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Keshe Blueprint

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  • #91

    NanoCoatings [very simple ones] have been alleged to work by others.
    The life's work of William Barbat comes to mind .
    VERY similar.
    I'm definitely paying attention.

    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!


    • #92
      Originally posted by Yvonne Hanna View Post
      I think that one point addressed to me has been answered above. Thank You Just wanted to share with you Connecting the magrav to the watt meter - Keshe foundation also there are a couple of other videos by Ali like
      Finally, someone that has built one!!! This should be interesting. Thanks for the links.


      • #93
        Consider this.

        If you were telepathic would you make a YouTube about it?

        Mind Reading
        <clip>In cognitive-behavioral therapy, mind-reading is considered a common cognitive distortion or cognitive error that usually contributes to irrational thinking.<clip>

        So according to this reference on the Web - reading anothers mind is considered a distortion or error. What? If you were in authority over a populace, would you want them to believe in one's ability to read anothers mind? Well let's put it this way - if mind reading would become commonplace you tell me how different our world would be. No more secrets.

        Keshe has intimated lately that many people connected with his operation that have become "public," have become targets for authorities. Intimidation, threats, we have all heard the same stories before relative to other inventors.

        To some extent in the beginning I think that there will be an instinctive reflex to withhold some progress reports based on the kind of attention it might get. So when any do - they should get our support and appreciation. They have chosen to be 'on point' and 'at risk' in this venture.

        As fellow citizens... for change to occur, we need to consider being part of the momentum shift. Its natural to be apprehensive, fearful and doubting, but because the gain may be so significant, we should go slow but stop short of shouting from the rafters. Collect information, collaborate with others (foundation groups are forming everywhere). And then decide what makes sense as to direct participation as in building or buying a device.


        • #94
          Call to action.

          Over the years, I have been involved in a few collaborative groups that were working on alternative energy technologies that had great promise. And for the most part, each story is the same. The idea or proprietary claims are made - a path of development to a technology or device is formed. Progress is made right up until its finished and ready for release - then the whole project folds in on itself. The information is buried and there is only speculation left. Its like a black hole formed - everything went in to never return. Inventors move and chose a new career.

          In my view what Keshe is doing is likely the only hope for wide spread distribution, before suppression forces arrive. Many of the ideas involved as components of his claims, have at a minimum spread far and wide. Virtually impossible to manage every point of release by authorities.

          If any other inventors have similar alternative energy technologies - this would be the time to follow Keshe's model of release.

          As these technologies infiltrate existing economies - certain existing sectors will collapse from lack of relevance - but countless others will spring up everywhere to fill their place.

          Let's all agree to be part of the shift of service to others, suppress our greed and selfish motivations. Let's release our best alternative energy ideas and inventions to the world today.


          • #95
            You never know for sure

            Originally posted by sprocket View Post
            Looking for boogey men with something that in all likelyhood doesn't even work, is premature.
            I don't think that gun is loaded and in all likelihood it doesn't even work. Famous last words?



            • #96
              Originally posted by DavidE View Post
              Call to action.

              Over the years, I have been involved in a few collaborative groups that were working on alternative energy technologies that had great promise. And for the most part, each story is the same. The idea or proprietary claims are made - a path of development to a technology or device is formed. Progress is made right up until its finished and ready for release - then the whole project folds in on itself. The information is buried and there is only speculation left. Its like a black hole formed - everything went in to never return. Inventors move and chose a new career.

              In my view what Keshe is doing is likely the only hope for wide spread distribution, before suppression forces arrive. Many of the ideas involved as components of his claims, have at a minimum spread far and wide. Virtually impossible to manage every point of release by authorities.

              If any other inventors have similar alternative energy technologies - this would be the time to follow Keshe's model of release.

              As these technologies infiltrate existing economies - certain existing sectors will collapse from lack of relevance - but countless others will spring up everywhere to fill their place.

              Let's all agree to be part of the shift of service to others, suppress our greed and selfish motivations. Let's release our best alternative energy ideas and inventions to the world today.

              Hello David !

              this is a nice saying i totally agree with you, but the real suppression start within ourselves.. a lots talk about better world if this technologies is released to the public but most of them forget the main headlines about the presence energy make these device exist...., i mean FE devices isn't a goal but rather a way for learning or achieving an eternity goal ...


              • #97
                Originally posted by Yvonne Hanna View Post
                I am going to try to explain this one more time Before you get to the gans making state, and there are different types of gans depending on the plates you use, you first have to nanocoat your copper plate, or if you are going for the health pen or coils for your car to reduce weight and fuel : And yes, the ancients knew how using fire or even roots.

