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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    history lesson of Tom B. MEG

    Originally posted by Lunkster View Post
    Motionless Switching Magnetosphere Electric Generator

    This Generator is designed in the shape of the Magnetosphere.
    The core of the generator has a common switching coil(electromagnet) with
    two large permanent magnets on each side of the coil. There are fins
    around this core. There will be several fins around the core so that
    the assembly will look like a sphere. The fins have permanent magnets
    spaced out in the fin in such a way to move flux from one magnet to the
    next magnet in the fin and then through the core finally flowing
    through the fin again. One the outside of the permanent magnets in the
    fins are coils. The coils are spaced farther from the permanent magnets
    so that the normal flux flow moves from one permanent magnet to another
    producing one large ring of flux flow using the core as part of that route.
    The magnets and coil in the core are larger that the fin magnets so that the
    core can handle the travel of the sum of flux flow from all of the fins in
    the generator.

    This generator design is different than the Sphere Generator I have already
    designed because it uses permanent magnets in the core rather than
    core material. I believe the permanent magnets will provide better
    assurance that the large ring magnet function will work. At least it should
    work better than core material. Also, there is only one coil per permanent
    magnet in each fin rather than more coils in the sphere generator. The
    reasons for this change are that having one coil outside the permanent
    magnet means it is farther away from the core, this will reduce negative
    interaction between the fin coils and the core magnets. This design
    will also allow more fins to be placed into the generator. More fins
    means more power generation. The coils in the fin need to be large
    enough to handle the flux that will be moving through the coils.

    The operation of the generator is about the same as the sphere generator
    I have already designed. This new design will operate with more power
    and efficiency.

    The way this generator operates is that each fin assembly works in conjunction
    With the common core assembly. The normal flux flow is of each fin is through
    the core creating a large ring magnet. So, the generator will have several large
    ring magnet actions being performed at the same time.

    There is one large coil that has a core that supports all of the flux flowing
    Through its core when the power is off to the generator. Once the power
    Is turned on to the coil, the coil produces a magnetic field that opposes
    The direction of flux flow through the core. What this does is it breaks
    The large flux ring flow of the flux for each of the fins. The flux then
    Looks and fins the next easiest route for the flux to flow. Most of the
    permanent magnets in the ring will then start to use the core in the coil
    that is closest to it in the fin assembly to travel through to get to the
    other side of the permanent magnet. The reason it takes this route is
    because the core material is an easier path than an all-air path to get to
    that side.
    The electric power generation is performed through the coils that are
    Beside the permanent magnets in the fin assemblies. The is wire wrapped
    around the coils cores that will have electricity flowing through them
    as a result, change in flux movement. In fact, there is flux either starting to
    flow through the coils or reducing their flux flow with each change in the
    electrical condition on the one electromagnet at the center of the generator
    core. With the best switching speed for the generator, it means that the
    electromagnet can operate at a 50% duty cycle while each coil in the generator
    can collect alternating current 100% of the time. So, the generator uses one switching
    electromagnet operating at a 50% duty cycle to be able to collect electrical
    energy from several coils at the same time.
    The electrical energy to produce a magnetic field for a 50% duty cycle in this
    Generator should be a lot smaller than the several coils producing electrical
    Energy from the several permanent magnets that are changing their flux
    Routes. This is similar to a FET or transistor where a larger amount of energy
    is being controlled by a smaller one.
    Please build one of these, you will be glad you did.

    I have written three books on unique generator and motor designs along with several applications for them.
    It has come to mind that the best invention would be a generator that does not need outside energy to operate it.
    This generator design utilizes the internal power that is already in permanent magnets.
    This is my best design so far.

    Drawing zzz.jpg
    Once you have free electrical energy production, then the efficient motor designs I have are not as valuable because you can still
    use the current ones. But if you want an electric car that never needs to be plugged in, then I would still pursue
    the motor designs in my books sold through kindle direct publishing.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-11-2021, 05:14 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    bifilar tesla charging of large battery pack. self charging

    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-11-2021, 04:58 AM.

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  • bistander
    Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post

    PS: I haven't found anywhere else yet, a similar methodology for calculating the resulting ampere force
    Like this?


