I wrote everything I wanted to say in a post on overunitymachines.com. I don't intend to convince anyone yet. I have made my contribution to the OVERUNITY dish.
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Motor Generators
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostI wrote everything I wanted to say in a post on overunitymachines.com. I don't intend to convince anyone yet. I have made my contribution to the OVERUNITY dish.
I commend you on your dedication to your beliefs but unfortunately you are too stubborn to listen to advise and realize flaws in your comprehension and logic, meaning the essence of what you preach is false. Proven by the fact that the motionless overunity generator does not work. The useful output of real power never exceeds the input power. No free energy.
Originally posted by bistander View Post
Mr. Rakarskiy,
I commend you on your dedication to your beliefs but unfortunately you are too stubborn to listen to advise and realize flaws in your comprehension and logic, meaning the essence of what you preach is false. Proven by the fact that the motionless overunity generator does not work. The useful output of real power never exceeds the input power. No free energy.
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
"I think these measurements of the conversion capabilities when measured by devices recommended by NASA speak for themselves: https://fb.watch/fMZMcgmLij/
COP = Pout/Pin = 19.86 kW / 2.56 kW = 7.76 (776%)"
Holcomb never allowed an independent test of his product and everyone of his several installations failed to produce energy savings but instead increased the energy usage. Last I heard, Holcomb and wife have disappeared. As they say around here; take the money and run.
I absolutely agree that this is a declaration. But what was measured was rather peak capabilities. This publication contains much more interesting data.
Cutting Energy Bills — And Carbon Footprints — in HALF. | by Holcomb Energy Systems | Medium
Operation of the machine, especially with maintaining frequency, voltage under variable load, is a very complex process. Increasing power is generally problematic in my opinion.
By the way, the US Patent Office has issued a patent for the invention (2022-05-17 Publication of US11336134B2; 2038-07-01Adjusted expiration) application submitted in 2017.
You can sue the patent office, they are probably in cahoots. As for Gene Brown, he claimed and did not prove different things.
I have developed a very simple and clear topology. Anyone with hands and brains can test it by inserting a DC motor armature into a stator with a three-phase winding and rotating the contact brushes. The magnetic poles of the armature will rotate without rotating the armature core inserted into the stator. We get generation. To build a real model, design solutions are already needed. It will be difficult to scale, but it becomes possible to make a low-power model, for example, to replace a car generator. I described the entire evolution of how this happens, what should be avoided and what points to rely on, even calculated the 1500 W / 12 V option, about 100 W of excitation costs.
I do not urge you to believe me, I have done my part, the rest is only for the decision of the one who strives for this or is waiting for someone to make him happy.
Motionless ALTERNATOR / Нерухомий АЛЬТЕРНАТОР / ALTERNADOR estacionario | Patreon
RESULTS and PLANS 2025 | PatreonLast edited by Rakarskiy; 03-01-2025, 10:11 AM.
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
engineers_diary_021a (1).jpg
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostI absolutely agree that this is a declaration. But what was measured was rather peak capabilities. This publication contains much more interesting data.
Cutting Energy Bills — And Carbon Footprints — in HALF. | by Holcomb Energy Systems | Medium
Operation of the machine, especially with maintaining frequency, voltage under variable load, is a very complex process. Increasing power is generally problematic in my opinion.
By the way, the US Patent Office has issued a patent for the invention (2022-05-17 Publication of US11336134B2; 2038-07-01Adjusted expiration) application submitted in 2017.
You can sue the patent office, they are probably in cahoots. As for Gene Brown, he claimed and did not prove different things.
I have developed a very simple and clear topology. Anyone with hands and brains can test it by inserting a DC motor armature into a stator with a three-phase winding and rotating the contact brushes. The magnetic poles of the armature will rotate without rotating the armature core inserted into the stator. We get generation. To build a real model, design solutions are already needed. It will be difficult to scale, but it becomes possible to make a low-power model, for example, to replace a car generator. I described the entire evolution of how this happens, what should be avoided and what points to rely on, even calculated the 1500 W / 12 V option, about 100 W of excitation costs.
I do not urge you to believe me, I have done my part, the rest is only for the decision of the one who strives for this or is waiting for someone to make him happy.
Motionless ALTERNATOR / Нерухомий АЛЬТЕРНАТОР / ALTERNADOR estacionario | Patreon
RESULTS and PLANS 2025 | Patreon
I have studied those bar charts and they are manipulating and misrepresenting data. In the real world installations the energy cost increases when Holcomb's device is used. Every time.
As far as your experiment (replace a car generator), several people with hands and brains have conducted such and it fails to produce O.U. or free energy. It simply behaved as transformer.
Originally posted by bistander View Post
For those interested in understanding this video, read https://www.jmag-international.com/engineers_diary/021/
engineers_diary_021a (1).jpg
But the essence is correct, if we rotate the brushes around the armature collector, we will get a condition under which there will be no mutual induction, but there will be generation.
