I am definitely not going to prove anything to anyone, convince or dissuade anyone. The question is why? I have given enough information!
If someone doesn't want to think, then I made a project with calculations (core, windings, the simplest electronic controller), which you can make yourself. You can change it at your own discretion. Making your own core will cost you a decent amount of money.
Any synchronous generator based on closed magnetic systems works on this principle.
Another drawing of mine that I gave to explain the magnetic system of Robert Holcomb's generator back in 2021.
Everyone gets out of being fooled on their own. Moreover, the general education system of teaching electromagnetism to the average student will not help you with this.
A very clear example of an anapole moment, when the core closes a magnetic closed flux in itself, when this core is broken, an EMF impulse will arise at the ends of the conductor. Edward Leedskalnin - Magnetic-Current | PDF | Nature
"Magnetic Current/Magnetic Keeper" by Edward Leedskalnin.
This is exactly the thesis that I gave in my research, explaining the actions of the anapole moment when it changes. The invention of the electromagnetic generator | Patreon
Edward Leedskalnin Perpetual Motion | Magnetic Currents & Polarity Change
When changing the magnetic intensity H (magnetic flux B ) in the focus, the electric field vector E appears . When superimposed on the model of a closed magnetic circuit, in the focus of which a conductor is laid, we have the induction of an electric field limited by the volume of this focus. Thus, if simply in the hole of a closed ferromagnetic core, in which the field moment of magnetic intensity H changes , an electric moment is formed in the focus of this core. If there is a conductor in the focus of the magnetic circuit, a difference in electric potentials appears on it. Which is actually a contactless method of electromagnetic induction.
The American version of this action is called differently and is veiled a little differently, but it is the same phenomenon
Dynamic toroidal dipole - Wikipedia
Anapolle moment in American physics terminology Toroidal moment - Wikipedia
Magnetic toroidal moment and its relation to the magnetoelectric effect
The presence of a magnetic toroidic dipole moment T in condensed matter is due to the presence of a magnetoelectric effect: Application of a magnetic field H in the plane of a toroidal solenoid leads via the Lorentz force to an accumulation of current loops and thus to an electric polarization perpendicular to both T and H. The resulting polarization has the form Pi = εijkTjHk (with ε being the Levi-Civita symbol). The resulting magnetoelectric tensor describing the cross-correlated response is thus antisymmetric.
No announcement yet.
Motor Generators
Getting intercurrent mutual induction is also very possible if you do the electronic controller wrong. But if you put the correct armature from a DC motor, and organise the rotation of the brushes around the collector, you will get just the generation. My friend was also puzzled why at mechanical commutation generation, but having already replaced by transistors got mutual induction. I had to explain the difference in excitations. This question can be checked only practically.
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Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostDear bistander,
Don't be so generalised. Distinguish all kinds of phenomena at mechanical generation of EMF. The mechanical power P=Fv, applied to rotate a magnetic rotor with excited constant magnetic flux Bm, is not converted into electric power W=IU. The conversion takes place according to the EMF (E) formula (of electromagnetic induction curl E = -dBm/dt, where Bm is the magnetic induction of the external field). The magnetic field in the phase loop Bi, arises from another phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (Maxwell's formula for Ampere's law curl H = dD/dt + J, which I have expressed more precisely curl Bi = -dE/dt). The force of mechanical rotation is a condition, not a transformation. It is possible to rotate the field without mechanical force, it is enough to rotate not the collector in the brushes and the armature, but the brushes around the collector with a fixed armature , inserted stator with phase windings.
Electromagnetic generator OverUnity
When you rotate the brushes around the armature collector, which is inserted into the stator with slots and windings, you get a similar pattern of magnetic field movement as when the magnetic rotor is mechanically rotated. (illustration from my edition Motionless ALTERNATOR)
What you describe amounts to a transformer. Real power output will never exceed power input.
Please show the world proof. Sorry, but nobody can. Because these OU/FE claims are false.
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Dear bistander,
Don't be so generalised. Distinguish all kinds of phenomena at mechanical generation of EMF (E). The mechanical power [P=Fv], applied to rotate a magnetic rotor with excited constant magnetic flux [Bm], is not converted into electric power [W=IU]. The conversion takes place according to the EMF (E) formula (of electromagnetic induction [curl E = -dBm/dt], where [Bm] is the magnetic induction of the external field). The magnetic field in the phase loop [Bi], arises from another phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (Maxwell's formula for Ampere's law [curl H = dD/dt + J], which I have expressed more precisely [curl Bi = -dE/dt]). The force of mechanical rotation is a condition, not a transformation. It is possible to rotate the field without mechanical force, it is enough to rotate not the collector in the brushes and the armature, but the brushes around the collector with a fixed armature , inserted stator with phase windings.
