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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    You truly are scum.

    .. over the last ten years, when I could keep it running.

    I have a working Tesla switch setup that APPEARS TO BE COP 1, but I won't know for SURE until it runs down,

    Ask me again in five years if it was really COP 1, and I STILL won't know the answer if it is still running.

    I will be happy to spoon feed you....the aforementioned hot rocks.
    Now now that is not nice talk. I rest my case. See you in 5 years. Pathetic. All I ask was for you to back up your big mouth claims and you go off the deep end because you have been caught and called on the carpet for what must be a delusion.. Same ole tough talk, zero results, big claims, no action, just playing the game of collecting other peoples money and farming out the work, supposedly. More illusions. Easy come, easy go.

    Then you have the gall to call others dishonest who surpass you on the tube. You are nothing but hot rocks, I agree. COP 1 does nothing for me. Maybe you can convince Aaron to schedule you for an opening at the conference in 5 years to show your worthless COP OUT COP 1. I would love to see the look on their faces as you tell them the switch ran for years and how you are calling it cop1

    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    They put the whole Black machine back together today, and when they fired it up, the rotor moved sideways and rubbed the frame.
    Maybe by the weekend? Hum.. where have we heard that before and now it's 5 years. where are the lab results you you keep paying for?
    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-16-2022, 08:02 AM.

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  • Turion
    You truly are scum.
    I have never given up on the generator. I just have lots of FINANCIAL help now, and a couple able bodied guys who want to LEARN about this stuff. Since it is five minutes form their house to the machinist and 90 minutes from my house, it made more sense that the machine reside with them until all the mechanical issues are worked out. Not that it's ANY of YOUR business what I do.

    As for free energy devices. I have the generator and I know what it is capable of. I have had it running on my bench. I have collected data from it many times over the last ten years, when I could keep it running. ALL MECHANICAL ISSUES that now appear to have been solved. I have a working Tesla switch setup that APPEARS TO BE COP 1, but I won't know for SURE until it runs down, and then I will know it was not. But how long will it LAST and how much power will I pull out of it during that time? The LOAD I am running with it is producing some extra power, and the batteries are maintaining. How long will it last? Months? Years? Ask me again in five years if it was really COP 1, and I STILL won't know the answer if it is still running. But remember, it is NOT the Tesla Switch, it is the LOAD that is important. As I have stated any NUMBER of times. I am not getting out as much as I believe is possible, so I am working on that. Not that THAT is any of your business either.

    Those were not "crazy circuits." Those were different versions of the Tesla switch. One mechanical, and a couple different electrical ones. Are you telling me that you have never posted a video of more than ONE kind of motor? Don't make me laugh. I haven't ABANDONED any of them. I have built them , modified them, improved them, LEARNED from them, and what I have now does not resemble where I began. It's called research. I spend hours and hours and hours doing it, and learn something new EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You act as if I owe you something. I owe you NOTHING. I invited you to build the SIMPLEST switch possible and even said I would build one along with you, so that I could show you how to modify it to go from COP 1 to COP>1. YOU declined that opportunity. You think you know everything. So you can suck hot rocks for all I care.

    And if you post more of your CRAP YouTube videos without building anything, I will be here to remind everyone that you are absolutely worthless because you BUILD NOTHING. All you do is whine and complain that you are not spoon fed. I will be happy to spoon feed you....the aforementioned hot rocks.

    The only reason you want to continue with this childish nonsense is because it is the ONLY thing keeping your pathetic thread alive. People certainly aren't tuning in to see what YOU'VE built. LOL And since all you do is post YouTube videos they could go to and see more crap than you will ever have time to post.
    Last edited by Turion; 09-16-2022, 06:34 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    If you were not so math ignorant you would know what Doug and Thane are showing. Doug is a giant in many facets of engineering math, we should be learning from them, not attacking because of the lack of understanding the science. Same reason why you thought iron cores were good enough, until of late.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I wanted to update you on the generator

    I'm not even sure they are capable of getting me a correct amperage reading so I may have to go to Sacramento one day next week.

