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Tesla microfilm letters

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  • Tesla Correspondence #333

    Tesla Correspondence #333

    New York, July 1, 1908.
    Mr. George Scherff,
    The Union Sulphur Company,
    82 Beaver Street, City.

    My dear Mr. Scherff:

    Thanks for the trouble you have taken in attending to the company matter.

    As to fans or anything you may need, I shall be glad if you will help yourself as though it were your own. You only need to write Mr. Hawkins and select what you want.

    Sincerely yours,

    __________________________________________________ _______


    • Tesla Correspondence #334

      Tesla Correspondence #334

      165 Broadway, New York,
      September 21, 1908.

      Mr. George Scherff,
      The Union Sulphur Company,
      82 Beaver Street, City.

      My dear Mr. Scherff:

      This is to let you know that the meeting of the Tesla Machine Company will be held on September 29th at two P. M. At the office of the Andrews Engineering Company, 120 Liberty Street, room 1005, and that your presence is desired.

      The documents relative to the proposed contract for 500 machines have been lost, and I can do no better than to write Mr. Upton telling him my principal objections. In due course I shall inform you of further developments.

      Very truly yours,

      __________________________________________________ _______


      • Tesla Correspondence #335

        Tesla Correspondence #335

        165 Broadway, New York,
        September 24, 1908.

        Mr. George Scherff,
        The Union Sulphur Company,
        82 Beaver Street, City.

        My dear Mr. Scherff:

        This is to notify you that the meeting of the Tesla Machine Company is to take place on September 29th at 4 P.M. The change was necessary owing to Mr. Greenwood's inability to come to town at an earlier date.

        Mr. C. H. Fitler had the machine all ready for you, but I had to go out of town. He will have it again in order next Wednesday and I will communicate with you in due course to give you a rare treat.

        Sincerely yours,

        __________________________________________________ _______


        • Tesla Correspondence #336

          Tesla Correspondence #336

          165 Broadway, New York,
          October 16, 1908.

          Mr. George Scherff,
          The Union Sulphur Company,
          82 Beaver Street, City.

          My dear Mr. Scherff:

          Thank you for your kind letter.

          It will please you to know that I have made yesterday further tests with the compressor, which have turned out as expected. There is no doubt in my mind that we are entering upon a new era of mechanics.

          I have come to an understanding with the parties I mentioned to you the last time in regard to the manufacture of 500 machine. I am expecting you to do a lot of correspondence and will submit to the company in due course a proposal for a fair compensation for your services.

          I shall look for the pleasure of seeing you shortly.

          Sincerely yours,

          P.S.- Thanks for the valuable article.

          __________________________________________________ _______


          • Tesla Correspondence #337

            Tesla Correspondence #337

            165 Broadway, New York,
            November 18, 1908.

            Mr. George Scherff,
            The Union Sulphur Company,
            82 Beaver Street, City.

            My dear Mr. Scherff:

            Thanks for your letter and German announcement just received.

            I think that it is about time to enter the field and I was very glad when I reached the conclusion in regard to the exploitation of ozone.

            You will be pleased to know that my new electro-therapeutic company is already organized, a notice to this effect being contained in the “Times” of this morning.

            Very truly yours,

            __________________________________________________ _______


            • Tesla Correspondence #338

              Tesla Correspondence #338

              165 Broadway, New York,
              December 16, 1908.

              Mr. George Scherff,
              The Union Sulphur Company,
              82 Beaver Street, City.

              My dear Mr. Scherff:

              I wish to thank you for the excerpt of the German paper, pointing out my priority in the promotion of the continuous oscillations. It is incredible that this early invention of mine could have been presented before a board of scientific societies as something novel.

              I hope that you are right in regard to the little tax charge against the company, but I propose to write to the Comptroller immediately. It must have been overlooked in my papers, for I cannot recall that I have ever drawn a check for that amount.

