside of the plate will look exactly the same color as a "static bag" which electronic chips are delivered in. This will allow the draw of an abundant amount of radiant energy that can be used to do work if the circuit is built correctly to utilize and transform to do work. the amperage will be very low, but, we can modify this by flowing the energy through a circuit like Lorrie Matchett's main's circuit to create a higher amperage just by inducing the mains voltage and amperage through a coil next to the mains circuit. Add the antenna to the circuit as i show in the a01 circuit. I still would play with this to try and modify because everybody has different results due to radiant energy levels in their area. I am on a mountain and I get great results.,
I highly recommend using a faraday cage to block any additional emf that may be develoiped which can be dangerous from all of my circuits, as well, use at your own risk as they may be dangerous if you don't use protective equipment to guard from shock!
[VIDEO]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1Eaf6I872Jk/U85FX6XN7YI/AAAAAAAAGPA/JpjXh3vbg_g/s1600/mbrcircuit.jpg[/VIDEO]Last edited by BroMikey; 01-09-2016, 03:16 AM.
I am finding that the LED I use is a super high intensity 12 volt automotive led from China which draws 3-4 watts. This has stayed running perfectly for 4 days without discharge of the battery at all. In fact, after I shut it off,and opened the antenna, the battery resumed it's charge and rested at 14.4 volts for some time, then slowly discharges to a high 12 v range! I originally started using the battery with a resting voltage of 11.8 volts, so, the circuit certainly charges itself, even without an antenna connected! The circuit needs no antenna to charge a battery , unless too large of load is connected, and be sure your battery has enough juice to oscillate a relay. I changed the relay from an automotive style relay that was shown in my original Youtube video to a fully adjustable industrial 24 volt coil relay that can handle 15 amps in the switch for up to 240 volts. Please use this circuit at your own risk. I can not be responsible for any injury, electrocution, or fires that people may cause trying to use my circuit. To be safe, fuse the circuit lightly, and test your results of overunity and post them to this site so I could see you are having fun! It does work and I know so because I use this daily! Please post your results, and if you have any questions, please ask. I will try to help you out. The battery used is a 12 volt lead acid battery. The specs are (UB1270) 12 volt, 7 AH battery. The capacitor is a 370 volt motor run capacitor. These capacitors can be dangerous, so, please use with caution. It is not a motor start capacitor, so please choose wisely and match the components correctly. It's a Temco RC0096 . 370-440v 100uF . The antenna I use is a piece of cable TV wire, shielded with ground, and connected to the stainless steel plate to collect radiant energy, but, the open ends have 6 inches of creepage distance (stripped back and foil brought back to create an antenna that can not discharge to ground when high voltages are present, otherwise, you may be in for a real surprise if your antenna is up too high , or you are drawing in induction from nearby utility transmission lines. STAY AWAY FROM UTILITIES... It's a really fast way to get hurt, burnt, lose a limb, or just get killed from it! I do not recommend using this within 50 feet of any 5-35 kV overhead distribution line, or 500 feet of any 69kV to 345 kV transmission line. The center conductor of the antenna is connected to a stainless steel plate, which is insulated with Plastic Dip. The plate is insulated from the roof of my house, with anything that is a great dielectric, like porcelain insulators, or fiberglass insulators with rain shields on them, possibly insulators from a high voltage switchgear. The circuit end of the shielding is connected to an Earth ground. The higher the antenna, the more voltage from radiant energy is drawn into the circuit. The circuit without the antenna will still electrocute you, so, please wear protective rubber gloves made to resist electric shock. I wear 8kV lineman gloves while the circuit is running, and they may not be enough under an avalanche situation because thousands of volts can come through the antenna during local lightning strikes, especially if it were to be struck by lightning. It is best to put a disconnect point, with lightning protection on it. Please be responsible. The relay used is a 5 connection relay with a normally closed and normally open connection. It will employ an 85 and 86 terminal without a diode or resistor in the relay pack. It is vital that your relay does not have any diode or resistor tied to the coil in parallel, otherwise it will not produce back emf, or be isolated from the production of it.Warning: This circuit will produce energy that can wipe out sensitive electronics. Do not connect anything sensitive without filters or shunt protection. Otherwise, it will take out sensitive cmos ic's in the circuit and they will most likely not work again. Please be careful with any of my back emf posts as they can be very dangerous if not used in a safe manner, with the proper safety equipment. Electricians do not usually have the rubber gloves necessary to protect from voltages of this level, so, please look up the correct type and size before constructing this circuit. This circuit has produced over 1200 volts and is very dangerous in certain conditions. Please be 100% sure you drive an earth driven ground to the capacitor side of your radiant energy antenna. I recommend you disconnect your antenna during electrical storms otherwise you may be the victim of that multi million volt strike, Or you may die as a result of a strike. Please be advised that strong magnetic fields, and other types of radiation may be given off by the oscillating relay coil and energy antenna's operation. Please enclose this circuit board in a metallic shielded case (Faraday Cage) , with an isolant , or plastic standoffs to eliminate short circuit from the board to the case. I recommend a metal electronics box to be used as a Faraday Cage. I have found that noise is produced in sensitive electronic devices, through AM radios, and other devices used in my house while this circuit is oscillating. This may be damaging to human cells and tissues of animals or pets if you have the circuit oscillating within your normal living area. Thanks for visiting my page. I will be posting much more content showing results of many more of my builds and experiments . I will leave my video links here from my own experimentation as I upgrade this circuit. Try other connections as well to see which produces more. Thank you! (Real Radiant Energy) (making HHO and lighting a light while charging the battery using this circuit!)
