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Keshe Blueprint

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  • #61

    How many people watch the Kardashians, or General Hospital or Dancing with the Stars? Now where in life have any of those forms of entertainment taken anyone?

    How often has anyone catalyzed thousands to build anything and share their results over Livestream. Let's for a minute forget its an energy device and watch it for what we can learn about people working together - spanning countless cultures and languages. 10,000 people a day are downloading the Blueprint.

    And I think for the moment... this is what has me mesmerized. Experiencing people working together... on something of this scale, has earned my interest. Its like one of those things that we set out as an endpoint, and what we learn along the way ends up being far greater than getting to the objective.

    Thanks for your post.


    • #62

      If you watch and listen you will hear specifications of these units. Keep in mind whatever the device is, it will interface with an infinite variation of electrical configurations and loads.

      On the face of this thing, even let's say I have a proven device that put out 1Kw but depending on type of load and a dozen other factors, including time, results will vary. I would be scared *hitless to even put something like that on the mass market. In fact I WOULDN'T at any price.

      There will be a fire somewhere, somehow, and you know what will likely get the blame for burning down the house causing a loss of all belongings. The Device.

      This is another example of the infinite risk associated with something on this scale... again, it blows my mind.


      • #63
        Maybe i was not clear.

        To make a long story short. Without replicating or building anything, we all can order the working device from the foundation directly through their website.

        On the website you buy a device wich promise is to do the following:

        With this product, you are able to support the main outlets in your house. This allows the system to increase the supply that you are receiving and meet the demand that you are using at that point.
        Magrav-Power Universal System | Keshe Foundation

        No pun intended. You can use your wife's bra to support the outlets and archive te same results claimed:

        increase the supply that you are receiving and meet the demand that you are using at that point.
        Anyone in their right mind, would not purchase such an item at 500 EUR.

        The whole blueprint release is nice and all, but like i wrote, the plans are not consistand wich renders whatever replication open to debate. The beliebers would scream the replication is not done the right way and vice versa. No comclusion could be accepted by the community.

        Waiting on builders is therefor irrelevant, better wait for the feedback from the people who actually bought the "official" item. You can follow them in this thread for example Magrav Power System Delivery Status - The Keshe Foundation Forum
        All the best,



        • #64
          You sure this isn't the correct spelling? Quiche Always one
          in the crowd.

          Keshe Plasma Generator: A Real "Free Energy" Device? |


          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-04-2015, 09:14 PM.


          • #65

            Originally posted by bistander View Post
            As such, it would be difficult to make a claim about non-performance of the product once you've bought it. I also note that it plugs into or is installed into the electrical system of a residential building and it has no indication of agency listings or certifications such as UL or CE. I doubt you can find a qualified electrician to install the device or consult as directed on the blueprints/installation manual. (speaking from the USA)

            Bistander I read with interest your reference to the lack of certification of UL and CE .At present most US. Utility Smart Meters have no UL or FCC certifications these have had a history of explosions and fires that no one seems to be concerned about.
            One thing I found in the magrav Protocol was the necessity to fold the wire end toward itself when making connections.
            Last edited by ZeroMassInertia; 11-04-2015, 10:31 PM. Reason: Grammar


            • #66
              Originally posted by SlickDick View Post
              I disagree, Many disclosures have altruistically been made by many. The problem with replicating is , replicating behaviour is something humans do naturally, replicating a proposal seems to be a challenge for most, as also seen on this forum. Replicators improving instead of replicating, or not even replicating at all because not following instructions. Add to that, There are some discrepancies in the blue print instructions and the teechings, wich makes following exact instructions impossible.

              What is also worrisome is the fact that the product can be bought, however the product lacks product specifications:

              The description provided:

              Can also apply on just an empty outlet plug for example. It literally does not have any meaning whatsoever.


              I assume this refers to this video Where really nothing has been demonstrated.

              Then there is the tax issue. Everybody seems to be paying 21% sales tax. People outside Belgium should be taxed 0% (zero). Also there is a 300 donation fee. Donations are exempt from tax, but:

              The 300 donation fee is taxed at 21%.

