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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey
    Hey wanto it is a 10" saw blade with 20 1/2 by 1" magnets and it ran on 1 coil off the generator burning out. This tiny mtr just doesn't have enough to run 2 amps better stay at 5-6"

    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-23-2022, 01:26 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    run it through a boost module that allows you to recover 80%, then 80 watts goes into your second bank. 80 watts is 80% of the 100 watt input.

    But the secondary of the boost module provides you with an ADDITIONAL 80 watts that can hit the battery.

    Do you even have what you need to measure whether or not you are successful? Nope.
    But the secondary of the boost module provides you with an ADDITIONAL 80 watts that can hit the battery.
    okay so I need an isolated battery charger for that at 80%=60w not 80w
    So you hit the battery with TWO sources of 80 watts, Without a source of generation, you do not break even here.
    I never heard it like that before
    Hence the Matt motor, Bro, you don't believe it will work,
    I have never had an unmod mtr in the circuit so you are talking fantasy like running your house on one. This is earth. You are far to defensive. Yes you are correct I can't learn from you after 10 years, we are past that. I know you mean well.

    Do you even have what you need to measure whether or not you are successful?
    evidentially not, I only follow your suggestions plus lead batteries are hard to charge and I have never found a 99% eff device such as a charger or booster. Maybe if I had lipo batteries I could try again. I know it will eventually break even after spending thousands. Then the next level another few thousand and i would be OU cop1.5? Who knows.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-23-2022, 01:16 AM.

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    You forgot one very amazing point about matties mtr. When it is timed and running at 1 to 2 amps 16v zapping batteries I can try to stop it with my hand putting a huge load on it and the amps don't climb. I know that means nothing to you but to me it means I can run a 20w generator minimu , for free. Why don't you ever talk a out that? Maybe you didn't do that test. Must be another galaxy? An extra scooter motor unmod. Should do the trick yet not even wanto did that test that I am aware of⁹
    You're right. I forgot about that. Only saw it a couple times anyway, at the beginning, because I rarely ever had a load on the motor. Mostly I used it for switching.

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  • Turion
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post

    No I can't. The batteries run longer with each charge. My solar panels are connected to my lithium bank only. Nothing to do with the Carlos Benitez 4 battery setup shown in the YouTube video.
    You increase the capacitance of the batteries under certain conditions ABOVE the rated capacity. Seen it, done it. So have others.

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  • BroMikey
    Hey wanto

    It ran at 2.2 amps and lasted only a couple of hours burning up the windings. BRB someone is here

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  • Turion
    I said you started with TWO banks. EACH contained 100 watts to begin with if you read what I wrote

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Yes that does help. So 100w input to boost is 60w and that is 140w not 260w. I can't see how you got that number. But that 60w is not recovered because we need at least double that to charge battery 3 till the magic begins? The boost powers nothing like the neither just zapping batteries

    Say it barely ran for ever which is theoretically impossible, where is the next level? Concept proof ruins the model? Nice
    If you take 100 watts out of a 100 watt bank, and run it through a boost module that allows you to recover 80%, then 80 watts goes into your second bank. 80 watts is 80% of the 100 watt input.

    But the secondary of the boost module provides you with an ADDITIONAL 80 watts that can hit the battery.

    So you hit the battery with TWO sources of 80 watts, plus it had 100 watts in it already for a total of 260 watts. OR A PLUS 160 watts

    But you still have to make up for the 100 watts you lost to begin with. And you will input 300-400 watts to get it back.

    Without a source of generation, you do not break even here. Hence the Matt motor is needed. It actually generates a pulse because of the collapsing coil, and that makes it, at the correct frequency, able to provide the required pulse to go with the constant current provided by the boos module running between the positives.

    Running a razor scooter motor as a generator is an absolute FAILURE. Tie a boat anchor around your neck.

    Yes, I have built systems that did what I say they will do. So has wantomake. So has Matt. Learning is a process. Until you understand step one, there is no reason to explain step ten. I have videos of working systems on my YouTube page right now, but viewing is restricted. Until you understand the principles, you would never make them work. Bro, you don't believe it will work, so you are correct. It will never work for you.

    Do you even have what you need to measure whether or not you are successful? Have you PROVED to yourself that input energy can be recovered when you run between the positives? Did you do enough experimenting and beat your head against the wall long enough to finally see it work? Nope. So how are you ready to make it work better if you don't have it working in the first place.

    Last edited by Turion; 07-23-2022, 12:30 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    This is the way you connect it

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post

    BroMikey, this sounds like a very informative experiment

    You seem to have many questions so help us find the answers.
    Already done. I ran power off the second motor but I never finished. See Bromikey youtube, I ran the big generator off of it too. I was to busy charging batteries off the wall. Then I was told send that back to the front batteries to break even. My batteries sucked. converted to alum and always discharged finally still died the death. Batteries are big money. I am surprised you never heard of this experiment before today. I mean it is free mechanical shaft power for a fan like John Bedini always used up, or running a generator. So what? people run the system and ignore the free mechanical?

