It isn't like I'm not working with the generator. I have TWO different projects going where I am working with other people plus my own build. And I just gave one away to someone from the forum who contacted me about my offer. He was willing to pay for shipping, So I sent him one of my prior versions. I just don't have a lot of TIME right now to devote to it and have to squeeze in minutes between other things. It cannot be a priority until I get my house done, but that is weeks away. I still have another energy project that is a higher priority, but I fully intend to finish the generator and produce the best working prototype I can. I also intend to build a smaller version of the machine...almost a kit sized version...that is easy to transport but is a self runner and demonstrates all the principles I have worked to show. I should have STARTED with a machine that size but nooooooooo, I had to go for the gusto. When will I learn. Probably NEVER.
No announcement yet.
Motor Generators
Originally posted by Turion View Post............. cannot be a priority until I get my house done, but that is weeks away.
I should have STARTED with a machine that size but nooooooooo, I had to go for the gusto. When will I learn.You have my vote for President.
7F43AAA3-8AA5-4056-BF70-50B650F92444.jpeg E53A3460-7DE5-4576-8F29-A794CD93862F.jpeg
Ok boys and girls. I got some good news. Was able to get that dang magnet that was sticking up too high out of my rotor and replaced it already. It involved a lot of careful work with a masonry bit and a punch sharpened to a needle point on the grinder and driven in at angles once a straight hole was started with the bit. Sucked the pieces out with the stack of 10 neos I have to do the opposition magnets. They had more pulling power than what was left of the broken magnet as long as I made solid contact. You can see that F*%#! white plastic spacer down in the hole.
Replaced the magnet with a new one (the white arrow in the picture) and all is good. My replacement magnets will be here Friday but I should have most of the machine together by then. Still need to figure out how to mount the motor and connect it to this new, much larger, shaft. But I’ll figure it out. I’ve come THIS far. The finish line is awful close. I cannot wait to get this up and running and see what it is capable of. When my sweetie goes to bed in a couple hours, I'll hop on down to the basement and see how much more I can get put together. Probably everything except the one missing magnet I had to use to replace the rotor magnet I pounded into pieces. If I get the first half put together, I can start working on the motor mount that will have to be built and the connection of the motor to the generator shaft. Regardless of what issues I run into, I should have the whole thing together by this weekend. Sunday I will either have the whole day free to put this together and test, because my contractor its working at my remodel, or I will have to spend the whole day hauling water for him while he grouts all the tile in my house if his son isn't able to do that job. So who knows. Getting very, very close.
Last edited by Turion; 12-03-2020, 09:36 AM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
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Originally posted by Turion View PostOk boys and girls. I got some good news.
.............or I will have to spend the whole day hauling water for him while he grouts all the tile in my house .................................
If it ain't one See-ment it's another, git that grout.
Originally posted by ron48 View PostWell done Dave been following in the background for years and I believe everything you said. Hope everything goes better than you expect. Best wishes to you and yours ron
I have been meaning to ask if you still build those steel rotors? And do you still do testing on yours?
Thanks guys. I was pretty depressed about that whole magnet thing, and I couldn't even force myself to go down there and work on it because I wasn't sure it would work out and I was afraid this was just another setback that would cost me weeks. And possibly ruin the rotor. AND people would give me crap because I still haven't provided input and output data. All it cost me was a couple days before I could get to town and buy a punch and a masonry bit. But even after I had them, I procrastinated. When I finally just sucked it up and got after it, it really only took me a couple hours to remove and replace. Going down there and working on ANYTHING is tough after working all day on the remodel. It's especially tough when it is something I am dreading working on. The "green chair" where I can kick back and put my feet up is next to the fire is a lot more enticing than going down to that cold shop when I'm beat. I'm an old man now. Passed official retirement age, even though I have been retired for like 12 years. But I am used to working. When I was younger I taught high school during the day, worked as a meat man at the supermarket in the evenings, and worked construction on the weekends. It enabled me to retire 12 years ago to a life of what I mistakenly thought would be leisure. Little did I know I would be remodeling houses and landscaping property. And spending every second of free time working on energy projects. I would like to kick younger me right in the butt and clue him in on a few things!