    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    By the way, I HAVE no respect for you, but out of respect for those who enjoy your YouTube videos I will be happy to stop posting here. As I said, I have better things to do. But keep on yapping at me and I will keep on responding.
    That is fine, but you have never kept your word before so why should I believe you will stop attacking this thread? You have no respect for anything if you have no respect for me. I received your oscilloscope and the rotor with magnets you sent me out of the goodness of your heart. I have not forgotten all of the good direction on winding coils.

    Thanks for everything that you have done for me. Now all I ask is for you to show us something that works like you have bragged about for years. I haven't doubted that you were capable until you put out all those crazy circuits then abandoned them. Plus all the old circuits from 2018 you put out. Plus you gave up on your generator which is a life's work shows you were always insincere.

    I am not done with you yet. Now I wonder if you ever finished a working Free energy device. Oh yeah you hate to be called on the carpet. In that respect your type of male is referred to as a sissy. soft hands and always crying that you have done the best you can. Nonsense
    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-16-2022, 01:03 AM.

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    I think Doug Konzen is telling us right and many people are good honest folks, I built the BiTT

    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    I Put up with you for years, so now you get to put up with me.

    Not really. I have better things to do.
    Once again, you seem incapable of actually READING and UNDERSTANDING what was posted. If you want to keep this up, I'm sure I can find the time, since I am up all nIght. So I could easily spend that time just dumping random YouTube videos here or continuing to comment on EVERY post you make.

    By the way, I HAVE no respect for you, but out of respect for those who enjoy your YouTube videos I will be happy to stop posting here. As I said, I have better things to do. But keep on yapping at me and I will keep on responding.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    The device in this video was not built, replicated or tested by the individual posting it.
    You were all over my case for posting about schematics and builds I have constructed now or in the past without PROOF and DATA and EVIDENCE.
    That is all you do. Post crap from YouTube that you didn't even build, with NO EVIDENCE that it works.

    I think Doug Konzen is telling us right and many people are good honest folks, I built the BiTT

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Plz respect others. Still looking for your own thread on battery charging circuits.

    I know what you are thinking but when I use to post large text I did it using a very old computer and looking back with my updated pc it looks bad. I didn't realize, then but I never used 48X
    Unlike what you are doing my intentions were pure, this message will self destruct in 5,4,3,2...
    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-15-2022, 09:29 PM.

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Dear Dave stop posting crazy. Get your head together and move on, you will heal.
    Plz respect others. Still looking for your own thread on battery charging circuits.

    I know what you are thinking but when I use to post large text I did it using a very old computer and looking back with my updated pc it looks bad. I didn't realize, then but I never used 48X

    The device in this video was not built, replicated or tested by the individual posting it.
    You were all over my case for posting about schematics and builds I have constructed now or in the past without PROOF and DATA and EVIDENCE.
    That is all you do. Post crap from YouTube that you didn't even build, with NO EVIDENCE that it works. Not even YOUR personal knowledge. Because you don't build anything yourself. Since that is what you have required of me, I now require it of you for every post you make.

    NOT SIZE 48X

    I Put up with you for years, so now you get to put up with me.

    Not really. I have better things to do.
    Last edited by Turion; 09-15-2022, 06:55 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Dear Dave stop posting crazy. Get your head together and move on, you will heal.
    Plz respect others. Still looking for your own thread on battery charging circuits.

    I know what you are thinking but when I use to post large text I did it using a very old computer and looking back with my updated pc it looks bad. I didn't realize, then but I never used 48X

    Last edited by BroMikey; 09-15-2022, 05:08 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    Neither of the devices in the videos in the previous post were built, replicated or tested by the individual posting them
    Build a fun project

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    build an inverter for fun

    Neither of the devices in the videos in the previous post were built, replicated or tested by the individual posting them

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    How to build a motor generator

    The device in this video was not built, replicated or tested by the individual posting it. Wonder why not?

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    How to build a motor generator

    The device in this video was not built, replicated or tested by the individual posting it. Wonder why not?

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by bromikey View Post
    with war brewing and gas going up to $10/gal see what mr moto does. My brother has 2 truck gasifiers. It drives normal when i tested it

    You tested it? Where's the proof? Just blowing smoke?
    Last edited by Turion; 09-15-2022, 03:31 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    How to build a motor generator

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  • BroMikey
    With war brewing and gas going up to $10/gal see what Mr Moto does. My brother has 2 truck gasifiers. It drives normal when I tested it

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