                This week most Kfssi knowledge seekers have been watching the Blueprint Week of free teachings and today the Blueprint has been released (video copies can be found here ).
                Many knowledge seekers worldwide are building their own energy units and to achieve this they are nanocoating their coils and then coating in a mixture of ganses (gans = gas in nano state) and producing 3 sets of coils with inner coils (winding direction is important and I would recommend a couple of videos and This process takes time to do and sometimes a couple of nanocoatings - 1st fully submerged in caustic soda solution then 2nd a steaming, then allowing a couple of days to fully dry out before using multimeter on. Please guys don't ask me tech questions talk to people like Mike Nashif, Richard U-Bique, Alekz and many others who can be found on the FB groups for Keshe Kfssi.
                True knowledge seeker will focus on the subject if Keshe himself has a running device proving his statements. Why replicate blueprints thousend times if the master himself can´t prove his theory?
                There are not many good answers for the question why Keshe never shows a running system ...
                Years ago Keshe started spreading his USB Memory Sticks all over the world - any return since then?
                Whatever Keshe wants to reach - he seems to be glad to let people act like puppets on a string ...
                Last edited by DeLorean; 11-06-2015, 07:31 PM.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                  Consider this.

                  If you were telepathic would you make a YouTube about it?

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                    Is that a quote to shutdown forums?


                    • Originally posted by DeLorean View Post
                      Is that a quote to shutdown forums?
                      I don't think forums existed during Lao Tzu's time. It's the essence of how disinformation spreads. Any fool can talk, but that doesn't mean they know what they are talking about. Fewer are able to demonstrate what they talk about.

                      On the other side, try going to a flat earth convention and tell them how the earth is a sphere. Then you will know the meaning of the first part.

                      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                      • Just a cyber street corner

                        Forums are like public streets, they have always existed..
                        you don't like what your hearing ....keep walking or stop and listen
                        or ??

                        regarding Keshe and his claims of faith or healing or ??
                        not such strange talk for most of our ears ...we have heard similar for a long time ,. "all things are possible only Believe "" If a man has faith [as a mustard seed] he can cast mountains into the see..."

                        we've all been taught or heard similar ??

                        Not so strange ..

                        But then again Keshe could be playing on these beliefs in big portions of our society ??

                        as for me I'm just paying attention and collecting bits and pieces .

                        also to note , I have not yet heard back from OUR associate in the Philippines.
                        will report when I do.

                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                          Forums are like public streets, they have always existed..

                 for me I'm just paying attention and collecting bits and pieces .

                          If Keshe is from the ancient Iranian bloodlines remember that they have
                          controlled the world for 4 thousand years. So maybe he just the guy
                          to break out from the inside since he knows who the controllers are
                          moving among them from birth.

                          It takes one to know one. What I want to know is "WHY NO EXAMPLES"?

                          Zero, kaput.....Nada.....ZIP.......... After years of showing the simplicity
                          of the device, not one person has one to show, hooked up and running.

                          Either the device works so well like Keshe states and people won't go
                          public for fear of getting it taken away or they can't get it to work.

                          @Everyone including RAMSET

                          If you have raw video of a working unit please fell free to post it here.
                          Also DavidE is right about how free energy schemers seen to come and
                          go like chemical trails leaving us to wonder who took the offer they
                          couldn't refuse($10 million) or who was bought off.
                          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-07-2015, 03:25 AM.


                          • In this video Doc Keshe talks about Plasma

                            No food needed to eat because our bodies can be nourished by
                            direct exposure to plasma. Sounds like what happens when you
                            are an angel.

                            Also space flight or anti-gravity effortlessly, again like angels.

                            This man is seeing into the time to come so that time must be
                            very near when world powers will be removed due to their
                            unfaithful or abuse of power.

                            Give me some of that yummy plasma, and I am not kidding.



                            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                              This man is seeing into the time to come so that time must be
                              very near when world powers will be removed due to their
                              unfaithful or abuse of power.
                              "Today and with this pen, I as the Messiah..."



                              • People twist that all up, even Babcock says he was born into this world
                                to bring the energy secrets of the ages. I think the new age chatter
                                crosses spiritual boundaries that most are intellectually confused by.

                                You don't understand spirit with your text books.

                                If Keshe was born into these bloodlines of murdering devils then maybe
                                he is using what scares these elite freaks who eat children and drink the
                                blood of those they sacrifice as part of an ongoing ancient lifestyle.

                                If you want to scare the hell out of the armies of devils living in human
                                flesh who have ruled by tyranny, What do you say? You say Jesus is
                                coming to setup shop in one form or another. In this case it might
                                just be Mr. Keshe way to get out with a whole skin.

                                I don't care who understands this post because I also know how terrible
                                God can be. HE will use a man to get a job started, throw that man away
                                and finish HIS strange act.

                                Before you can realize what happened, it's all over because you are on
                                the other side of HIS accomplishment having used your hand to perform.

                                Keshe is right that our bodies could be nourished by Aetheric Plasma.

                                Another thought that crossed my mind was Keshe is a beta test for
                                the masses to see their response. Will they join him in the new age
                                venture, become devote muslims and rule the world?

                                Well well, now, it's THAT a grueling idea.

                                Just sign here.NAW!!

                                That is not the spirit of Mr Keshe, he is old and will go the way of all
                                men, he knows that his invention could be better used by the youth.

                                This may be Keshe way of keeping his tech safe, by making people think
                                he is mentally ill, thinking he is Jesus Christ. But I don't think he ever said
                                that though people will say he did.
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 11-07-2015, 07:49 AM.