Will post video in the next day or so of the next steps in putting this thing together. Didn't get to work on it tonight. Too much other stuff came up, like figuring out how to remodel this kitchen counter I am working on building tomorrow from an existing piece of junk that was there. Off to Lowes first thing in the morning. Again. and Again.
But about DATA......I posted data PROVING that magnetic neutralization affects the RPM and the amp draw of the motor. This in turn affects the OUTPUT of the generator, which means the overall performance of the generator is SIGNIFICANTLY impacted by magnetic neutralization. It decreases watts in. Meaning HIGHER efficiency of the two pieces (motor and generator) working together, and It increases watts out from the generator.
This is part of what I posted
"On another note, I did a video where I showed my big generator running with 0 coils in it and the motor running on 7 amps at 36 volts, and I don't remember the RPM, but I remember it was over 3,000. That was the baseline. Then I put four coils in the machine and it drew over 12 amps and the RPM was reduced by 500 RPM. "
bistander choose to ignore the data and a few posts later said this:
"But like I've said numerous times, it, along with your other scheme, doesn't affect output at load" (referring to magnetic neutralization and "neutral" coils)
"Neither improve generator performance at speed and at load" (referring to magnetic neutralization and "neutral" coils)
Now, I don't know about YOU guys, but in MY mind, if I can keep the amp draw of the motor from going up, that is a positive thing, and worth investigating. In my world, when the RPM of the motor DROPS, so does the rpm of the generator it is turning, which, if I am not mistaken, affects the output of the generator. So to say that magnetic neutralization is of no benefit is just STUPID. Oh, but he didn't SAY that did he? He inferred it, which is a TOTALLY different thing.
The king of semantics is very careful with his word choice. bI says "Neither improve generator performance at speed and at load". He is assuming you REACH "speed" despite the fact that speed will be reduced because of the effect additional coils have on the performance of the motor and therefore the generator.
That's like saying "If I can run sixty miles an hour with a car on my back, the car is not an issue." You would be absolutely right! An idiot, but SEMANTICALLY correct.
I think from now on I will just refer to BiStander as BS. let's keep it simpleLast edited by Turion; 12-03-2020, 03:37 PM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
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Black Beauty Assembly 2
Black Beauty Assembly 3
“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View PostBlack Beauty Assembly 2
Black Beauty Assembly 3
The day the magnets get here I will have the gen together. Working on a mount for the motor now. Haven’t had to weld in years. Who knows if ivv be even CAN! LOL“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by Turion View PostThe day the magnets get here I will have the gen together. Working on a mount for the motor now. Haven’t had to weld in years. Who knows if ivv be even CAN! LOLSome kind of shield. Make it run on low power for days so it does not overheat. If possible. It is time to graduate. 300-500 watts input whatever who cares and 600-800 watts output all day long without melting anything. At least this is what should be shown to encourage the prospective. If those coils with regular 60hz or less cores, don't be surprised. Like putting transmission oil is kerosene lantern, it will work like zhit.
Greyland had the big machine putting out 315 volts per coil pair at 1.5 amps today x 4 pair. One pair was only putting out 150 volts at 1.5 amps. The last pair wasn't hooked up as he is still having problems with it. He was running it with an AC motor pulling 4 amps at 115 volts. I don't know how he has the wires connected, because that's much higher volts than I would expect, but half the amps. I'm used to 1.5 amps per coil, not per coil pair. Sucks not having this thing on my bench, but I'll have the new one up soon
He's having trouble making those coils work. Hard to use his hands, and has to deep d on. others, like his son, for help.
