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Tesla microfilm letters

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  • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0136-0137-0138-0139-0140

    Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0136

    New York

    June 17, 1918.

    Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
    The Blackstone,
    Chicago, Ill.

    Dear Mr. Tesla:

    I have just telegraphed briefly the result of Mr. Foster's efforts to have the De La Vergne cases adjourned, and enclose herewith a letter from him, which fully explains the state of affairs. Unfortunately the results so far are rather disappointing.

    Regarding the Lowenstein case, it would undoubtedly be best to assign this to the N.T. Co. Mr. Foster suggested the assignment of this claim, so that you might be protected against people who have judgments against you.

    In answer to your question concerning the Income Tax, it was necessary to pay this in order to avoid a penalty of 50% and other charges, and I have therefore made the payment for account of the Company.

    Hoping that you will soon recover completely from your injuries, I remain,

    Very truly yours,

    Geo. Scherff

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0137

    Chicago, June 16, 1918.

    Dear Mr. Scherff:

    Just a few lines to tell you that I have been steadily improving under the vigorous treatment and expect soon to be able to go to the factory in a carriage. There is every indication that my recovery will be complete although I may be handicapped for some time.

    The office has sent me a copy of a communication from the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics which is of the greatest importance inasmuch as it may lead to the adoption of my turbine. I wish I had all the records available to give complete information. Under the circumstances I shall have to rely on my memory.

    I am sorry that you have been again put to the inconvenience of making advances to the Company which I understand now aggregate $582.52/100. Of course I shall see that this is refunded as soon as practicable but at this writing I do not know when I shall be in the position to send check for deposit.

    In connection with my work for the Bureau of Steam Engineering I would call your attention to the N.Y.Times of June 13th containing a report to the effect that Marconi-DeForest suit has been deferred until after the war at the Navy's request. There is no reason why the same consideration should not be shown to me, only it will take some time owing to the slowness of Government machinery. I trust that the suits pending will go over the summer on the physician's affidavit but should there be a decision against us by default I could still effect an adjustment with the Cramps.

    I am looking with considerable interest to the next W.W.Co. Statement but have little hope that it will be satisfactory as I understand from Mr. May that they are now working on my mercury tachometer which is free of the limitation of the air drag instrument. Ultimately, it is certain, the results with this Company will be highly gratifying.

    With regards


    N. Tesla

    P.S. You did not say anything as yet as to whom Lowenstein claims should be assigned in new suit.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0138

    Chicago, June 12, 1918.

    Tesla Company, Inc.
    8 West 40th Street,
    New York.

    Inclosed certificate from Dr. Harvey H. Snyder should be delivered to Mr. Scherff immediately upon receipt. If I find it possible I shall write more fully in time for same mail.

    (signed) N. T.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0139

    June 12, 1918.

    Dear Mr. Scherff:

    I am writing with pencil as it seems to require less effort.

    A I wired yesterday I met with an accident Friday last causing some dislocation of bones and muscular strains in the hip region of the back. The pain is hard to bear but what distresses me more is the interruption of work which is as important in financial and every other respect. Once the manufacture of my machines is under way the Company will receive a large income sufficient to easily take care of everything. These people are turning out about one thousand of their old machines every month and this is only the headlight business. If we did not do anything else with them we would be doing well vut there are, as I told you before, much larger prospects. Beside I shall get some money on completion of the task and this is of vital moment to me just now.

    I have forwarded to the Bureau of Steam Engineering further information and am expecting an answer. There can be no doubt that I shall be given the required statement but when I cannot tell. I have mailed you the Doctor's certificate today which, I suppose, will accomplish the same purpose.

    The office has sent me a check for the Collector of Internal Revenue which I cannot very well sign now and I would be obliged to you will post me in regard to this matter.

    I must also depend on you to take care of the expenses then until I can get around. Your frequent assistance was valuable but I am sure you will feel satisfied.

    Regarding the new action against Lowenstein the attorney proposes an assignment of all claims to another party. Should it not be the n. T. Co. Or can you suggest some person in preference?


    N. Tesla.
    P.S. As soon as I am comfortable I shall write more fully.

    Mr. George Scherff, Esq.
    Tesla Company, Enc.
    8 West 40 Street, N.Y.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0140

    New York

    June 12, 1918.

    Dear Mr. Tesla:

    Enclosed please find a letter just received from Mr. Foster. The correspondence he refers to is that Mr. Bergmann, of which Miss Skerritt also sent you a copy. I went over other records in your office, such as bills and invoices, but as I am not familiar with the case, I was unable to decide what would be useful to Mr. Foster and could therefore not furnish him any other material.

    I am telegraphing you that the affidavit from Washington should be in Mr. Foster's hands next Saturday, and I hope that you will succeed in obtaining the same.

    I obtained a copy of your patent on lighting and have read it with great interest. No doubt this means another new business development in the near future.