    Then you might break even which is theoretically impossible. But Dave did it. All his video's were deleted in another galaxy on the subject to avoid controversy.

    No video validation exists other that what is on my channel.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-22-2022, 10:34 PM.

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    You forgot one very amazing point about matties mtr. When it is timed and running at 1 to 2 amps 16v zapping batteries I can try to stop it with my hand putting a huge load on it and the amps don't climb. I know that means nothing to you but to me it means I can run a 20w generator minimu , for free. Why don't you ever talk a out that? Maybe you didn't do that test. Must be another galaxy? An extra scooter motor unmod. Should do the trick yet not even wanto did that test that I am aware of⁹
    BroMikey, this sounds like a very informative experiment for you to setup and try. Let us all know what you find out.

    1. Make a detailed video for YouTube and post results here.
    2. Record every detail on paper or laptop spreadsheet.
    3. Point out what and why you have come to your conclusions from the test.

    You seem to have many questions so help us find the answers. Just a suggestion my friend.

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    Can you explain gains? Gained runtime to zap batteries or are you using power up running lights? I know solar keeps everything from going dead
    No I can't. The batteries run longer with each charge. My solar panels are connected to my lithium bank only. Nothing to do with the Carlos Benitez 4 battery setup shown in the YouTube video.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post

    Let's say you put 100 watts from a 100 watt battery bank into something that runs on the potential difference and produces energy, like a boost module.

    We took 100 watts out of it. According to what YOU just posted, it would take 300-400 watts of input to get the first battery bank back up to the 100 watts

    This spike, along with constant current from the boost,
    You forgot one very amazing point about matties mtr. When it is timed and running at 1 to 2 amps 16v zapping batteries I can try to stop it with my hand putting a huge load on it and the amps don't climb. I know that means nothing to you but to me it means I can run a 20w generator minimu , for free. Why don't you ever talk a out that? Maybe you didn't do that test. Must be another galaxy? An extra scooter motor unmod. Should do the trick yet not even wanto did that test that I am aware of⁹
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-22-2022, 07:49 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post

    Experiential knowledge is gained here. When one sees in front of them the results of a setup. That's the gain. I have seen on my shop table the gains with using boost converter and capacitors and using the knowledge I'm taught.

    Maybe it's my
    Can you explain gains? Gained runtime to zap batteries or are you using power up running lights? I know solar keeps everything from going dead

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  • wantomake
    I did connect capacitors across batteries #1 and #4 to "catch" energy that would be wasted on the parallel charging batteries. The boost module in my setup is sure the 87% one. But still the charging does gain in charge time not voltage as Dave Turion pointed out.

    Experiential knowledge is gained here. When one sees in front of them the results of a setup. That's the gain. I have seen on my shop table the gains with using boost converter and capacitors and using the knowledge I'm taught.

    Maybe it's my newer marine batteries? Maybe it's the Matt modified motor properly built? The converter correctly set? I don't know. But I'm enjoying and ready to do more and better things.

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  • BroMikey
    Yes that does help. So 100w input to boost and 80%conversion eff then collect 80% of that is 60w and that is 140w not 260w. I can't see how you got that number. But that 60w is not recovered because we need at least double that to charge battery 3 till the magic begins? The boost powers nothing like the neither just zapping batteries

    Say it barely ran for ever which is theoretically impossible, where is the next level? Concept proof ruins the model? Nice
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-22-2022, 07:25 AM.

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  • Turion
    BE CAREFUL WITH THAT BUCK/BOOST Not all boost modules will run between the positives. I have purchased several that will not.

    Here is an example. None of these numbers are real, so let's not get crazy.

    Let's say you put 100 watts from a 100 watt battery bank into something that runs on the potential difference and produces energy, like a boost module. You recover 80 watts, and produce 80 watts. Your input was 100 watts but you end up with 160 watts. WOW! The PROBLEM is, what do you do with that 160 watts? Since you HAD to have a battery bank to provide the potential difference, the 160 watts went INTO a battery bank. If that battery bank started at 100 watts and it accepted ALLLLLLLL the charge (you know it won't!!!!) you would end up with 260 watts in that battery bank. But our first 100 watt battery bank is at 0. We took 100 watts out of it. According to what YOU just posted, it would take 300-400 watts of input to get the first battery bank back up to the 100 watts you started with. So we ended up with 260, but need 300-400 to charge up the first battery bank. Now we are way in the hole 140 to 240 watts. See the problem? The impedance (to charge) of a battery will cause you fits. Does that make sense? There are things we can do, but resistance and impedance will destroy most setups before you even begin.

    Now the Matt motor has a coil that collapses. So along with the constant current you get from the boost running between the positives, you get a high voltage spike pulse from the Matt motor. This spike, along with constant current from the boost, acts like a "battery charger" at the correct frequency, so it is MORE that just a potential based system where you run some lights between the positives. It can overcome the losses you would otherwise see. A cap across "battery three" or many "battery threes" in parallel helps makes sure nothing gets wasted.
    Last edited by Turion; 07-23-2022, 12:01 AM.

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