The magnets will be here tomorrow. I may have all day Sunday to work on this. Don't know yet. For sure I will have all day Monday and Tuesday as we will have NO POWER those two days at the house I am remodeling. My new house is independent from the grid, so I can work on the generator here but can't run my table saw and stuff at the old house, so I have an excuse not to work over there. I should be able to get the motor connected up by then somehow. Even if I have to use a belt and pull setup to run it.Last edited by Turion; 12-05-2020, 02:06 AM.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
I think Mr. Greyland does his best, but I think the initial tests with the generator should be done step by step, that is, I test a first pair of coils, it worked well, it gave me the expected results, I continue to place another pair of coil, I test these four coils, it worked well, I get the expected results, go ahead, AND IF I don't have the expected results, something is wrong, I have to check, check, change coils, adjust.
The generator requires good adjustment, for it to function properly, and as it is an experimental test, very interesting that it has presented us with all its good details and challenges that Mr. Dave faces.
In my generator I am about to test a pair of coils, I want to go step by step, if it works well for me, I continue with another pair of coils, and so on.
From Mr. Dave's proposal for this prototype I have learned a lot, and it is possible to continue to improve and change configurations.
Originally posted by Turion View PostGreyland had the big machine putting out 315 volts per coil pair at 1.5 amps today x 4 pair.
we will have NO POWER those two days at the house...........Even if I have to use a belt and pull setup to run it.
315v1.5=472 watts for 25% of coils present with the drive at
115v X 4 amp =460watts. Maybe she ain't looped and all that (I want it running day and night), but it looks like the break even, just like you been telling me for years. You can't argue with the math. It's like telling the public there is no vote fraud (free energy) while the camera show after hours staff getting the extra thru (COP 1:1)Couldn't resist the analogy
I'll bet that coil pair is the same coils you sent him that normally ran 1.5amp gave 460v runs cooler. It is my conjecture that the on time radically effects the over heating component of the old setup. The new rotors offer 4X the pulses at a much lower "on time", this is good. The end of these machines will be so mush improved that they will run day and night without incident.
The guy who set up the bearing and shaft is a genius, will run day and night. Or at bare minimum a mechanical wizKID. Another hero stepped up to the plate.
Also remember the old 5 or 6 magnet pucks offered a substantially lower frequency. Even tho most don't see anything except volts and amps, keep that in the back of your mind a moment. Let's look at the old hockey puck rotor.
The 5 magnets would spin up at 2800 rpm so the math looks like this
2800 X 5 = 14000 magnet poles pass eash coil core every 60 seconds or 1 minute. Now divide by 60 seconds to get our per/sec number =
14,000 / 60sec = 230 hz or cycles per second.
Now what about the the latest result? What is it 22 magnet pole? Yep 22 of them following the same math..
2800 rpms X 22 poles = 61,600 magnets whipping past every core. Are we waking yet? That is a huge over all increase of flux delivered to cores. Anyone? Nobody? Where are the boys who add and subtract?
Anyway 61,600 times a core get slammed every minute so continuing
61,600 / 60 sec = 1025hz That bad boy is kicking some butt. This flux amount is coming from many 1" magnets breaks up into more pulses. This translates into less heat due to decreased on time. More pulses are going to help with the heat issue. Look at what I am saying and think about the number 5 vs 22. the 5 pole had 2" mags and 22 pole has 1' mags. Did you see it? That is double the flux and 4X the Hz a much more powerful machine.Last edited by BroMikey; 12-05-2020, 04:54 AM.
You'll have to redo your math. LOL The old rotor had six of the 2" diameter by 1/4" thick neos that were N/S/N/S/N/S. That's six poles
The NEW rotor has 22 all north magnets that are 3/4 diameter by 3/4 long, BUT you have to remember that between each Pair of north poles there is a "VIRTUAL SOUTH" so the coil "sees" 44 changes per revolution not 22. It's why an all North magnet rotor STILL puts out AC instead of DC.
My idea was to wind the 12 wire coil like I have been and see what the output is at whatever rpm my motor will turn it. I will probably drop back down to the smaller MY1016, because I don't need much torque to turn this machine under full load now that I have magnetic neutralization figured out, and that motor runs on 24 volts rater than 36. Then I can start looking at how many wires I must have connected in series to achieve the -0- point where the motor neither accelerates nor slows down when the coils are under load. The more wires I can put in parallel, the more amps I get. The goal is to run the motor on one coil pair.“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist