Bye is still licking his wounds the scaredy cat that he is, for all his crimes. If I was Bye Id'e be chicken-little too. He should be ashamed of himself
BTW not 2 change the subject here is a solid state motor generator called a BiTT @ Overunity which is almost the identical tests I got (1.5-2 COP) I did and got the same results with iron cores at 60hz Thanks Doug
I followed Bil Alek and made my 2 secondaries the same which they then cancelled, to as near to zero as possibly, where the input drops right down. A phase conjugate mirror
BTW not 2 change the subject here is a solid state motor generator called a BiTT @ Overunity which is almost the identical tests I got (1.5-2 COP) I did and got the same results with iron cores at 60hz Thanks Doug
I followed Bil Alek and made my 2 secondaries the same which they then cancelled, to as near to zero as possibly, where the input drops right down. A phase conjugate mirror