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Keshe Blueprint

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  • Good video DavidE

    For those needing GANS note the proper preparation of:

    Throwing some paste on a wire is an inaccurate solution.

    Electricity is always involved. Experienced personal only.

    [VIDEO] v2dcmps_8QGdRN_WR[/VIDEO]

    [VIDEO] 8QGdRN_WR&index=5[/VIDEO]

    [VIDEO] v2dcmps_8QGdRN_WR[/VIDEO]

    [VIDEO] Av2dcmps_8QGdRN_WR[/VIDEO]

    Last edited by BroMikey; 11-14-2015, 10:09 PM.


    • Originally posted by DavidE View Post
      Electrical certification by Europe and US for Magrav Units.
      Just to be clear. Certification doesn't mean, the device does what is claimed to do. Only that it's meeting the safety requirements and standards.
      All the best,



      • Okay this is a very important update on the MAGRAV

        First of all I would like to give a warm thank you to our video producer

        as he shows after 4 days that the unit is showing nothing. Now if it

        were anyone else they would have rolled up their pallet and moved on

        without a whisper, like the scared-e-y cats that they are. Instead we have

        an honest man with the brass to tell it like it is, come what may.

        Truly a real man of his word, very hard to find.

        Very refreshing honest person. Plus he shows all of the processes.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 11-17-2015, 04:14 AM.


        • New System Setup

          Some questions were brought up on configurations so a new

          setup is almost done and will be tested just like this one is.

          Some say these units with the coils and capacitors are nothing

          more than power correction boxes.



          • I like this replicators approach.



            • Great to see all opening the door to plasma states of Matter... this is a return after years away from the forum.... as I had no devices to share... I like building/growing knowedge.. so my first try at nano coating under way , I be a happy plasma hue-man



              • Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                I like this replicators approach.

                You can feel his frustration at 3:30. Slowly reality kicks in.

                He also bought a unit at 1000 euro.

                I really feel for sorry this guy. He should put up a donate button. I would donate.
                All the best,



                • Dick,

                  Healthy skepticism is a great frame of mind. Why I posted the video is because Roald puts his effort into producing data, versus having an opinion.

                  New technology often appears as magical, and supporting information must be accumulated over time.

                  People that only sit on the sideline and chirp opinions are of limited value.


                  • Health pens and a little coil I'm playing with... coating has two castic bath and now steamed Coating... I believe the first bath washed the crap off the galywire and the copper...

                    Attached Files


                    • Health pens nano coating...
                      Attached Files


                      • I do believe the device works Dave. It just works in a entire different way.

                        This is google translate of a post of a Keshe intimi.

                        1. Keshe technology is (so far) not measurable and can not be calculated! That is, the result is also not measurable and predictable.
                        2. The result is determined solely by the environment! This includes words (spoken, thought, written) and feelings.
                        3. The technology is understood by less than 10% of the people who deal with it reasonably! (Comprehension questions are as good as not answered). And the time is all it is your own pick out in workshops not exactly supportive, to do it anyway.
                        4. The majority of people is (for whatever reason) to have a result in search of instructions with the aim of: power, healing ...

                        Original in German can be found here

                        Keshe also explains this in his lectures/workshops many times over. It also is stated in the Magrav blueprint and the Pen instructions (posted in this thread) from Caroline de Roose (Keshes wife).

                        The device is a spiritual device, alive one might say. This -exactly- requires, one to incorporate in their mind, the concept of the workings in a completely different way! Not rationally, but emotionally and spiritually.

                        One has to let go of the rational mind and traditional ways of "thinking". Connecting with this device on an emotionally and spiritually way and good faith (basically point 1 and 3), will in fact give unlimited amounts of energy, and not alone energy. Many, many other benefits will be obtained.

                        With that being said. Most "rational minds" want to see happen a rational pre-defined resultset (this unfortunatly includes Roald). Applying current sience on a spiritual device (point 1), while these two are completely seperate and different fields.

                        It will take a totally different approach and current sience being rational, is till now, not ready to deal with this kind of technology.

                        So Dave, it is ok to sit on the sideline, waiting for results nothing wrong at all! Its ok Dave. Just try keep an open mind about the results and stretch your mind beyond just spreadsheats and hard data, or my friend the wait can take a very long time.
                        All the best,



                        • Religion?

                          So it is not technology, it's religion. Right?


                          • bistander

                            Reference what Bodkins said.

                            Great to see all opening the door to plasma states of Matter


                            • Dick

                              You said:
                              Just try keep an open mind about the results and stretch your mind beyond just spreadsheats and hard data, or my friend the wait can take a very long time.
                              If its called an energy device then there is an expectation that it would operate with some kind of comprehendible results.

                              Even though I am a man of faith, the power company will not accept my faith as payment. So there lies the truth for us all, in an energy device.

                              In a larger sense... this thread is about awareness and consideration, to how our world may orient around a new power paradigm.


                              • Hi DavidE,

                                You'll have to help me understand. Plasma state of matter is like liquid or solid or gas, one of four states. So where's the relevance to Keshe?


                                Last edited by bistander; 11-18-2015, 08:54 PM.