    Respectfully yours,

    Geo. Scherff

    Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
    The Blackstone,
    Chicago, Ill.

    __________________________________________________ ______________


    • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0141-0142-0143-0145

      Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0141

      David Bernstein
      Attorney and Counsellor at Law
      261 Broadway
      Telephone 5038 Barclay New York

      June 8th, 1918

      In re: Foster v. Tesla Co., Inc.

      George Scherff, Esq.,
      17 Battery Place,
      New York City.

      Dear Sir:

      I beg to acknowledge receipt of check from you for account of Tesla Co., Inc., for the sum of $75.

      In accordance with our understanding, the $75. received by me covers services rendered in the preparation and service of the answer and for the application of a bill of particulars, and nothing else.

      Yours very truly,

      (Signed) David Bernstein

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0142

      New York

      June 6, 1918.

      Dear Mr. Tesla:

      I received this morning your telegram in reference to the second action against Lowenstein and have replied by telegraph, that Mr. Foster is preparing the papers in the case and will mail them to you direct for signature. I have furnished him with the dates of loans made by you to Mr. Lowenstein, which I obtained from your office, and have suggested to Mr. Foster that he name $50,000. as a claim for your services.

      Concerning the matter of reopening the De Lavergne cases in the event of default, Mr. Foster informed me that this could be done, but good cause must be shown for your non-appearance at the trial, as a statement of the kind you are trying to obtain from Washington. The reopening of the cases would involved an expense of about $150.00 for each case.

      Respectfully yours,
      Geo. Scherff

      Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
      The Blackstone,
      Chicago, Ill.

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0143

      New York

      June 5, 1918.

      Dear Mr. Tesla:

      I have just received your telegram in reference to bringing suit against Lowenstein for money advanced by you and for personal services, and have requested you by telegraph to state the amount you wish to name for your services and have also asked Miss Skerritt to prepare a statement of sums advanced, as shown by the canceled checks. As I have informed you, Mr. Foster thought that such a suit would not be of any help in the pending actions, as it would not reach the trial for probably a year. He also thinks that he can secure an adjournment of the Lowenstein cases until fall; he does not consider it likely that such postponement will be so strenuously opposed as in the De Lavergne cases. However, he says it is an easy matter to serve a summons, and I shall ask him to proceed as soon as I have necessary data to submit to him.

      I enclose copy of letter just received from Mr. Foster concerning the De Lavergne cases. I have requested Miss Skerritt to prepare such of the documents asked for as are available in your office, but shall not turn them over to Mr. Foster until I receive your authority to do so. Mr. Foster wishes me to say to you, if you wish to go with the trial, it would be necessary for you to be here not later than June 10th, in order to prepare. I trust that you will be successful in securing that important document from Washington.

      Respectfully yours,

      Geo. Scherff

      __________________________________________________ _____________

      Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0145

      June 5, 1918

      Dear Mr. Scherff:

      The signed checks of the Tesla Company, Inc. Came to hand this afternoon.

      Please find enclosed list of checks drawn to Mr. Lowenstein's order and copy of telegrams received from and forwarded to Mr. Tesla today.

      I am also enclosing copy of Mr. Tesla patent #1266175 on Lightning Protector which might like to peruse.


      3 Enc.

      George Scherff, Esq.,
      17 Battery Place,

      __________________________________________________ _____________


      • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0146-0147-0148-0149-0150

        Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0146


        #184 Oct. 29, 1910 $69.76

        186 Oct. 29, 1910 80.00

        94 Feb. 4, 1911 100.00

        43 Mar. 18, 1911 18.50

        95 Apr. 6, 1911 2.00

        20 Apr.28, 1911 100.00

        172 May 9, 1911 6.00

        233 June 6, 1911 150.00

        326 July 21, 1911 100.00

        819 Nov. 20, 1912 40.00

        253 Aug. 1, 1913 200.00

        279 Aug. 8, 1915 12.88

        $ 879.14

        __________________________________________________ ________

        Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0147

        June 5, 1918

        George Scherff, Esq.,
        17 Battery Place,

        Dear Mr. Scherff:

        Please find enclosed check for $25. which is due to you for the month of June.



        __________________________________________________ ________

        Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0148

        June 5, 1918

        George Scherff, Esq.,
        17 Battery Place,

        Dear Mr. Scherff:

        Please find enclosed check for $25. which is due to you for the month of June.



        __________________________________________________ ________

        Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0149

        June 3, 1918

        George Scherff, Esq.,
        17 Battery Place,

        Dear Mr. Scherff:

        I am forwarding under this cover check for $270. and $136. in each case to reimburse you for money advanced to date.

        Letter of acknowledgment to the Pyle-National Company is also enclosed for your signature.

        Copy of telegram received from Mr. Tesla on Saturday evening is attached.

