I have a whole house propane generator. Working on building a battery bank. Only have 12 batteries so far, but can run a decent 3 battery system with it. Lasts me a good long time running an inverter correctly as a backup, and fun to play with. I might add a solar panel or two just to charge up batteries, but like I keep saying, all of this stuff is obsolete. And understanding the 3 battery stuff is absolutely the key to understanding and designing free energy systems.
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Motor Generators
Originally posted by Turion View PostI have a whole house propane generator.
all of this stuff is obsolete.
And understanding the 3 battery stuff is absolutely the key...............................
inverters running the same power you collected into more batteries? Or is that not what you meant? One time you showed a diagram of multiple inverters and sets of packs, but I don't know how you could measure the increase. Watt meter? Do you use a watt meter?
The setup worked good and even kept the batteries from losing power. Dave painstakingly help me get the right balance of the system. It only had a small 4 watt bulb as load, but the batteries did keep up the voltage.
If memory serves me, Dave,Matthew, and Peter got a kick out of watching the private video I sent to one of them.
It was fun and a good feeling to see proof right in front of me. Dave's version (small) of the generator with just one coil amazed me to end. When a load was applied the generator would increase in rpm's. The 2" reed switch would glow a bright purple color. My family and such were amazed as I was.
When I tried to upgrade to better building materials and implement the magnetic cancellation effect Dave used is when reality for me set in hard. Financial and time restraints stopped the project .
I'm forever grateful to Dave and Matthew and others here for being so generous and helpful.
BTW we are not having any money or stressful times in our family during this pandemic. Job has been steady as we are a necessary product which kept us open.
God has taken good care of us and we have actually helped others in need around us.
Thanks for asking.
I think I still have that video you sent me somewhere. I watched it again a while back. You followed every step exactly, and you saw what is possible. The point you were at is where we were with that technology YEARS ago, and is about where we left off showing any progress to the public. But that doesn't mean we stopped.
Here's a little video from about a year ago. Set it up and all the loads will just sit there and run.The system will stabilize and the voltages on all the batteries will just HOLD until the potential difference drops too much. That happens when the third battery gets OVERCHARGED, so you have to carefully watch the load on battery 3. I don't set this experiment up often, but I can run it for as long as I am willing to stand there and watch battery 3 to make sure the voltage doesn't climb too high by continuing to monitor and usually to INCREASE the load on the 3rd battery. Because battery 3 will start to climb, and then you have to increase the load. It will reach a plateau and set there for a while, sometimes hours, sometimes days, sometimes weeks, and then it will start to climb and you have to increase the load again. So you have to be right on top of the experiment every second, because once you lose the potential difference, the motor running between the positives will suddenly change speed which throws everything off and you can't recover. You have to start all over. I still have the important "3rd battery" and I have freaked a few people out with this demonstration.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZIFTKUiEqY“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View PostI have freaked a few people out with this demonstration.
#1 Why did Dave have a free wheeling generator connect mechanically doing nothing electrically?
#2 Are those truck size starter batteries?
#3 Is a battery considered empty at 12v like the video ending voltages on the primaries?
#4Did the primaries start out at 13.3V? (100ah)
#5 Why is 18 minutes of runtime considered extra energy when the batteries are technically empty by the end of the run? (2 X 100ah)
#6 Are any motors modified?Last edited by BroMikey; 06-28-2020, 12:08 AM.
1.With the three battery system, if you want to get it in balance, which is harder than CRAP, you have to balance the load on the motor with the load on battery 3. I hadn't tried running a generator off the motor in a while, and didn't have any small loads (12 volt) handy to run as a load on the generator. Would have used another auto tail light, but as I recall, I didn't have anything that was lower than those 25 watt bulbs, and that would pull the battery down too fast to try and get things in balance. I was going to try that eventually, but baby steps.
2.Those are NOT large batteries. The bad battery I had was a lawn and garden battery from Lowes, so I matched it with two other lawn and garden batteries from Lowes. The 8 battery connections on the left are my lawn and garden batteries and the four connections on the right are my 8 six volt deep cycle golf cart batteries/ two in series at each connection.
3. Yes, those batteries were dead at the end. They were probably about 12.4 when I started. Let them rest for an hour, and they would be back up close to where they started.
4. NO, the primaries started out about 12.4, so 24.8 to begin with.
5. You can't pay attention to the start voltage or the end voltage or any of that, because the start voltage isn't "true" and neither is the end voltage. What I wanted to show was just that the battery voltage holds steady when the system is running. If it does that for FOUR WEEKS then you know you have something. I don't care if the end voltage is 12.0 at that point, although I don't like to see it drop below 12.2 most of the time. I decided a long time ago that the results you get with batteries are all smoke and mirrors, but I love showing it to people. When you get a setup like this that works like this one did, the battery voltages will just stay very similar to where I showed them for really long periods of time. It won't be about the ending voltage being higher than the start voltage or even with it, or even lower. The voltages being SHOWN ON THE METERS will remain the same and can do so for weeks, then everything goes south and the primaries drop in voltage rapidly to what you saw. But it is the WORK that got done during that time compared to how many amp hours of work you SHOULD have been able to get out of three batteries fully charged connected in parallel.