MBR Circuit A-02, Looped & Transformed Overunity Relay Charger
Advanced Electronic - Cheapest Electronics On The Net!
Hey Everybody, here is the newest addition to my MBR circuit. We have also posted a new radiant energy circuit to be used with a serious radiant energy system that allows perfect tuning that allows the energy to be utilized to run a fueless electric motor to spin a conventional electric generator! This is yours free for your personal use if you wish, the address is TTRRET-01 Circuit
As you all know, I have discovered the back emf content of a relay accidentally by wiring the relay the wrong way and getting shocked. I knew it had pretty good potential so I tried a bunch of different circuits and found that it drove a transformer I have custom wound. The circuit creates a higher voltage and the relay oscillates much faster. The battery, as well as the cap bank gets charged, then, it levels off without ever dying. It doesn't have a lot of overunity, but, it will keep running the relay, charge the cap bank, and charge the battery. You can add an LED inline or in parallel without killing the circuit, just as long as the led isn't too high of wattage. The transformer boosts the voltage and the additional voltage absorbs into the battery and cap without damage. There are losses in the transformer, as well, the relay and the relay uses amperage to run, same with the rectifier, and optional led. It is pretty obvious that the battery would die if it didn't make more than it uses, so, there is certainly evidence of another energy source that this circuit draws from, but, since it resembles the tank circuit, it does cancel all used current by replacing it with the replaced power it does draw in from the environment. This actually draws in a small fraction more than it uses, therefore proving it is possible to do, nothing else.. Since we know energy can not be created nor destroyed, we know that it is drawing this in, I believe it is drawing a form of radiant energy in through the arc in the relay's switch, as Tesla once stated he discovered, and we did rediscover this without knowing it was possible. The transformer, the relay, the rectifier and all wires/components stay cold to the touch, pretty much eliminating any possibility of efficiency loss, but, if a loss is created and another source is provided to eliminate the power used in this loss, the circuit would either be considered to be 100% efficient, if it provides an output additional to the draw, it is able to provide a coefficient of power greater than 0, meaning it is a valid overunity device. We do notlike saying anything is a true overunity device because according to conventional methods, overunity is considered to be like blasphomy, and would be considered to be impossible if obtained with any conventional means, which, this of course is not a conventional method to draw in any form of energy beyond its energy used to drive the circuit. I tested the components used with a laser thermometer and they are all within 1 degree F of each other, giving signs of absolutely no to very little loss of efficiency in heat, so, this is either a sign of no loss, or, since it is shelling out more then it uses, the heat dissipation is nearly nothing because the losses are provided by cold energy drawn in from the environment to provide the circuit with a replacement to this loss, and a cool energy to cool down the heats generated by the conventional energy used to run the circuit, which again is a completely unconventional thing that science normally does not see, unless a tank circuit is being replicated, which this is exceptionally similar, so, results will be similar.
