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I just disproved ken wheelers magnet theories

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  • #16
    I based my experiment upon what ken did in this video

    At the point 1:31 he said "dielectric inductance"

    if there really was dielectric inductance. and energy must be conserved therefore what must be induced is charge.


    • #17
      Sorry UFO I wasn't talking about you, I hit the wrong reply button.

      UFO you are as always, right on. I meant that post for Ernie, He and

      Burt art still add it. Some folks will always be mainstream thinkers

      even if the evidence is dishonest or incorrect.

      Mike Rowland (Central Kansas)


      • #18
        amazing resources

        This community has amazing resources [the open source community]
        these resources were offered to Ken to substantiate another of his Claims regarding bismuth and heat anomalies [ no interest from him]
        We have been completely unable to achieve these results in proper caloric measurement testing.[he is aware of this].

        perhaps he can make some suggestions on the test protocol ?

        infrared cameras do not Bode well where reflections can occur [his method for the claim]

        Last edited by RAMSET; 11-02-2015, 11:57 PM.
        If you want to Change the world
        BE that change !!


        • #19
          Originally posted by microwatt View Post
          I have carefully watched kens videos on his theory of magnetism. He states that each magnet has a dielectric plane where the bloch wall is.
          Minor correction; his 'dielectric plane' is the blotch wall. He just likes to use original names for some reason, probably because it makes him feel like he's the one who actually discovered it, that or he named it that before finding out that there was already a name for it & used his own name either out of habit or simply because he likes it better. I personally prefer "Magnetic Equator" myself.
          Last edited by Dingus; 11-03-2015, 01:16 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
            This community has amazing resources [the open source community]
            these resources were offered to Ken to substantiate another of his Claims regarding bismuth and heat anomalies [ no interest from him]
            We have been completely unable to achieve these results in proper caloric measurement testing.[he is aware of this].

            perhaps he can make some suggestions on the test protocol ?

            infrared cameras do not Bode well where reflections can occur [his method for the claim]

            Hey Ramset

            I really do not understand where all of these various tests will take us but

            here is how I look at it. Take a look at the pictures Ken posts on magnets.

            Then take a look at the computer generated graphics compiled during the

            the lifetime of Howard Johnson AKA (HOJO)

            Next take a look at the university level magnet experiment using iron filings

            on a piece of glass presented as rock hard evidence for 80 years.

            Now you see how I look at Ken's work.

            All we need do is look at the early patents using magnetic resonance

            imaging and how complex the data spool becomes. You and I have been

            lied to from day one. Ken is struggling all alone with what should be more

            than just another lie. This is why I welcome your experiment. If you could

            post the full spectra of your particular version of proving out this theory

            then I am sure others here are intelligent enough to reason it out.

            Simply post the measurement technique for our review.

            Astrophysics is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe. It has two sibling sciences, astronomy and cosmology, and the lines between them blur.

            Unless people can grasp many forms of so called science and are able

            to read between the lines they can never see a proper or valid test

            for a process that they have never studied.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dingus View Post
              his 'dielectric plane' ...he's the one who actually discovered it, ... I personally prefer "Magnetic Equator" myself.
              attraction due to rotating AETHER



              • #22
                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                attraction due to rotating AETHER
                What the hell did that video have to do with my post? And the video incorrectly used the word 'liquid' to refer to the aether, when it's technically a 'fluid'.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  I would love to entertain your viewpoints on anything but fortunately for me I see your slanderous and malicious intentions on display on the forum has easily disqualified you as an objective judge, beyond any reasonable doubt.

                  Almost everyone can see that.

                  Now what did you say?

                  Your data collection will need to be based on a more complex line of reasoning and you never have any.
                  Wise words from central Kansas.

                  Originally posted by BroMikey
                  I meant that post for Ernie, He and Burt art still add it. Some folks will always be mainstream thinkers even if the evidence is dishonest or incorrect.
                  Ernie I have never heard that before in my entire life!
                  How do you come up with them!

                  It was actually another thread (the one on Keshe) that made me search the i-net and find this book review.
                  Though the book itself seems to be not that good, this review is.
                  It sure has some good points that make it easier for me to understand what is going on on this forum.
                  Also, and this one more specifically applies to BroMikey and his above quoted post, it is a well known (and proven) fact that people search for affirmation in others, especially when you are insecure. There for it happens quite often that you think to see in others what is actually in yourself. Projection, this is called.
                  Let me leave it there. I think you'll get the point.

                  Now let's just give microwatt a chance here. The fact that he has less posts on this forum than some others does not mean that he is a priori unqualified to disprove a theory. In fact some mega-posters produce nothing but BS.



                  • #24
                    Ok i did another experiment to do concerning the block wall and dielectric inductance. in the first experiment I have a large area of capacitance through the tube. It is possible that the extra capacitance is drowning out the signal produced by the bloch wall passing through a dielectric. In this experiment i will use a ring of copper tape inside and outside. i made sure the connections were good using ohmmeter. i used a smaller magnet since the big one wont fit becuase of solder connections.


                    still no voltage change.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by microwatt View Post
                      I have carefully watched kens videos on his theory of magnetism. He states that each magnet has a dielectric plane where the bloch wall is. the vortex coming out is centrifugal and the vortex coming in is centripetal. So i did a bit of research and designed an experiment. If there is really a dielectric plane as he suggests then a moving magnetic field should induce a charge separation at right angles to the direction of the moving magnet field when moved through a insulating substance like plastic.
                      I bought a plastic tube
                      put copper foil on the inside and outside of the tube connected this to an oscilloscope and dropped a right magnet through it. No net polarization. busted!!
                      Maybe you are looking for a measurable amount that is to high for your

                      meter to read. In other words you are expecting enough to power a large

                      device such as a 1 watt bulb with an available source of a few thousandths

                      of a micro volt? I think what you are trying to measure is much to small.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-03-2015, 07:18 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Dingus View Post
                        What the hell did that video have to do with my post?
                        Nothing & Everything

                        Originally posted by Dingus View Post
                        And the video incorrectly used the word 'liquid' to refer to the aether, when it's technically a 'fluid'.
                        Have You Done Experiments in Fluid Mechanics Lately? by Ionel Dinu



                        • #27
                          would an experiment where I use the same apparatus as before but amplify the signal 1000x help change some minds?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            Nothing & Everything
                            No, it's "nothing & nothing". Now I remember why I put you on my ignore list.

                            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                            Have You Done Experiments in Fluid Mechanics Lately? by Ionel Dinu
                            Again, that has nothing to do with how aether is a fluid, but not a liquid.


                            • #29

                              5. CONCLUSION
                              In this paper, we tried to apply fluid mechanics concepts in theoretical physics.
                              Even if this approach is not new, our originality was to consider space time as a liquid.
                              Using this assumption and a comparison between Einstein general relativity equation and
                              viscous liquid flow equation, we found that space time can be considered as a highly viscous liquid.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by microwatt View Post
                                Ok i did another experiment to do concerning the block wall and dielectric inductance. in the first experiment I have a large area of capacitance through the tube. It is possible that the extra capacitance is drowning out the signal produced by the bloch wall passing through a dielectric. In this experiment i will use a ring of copper tape inside and outside. i made sure the connections were good using ohmmeter. i used a smaller magnet since the big one wont fit becuase of solder connections.


                                still no voltage change.

                                I really can not understand your reasoning related to your expectations from your experiment(s)...ending up in the wrong conclusions.

                                A Dielectric, either a plane or material is just a transition/insulation stage between two main terminals where polarization would be either stored (for static case in any capacitor) or flow "from and to" for a dynamic state case like magnetism.

                                For the case of Static Charges in a Capacitor, there are two end plates (to put it simple) between the dielectric material...and, if you could access that dielectric with say a very fine needle, after cap has been charged...there would not be absolutely any reading changes captured either no matter how sophisticated the scope would be set. You ONLY would get a steady differential reading between both end plates, but NOT in the dielectric itself.

                                The only "possible" way your scope would sense some very fast signals in a capacitor dielectric, is, if you set that needle into the dielectric just at the very moment of capacitor receiving a charge. And that would take all kind of very precise measurements, plus settings.

                                A Magnet is a completely different thing than a static Capacitor storage application. In a Magnet, the dielectric plane serves also as a "Transition Plane" between two polarizations, except, that according to Ken Theory- which I happen to also agree in a 100%- this dielectric plane is NOT only a transition stage, but from where magnetic flow emanates and returns.

                                A magnet seating by itself, including when falling down a PVC tubing is a perfectly Stabilized System, (unless we start interaction with other medium or materials, AND in specific ways) meaning, there are not any "extra" accumulation of charges at what we could compare as the end plates from a capacitor, which would be their very ending poles.

                                Do you really wanna get a reading?...well, then follow my instructions...:

                                Cut that copper lamination in a long strip, of about 1/2 inch, then wrap it around tube from top to bottom (no matter what direction), using a piece of paper or tape to prevent each turn to touch with next...and the finer you make that strip, and the more turns you make, the higher that signal would be. Now, make sure the clear tube is suspended at a distance from magnet landing surface, in order that the travel would be complete through tube and strips.

                                This method, which is the basic origin from what we all know as a coil, would not only be the only way to excite charges outside from a magnet, but also would demonstrate the "spinning vortex" origin from both polarizations are identical in rotation sense, related to magnet main, center axis.

                                Then, you could reverse the magnet direction when dropping it through the tube...and watch the signal then...

                                This is THE REAL AND ONLY principle of Magnetic Induction, and I could only explain it with a "screw comparison":

                                If you get a screw, mounted in your power drill drive end, and while turning it you could go through a piece of wood very easy, however, in order to extract it from the wood, you MUST reverse the power drill rotation...or will never pull it out right?...Well, this is exactly what happens when you insert a magnet inside a cylindrical coil, except, you don't need to spin the is spinning by itself, and while going inwards it will deflect a meter needle the positive way...all the way in...however, when you pull it out...THEN your meter will reflect a negative signal...guess why?...same exact thing as that will induce a reversed flow while you are pulling it out.

                                I will help you picture all of the above in your mind...:


                                Step One...we start getting magnet and the way field really looks like... inside coil, galvanometer needle is at zero.


                                Step Two: As we get the magnet all the way in, the needle deflects positive.


                                Now, Step Three, as we pull away magnet (and magnetic field keeps always spinning in the same exact direction) we get the "Lenz Law" effect...reversed flow, reversed deflection on needle.

                                Think about this...

                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-05-2015, 02:02 AM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

