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Keshe Blueprint

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  • #76
    aka Fluid state... or metals in solution... at some ppm/ppb...

    Originally posted by nathan97 View Post
    gans = gas in nano state


    • #77
      To share or not to share?

      Originally posted by dllabarre View Post
      I for one will be building one of these.

      As I see it you won't get 1kw when you first install it in your house.
      The nano-particles, plasma and energy generated builds over time as the unit is used. To me this makes sense.

      If all you're looking for is test results then by all means just build one (properly) and get all the test results you want/need.

      I won't be responding to or acknowledging anyone's negative comments to this post or to this device in general.

      If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything.
      Why are you posting here? Isn't the idea behind this Forum to share info and knowledge?
      If you don't have something interesting to say, then don't say anything.
      Best of luck,


      • #78
        Hi Bistander,
        Sorry I did not mean to add confusion. I realise the terms might not be clear to you as you have not been following the kfssi videos (a a whole set of new terminology is followed), but to those who are following kfssi workshops they understand perfectly. If I find it in a clearer form I will post it but I assume it can be found in the Blueprint docs also.

        What you have to understand is that these units take some time to settle in, a couple of weeks before you can add particular household electrical items to them. Certain light bulbs are not suitable also.

        As I understand and recall, in the 31st Spanish Knowledge Seekers Workshop where they were discussing coils in cars, one of the questions was on a unit that had been built and left working for a time in one home and then was transferred to another home. They found that the first home still received energy to power everything. The reason for this is because the wires in the home become nanocoated and after, say a year, if the magrav device is removed the wires in the wall continue the job of providing power as they are nanocoated.


        • #79
          Originally posted by DavidE View Post

          I am not a defender of the Keshe genie, but based on how you speak, you have not been following the discourse. The Keshe production units will produce 2-5 kW. Magically as installations become conditioned over time, capacity will increase. Also there will be a way to daisy chain units to boost power to 10 kW.

          I wouldn't recommend ordering from the Keshe website just yet... because if it works as advertised, in short order there will be hundreds of production facilities to order from. And after all, if you become inpatient and can follow directions, you can build one for yourself for under $50 (my estimate not Keshe's).

          My whole life has been filled with claims of what others said I couldn't do, but did - so forgive me, my outlook is one of careful optimism. If you wish to adopt the opposite view, do move along to other more likely technologies.

          Every time I say your name I feel dirty. Might you consider changing it to something like SlickD? Now if that is your legal name, by all means don't change a thing.
          Hi David,

          Just call me Slick.

          I did follow the discourse, and not only that. I will not order the device, because i expect it to work as advertised.

          To those interested in replicating:

          And for you dllabarre

          All the best,



          • #80
            Originally posted by SlickDick View Post
            Hi David,

            And for you dllabarre


            Thank you!


            • #81
              It can spread

              Originally posted by Yvonne Hanna View Post
              .... on a unit that had been built and left working for a time in one home and then was transferred to another home. They found that the first home still received energy to power everything. The reason for this is because the wires in the home become nanocoated and after, say a year, if the magrav device is removed the wires in the wall continue the job of providing power as they are nanocoated.
              Hi Yvonne,

              How far does this propagate? Will it extend outside the house and infect the entire grid? Can it be stopped?



              • #82

                Good luck with the world orienting around your rules. Why not sit back and observe? I am not asking you to believe or buy anything.

                I would speculate that new areas of science that most are not familiar with, could seem unbelievable. That's logical.

                My suggestion is to watch, learn and then when and if mass production arrives - pay pennies on the dollar.
                Last edited by DavidE; 11-06-2015, 07:58 AM.


                • #83

                  I'll be building one to experiment, but not for 120v AC.

                  If anyone is or has built one, let me know, I will have lots of questions.


                  • #84
                    Tell me if this sounds right? The "magrav" principles of Aetheric

                    vortex funneling has been suggested is many invention. Keshe has been

                    around for years lecturing and yet there are no working units anywhere

                    on the web that I can find. If anyone knows where a working example

                    of these coils can be found please post it. I see tonnes of video's on

                    how to wind coils, how to burn coils in the caustic solution but never

                    a simple demo of one plugged into the wall socket showing readings?

                    Why is that?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by bistander View Post
                      Hi Yvonne,

                      How far does this propagate? Will it extend outside the house and infect the entire grid? Can it be stopped?

                      According to Keshe, yes it propagates, extending indefinitely. And no, it cannot be stopped - at least when Keshe was asked this, he implied as much, his response being along the lines of "but why would you not want your neighbours to have to pay less?" He predicted that the entire of Italy would be nano-coated in a few months with (I think) 10,000,000 units connected!

