Originally posted by Tomata
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the fact that some wacko is trying to drain out bank account so it is
$500 lighter for something that doesn't work. Try yes and we will.
The right man could sell lightening to the unwitting. We are dealing with
more than technology here, we are dealing with the spirits that control
men's minds til they would lie cheat, steal without conscience.
Originally posted by Ernst
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Keshe are all pea's in the same pod. Mentally operated (Telepathy) UFO
craft from technology so simple yet powerful we will find ourselves stepping
over and back out of what looks like to me "The twilight zone"
It is a place beyond sight and sound or reason

boundaries are gone where a person might find themselves taking flight
without ever knowing it.
Yeah, ahuh! Sure right, sure thing, yeah!

If that's true I'll order a case of them if it works.
