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Motor Generators

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  • BroMikey

    Working frequency: 150KHz
    Conversion efficiency: up to 96%
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-22-2022, 04:09 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    I found a few converters at 96% oh and I believe in magic and I use watt meters. I did your test many times and charging took 3-4x more power. But back to 80% recovery. Modified mattie motor = COP one yet you can recovery 80%? Sorry that don't make any sense. COP 1 is not OverUnity , I never said that. What I said and I will repeat COP=1 this is what we were told.

    Next you claim what? 80% recovery? How is that COP 1? I have tested using the energy straight up and the same energy in the 3 battery. The meters show good results if you wait 3 days with all those batteries. My batteries are toast now I I am not going to pay $2000 to make those tests again.

    Capacitors get bigger internally also so the watt meter is the way to go. Maybe I'll use Lipo this time or supercaps that can hold enough power to start your car but never batteries of lead. One more thing, I never hooked up the modified motor to the fuse box of my house expecting it to power up. All I wanted was a few joules and was always charging my banks back up on wall power. On the other hand I saw your video where the run batteries climb and the charge batteries keep going up and I have no explanation for that.

    Ultra Capacitor $11 x 6 = $66
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-22-2022, 03:45 AM.

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  • Turion
    The Matt motor and the 3 Battery system were NEVER INTENDED to be "OVERUNITY or COP>1 setups. They will never run your house. They MIGHT run some lights in an emergency if you know what you are doing. They were to prove ONE CONCEPT and ONE CONCEPT ONLY:

    The load does NOT "USE UP" the energy that we put into it. That energy is "USED UP" by sending it THROUGH THE LOAD to GROUND. THE LESSON?????
    Don't DO that.

    Once you understand, trust, and BELIEVE that to be true, it is time to start applying those principles to ways to produce energy. So we added the boost module. You put energy into it, and you get energy out of it. If you run it straight off the battery, you recover NOTHING and your battery just runs down. If you run it between the positives and run the Matt Motor between its output and battery 3, you get to see battery 3 charge, and get longer run times when you rotate the batteries. A really efficient boost will output 99.7%, but THAT ONE is going to really, really cost you. A cheap one will still prove the concept. If it is 87% efficient, like a LOT of them, you put in 100 watts and get out 87. There will ALWAYS be losses in the load do to resistance, impedance and other factors, and this includes in the boost module. But if you RECOVER some of the 100 you put in by running it between the positives, PLUS get 87 out, now we're getting somewhere. Then you take that energy and try to charge a battery with it. Good luck.

    If you have a kilowatt meter, here's a great little experiment for you. Charge your battery up to full, put the kilowatt meter on the battery and run it down for a while. You know know how much energy you took out of the battery. Put a kilowatt meter between your battery charger and your battery or between the wall and your battery charger. See how much energy it takes to overcome the impedance in the battery and actually charge it back up to where it was when you started. Compare those two amounts. You better have the PERFECT battery charger and it still takes way more to charge that battery back up than you got out of it.

    Without power generation, you will not see much more out of this setup.

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  • BroMikey
    Boring video for those with a bench top mill drill. He covers fit

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  • BroMikey
    Boring a precision machined hole for rotors and sleeves. a slip fit is over and a press fit is .001-.0015 under

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by wantomake View Post

    Thanks BroMikey for the illustrations in both post.

    Your assumptions are close but not spot on. .

    Not being defensive or attacking your words.

    So all is good and learning so much from this simple modified Matt motor setup.

    Dave has been patient and teaching me with emails.

    Thanks Wanto Dave knows everything but can only get it to work sometimes. Are you sure you want to follow him? Just joking around you both are hard workers and great guys. I guess Dave hasn't forgot then. I throw out a taunt every now and then to see who will man up and get the job done.

    Yes 2 coils is a good entry level starting place, no plywood rotors @ 3000 rpm. Maybe someone can machine a hub and rotor for you. You could make a tiny one say 6" rotor that the Modified motor could pull and it would not drag down. Got any ideas?
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-21-2022, 08:51 PM.

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  • wantomake
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

    I don't think WANTO can bring himself to build a free style made from scratch generator instead see the lower picture. This is what he wants. He figures the regular motor might give him 250w to power his shop. That is what we have been told for years, I guess you forgot? The modified motor with 3 batteries if done right is COP ONE, so the regular motor generating is free energy up to a point. Maybe only 50watts? Something. Should be is all we have. No video proof.

    BTW how are you doing on the transformer energy machine?

    Thanks BroMikey for the illustrations in both post.

    Your assumptions are close but not spot on. Spiritual and naturally I'm able to learn and build with help from Dave and Matthew and you.

    Dave knows what and how much I can do in my tin can shop. That's ok, it's a start. We all build at different levels with the ability we possess. Not being defensive or attacking your words. I appreciate your words and observations. That's why I like you.

    This is how I see replicating here and seems to work good;
    1. Get the idea and blueprint of a project.
    2. Build a proof of concept small and observe the outcome.
    3. Take good notes and draw out the diagrams or schematics.
    4. Decide that this concept IS in fact worthwhile the resources.
    5. Know your limits be wise, then plan out the build.

    I do want to build larger unit later as I progress financially and in wisdom. Dave has been patient and teaching me with emails.

    So all is good and learning so much from this simple modified Matt motor setup.


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  • Turion
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Here is the setup Dave likes but that tiny modified motor ain't got enough torque to pull a decent generator head. I have been here since before 2008 watching these boards. I first started at THE ENERGY SCIENCE FORUM way before this board was migrated from the old website. Rick F was running the show.
    If you only have a couple coils, and they are Lenz neutral, it absolutely does. You should know that by now. All you're doing is turning a rotor. More than a couple coils you need opposition magnets.

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  • BroMikey
    John Bedini 12 years ago. I watched him make all these video's

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  • BroMikey
    10 years after energy from the vacuum in 2010 we watched the Ferris wheel, year in and year out.

    12 years ago

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  • BroMikey
    Lidmotor was following along 14 years ago, everything has been deleted from way back.

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  • BroMikey
    Here is the setup Dave likes but that tiny modified motor ain't got enough torque to pull a decent generator head. I have been here since before 2008 watching these boards. I first started at THE ENERGY SCIENCE FORUM way before this board was migrated from the old website. Rick F was running the show.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-21-2022, 03:51 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Turion View Post
    Are you using the Matt motor to run a load, like turning
    a rotor with magnets on it past some Lenz free coils to supply power? That would be my first suggestion of the kind of contribution it can make. It adds basically no additional load to the system. The Matt motor is capable of the necessary 2800 rpm I needed for my original coils to run in a Lenz neutral state, which were simply 3 strands of # 23 each 1,000 feet long with steel rod cores made from welding rods per John Bedini. Too many coils and you will have to much magnetic drag, so two coils is probably your limit without neutralizing magnets.
    I don't think WANTO can bring himself to build a free style made from scratch generator instead see the lower picture. This is what he wants. He figures the regular motor might give him 250w to power his shop. That is what we have been told for years, I guess you forgot? The modified motor with 3 batteries if done right is COP ONE, so the regular motor generating is free energy up to a point. Maybe only 50watts? Something. Should be is all we have. No video proof.

    BTW how are you doing on the transformer energy machine?

    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-21-2022, 04:23 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Here is another one from Denis who always modifies his motors and generators.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-20-2022, 10:24 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Same man using a small motor generator

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