Electromagnetic generator OverUnity
When you rotate the brushes around the armature collector, which is inserted into the stator with slots and windings, you get a similar pattern of magnetic field movement as when the magnetic rotor is mechanically rotated. (illustration from my edition Motionless ALTERNATOR)
86215320.jpgLast edited by Rakarskiy; 02-12-2025, 05:22 AM.
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Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostHi bistander,
Any alternator in terms of inducing EMF is overunity, since to this day we do not know whether the magnetic field is spent to induce EMF or not. I will simply quote what I wrote to one of my opponents, a physicist from Ukraine:
...mechanical rotation of the rotor with permanent magnets or electromagnets is a condition for the constant magnetic excitation field to move in the stator core. When it rotates, the orientation of the Anapol foci changes (2, 4, etc. paired closed flows), and the lines of force simply physically cannot cut the conductor, they are always redistributed in the rotor and stator core. Rotation of this field is possible without mechanical rotation according to the algorithm for switching electromagnets. But there is a mandatory condition that, by the way, is implemented in any anchor of a DC motor. That is why Figuera combined everything with one another.
That is why this simple engineering solution is not applied is simply incomprehensible. The mechanical force of rotation of the rotor is a condition, although very expensive, and not a type of energy for transformation. ...
Regarding Figuer, Holcomb and others, I have long ago described the algorithm, even made calculations for the manufacture of this or that device. The question of whether to believe or not is a matter of choice, I do not insist. The Creator gave everyone the right to choose. One of my friends is also a stubborn admirer of the foundations of traditional electrodynamics, when he saw a drop in excitation current on his own devices when connecting the load to the phase wires and repeated the tests several times, now he just builds his own. I went further and calculated the most optimal design for a solid-state alternator. Now not only synchronous but also symmetrical.
Electromagnetic generator, without rotation of the magnetic rotor in self-propelled mode. | Patreon
You say
"The question of whether to believe or not is a matter of choice, I do not insist."
Yes. One can believe, or not. Their choice. But there is no choice for truth.
And "Any alternator in terms of inducing EMF is overunity"
is false. It does not produce more energy than what is input. Regardless of what you believe.
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Hi bistander,
Any alternator in terms of inducing EMF is overunity, since to this day we do not know whether the magnetic field is spent to induce EMF or not. I will simply quote what I wrote to one of my opponents, a physicist from Ukraine:
...mechanical rotation of the rotor with permanent magnets or electromagnets is a condition for the constant magnetic excitation field to move in the stator core. When it rotates, the orientation of the Anapol foci changes (2, 4, etc. paired closed flows), and the lines of force simply physically cannot cut the conductor, they are always redistributed in the rotor and stator core. Rotation of this field is possible without mechanical rotation according to the algorithm for switching electromagnets. But there is a mandatory condition that, by the way, is implemented in any anchor of a DC motor. That is why Figuera combined everything with one another.
That is why this simple engineering solution is not applied is simply incomprehensible. The mechanical force of rotation of the rotor is a condition, although very expensive, and not a type of energy for transformation. ...
Regarding Figuer, Holcomb and others, I have long ago described the algorithm, even made calculations for the manufacture of this or that device. The question of whether to believe or not is a matter of choice, I do not insist. The Creator gave everyone the right to choose. One of my friends is also a stubborn admirer of the foundations of traditional electrodynamics, when he saw a drop in excitation current on his own devices when connecting the load to the phase wires and repeated the tests several times, now he just builds his own. I went further and calculated the most optimal design for a solid-state alternator. Now not only synchronous but also symmetrical.
Electromagnetic generator, without rotation of the magnetic rotor in self-propelled mode. | Patreon
Last edited by Rakarskiy; 02-11-2025, 06:57 PM.
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Originally posted by Turion View Post
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Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostThe slide shows one variant of the phenomenon of EMF induction on a conductor placed in a changing closed magnetic circuit. The magnetic flux in which magnetic lines are closed is called an anapole (toroidal dipole), which is characterised by the anapole moment. When the anapole moment changes, an electromagnetic emission vertor is formed at the focus, which induces EMF on a conductor, if such a conductor is present there.
On the slide are two types of simple electromagnetic generators with field excitation from a permanent magnet. In both versions, the magnetic flux lines of force cannot physically cross the coil conductor.
You say
"In both versions, the magnetic flux lines of force cannot physically cross the coil conductor."
I take issue. I my mind (opinion), it is obvious that they do cross. But then you have the contradiction of "magnetic flux lines of force" being an imaginary construct used for visualization and one's definition of "physically".
But why are you obsessed with this?
And BTW, the devices of Holcomb, Figueros, and Turion are not OU or free energy, they simply hoaxes.
