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Motor Generators
Center of rotor to center of coil is exactly the same as the old machine. Every machine I have built for the last ten years has had the exact same distance from center of rotor to center of coil, and hence they are all the "same" from center of rotor to center of magnet. Therefore speed of the magnet "passing the coil" at the same RPM of the rotor has ALWAYS been the same. Only the diameter of magnets has changed, so the TIME the coil is exposed to the magnet has changed. Some magnets were 2" diameter. Some were 1" diameter. Some were 3/4" diameter. There have been changes to the NUMBER of magnets on the rotor, so how many magnets passed the coil per rotation or per second at a given RPM has changed. The thickness of the rotor also changed. I started with 1/4" thick rotor and 1/4" thick magnets,. The last rotor was 1 3/4" thick. The present one is 1" thick. I have also changed the diameter of the rotor so that a circle of extra "opposition magnets" could be placed farther out on the rotor to interact with magnets on the stator. This required a much larger rotor and a larger stator.
Originally posted by BroMikey View PostHello Mr Dave
This new one has a 8" to center dia?
Good common horse sense says you do not have the same dia as the old one so therefore you can not expect speed up or voltages to be close.
Last edited by BroMikey; 06-19-2022, 09:37 PM.
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I don't give a rat's ass. Don't have any rat's asses to give. Got rid of my last rat's ass years ago. I'm into horses' asses now. Did some testing today, but getting really WEIRD results. Not posting anything (video) until I figure out what is going on.That could be YEARS! LOL
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Hello Mr Dave, I see what you mean on plastic sheets that cost so much money and making a bigger machine. Your first machine didn't have the opposition magnets COP 3 and the dia of the magnets on the rotor was less than 12"'
This new one has a 8" to center dia?
I'll bet an old man don't heal as fast as he use to so take care of it because nobody else can. Baby sitting and phantom data are two different things is what a skeptic would say. We all heard you say that you don't give a rats azz.........
Last edited by BroMikey; 06-18-2022, 11:41 PM.
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If the outside ring of magnets were going by the CENTER of the coils, then the machine would have to be bigger in all directions in order to hold the coils. That's the issue. Right now the coil holder can be made out of a specific size sheet of plastic cut into four pieces. Bigger pieces of plastic (+3" taller and +3" wider) would be needed, and that would be much more expensive.
As to what you said about the speed of the outside magnets, A single magnet on the outside moves FASTER past a specific point, but 20 magnets on the outside go past a specific point the same number of times in one rotation as 20 magnets on the inside circle. They just cover MORE DISTANCE in that rotation, so are moving FASTER. Yes, the outside magnets, because they travel faster would give you speed up under load at a lower speed, but my machine can still reach that speed. That's not an issue. I HAVE posted videos of speed up under load. My FIRST one was over ten years ago. If people don't want to believe it's possible, they can build something and see for themselves. I'm not babysitting anyone. My cut up finger is healing. The one that is giving me problems is the one I broke from the drill flipping around. Testing my coil for output tomorrow. When that is done, I will be testing for what the speed up under load RPM is for this new coil material. When I find it, I will post a video of it.
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I often wonder why you don't put the large magnets on the outside. It is good to see them all pushed together, one right next to the other. The outside goes twice as fast as the inside set. This would allow speed up or the null to be reached much much sooner, I have demonstrated this and so have you, well at least to yourself according to you. I have video proof.
You better get that finger looked at and take some time out to put an AC unit in your shop. The index is killer right now in Midwest Kansas
Last edited by BroMikey; 06-17-2022, 10:53 PM.
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Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
To sell, you need to have the appropriate permissions.
The main thing is that this system can be made by yourself, small in size, to replace a wind generator, a set of solar panels or a mini hydroelectric power station.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, a mechanical generator is not a converter of mechanical power into electrical power. This is a big lie of official education.
AS far as many inventions being open source I would say the slaves barely have time to punch a clock and sit with their children for a few hours before returning to the same ole marry-go-round the next day.
The average Sally Sue and Jimmy John can't make it work and never will. WE all know better things should be possible. 1000 such inventions will finally take over all at once and no bullets will stop them. It's coming to a head now, the cat is out of the bag on youtube every day.Last edited by BroMikey; 06-16-2022, 06:30 AM.
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Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
I know it, there are many extra energy producing inventions yet nothing forsale. Instead these companies are looking for investors to pour money into the mix. Same ole hat different day.
The main thing is that this system can be made by yourself, small in size, to replace a wind generator, a set of solar panels or a mini hydroelectric power station.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, a mechanical generator is not a converter of mechanical power into electrical power. This is a big lie of official education.
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I found the micro version of the same setup to cut and drill circles like a tiny flywheel for a steam engine. This shows what is needed to do metal
For a long time I was assuming that if I picked up an average size to small milling machine that this would be all I needed to cut and drill plate into circles. I have learned that more is needed.
Last edited by BroMikey; 06-15-2022, 05:59 AM.
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Here is a better view than the previous guy with arm in the way the entire time during turning the table. There is so few real examples, mostly tiny 3" parts from a 3 ton chunk of iron.
Last edited by BroMikey; 06-14-2022, 09:10 AM.
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