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  • BroMikey
    No I didn't wait long and so I should lose ions in the deal but will it go dead? We will see.
    7th run startup numbers. Maybe Dave stayed up all night again wondering how mine works.

    At ICE STUFF you can see the simple circuit diagram by John Bedini showing 3 penlight batteries arranged for 3 battery operation. I'll show you later but John always added that you need an energy pump in the system. The SSG was a great pump and is a boost converter.

    So far in the picture I've gotten 27WH out of those dinky battery packs and still showing some charge

    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-02-2022, 10:37 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Will it ever go dead? Battery 3 is charged

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post

    This is the lithium setup I'm reassembling to use as a 12volt battery for experiments. It's a 3s 8p for each 12 volt segment. Notice the top of the "brick" where I started spot welding the tin connecters to the batteries. 3 in series with 8 in parallel. The next to bottom picture is what these batteries were with a BMS on each segment or group of 3s 8p to make the 12 volts. But I took them apart to make the 24 volt stacks in picture below with the UPS pictured to the right. Each stack has 7s 10p or 70 batteries that charge up to 29 volts +-. A 60 amp BMS is installed in each stack. The above brick has five 3s 8p 12volt with 5 groups and I'll leave the BMS off if I hear it from you guys it's ok to do so.

    I am waiting to finish this setup or brick but waiting as I charge my spot welder which is a hand held type not a bench type. Yes I should've waited and kept at lest one brick assembled but you know.
    dude that is so awesome. Nice Li ion battery. I wonder if you ever used them?
    Here is my 3rd day run. I slept like a rock. Dave is okay he will help you wanto in secret. Him and Bob will be a secret also. Same ole. Hang in there. Can you see the light now Dave?

    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-02-2022, 09:26 PM.

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  • wantomake
    Charged my spot welder and tried to turn it on and nothing!! Must be the 99°F heat index!! Wow! Will try it later.

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  • wantomake

    This is the lithium setup I'm reassembling to use as a 12volt battery for experiments. It's a 3s 8p for each 12 volt segment. Notice the top of the "brick" where I started spot welding the tin connecters to the batteries. 3 in series with 8 in parallel. The next to bottom picture is what these batteries were with a BMS on each segment or group of 3s 8p to make the 12 volts. But I took them apart to make the 24 volt stacks in picture below with the UPS pictured to the right. Each stack has 7s 10p or 70 batteries that charge up to 29 volts +-. A 60 amp BMS is installed in each stack. The above brick has five 3s 8p 12volt with 5 groups and I'll leave the BMS off if I hear it from you guys it's ok to do so.

    I am waiting to finish this setup or brick but waiting as I charge my spot welder which is a hand held type not a bench type. Yes I should've waited and kept at lest one brick assembled but you know.
    Last edited by wantomake; 08-02-2022, 06:43 PM.

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  • OrionLightShip
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    I'd like to see that after years of nothing.
    wrong answer again batman! at least you are consistent.

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  • OrionLightShip
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Pulsing inductors
    ding ding ding winner!

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    I talked to Bob French today and he put together a setup using a boost and 3 lithium iron phosphate batteries. He has a load running between the + out of the boost and the charge battery. He ALSO has a load across battery 3. In the old days I talked a LOT about balancing the load across battery 3 with the load between the positives, and Bob has managed to do that. He's old school 3 BGS like me. I believe he has a 10 watt load on the output of the boost, and not sure what the load is on battery 3. The system has remained balanced for about four hours now, where the primaries don't go down and battery 3 is at almost a full charge, but doesn't go up. The system just puts out energy, running both the loads, while the voltages in the batteries hold steady. He is going to run it all night and see what happens. He is also going to shoot a video where he walks through his setup. His load on battery 3 is one of those LED light strips you roll out under cars to light them up while working on them.

    This seems to be MUCH easier than doing it with Lead Acid Batteries. Balancing a load could take me a whole DAY, and by that time my batteries were discharged and I had to recharge and start over.
    I really want to see how Bob French is using lithium batteries. If he's using the batteries straight connected or uses a BMS. I see BroMikey has his straight connected and getting results.

    I've about 400+ lithium 18650 batteries. I've assembled 280 so far for solar backup. Just a start. But have a couple hundred left over that I could use as needed. I use the lead acid batteries only for these experiments.

    I'm in need of shop time to answer some of these questions.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    You got exactly what you deserve. And there won't be any more help from me. I can promise you that. I'm done.
    That is all I ever get, don't forget your ball and bat. You been saying that for years, gonna quit, uncle and so forth.
    dont take out your inability to succeed on us. Now suddenly bobs got a winner? Bob has a zero force motor. Yeah.
    I guess you must be embarrassed
    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-02-2022, 09:22 AM.

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  • Turion
    You got exactly what you deserve. And there won't be any more help from me. I can promise you that. I'm done.

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  • BroMikey
    I'd like to see that after years of nothing.

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  • Turion
    I talked to Bob French today and he put together a setup using a boost and 3 lithium iron phosphate batteries. He has a load running between the + out of the boost and the charge battery. He ALSO has a load across battery 3. In the old days I talked a LOT about balancing the load across battery 3 with the load between the positives, and Bob has managed to do that. He's old school 3 BGS like me. I believe he has a 10 watt load on the output of the boost, and not sure what the load is on battery 3. The system has remained balanced for about four hours now, where the primaries don't go down and battery 3 is at almost a full charge, but doesn't go up. The system just puts out energy, running both the loads, while the voltages in the batteries hold steady. He is going to run it all night and see what happens. He is also going to shoot a video where he walks through his setup. His load on battery 3 is one of those LED light strips you roll out under cars to light them up while working on them.

    This seems to be MUCH easier than doing it with Lead Acid Batteries. Balancing a load could take me a whole DAY, and by that time my batteries were discharged and I had to recharge and start over.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    However I thought about it ALL NIGHT and couldn’t sleep! I realized that since the GROUND on the boost module is a THROUGH connection. (- in is connected to - out) the positive out of the boost module is going through the load and to the - out of the boost module (which is coupled with the - in) and the - in is going to the + of the charge battery. So you are actually running the load between the output of the boost and the positive of the charge battery also, and it is working without the two diodes I recommended, or they exist inside the boost module.

    I am not sure you could run it this way with other boost modules, but now that I understand what is going on, I see why it is possible to get the results you are getting. I thought the output to the load was being WASTED in this schematic, so I could NOT understand your positive results. It is NOT wasted. But be aware that it might not work this way with EVERY boost module. They are not all the same circuit, so a missing diode or one in the wrong place could prevent this from happening.

    Okay I will make a note of this entry. The watt meters may have diodes

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
    I have to apologize Bro Mikey; my focus is really narrowed on what I know works and I was never a fan of Bedini circuits but, if I get the gist of what your saying with a 9 year old video is that you pulse batteries?
    Not a fan of that either.

    I do admire your ability to build... to me it is tedious and painful to my body. I also like that you are learning Turion's methods.....
    What we want is rare and not easy to capture without using the right methods.


    Stepping stones my boy just building an understanding of the small things. Later go big or go home. Yes coils create a potential difference. That is why Thane Heins named his corporation "POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE INC" most people do not understand the true mean of that phrase. The stuff we know from books is only a small part of the whole.

    I gotta stop somewhere fella's. Look at all of the WH recirculated and it still runs. I have torched 26WH and where did they come from? Not these batteries.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-02-2022, 05:11 AM.

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  • OrionLightShip
    I have to apologize Bro Mikey; my focus is really narrowed on what I know works and I was never a fan of Bedini circuits but, if I get the gist of what your saying with a 9 year old video is that you pulse batteries?
    Not a fan of that either.

    I do admire your ability to build... to me it is tedious and painful to my body. I also like that you are learning Turion's methods.....
    What we want is rare and not easy to capture without using the right methods.


    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

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