Originally posted by Turion
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Magnetic fields are created for free and then collapse. Magnetic fields do all of the work and are not fields of conversion that are destroyed. The only calculation shown in the books is the ones where resistance kills the power input. Yet in the breath these so called experts want us to think that the power in the wire changes to a field and this is where it ends since XL is resistance of a form. This is the confusion. Everyone has their way of looking at energy now-a-days because the books are so flawed.
You can not take Engineering and connect all of the dots. They don't connect from beginning to end so the student is given rules of thumb and taught that to figure out how the rule was made would take a lifetime to see. Don't do what you were told, this was John Bedini's way of seeing the school system. He would say this "Here are the answers, say this and you will pass" it appears that is the way you make money with no one following the experiment.
Now engineering data is produced using preprogrammed formula using calculators and simulators like going to Vegas, pulling the levers to get a combination of lemons and various fruit assortments.