DEZEINSTEIN - MBR Circuit. (regenerative battery circuit that utilizes back emf to draw radiant energy from the Earth)
Hi everybody, I know there will be a ton of skeptics downing my circuit, but, I am not the only one making claims of any type of overunity online, so, I am not the only one here that looks as if i am crazy trying this out. There are plenty of circuits that are surely difficult to make that are supposed to create more energy than they use, but, the problem at hand is how to store this energy and use it to do work. These relays are very common in the automotive industry and you will have very close results with just about any relay used for a car alarm, a 5 connection relay from China, a Bosch relay, or any that fit into the standard 5 pin relay socket will be ideal. Be sure they have a N/C connection. If you use an industrial relay with a 24 volt coil, it will function with 12 volts to energize the coil and oscillate. The switches should be good for 15 amps if you have the correct relay. I bought one here :
Supco Mars Gemtech Furnace Fan Blower Relay 24 Volt Coil 90290 4 Spade | eBay
They cost only $18.99, and they have adjustments that you could make the relay oscillate more efficiently, and quicker or slower, which you really need to make this circuit function better. I have been busy upgrading this blog daily so, please be patient for replies. I am still working to upgrade the circuit and make a pcb to sell to the public so you can experiment with this stuff too. It is changing daily because of requests to add this, or questions of why the changes have been made from the first video on Youtube. I changed it because the relay switches froze up on the first relay after day 4. I haven't been successful to run more than 5 amps with the circuit without draining it, so, I am after a way to power hundreds if not thousands of watts from new advances that I have been making. I will post all upgrades to my diagram day after day if I come across new discoveries, which I find new phenomenon every day! I think I have figured how to store radiant energy and actually use it to do work and charge batteries while it does so, but, it is still a Beta design for me, and I'd like other experimenters to try it out to see what they can turn this into. I have found that by laying the circuit on a metallic table, or a large metallic object that it produces much more power. I don't know why, but it is so in my findings. It also produces more energy during the day than at night. Tesla has discovered that radiant energy needs to be drawn or introduced into a circuit by having an arc gap, and an antenna which will pull in this energy if the circuit has some sort of Earth ground. This circuit does not need the antenna to work, but, it isn't as powerful without it. I have used this in my car to produce HHO gas, so, it works just fine without the antenna. It certainly can not power large loads by itself, so, put a small load such as an led on it(in parallel with the battery to start, then see what happens. The voltage usually stays the same at the battery, at about 14-16 volts when the relay is oscillating, even with light loads connected. The higher your radiant antenna, and larger your capacitor's mfd range, the more energy ytou will draw and store. When shut off, the battery will die if the load remains connected to the battery, so remember to disconnect the load or lamp you use.If your voltages are very extreme, make sure you allow the circuit to use a spark gap to eliminate very high voltage loads through your circuit.
Nice to see someone using this self-oscillating relay setup. Almost any relay can be wired - basically backwards - to a battery or wall wart to go into self-oscillation mode. As Marc Belanger says, the telltale sign of the kind of energy you want is the green spark inside. Nelson Rocha has been using them in his videos, and former EF user Nikolatesla411 was using them as well. There do seem to be certain ones with more robust contacts that will last longer in this mode where the contacts are constantly arcing inside.
Originally posted by Bob Smith View PostNice to see someone using this self-oscillating relay setup................ As Marc Belanger says, the telltale sign of the kind of energy you want is the green spark inside. Nelson Rocha ................................ former EF user Nikolatesla411 was using them
the terms and ideas everyone else seems to know better than me.
What stuck me like a bolt of lightening was MARC SAID that the
"Contacts Ice Up" this being a sign also of the COLD ELECTRICITY.
Then I thought of a spark gap being like the points gap on the relay
and how under the right conditions "SPARK GAPS" will get cold.
Then I thought of the BEDINI TRANSISTOR turning on and off getting
cold. Some say they have adjusted their Bedini systems so the
transistors get cold or bring in "COLD ELECTRICITY"
So this is what I am thinking about, about how the transistor
might take the place of these gaps and still bring in extra
energy but not be running millions of volts.
I have seen these relay videos in the past and tried them
only to fry my relay in seconds. I wrote it off as a beginners
toy experiment but then I saw the TESLA SWITCH information
that comes directly from Tesla Patents.
A series of mechanical switches.
Then I noticed the "COSMIC COLLECTOR SYSTEMS" all require
a graphite brush DC motor that acts as a sparking machine and
other things that the motor does besides.
Don't mind me , I am johnny come lately playing catch up.
My mind went to the GRAY TUBE experiments of course.
Its a nice green color you know?
I use to think the green meant it was old and corroded? But it means
what?Last edited by BroMikey; 01-09-2016, 10:05 PM.