              Yours sincerely,

              __________________________________________________ _______


              • Tesla Correspondence #339

                Tesla Correspondence #339

                165 Broadway, New York,
                October 16, 1908.

                Mr. George Scherff,
                The Union Sulphur Company,
                82 Beaver Street, City.

                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                Many thanks for the expression of your good wishes for the day of my Patron Saint. I hope in return that your justified expectations for the New Year will be realized.

                I have not yet heard from Albany in regard to the company's taxes for which I have forwarded check. I think, however, that everything will be all right as those gentleman cannot resist taking a check.

                The enclosed as illustrating simplified way of keeping records, may interest you.

                Very truly yours,

                __________________________________________________ _______


                • Tesla Correspondence #340

                  Tesla Correspondence #340

                  *******The Union Sulphur Company letterhead*******

                  Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                  New York City.

                  Dear Mr. Tesla:

                  I beg to inform you that I suddenly have to make a trip to Mexico for the firm. I leave this afternoon and shall be away probably two or three weeks.

                  I shall attend to the books as soon as I return.

                  Yours respectfully,

                  Geo. Scherff

                  __________________________________________________ _______


                  • The Union Sulphur Company letterhead.


                    Here is the logo cleaned up for the files of the same company.

                    The Union Sulphur Company letterhead.
                    The Union Sulphur Company letterhead.jpg



                    • Originally posted by Michelinho View Post

                      Here is the logo cleaned up for the files of the same company.

                      The Union Sulphur Company letterhead.

                      The one posted before has a date on it. The new one has had the date removed and background is lighter. The Union Sulphur Company letterhead.png

                      Take care,



                      • Tesla Correspondence #341-342-343-344-345-346-347-348-349-350

                        Tesla Correspondence #341

                        165 Broadway, New York,
                        January 7, 1909.

                        Mr. George Scherff,
                        The Union Sulphur Company,
                        82 Beaver Street, City.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        Enclosed please find treasurer's receipt for the company's taxes.

                        My inventions are being developed rapidly and successfully, and I may have to tell you some good things in a week or so.

                        I am hopeful that I shall have an opportunity of congratulating you on the long expected and well deserve raise.

                        Very truly yours,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #342

                        Brooklyn, January 10, 1909

                        Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                        New York City.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        I have received your letter of the 7th inst., enclosing tax receipt, and I shall see that your account is credited for this payment on the books of the Company.

                        Your congratulation is now in order, and I trust that I shall have occasion to reciprocate very soon.

                        While my promotion is very satisfactory, I still have to fight with a number of difficulties. My troubles on the first of January, of which I have spoke to you, I have partly overcome. My creditor asked me to transfer your note, but made the remark that he would quickly get his money, and I refused to give it up. I paid him $75.00 and promised to pay $50.00 every month. As I have other pressing obligations besides this, I do not know how I am going to raise the amount and made the promise in the hope that you would be able to aid me. They are hounding me hard, and anything that you can do for me will be very much appreciated.

                        Yours respectfully,

                        Geo. Scherff

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #343

                        165 Broadway, New York,
                        January 11, 1909.

                        Mr. George Scherff,
                        The Union Sulphur Company,
                        82 Beaver Street, City.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        I was very glad to receive your letter and to know that you have been advanced and that the promotion is satisfactory.

                        I have great prospects which I expect to materialize during the next two or three weeks. As soon as they do I shall communicate with you and you may rest assured that I shall do all in my power to meet the situation.

                        With regards, believe me,

                        Yours sincerely,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #344

                        165 Broadway, New York,
                        January 20, 1909.

                        Mr. George Scherff,
                        The Union Sulphur Company,
                        82 Beaver Street, City.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        Under inclosure I forward receipt for the company's taxes which I found among some neglected papers. I think I will want to place it on file.