How to make electronic commutation and the corresponding winding, just in my course on design and manufacturing.
I don't know who Holcomb Energy Systems is deceiving in your opinion, I have not seen a single court decision. The fact that they do not want to prove anything to anyone is their business. Probably there is no need.
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post
Yes, that's exactly how they teach it, but the second excitation option does not simulate the current in the closed windings of the armature with collector-brush commutation. When commutating with restarts, there will be mutual induction, pulse transformation.
But the essence is correct, if we rotate the brushes around the armature collector, we will get a condition under which there will be no mutual induction, but there will be generation.
How to make electronic commutation and the corresponding winding, just in my course on design and manufacturing.
I don't know who Holcomb Energy Systems is deceiving in your opinion, I have not seen a single court decision. The fact that they do not want to prove anything to anyone is their business. Probably there is no need.
will get a condition under which there will be no mutual induction, but there will be generation
Generation is the conversation of mechanical energy into electrical energy and it doesn't occur without physical motion, the displacement between two bodies between which exists force (work being done).
I don't know who Holcomb Energy Systems is deceiving in your opinion
A locked rotor? By the way, back in 2021, just after the introduction of the HES, my reader, a manufacturer of small hydroelectric generators, immediately wanted to do the same. I told him I doubted it and he would get a transformer.
In my publications about Holcomb, I clearly state what should be done. The condition is a constant magnetic flux excitation including the source of this excitation must have appropriate parameters. These parameters are fulfilled in any DC motor armature.
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View PostA locked rotor? By the way, back in 2021, just after the introduction of the HES, my reader, a manufacturer of small hydroelectric generators, immediately wanted to do the same. I told him I doubted it and he would get a transformer.
In my publications about Holcomb, I clearly state what should be done. The condition is a constant magnetic flux excitation including the source of this excitation must have appropriate parameters. These parameters are fulfilled in any DC motor armature.
he would get a transformer
.I wrote that definition back in mid 2022. If you are not educated enough to understand what it says, then why bother doing it at all.
Твердотільна синхронна машина Роберта Холкомба працює за алгоритмом традиційної електромеханічної синхронної машини, яка виробляє електроенергію. Твердотільний ротор — це система електромагнітів, що імітує дію механічного магнітного ротора. Завдання полягає в тому, щоб створити магнітний потік збудження, утримати його і перемістити в статорі і роторі, синхронно індукуючи ЕРС у фазах генератора. При підключенні навантаження збуджений струм у фазних проводах підсилює магнітне поле магнітного потоку системи. Магнітний потік [ϕ] має постійну складову як для традиційної електромеханічної генераторної машини, так і для твердотільної машини Холкомба. Машина Холкомба, як і синхронний генератор, значною мірою залежить від підключеного навантаження для створення робочого обертового поля.Last edited by Rakarskiy; Yesterday, 05:27 PM.
Originally posted by Rakarskiy View Post.I wrote that definition back in mid 2022. If you are not educated enough to understand what it says, then why bother doing it at all.
Translation below using Google Translate. bi.
Robert Holcomb's solid-state synchronous machine operates according to the algorithm of a traditional electromechanical synchronous machine that generates electricity. A solid-state rotor is a system of electromagnets that simulates the action of a mechanical magnetic rotor. The task is to create a magnetic flux of excitation, hold it and move it in the stator and rotor, synchronously inducing EMF in the phases of the generator. When a load is connected, the excited current in the phase wires enhances the magnetic field of the magnetic flux of the system. The magnetic flux [ϕ] has a constant component for both a traditional electromechanical generator machine and a solid-state Holcomb machine. The Holcomb machine, like a synchronous generator, depends largely on the connected load to create a working rotating field.
If the translation is correct, "like a synchronous generator, depends largely on the connected load to create a working rotating field", you are misinformed and state a falsehood.
Besides that, the material in the link has been successfully refuted on the now closed ou.com forum. I'm not wasting time searching for it. Fact is: Holcomb is a fake. Where is he now? Where is his forum's biggest fan, Solarlab? Nobody has ever replicated his device and produced useful output of real power in excess of input power. You claim it's easy to do. Well do it and prove yourself. Otherwise you're just fantasizing.
If you are not educated enough to understand what it says, then why bother doing it at all.
Any electromagnetic generator depends on the power of the load, or rather its magnetic system depends on it. Therefore, all generators are calculated based on the power of the core's ability to accommodate the field from the phase with the load and excitation. Magnetomotive force is an interesting parameter that design engineers use in their calculations. If you do not know how it is expressed in calculations, you can say that you are an empty talker.
Holcomb may have had difficulties with scaling, but it is quite possible to make a simple model for yourself with an output power of no more than 1 kW. I only recommend that everyone do this quietly and without publicity.