              Some minor things. The order process does not let you specify if its universal or car. Also it does not let you specify if you need EU or US socket plugs.

              Very strange to say the least, and makes you wonder.

              Don't get me wrong. I would like to believe it would generate power, but there is in imo not a single reason to believe other then what is actually being said and written:
              I fully agree. The 21% is VAT and should not be charged outside the EU.


              • #67

                I am not a defender of the Keshe genie, but based on how you speak, you have not been following the discourse. The Keshe production units will produce 2-5 kW. Magically as installations become conditioned over time, capacity will increase. Also there will be a way to daisy chain units to boost power to 10 kW.

                I wouldn't recommend ordering from the Keshe website just yet... because if it works as advertised, in short order there will be hundreds of production facilities to order from. And after all, if you become inpatient and can follow directions, you can build one for yourself for under $50 (my estimate not Keshe's).

                My whole life has been filled with claims of what others said I couldn't do, but did - so forgive me, my outlook is one of careful optimism. If you wish to adopt the opposite view, do move along to other more likely technologies.

                Every time I say your name I feel dirty. Might you consider changing it to something like SlickD? Now if that is your legal name, by all means don't change a thing.


                • #68
                  I for one will be building one of these.

                  As I see it you won't get 1kw when you first install it in your house.
                  The nano-particles, plasma and energy generated builds over time as the unit is used. To me this makes sense.

                  If all you're looking for is test results then by all means just build one (properly) and get all the test results you want/need.

                  I won't be responding to or acknowledging anyone's negative comments to this post or to this device in general.

                  If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything.


                  • #69
                    Safety agency certification

                    Originally posted by ZeroMassInertia View Post
                    Bistander I read with interest your reference to the lack of certification of UL and CE .At present most US. Utility Smart Meters have no UL or FCC certifications these have had a history of explosions and fires that no one seems to be concerned about.
                    Hi Zero,

                    The meter is the property of the utility company not the home owner. As such any liability for the meter resides with the utility company. I suspect that the utility company has appropriate regulations and safety procedures regarding all the transmission and metering equipment they install on people's property as well as suitable insurance or financial coverage should a claim be made against that equipment. The homeowner assumes the liability for appliances and equipment installed on his side of the utility service meter/disconnect. The homeowner and his insurance carrier are in a much better litigation position if those appliances/equipment carry appropriate safety agency certifications. Not to mention he could sleep easier at night. I know I would.

                    I am not an attorney and am not giving legal advice; just my opinion.



                    • #70
                      Hey if it stops the watt meter cold, I'm in.

                      Looks like a piece-O-cake ta me.

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-05-2015, 07:45 AM.


                      • #71
                        Thank you to some of the commenters above who view this technology positively.

                        At the moment there are many kfssi knowledge seekers actively contributing to what will be, over time as still a work in progress, a more finalized version of the magrav unit, and in building it, and recording data. So note the blueprint may change.

                        A number of knowledge seekers had problems getting it right with the CCW coils and a lot of time in workshops and videos has been spent clarifying this.

                        As I have had very poor internet connection over the past couple of days I am still catching up on some points, but I did hear one point today to make fireproof.

                        Personal comments I would like to make is to wear gloves when handling gans, nanocoated coils, and take special care with wearing mask when working with caustic soda (I think a point was made today that gans is not ormus and should not be eaten). Use distilled water to wash coils before use.