                        Hoping that you are getting along very well, I remain,

                        Yours sincerely,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #345

                        165 Broadway, New York,
                        February 19, 1909.

                        Mr. George Scherff,
                        The Union Sulphur Company,
                        82 Beaver Street, City.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        I am sorry to learn from your letter just received, of the illness in your family, but I hope that nothing serious will develop.

                        Your faith is certainly firm when you say that you expected confidently the payment. I had the ides that your advancement in the company was such as to free you of all troubles.

                        My progress is slow but sure. We have demonstrated that my water turbine is of very high efficiency, having shown 96% in a recent trial. The steam and gas turbine have both been practically carried out and promise to be revolutionary improvements. We are just completing a blower on the new principle driven by one of my induction motors. This will be a commercial machine. I am now at work on new designs of an automobile locomotive and lathe, in which these inventions of mine are embodied and which cannot help prove a colossal success. The only trouble is where and how to get cash, but it cannot last very long before my money will come in a torrent, and then you can call on me for anything you like.

                        Yours sincerely,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #346

                        Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                        New York City.

                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        Please forward enclosed check to Mr. Schwars and remember me to her with kind regards. She writes me that she is intending to move to Brooklyn and a part of her letter I do not understand. Will you please communicate with her and see just what she wants me to do and I will act on your suggestion.

                        You will be glad to know that several of my inventions have already proved a fine success, but of course it will take some time before I can feel the improvement.

                        Very truly yours,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #347

                        March 24, 1909.
                        Dear Mr. Tesla:

                        I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 22nd, enclosing check for $25.00 for Mr. Schwartz. I have forwarded the check to her and inquired regarding her wants, and shall communicate with you upon her reply.

                        When I opened your letter I thought it contained a check for me, but was seen disillusioned.

                        I am very glad to know that you are progressing toward success. Are you transporting instruments on the market yet? I should like to get one.

                        Yours respectfully,

                        Geo. Scherff

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #348

                        No. 165 Broadway,
                        New York, March 26th, 1909.

                        Mr. George Scherff,
                        The Union Sulphur Company,
                        No. 82 Beaver St, City.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        Acknowledging your favor of March 24th, I am sorry to note that you are losing your animity and poise. Mrs. Schwartz is weak, and you are fully able to fight your own battles. You must pull yourself together and banish the evil spirits.

                        I have just returned from Providence where we tested a new blower. Everybody was greatly impressed with its performance and with the conviction of revolutionnary advance.

                        Yours sincerely,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #349

                        No. 165 Broadway,
                        New York, March 30th, 1909.

                        Mr. George Scherff,
                        The Union Sulphur Company,
                        No. 82 Beaver St, City.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        I am, of course, sorry to know you are worried, but if your troubles are not by this time overcome, it is not for want of my trying.

                        The success of my undertaking is now practically assured and it may be not more than a few weeks when I shall have all of the capital at my disposal.

                        Yours very truly,

                        __________________________________________________ _________

                        Tesla Correspondence #350

                        No. 165 Broadway, New York,
                        June 4th, 1909.

                        My dear Mr. Scherff:

                        Replying to your letter, I am glad to say that I have great prospects and it is very likely that by July 1st, I shall be able to do something substantial. It grieves me though to know that you have not made the progress I had hoped for. Is it possible that these people don't appreciate your worth?

                        Yours very truly,

                        __________________________________________________ _________


                        • Tesla Correspondence #351-352-353-354-355-356-357-358-359-360

                          Tesla Correspondence #351

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          June 14, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          Acknowledging your letter of the 12th inst, just received, I am not so much concerned in any loss that I may suffer, as I am in avoiding any inconvenience to yourself. It seems pretty safe that by that time, I shall be able to make a satisfactory arrangement, and it certainly cannot take long before my affairs will permit me to do more than that.

                          I am very sorry to know of Mrs. Scherff's illness, and trust that she will soon recover.

                          The introduction of my therapeutic instruments has unfortunately been delayed on account of Col. Ray's forced departure for California. I understand that he will be back in the City within 10 days or two weeks, when the matter will be pushed vigorously.