    Last edited by bistander; 12-11-2021, 01:48 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    here is a person who has a Tesla switch and a full set of vocal cords. this guy is not ashamed of his work but I guess everyone else is

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  • BroMikey
    John Bedini sold the Tesla Switch kits consisting of relayed energy thru mini converters. A motor gets the energy from a series of batteries that keep themselves charged

    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-10-2021, 09:11 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Splitting the Positive like John B and Edwin G

    Also terms like Tesla Switching

    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-10-2021, 08:38 PM.

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  • Rakarskiy
    I analyzed the experiment more deeply and found inaccuracies in determining the magnetic induction of a magnet in the wire area.
    My method is very correct, I am very happy about it.
    The magnetic induction of the magnet can be calculated on this page:

    PS: I haven't found anywhere else yet, a similar methodology for calculating the resulting ampere force

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  • BroMikey
    Here is the split positive generator system on a watt meter in constant battery voltage decline until the death of the batteries

    this mod motor was tested as well also using various timings

    other than my video's no one on the internet offers any work with split positive charging of 3 battery systems. I have been here for years and there is no response. no one watches or knows what it is, same thing.

    however people have suggested the idea but have no hardware, just talk and fear of nda

    Dave has shown the scooter motor taking power from 1 bank and charged another bank claiming a non surface charge increase but quickly removed it all due to negative comments on youtube and has since turned off that function. Dave insisted he is getting more into his big pack of 10-12 large batteries than is being used. His proof in a high dollar battery analyzer $5000 one that give an accurate accounting of all joules in a battery.

    Of course this is hearsay and no one has any real examples other than a video Dave once posted of a run pack going up higher due to the use of a shorted battery he say could not be repeated.

    This is a great mystery to Dave who is frantically trying to recreate this glorious phenomena. The years have past and other pressing matters have stood in the way of this idea.

    only bye has a 1 battery system tube video that shows nothing just like the 3 battery video's I show. over the years I have been ignored, spit on and degraded for showing my results. calling my work inferior or blaming hardware. Shame on me for not spending endless year of bench work to find out what the NDA's have shown others who hide any direction for fear of prosecution. but the creation of energy we are told is real.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-10-2021, 08:45 PM.

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  • Rakarskiy
    A caring guy conducted a demonstration experiment for me with a simple generator. For which I am very grateful to him!

    Video clip:

    My updated theory is fully confirmed. My analysis is on the slide, if you can read the formulas, everything can be seen in the palm of your hand.

    I have already been asked questions about the motor that I described in the article. I will do a full analysis and methodology in the manual.

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  • BroMikey
    Thank you Mr Rakarskiy
    I can see in English.

    This is alot of math to prove out that
    most people here can not perform.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-07-2021, 05:23 PM.

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  • Rakarskiy
    edit later - technical translation
    Last edited by Rakarskiy; 12-07-2021, 06:21 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    very nice mr Rakarskiy but there is no english

    Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
    My material converters
    Some will turn their brains upside down,

    The material in Russian / through a translator can be read
    The first part:
    The second part:
    The third part:

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  • Rakarskiy
    My material is about the possibilities of electro-mechanical (electromechanical) converters
    Some will turn their brains upside down, some will not be able to finish reading the first part. Alas, there is no point in reading without basic knowledge.

    The material in Russian / through a translator can be read
    The first part:
    The second part:
    The third part:

    Still, ask "why does the motor have this result". Let's look at the peak ampere strength in the generator winding and the active motor winding:
    Generator: peak Ampere force of 128.86 Newtons (excluding electromagnetic focal thrust) with a thickness/length of the rotor along the axis of 74 mm (1.5 kW of electrical power)
    Motor: peak Ampere force of 271.55 Newtons with a thickness / length of the rotor along the axis of 158 mm (0.396 kW of electrical power). How did it happen?
    Understand, everything is in the material, I think there is enough material to just think about whether we know everything about electromechanical converters.

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  • BroMikey
    here is the big guy

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  • BroMikey
    could be might be experimental bench work play time, lots of magnet engines do

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