                        Also, the following points were given on 30th Oct and whether changes/additions since then I am not sure:

                        Warnings from Oct 30, 2015 – Energy Puppy
                        To use system you must follow steps
                        1.Check for right polarity – phase connect to live and phase of load.
                        Line which carries power mark it – go to power supply find live and connect live to live.
                        2. Once connected sys to power supply leave for 2-3 days maybe to settle and nano coat – add small led light - 6 or 9-volt batteries to charge
                        3. Do not connect immediately ANY resistive loads like heaters, old light bulbs, do not use fan heater 2kw, ovens
                        4. Add 2nd small load – increase DC for about a week – 10 days
                        5) Small resistive load – 500 w - builds up over a week.
                        6) Build up from 2 to 5 kw
                        Cascade unit – additional unit in series – furthest point in house.
                        Then non-resistive is free
                        2nd unit feeding house – first unit
                        Put meters on 4 kw out 1 kw
                        Wind bars correctly – anti-clockwise
                        Nanocoating – use caustic for 2nd time be sure to get a homogeneous coating
                        Gans above copper above - always oxidation
                        Capacitors winding of paper or cloth is tight wind it anti clockwise
                        Do not dry gans on cloth or paper. Allow paste to dry
                        Center sun system – good amount of gans – not liquid but a paste
                        Always – bend your wires in at the ends – anti clockwise
                        When you turn wires need to touch when you turn them back – NO
                        Connect plasma to make - how you connect them – a stacker of 4 5 capacitors
                        Capacitor connections - anti-clockwise twists
                        Cascade capacitor (insulated material) – space between capacitors
                        Connect plates: neg to pos pos to neg
                        DO NOT worry about how the system will perform
                        Heating is only problem – toasters – heaters – DO NOT connect ANY chargers till after 3 weeks
                        Careful! Hand Drill – cutting system – 1000 rev power works produces 1500 rev
                        Car units: when you connect stacker unit - G line (-) M on top (+)
                        Bottom stacker (-) connected to manifold
                        Top stacker (+) connects to 1 capacitor (-)
                        Connect neg (-) of capacitor pos (+) to top stacker
                        Pos (+) of capacitor to battery (-)
                        Plasma unit next to fuel tank
                        Learn and teach about how to cut and use the plasma energy.
                        DO NOT USE YOUR CAR UNIT ON YOUR HOUSE!
                        Car unit: your AC is after connect to battery 1)DC and 1)AC is what’s used
                        House unit: connect to 50 hertz add stacker get entry
                        Do not use with tungsten lights, resistive loads

                        I hope that those thinking about building these units will first get themselves educated on how these units operate as it is v. different to anything else they will have previously built. When building give positive thoughts to process (no, I am not joking as this system interacts with you).

                        I cannot answer technical questions.


                        • #72
                          Yvonne Hanna

                          What is GANS?
                          I keep seeing it mentioned throughout the video and blueprints but I haven't been able to find out what the "paste" is made from.

                          What material is used and how much is needed to create the GANS?

                          Thank you

                          PS: I'm definitely building one but first I'm educating myself and gathering some local friends so we each can build ourselves one together.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by dllabarre View Post
                            Yvonne Hanna

                            What is GANS?
                            I keep seeing it mentioned throughout the video and blueprints but I haven't been able to find out what the "paste" is made from.

                            What material is used and how much is needed to create the GANS?

                            Thank you

                            PS: I'm definitely building one but first I'm educating myself and gathering some local friends so we each can build ourselves one together.
                            gans = gas in nano state


                            • #74
                              Dear dllabarre,

                              With ref. to your question: What is GANS?
                              I keep seeing it mentioned throughout the video and blueprints but I haven't been able to find out what the "paste" is made from.

                              What material is used and how much is needed to create the GANS?

                              Thank you

                              PS: I'm definitely building one but first I'm educating myself and gathering some local friends so we each can build ourselves one together.


                              Gans: There are different types of gans CO2, CH3 and others... I am trying to find the list but don't know how to post here.

                              First you have to prepare your nanocoated copper plate (you can also put in copper coils - wires in the same solution) by putting in caustic soda

                              Once you have got your copper plate nanocoated for C02 gans you need also a non nanocoated zinc plate and you place them in a plastic container on either side with sea salt and water and connect with 2 wires and perhaps add a load of an led (some people use distilled water as I noted in this video and another), I used normal boiled water, but found that my zinc sheet was only coated and after a while it stopped producing CO2 and switched to CH3 because of the iron. This is one video from Armen and another that is in German with English subtitles /watch?v=8bs9QB5VSVs

                              Keshe on gans and nano GANS & NANO Materials - The Keshe Foundation Forum


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Yvonne Hanna View Post
                                Thank you to some of the commenters above who view this technology positively.