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, City.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #352

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          July 1st, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          I am sending enclosures, as requested. Please do not give way to bitterness. You know that the opportunities you have had were unusual and that while they have not benefited you materially to a great extent, they have been the means of developing the good that is in you. In due course, you will get all the benefit of your training.

                          I am glad that you have been able to arrange matters satisfactorily, and trust that before long everything will turn out to your and my satisfaction.

                          Yours very truly

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, City.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #353

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          January 7, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          Acknowledging your letter of the end inst, I regret to notice that you have again misunderstood me. There has never been any doubt in my mind as to your sentiments, but I have thought that possibly temporary difficulties make you forget the advantages which have enabled you to become what you are. As for myself, I am more confident than ever that I shall realize what I have undertaken and you know that I shall realize what I have undertaken and you know that it would give me great pleasure and satisfaction to situate you as I think you deserve.

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, City.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #354

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          January 7, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          I would be very much obliged if you would call on me at your earliest convenience, notifying me of your coming by phone. I have several matters to talk over with you, and besides would like you to prepare a short statement for a Commercial player, who wants some biographical data for a rare and important occasion, which I cannot supply myself.

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, City.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #355

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          Sept. 15th, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          I am glad to know, from your letter of recent date, just received, that you have had an opportunity for recuperating from your hard work. I wanted to see you on that day, but the matter has been put off for a little while. When the subject comes up again, I will let you know.

                          Yours sincerely,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, New York.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #356

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          October 4th, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          Replying to your letter, I wish to assure you that I was much more disappointed than your brother at the delay. You may tell him, however, that I shall be very glad, when the proper time comes, to compense him for the disadvantage in any fair way he may suggest.

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, New York.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #357

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          October 14th, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          Replying to your letter, I shall be very glad to receive the young man at any time and help him in every way I can. I hope that the invention is of some value as I would be very much disappointed to be compelled to turn it down.

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, New York.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #358

                          *******The union Sulphur Company logo*******

                          Nov. 1), 1909.

                          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                          New York City.

                          Dear Mr. Tesla:

                          I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 8th inst., enclosing blanks for the Nikola Tesla Company's annual report to the State Comptroller. I shall prepare the report and see that it is filed at an early date.

                          Yours respectfully,

                          Geo. Scherff

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #359

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          October 14th, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          I have your letter and wish to thank you for the trouble you have taken. Unless I am decidedly unfortunate, you will hear favorable news before the 15th of this month.

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, New York.

                          __________________________________________________ ____

                          Tesla Correspondence #360

                          165 Broadway, New York,
                          November 8th, 1909.

                          My dear Mr. Scherff:

                          I am sending, under enclosure, papers received from the State Comptroller in relation to the taxes of the Nikola Tesla Company. Will you please let me know what must be done and when?

                          Yours very truly,

                          Mr. George Scherff,
                          The Union Sulphur Company,
                          82 Beaver Street, New York.

                          __________________________________________________ ____


                          • Morgan 44,45,46

                            Morgan 0044

                            New York April 23, 1903

                            Dear Mr. Morgan:-
                            My work is now in such shape that it can be completed in
                            three months. I would then be enabled to transmit at low cost ab-
                            solutely reliable private dispatches to any part of the world, and
                            what this means I need not say.
                            You have extended me a noble help at a time when Edison,
                            Marconi, Pupin, Fleming and many others openly ridiculed my under-
                            taking and declared the success impossible. What has happened Mr.
                            Morgan, that just at present, when I am more than ever deserving
                            your support, You should hesitate? I am a century ahead in my art
                            and my patents cover the only practical means and methods for the
                            transmission and individualization of telegraphic and telephonic
                            messages without wires. With these patents you can control inven-
                            tions which will create a revolution such as the world has not seen
                            before. Will you now let me go door to door to humiliate my-
                            self, collect funds from some jew or promoter and have him par-
                            ticipate in this gratitude, which I feel for you?
                            Hoping for your health and welfare, I remain, as ever,
                            Yours most faithfully,
                            N. Tesla
                            __________________________________________________ ___________
                            Morgan 0045
                            (letterhead) J.P. Morgan & Co.
                            P.O. Box 3038
                            New York July 3rd. 1903

                            Nicola Tesla, Esq.
                            New York, N.Y.