                      But what's fact and what's fiction? Keshe says many times in the Blueprint videos that cheaper electricity is a mundane use of this 'technology'. He alleges that right now his people are working with doctors to regenerate severed digits & limbs! He also alleges that this can generate 100's of litres of water (from nowhere!) per day, or even create food! He also mentioned that there would be some announcement relating to the flying-car shortly as well! I've seen no one else mention it, but in the last Blueprint video, he also said in passing that he will be dead in a few months - but predictions don't seem to be his speciality, as he also predicted that some country was going to be split in two by a volcano, which hasn't happened - not yet anyway!


                      • #86
                        I know, I do not belong in this thread, but here is someone who does.

                        This man wants to look at Keshe, at what he says and at his technologies, and will post videos on the results. At this point he has few results to share but his approach seems reasonable to me and, I guess, it should look reasonable to anyone.

                        Just one short reply to "experimenters should experiment".
                        If I say you should mix nitric acid with the fuel for your car to increase the power output.
                        Would anyone be willing to perform such experiment?
                        (it actually works even better if you also add a dash of concentrated sulphuric acid to it, producing nitro-benzene and several other nitro-compounds)
                        Of course this experiment will also damage your fuel tank, produce toxic fumes and the extra power may blow your engine to kingdom come.
                        So.... I ask you again, should experimenters experiment?
                        Within limits, you will probably add, or better within reasonable limits.
                        How do you verify whether an experiment is within reasonable limits?
                        By using "reason"!
                        THINK! The fact that you do not immediately recognize the damage done, does not imply that there is no damage done.
                        In this "free energy" community there is a lot of power to do research (as ramset mentioned), by allocating this power to something that will never produce anything other than disappointment, and by confusing people by spreading fake wisdom on "plasma", "nano-tech", etc. a LOT of damage is being done.
                        And now I have lost 10 valuable minutes typing this post, also because of him.

                        I will shut up again, and I sure do hope that people will post their results.



                        • #87
                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          Tell me if this sounds right? The "magrav" principles of Aetheric

                          vortex funneling has been suggested is many invention. Keshe has been

                          around for years lecturing and yet there are no working units anywhere

                          on the web that I can find. If anyone knows where a working example

                          of these coils can be found please post it. I see tonnes of video's on

                          how to wind coils, how to burn coils in the caustic solution but never

                          a simple demo of one plugged into the wall socket showing readings?

                          Why is that?
                          BroMikey ,

                          This is the only one i can find so far and ive been following the "blueprint" teachings since they started on the 26th of oct i have watched all but one of them...about 30 hrs of vids
                          There is a lot that keshe says that feels like theres something to all of this ...but most of all he takes us a step further in our minds and adds to the out of the mainstream box thinking that Tesla Bedini Dollard and the like showed us and takes us beyond the atomic level to the plasma level in terms that we as non physisists and atomic engineers can at least understand so as to grasp his concept...his claims are literally incredible and if indeed they are true it will be a game changer on levels that are far deeper than just a free energy device...Cheers

                          Vid is very basic and really no meters no real proof just a magrav device hooked to an electric drill


                          • #88
                            Magrav = virus

                            Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                            Originally posted by bistander View Post
                            How far does this propagate? Will it extend outside the house and infect the entire grid? Can it be stopped?
                            ... yes it propagates, extending indefinitely. And no, it cannot be stopped -
                            Well, that is scary. An unstoppable virus is being unleashed into the world's electrical grids.

                            Beware of unintended consequences and a possible perverse result. Sometimes what seems like a good idea now ends up as a curse in retrospect.

                            What would be wrong with a controlled study? Quantify the benefits. Determine the side effects. Too late now I guess.



                            • #89
                              Originally posted by bistander View Post
                              Well, that is scary. An unstoppable virus is being unleashed into the world's electrical grids.

                              Beware of unintended consequences and a possible perverse result. Sometimes what seems like a good idea now ends up as a curse in retrospect.

                              What would be wrong with a controlled study? Quantify the benefits. Determine the side effects. Too late now I guess.

                              I'd be much more concerned with what's being sprayed over every country on earth on a nearly daily basis - that, every one of us is breathing in and is a real danger. Looking for boogey men with something that in all likelyhood doesn't even work, is premature.


                              • #90
                                I think that one point addressed to me has been answered above. Thank You Just wanted to share with you Connecting the magrav to the watt meter - Keshe foundation also there are a couple of other videos by Ali like