6. None of those motors were modified.
Seeing things like this run for impossibly long times was what got me started with the 3 battery system in the first place. The problem is, you can't replicate that weird 3rd battery. I have found THREE of them in the past 11 years. Two of them eventually quit working as they eventually started holding a charge after running hundreds of tests with them in the 3rd position. This one I RARELY mess with, so it still works. I keep it just like it is for special occasions. I probably haven't run anything on it in over a year. Just charge it with a standard charger once in a while.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View Post1.With the three battery system, if you want to get it in balance,
have found THREE of them in the past 11 years.
That is an amazing thought. Did you ever have one running for very long? I know you probably said that you did or not but I can't be sure it would have pertained to this setup. Or another test. The shorted battery has one cell causing a drain that you call special for this test run. It (that cell) is always steeling a tiny portion of the electrical charge and probably reflecting it back to the primaries. This is also a balancing effect as battery 3 may want to rise to quickly, the semi shorted battery buys you some time and keeps the differential greater.
Any battery setting going down to 10v has one shorting cell however small. Next time use a good battery and peal back the terminals of one of the cells and draw a tiny load to simulate the same condition. This way you can control how much of a short you would like and it will never fix itself. Remember a bad battery with a shorted cell is not charging that cell to it's full capacity as it is always draining off.
Or use only 5 cells running a 3rd battery at 10v.
When people being to understand this they can start using regulator and converters.Last edited by BroMikey; 06-28-2020, 02:40 AM.
The very first battery that I had that did this ran for over two months. I thought I had discovered something amazing and was going to be a millionaire. I was living in Arizona at the time and made an appointment with one of the top patent attorneys in California. My son and I ran an inverter on battery 3 with lights and a tv hooked up to it 24/7 for two solid weeks, sleeping on cots in my shop, before I flew out to California and wrote a $10,000 non refundable check to the attorney and showed him the thing running. When I got back to AZ, battery 3 worked like a normal battery. It charged right up. I was able to get $8,000.00 back from the guy and that was my first lesson in how expensive this stuff can be.
The second one worked for about two weeks before mysteriously repairing itself. I have had MANY that worked for over a week. This last one has worked every time I have tried it but I know it will repair itself if I let it run for too long.
So I do not believe it is a shorted cell. I can put a battery analyzer on it and check it out, but a shorter cell would not repair itself.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Thanks for the video and will check it out. The video I was referring to was with boosters and motor coupled to a generator. It was good video but bad audio noise from the motor.
I'll try to find it and post if I can use this new forum setup here. Been awhile.
So this is about using a "bad" battery in secondary position. Yea I was trying a balanced system with all good bateries.
But I get the point of running loads off the secondary "bad" battery for long periods of time.
I do remember trying to increase the size of the system, like connecting battery bank in parallel to secondary third battery. Then attempting to run inverter off that bank. It didn't work because they were ALL good batteries.
You went back to the good old days of the mysterious "bad" battery.
Good times.
Originally posted by Turion View PostThe very first battery that I had that did this ran for over two months. I thought I had discovered something amazing and was going to be a millionaire.
....... I do not believe it is a shorted cell. I can put a battery analyzer on it and check it out, but a shorter cell would not repair itself.
Maybe a 1K ohm or a 10 K ohm resistor or whatever it takes to drain out a single cell over night.
Peal off the top of a battery and begin. Maybe it needs a 1 megohm
This tiny connection between plates is often called TREE-ING. Like rock candy growing in a cup hanging on a string. Batteries form crystalline structure internally the are electrical in nature. Think crystals.Last edited by BroMikey; 06-28-2020, 10:52 PM.
By the way Dave I have had dozens of battery out of the blue go to 10v randomly then I would beat their backs with a huge Bedini Osc and get them back to perfect again. Oxides of lead form crystalline structures. Microscopic tree-ing
https://www.powerstream.com/1922/bat.../chapter10.htmLast edited by BroMikey; 06-29-2020, 01:06 AM.
Hey BroMikey,
I 've some of my older batteries left from the past experiments. But I got away from the bad battery experiments because it's so hard to keep a good third or "bad" battery.
That's my reason to start building Dave's generator.
Originally posted by wantomake View PostHey BroMikey,
I 've some of my older batteries left from the past experiments. But I got away from the bad battery experiments because it's so hard to keep a good third or "bad" battery.
That's my reason to start building Dave's generator.Good to see you back.
That’s the same reason I quit the bad battery experiments. But I never quit the GOOD batter experiments because it is the key to free energy.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist