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I just disproved ken wheelers magnet theories

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  • #76
    What now?

    Originally posted by microwatt View Post
    Lets not digress and ruin this thread.
    Sorry dude. I was just trying to get a definition of the dielectric inertial plane so we could figure out how to test for it. I applaud your effort even though I dissed the method. Where do you want to see this thread go? I'd like to help.



    • #77
      I want to prove some facet of kens theories. I do understand that ken based his work off of eric dollard. SO perhaps we should start out there.
      Before my experiment I was really in favor of what he theorized. I base it off kens experiment of pushing a plastic rod through the hole of a magnet. Thinking that if there was a resistive force on the rod it must be separating charge into dipoles in the plastic analogous to dropping magnets through a copper pipe. except that the direction of dipole separation is perpendicular to the axis and direction of movement. All we need to do is find some sort of provable aspect


      • #78
        there are 2 types of time dialation. when they bring up time dialation they are referring to two things. relatiavistic time dialation and gravitation time dialation. i think theyre using gravitational time dialationhere, becuase their talking about gps. depends on what kind of clock. hour glass? pendulum clock?


        • #79
          they are talking about cesium atomic clocks. where did you find that the bloch wall is 100nm thick?


          • #80
            Bloch wall thickness

            Originally posted by microwatt View Post
            they are talking about cesium atomic clocks. where did you find that the bloch wall is 100nm thick?
            That was a screenshot copy and paste from the link just above it in my post #75. I have seen that figure elsewhere. I also saw one treatise claim 3 molecules thick although that seems far thinner than 100nm.


            • #81
              Two magnets into one

              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

              For example, Classic Physics related to magnetism says that whenever we get two magnets attached by attraction we get this result as seen on image below:

              I found an interesting graphic here: Magnets in Motion

              So now click here to see how the fields behave in animation. Magnets in Motion 01 You can see the are no poles in the middle of the newly formed single magnet as Ufo showed.

              Last edited by bistander; 07-22-2020, 04:03 AM.


              • #82
                Originally posted by microwatt View Post
                The special theory of relativity has been proven. Look up "time dilation relativity GPS" you will see that clocks run slower when moving faster. or else your tomtom will stop working.
                Einstein's Principle of Gravitational Time Dilation depends on the type of clock used

                Einstein's Twin Paradox crashes against the definition of 'year'


                • #83
                  what happens the second im right again in a thread, you go bringing up old threads.

                  time dialation proven false. if all you fo you believing in time dilation would flal off acliff or jump off a clicff, none of us not listening to you would nnothing happen from that. becuase your stupid.

                  you would rather not have a debate and speak on the subject but have many people so you can throw insults at people. you think time can dialate. you think theres a relativistic time dialation, the twin paradox. both are debunked. by 2 year olds. your bsing your wasting of tie here on these. i show you guys ryour wrong on magnet bismuth threads and you brting this back up.

                  you guys wont test any of your theories to check them out ever.

                  to speak of the 2 versions of timedialation, one has to do with weight. so a clock i space would act different. and the twin paradox, if somonee left in a ship and took off and came back, how many times would the earth go around the sun when they came back. was it 5 times? when they come off, are they, younger? or older?


                  • #84
                    But dont nobody explain my thoughts i brought up only wait until im wrong then call me names out on it ok and bring me up over and over in this defunct theories that you have that didnt get fully fletcheted out. Now tha tthey are, will you all apologize to me? Time wasting to time wasting.

                    Now that we've discussed his measurements discuss mine. Magnet bismuth and heat that supposed comes out.
                    The problems seems to be getting the heat, measureing it, in the source it comes out of. This is non-zero point unlike the topic title states. Unless you call oil zero point too. Caues it was just dug up also. It runs out. So does load stone.. Both lose their, charge. So who has a real idea that that load stone is going to make some real power, thats worth the time to build a machine to contruct a machine to harness it with? Is it feasible? I say no. Since it comes from a magnet. Magnets copy motors, but they arent motors. So until one is explained like the other, leave th etopic alone.