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The slide shows one variant of the phenomenon of EMF induction on a conductor placed in a changing closed magnetic circuit. The magnetic flux in which magnetic lines are closed is called an anapole (toroidal dipole), which is characterised by the anapole moment. When the anapole moment changes, an electromagnetic emission vertor is formed at the focus, which induces EMF on a conductor, if such a conductor is present there.
On the slide are two types of simple electromagnetic generators with field excitation from a permanent magnet. In both versions, the magnetic flux lines of force cannot physically cross the coil conductor.
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For all those interested and fervent believers that EMF is induced on a conductor only when magnetic lines of force intersect. The slide shows the world's first alternating current generator, manufactured by order of Ampere by the French musical instrument maker Pixi in 1832. In this system, the magnetic flux physically cannot intersect the conductor. Secondly, how is mechanical power P=Fv, converted into electrical power W=IU? You see only two questions and a complete discrepancy with the accepted constants of academic physics. In order to organize a change in the constant magnetic flux in a closed conducting circuit, it is not at all necessary to physically rotate a permanent magnet or a permanent electromagnet.
Static electromagnetic generators of Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Park Jae-Sun and Shoji Haneda. | Patreon
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Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostMy article on the technology of static electromagnetic alternators without physical rotation of the rotor.
On two resources.
Static electromagnetic generators of Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Park Jae-Sun and Shoji Haneda. | LinkedIn
Static electromagnetic generators of Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Park Jae-Sun and Shoji Haneda. | Patreon
Free Energy Ukraine - Static electromagnetic generators
Los Angeles Times (June 9, 1902)
Senor Figueros of the Canary Islands reports a discovery for obtaining energy without chemicals.
[BY DIRECT TELEGRAM TO THE TIMES. J New York, June 8. (1902) — [Exclusive Dispatch.] The London correspondent of The Herald reports that a most astonishing statement, the authenticity of which cannot yet be verified, was made by Senor Clemente Figueros, a forestry and forest engineer in the Canary Islands and for many years professor of physics at the College of St. Augustine at Las Palmas. For many years he has been silently working on a method of directly utilizing atmospheric electricity, that is, without chemicals or dynamos, and has put it into practice without any motive power.
He claims to have invented a generator by which he can collect electric current in order to be able to store it and apply it to infinite purposes; for example, in connection with shops, railways, and factories. He expects that this will lead to a huge economic and industrial revolution. He does not give the key to the invention, but states that the only extraordinary thing about it is that it has taken so long to discover a simple scientific fact.
He intends to go to Madrid and Berlin shortly to patent his inventions. Senor Figueras has constructed a crude apparatus by means of which, despite its small size and defects, he obtains a current of 550 volts, which he uses in his own house for lighting and to drive an engine of twenty horsepower. His inventions consist of a generator, a motor, and a kind of regulator, and the whole apparatus is so simple that a child can control it."
For the 20 hp engine mentioned in the note to the article, this power in electrical terms would be:
P (kW) = 0.745699872 ⋅ 20 (hp) = 14.92 (kW) 15 kW.
Then the lighting, say 1 kW, which drives the controller electric motor (resistive collector-brush controller) and excites the control coils by another 1 kW.
Thus, the solid-state generator of Clemente Figueras, which was built in 1902 in the Canary Islands, Spain, had an operating power of 17 kW.
But the secret of the Figueras generator remained a mystery. Is this really so? The era of solid-state electromagnetic synchronous generators should have started at the beginning of the 20th century. This did not happen. Today I solved this problem. My article and publication, it is not revolutionary, it is a normal engineering solution.
Motionless ALTERNATOR | Patreon
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Very encouraging builds from the looks of both setups!
I wanted to build the Lockridge device very badly over the years. Or just a device that was self powered without any battery or power source. I was overpowered by that desire and finally realized that such a device was beyond my abilities. But your vision has paid off with the proof we now see.
It makes good sense that his gas powered engine would use very little gas with the opposition magnet unit included in the setup. I like the adjustment feature on the OPU, if that's what I see on top of the white unit.
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Tomorrow I am picking up all the coils from my friend near Sacramento for rewinding. That will not be much fun, but it has to happen, so might as well get them and get started. Set up my coil winder the other day, so I am at least ready to begin that project. Man I HATE WINDING COILS. The only thing worse is unwinding coils I have already wound that have a core in them already. They don't fit well in my coil winder. And I get to do THAT 12 times too. The fun never stops.
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Here is the picture my friend in Sacramento sent me of MY machine when he loaded it into his car the other day. Letting me know he really did finally pick it up from the machinist. As you can see, I am not using a gas motor to turn mine. Just an MY1020 razor scooter motor.Attached FilesLast edited by Turion; 12-29-2024, 07:53 PM.
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