Hi Mike
There's that classic snapshot of JB getting that bright green spark of one of his setups, versus a bright white spark off another (in one of his DVDs, early in the series). I think both can be forms of cold electricity. It seems to me that the bluish spark is the regular kind of arcing. I've seen a recent explanation of how the green radiant spark is different from the white - both examples of what is referred to among JB followers as radiant discharges, I think.
There was a young lad doing some pretty cool experiments back in 2007 with some videos online. It was RadiantNRG (his name), I think. He had set up a 555 timer circuit in astable mode with a variable resistor and was running it into a microwave oven transformer. He used the variable resistor to change the frequency of pulse going into the MOT until the MOT started to vibrate (i.e., in resonance). He had a small DC motor running off the resonant MOT and the sparks from his brushes were green, instead of yellow or blue. Pretty cool stuff. He had some other videos with cold electricity involving a simple oscillatory circuit feeding into a car ignition coil, getting very bright glow from incandescent lightbulbs. I guess he was onto something, because his videos stopped shortly after. What a surprise!!!So yes, I think your observation about the transistor taking the place of a spark gap has some merit. It's not exactly the same, but I think it works well when fed into the right kind of transformer, like a car ignition coil or even MOT. Personally, I'm not a HV guy. I prefer to stay with low powered stuff - still lots of cool things to observe in that domain.
Here's a link to where Nikolatesla411 explains how to hook up a relay to self-oscillate:
Here's a link to Nelson Rocha's YT site - some interesting stuff there, some of it with backwards wired relays:
Have fun!
BobLast edited by Bob Smith; 01-09-2016, 11:14 PM.
Originally posted by Bob Smith View PostHi Mike
There's that classic snapshot of JB getting that bright green spark of one of his setups, versus a bright white spark off another (in one of his DVDs, early in the series).
some of it with backwards wired relays:
Have fun!
"energy From the Vacuum"
If pulse rate and duration is controlled right HV is safer than the
stuff we see in the back of the old TV sets.
Here is another guy talking GREEN color.
[VIDEO]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJFCnAA5oVQ[/VIDEO]Last edited by BroMikey; 01-09-2016, 11:09 PM.
Originally posted by Bob Smith View PostHi Wayne
This topic ought to bring out some colourful conversation
By its very name, "cold", there is an endothermic quality to this form of energy, the way I see it. That is, instead of giving off heat, it acts in the opposite way, running cold. As you say, it involves low current. In my understanding, it is current/amperage that is tied to exothermic reactions or heat production.
I would argue, based on my experience that you don't need hi voltage for CE. I do agree with your position that there is little to no conventional current/amperage involved. However, voltage level may well play a factor in the density of a cold charge, dictating its ability to perform work. Higher voltage >>> higher charge density >>> greater ability to perform work.
I would also take a slightly different view on the role of HF. In my experience, CE is accessible at relatively low frequencies. However, the key to tapping into it seems to be tied to resonance, or resonant frequency. In terms of HF, the higher you go with overtones, you may also be able to access greater charge densities.
But there's something about a coil at resonance that seems to render it capable in certain instances of drawing in a CE charge.
Great topic!
High Frequency is essential to Tesla concept!
Many people, perhaps even you, think that they are a genius because they think of complicated things in a complicated way.
A true hypergenius will see that sometimes a subject is really simple, and, the best way to think about it is the simplest way possible.
CANGASLast edited by CANGAS; 01-13-2016, 01:51 PM.
Yes, I agree HF is essential to the Tesla concept. I made the point that I have also seen CE on the bench at "relatively low frequencies" - that is, at resonance, which would be relatively lower than much higher frequencies.
You're right - it is a relatively simple phenomenon.
I figured out how Tesla made electricity be cool with high frequency.
I have given very little thought to how it might be possible at lower frequencies. It is not impossible that there are two different technologies which both result in cool electricity.
In your real first-hand observations of CE, were the conductors simply cooler , or, not as hot, as expected? Or were they actually cold, lower temp than ambient?
ps Hmmmm. I don't know how exactly Tesla made electricity be cool, so MY way might NOT be the Tesla way. There may be three ways to do cool electricity.
under ambient
have you ever measured this compared to ambient ?
we do have a friend who claims to get this effect ...
I never asked him exactly how he did this [he did offer to share].
ChetIf you want to Change the world
BE that change !!