                            Dear Sir:-
                            referring to your favor of even
                            date, addressed to our Mr. Morgan, will you
                            kindly call and see him on Monday, July 6th,
                            in reference to the subject therein refer-
                            red to.

                            Yours Truly,
                            (signed) J.P.Morgan(??)
                            __________________________________________________ ___________
                            Morgan 0046
                            Recorded at
                            THE PUBLIC TELEPHONE OFFICE
                            Time _____pm _________

                            To Mr. Tesla
                            Mr. J.P. Morgan has
                            written you, wishes
                            to see you at
                            his office Monday(?)


                            • Morgan 0047 Copy.

                              July 3, 1903

                              Dear Mr. Morgan:-
                              Under inclosure I forward assignments of seven patents
                              relating to the principles referred to in my previous letters. No-
                              body who respects these rights can guarantee secret and non-inter-
                              ferable messages.
                              I also sent a photographic view of my plant taken some
                              time ago. The work has been carried on without interruption, but
                              it is about as close to (a oppage?) now as I can admit consistantly
                              with my dignity. I have expended $130,000, which you have so gen-
                              erously invested and in addition $30,000, which I obtained by sale
                              of a personal property, besides I have borrowed $10,000 from my
                              bank and have a lot of bills to pay. Financially, I am in a dread-
                              ful fix. But if I can complete this work, I can readily show that
                              by my wireless system power can be transmitted in any amount, to
                              any desired distance and with high economy. Of the three hundred
                              horsepower developed by my oscillator on Long Island two hundred
                              and seventy-five, -perhaps a little more- can be recovered at
                              the greatest distance in Australia. If I would have told you such
                              as this before, you would have fired me out of your office. Now
                              you see, Mr. Morgan, what I work for. I means a great industrial
                              revolution. It will be something worthy of your attention, as I
                              have always assured you. There is no incertitude about this, it is
                              as absolute a fact as anything I know electricity can do. My pa-
                              tents confer a monopoly. Will you help me or let my great work -
                              almost complete- go to pots?

                              Ever yours most faithfully
                              N. Tesla
                              __________________________________________________ _______
                              Morgan 0048 (handwritten. 45,46 was also handwritten)

                              (letterhead) J.P. Morgan & Co.
                              P.O. Box 3038 (3036?)
                              New York July 14 (17?) 1903

                              N. Tesla, ___, ____,

                              Dear Sir
                              I have received your
                              letter of 10th inst. and
                              in reply would say that
                              I should not feel
                              disposed at present
                              to make any further

                              Yours truly
                              (signed) (J.P.Morgan??)


                              • Tesla Correspondence #361-362-363-364-365-366-367-368-369-370

                                Tesla Correspondence #361

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                Nov. 15th, 1909.

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                Your letter of this morning received. I expect to send a check, preferably to your order, not later than Wednesday. It will not be for the full amount but the rest will soon follow.

                                I am glad to say that matters are developing fast and favorably and that in a little while my new ventures will be on a sound financial basis.

                                Please communicate with your brother-in-law and oblige.

                                Yours sincerely,

                                George Scherff, Esq.,
                                Union Sulphur Co., 82 Beaver St., New York.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #362

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                Nov. 15th, 1909.

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                Enclosed please find check as per phone. I expect to have some great news for you before the end of the week. Things are developing very favorably, and it seems that my wireless dream will be realized during the next summer.