                                At the moment there are many kfssi knowledge seekers actively contributing to what will be, over time as still a work in progress, a more finalized version of the magrav unit, and in building it, and recording data. So note the blueprint may change.

                                A number of knowledge seekers had problems getting it right with the CCW coils and a lot of time in workshops and videos has been spent clarifying this.

                                As I have had very poor internet connection over the past couple of days I am still catching up on some points, but I did hear one point today to make fireproof.

                                Personal comments I would like to make is to wear gloves when handling gans, nanocoated coils, and take special care with wearing mask when working with caustic soda (I think a point was made today that gans is not ormus and should not be eaten). Use distilled water to wash coils before use.

                                Also, the following points were given on 30th Oct and whether changes/additions since then I am not sure:

                                Warnings from Oct 30, 2015 – Energy Puppy
                                To use system you must follow steps
                                1.Check for right polarity – phase connect to live and phase of load.
                                Line which carries power mark it – go to power supply find live and connect live to live.
                                2. Once connected sys to power supply leave for 2-3 days maybe to settle and nano coat – add small led light - 6 or 9-volt batteries to charge
                                3. Do not connect immediately ANY resistive loads like heaters, old light bulbs, do not use fan heater 2kw, ovens
                                4. Add 2nd small load – increase DC for about a week – 10 days
                                5) Small resistive load – 500 w - builds up over a week.
                                6) Build up from 2 to 5 kw
                                Cascade unit – additional unit in series – furthest point in house.
                                Then non-resistive is free
                                2nd unit feeding house – first unit
                                Put meters on 4 kw out 1 kw
                                Wind bars correctly – anti-clockwise
                                Nanocoating – use caustic for 2nd time be sure to get a homogeneous coating
                                Gans above copper above - always oxidation
                                Capacitors winding of paper or cloth is tight wind it anti clockwise
                                Do not dry gans on cloth or paper. Allow paste to dry
                                Center sun system – good amount of gans – not liquid but a paste
                                Always – bend your wires in at the ends – anti clockwise
                                When you turn wires need to touch when you turn them back – NO
                                Connect plasma to make - how you connect them – a stacker of 4 5 capacitors
                                Capacitor connections - anti-clockwise twists
                                Cascade capacitor (insulated material) – space between capacitors
                                Connect plates: neg to pos pos to neg
                                DO NOT worry about how the system will perform
                                Heating is only problem – toasters – heaters – DO NOT connect ANY chargers till after 3 weeks
                                Careful! Hand Drill – cutting system – 1000 rev power works produces 1500 rev
                                Car units: when you connect stacker unit - G line (-) M on top (+)
                                Bottom stacker (-) connected to manifold
                                Top stacker (+) connects to 1 capacitor (-)
                                Connect neg (-) of capacitor pos (+) to top stacker
                                Pos (+) of capacitor to battery (-)
                                Plasma unit next to fuel tank
                                Learn and teach about how to cut and use the plasma energy.
                                DO NOT CONNECT YOUR HOUSE UNIT TO YOUR CAR!
                                DO NOT USE YOUR CAR UNIT ON YOUR HOUSE!
                                Car unit: your AC is after connect to battery 1)DC and 1)AC is what’s used
                                House unit: connect to 50 hertz add stacker get entry
                                Do not use with tungsten lights, resistive loads

                                I hope that those thinking about building these units will first get themselves educated on how these units operate as it is v. different to anything else they will have previously built. When building give positive thoughts to process (no, I am not joking as this system interacts with you).

                                I cannot answer technical questions.
                                Hello Yvonne,

                                That was clear as mud. Are you a spokesperson for Keshe? Maybe it's the language translation but your statements and explanations add to my confusion.