                                Yours sincerely,

                                Mr. George Scherff,
                                Union Sulphur Co.,
                                82 Beaver St., New York.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #363

                                *******The Union Sulphur Company Logo*******

                                Nov. 24, 1909.

                                Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                                New York City.

                                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                                I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of yesterday enclosing check for $200.00, for which please accept my thanks.

                                Whet gives me more pleasure than the money is the concrete evidence it furnishes of your progress toward the success, for which you have battled so long and hard.

                                Yours respectfully,

                                Geo. Scherff

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #364

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                Nov. 26th, 1909.

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                Thanks for your letter. I believe indeed that I have overcome all resistance and that from now on, progress will be steady. In a few days, you may hear of developments which I mentioned to you a few days ago.

                                I will be much obliged to you if you will advise the Hawkishness in regard to the steps necessary towards fixing papers on their behalf. I have the kindest feelings for them and what to have everything right and satisfactory.

                                Yours sincerely,

                                George Scherff, Esq.,
                                Union Sulphur Co., 82 Beaver St., New York.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #365

                                *******The Union Sulphur Company Logo*******

                                Dec. 31, 1909.

                                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                                Please accept my hearty wishes for you good health and prosperity in the New Year.

                                Yours respectfully,

                                Geo. Scherff

                                Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                                New York City.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #366

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                January 4th, 1910.

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                Many thanks for your good wishes which I heartily reciprocate. I hope that with the New Year there has been a great improvement in your situation.

                                Some of my affairs have been delayed but we are expecting to incorporate that Company this week.

                                Yours sincerely,

                                George Scherff, Esq.,
                                Union Sulphur Co.,
                                82 Beaver St., New York.

                                Tesla Correspondence #367

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                January 4th, 1910.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                I was unable to reply before this to your letter as I had to go out to Bridgeport where we have some important work going on. We have just undertaken to furnish one of my turbo-pump of 450 horse power for a pumping plant near Buffalo. In the near future, I expectto give myself the pleasure of taking you out and showing you some of my machines in operation.

                                I do not think that there is any possibility of you ever sustaining a loss whether you had any documentary evidence or not. At least, I understand that claims such as yours would receive preference over any others. I am forwarding you, under enclosure, documents and would be obliged to you if you will let me know the number of shares which have been pledged in each case. I have no record before me at this writing but probably must have it.

                                Yours sincerely,

                                George Scherff, Esq.,
                                Union Sulphur Co.,
                                82 Beaver St., New York.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #368

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                February 5th, 1910.

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                Replying to your letter. I shall make an effort to do something by the 15th of the month. Everything is developing favorably but it will take some time before the benefits are felt.

                                Yours sincerely,

                                George Scherff, Esq.,
                                Union Sulphur Co.,
                                82 Beaver St., New York.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                Tesla Correspondence #369

                                *******The Union Sulphur Company Logo*******

                                Feb. 18th, 1910.

                                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                                Some time ago I requested you to see a friend, who has an invention applicable to cars, and you kindly consented to see him at any time. I shall be greatly obliged, if you will spare Mr. Otto Egloff, the bearer a few moments.

                                Yours respectfully,

                                Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                                165 Broadway, City.

                                Tesla Correspondence #370

                                165 Broadway, New York,
                                February 18th, 1910.

                                __________________________________________________ __

                                My dear Mr. Scherff:

                                You will be glad to know that we have secured in recent tests extraordinary results with my turbines which demonstrate that a revolutionary advance has been made. I think that it is now merely a question of a little time when I shall be able to finance my wireless enterprise alone and I am hurrying all I can to make the completion of the plant this summer.

                                I am mindful of your letter and you may expect to hear from me favorably shortly.

                                Trusting that everything is well with you, I remain,

                                Yours sincerely,

                                George Scherff, Esq.,
                                Union Sulphur Co.,
                                82 Beaver St., New York.

                                __________________________________________________ __