        Will you kindly deliver signed checks of the Tesla Company, Inc. To Miss Drews.


        4 Enc.

        __________________________________________________ ________

        Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0150

        17 BATTERY PLACE
        New York

        June 3, 1918.

        Dear Mr. Tesla:

        I have just telegraph you, that Mr. Foster has secured an adjournment of the De Lavergne cases until June 17th, and enclose his letter of this date containing advice to this effect.

        While this is only a brief respite, it may be sufficient to enable you to secure the document from Washington, which is necessary to secure further postponement, or to make some arrangement through the Cramp Shipbuilding Co.

        I informed Mr. Foster that you were endeavoring to obtain an affidavit from Washington. He said that he would inform the Court, and it is likely that on the strength of this statement the short delay was granted.

        Respectfully yours,

        Geo. Scherff


        Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
        The Blackstone,
        Chicago, Ill.

        __________________________________________________ ________


        • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0157-0158-0159-0160

          Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0157

          May 28, 1918.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          I am enclosing copy of a letter just received from Mr. Foster, and am forwarding it to you by special delivery, so that you may take such action as you see fit.

          In haste,

          Respectfully yours,

          Geo. Scherff

          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          The Blackstone,
          Chicago, Ill.

          __________________________________________________ ________________

          Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0158

          17 BATTERY PLACE
          New York

          May 25, 1918.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 22 and of your telegram of May 23rd. I have already briefly communicated to you by telegraph the outcome of my interviews with Mr. Foster and Mr. Bender.

          As I have wired you, the De Lavergne case is on the calendar for Monday, May 27th, but it may take a few days before the case is reached. Mr. Foster does not have much faith in the possibility of a peaceful arrangement of this matter. He says that 6 months ago it would have been possible to make a compromise, but as the case has been put off so many times, the opponents know that you are not ready, so they are taking advantage of this fact and insisting upon letting the case come to trial, thinking that they will win. Mr. Foster thinks it will be very difficult to get the court to grant any further delay without showing some very good cause of your absence. He says his own statement or a mere telegram from you will not be sufficient. Mr. Foster assured me that he will do all in his power to conserve your interest.

          The Lowenstein case will also come up shortly and requires your attention.

          As regard Mr. Foster action against you, he seems to have been angered some time ago to the Cramp & Son Shipbuilding and Engine Company, that he and all the other shareholders had sold all of their stock, new people were in control and that he had no influence, and suggested that you apply to the Cramps for the arrangement to make a demonstration with the turbine in possession of the De Lavergne people. If my memory serves me, you are well acquainted with some of the Cramp people and might be able to do something with them. The address is: 100 Broadway, New York City. Mr. Bender seemed rather unwilling to be of any assistance.

          In reference to the retainer for Mr. Bernstein, I told him that such a thing had never been asked of you before and undoubtedly you were led to believe that he would charge thousands of dollars. He says it is customary to ask a retainer of new clients, and offered to pay him in advance for this particular service of preparing an answer to Foster's action. He said that he would wait a reply from you to his letter and would meanwhile protect your interest.

          Trusting that your affairs there are going better than in New York, I remain,

          Respectfully yours,

          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          The Blackstone,
          Chicago, Ill.

          __________________________________________________ ________________

          Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0159


          May 24, 1918

          Dear Mr. Scherff:

          I sent telegrams yesterday of which you must know and trust that they are sufficient explicit.

          The pressure here is so great that I can do no more than explain to you the situation in a few words.

          The mere suggestion that I have to go to New York raised a dangerous protest. These people are confronted with conditions calling the most energetic effort in order to retain the control of the business in which they are pioneers. They depend on my machine and it must be produced without delay.

          There is, however, another aspect of my relations with them which is far more important. As I have told you I have perfected an entirely new system of lighting with which nothing now known in the art can compete, my apparatus offering the only solution of the practical problems in this connection unless something radically novel is discovered. Now I feel certain that the P. N. Co. Would adopt my name and introduce this lighting system and other inventions of mine and I would so realize that I have been striving for during the last fifteen years, that is – to have a strong and well equipped manufacturing establishment putting on the market improvements as I may make them. They have an extraordinarily efficient personnel – mostly young and aggressive men and the factory is large, quite modern and up to date. All I need now is to start this first undertaking well and the rest is sure to follow. I could then arrange for the maintenance of a laboratory in New York, small but well provided, and within easy reach from my office.

          You will understand from this that there is nothing of such moment for me at present and that I would rather fo through all sorts of troubles than to run the risk of missing this chance. I might be able to raise capital for an enterprise but to get such an organization and body of men together is impossible. Remember also that I have several wonderful inventions of special values to Government and that once I have achieve success here I shall be able to complete them in short order. I am extremely anxious about this for more than one reason.

          Please be reserved with Foster. His change of attitude (which I observe from his letter to you received last night) is the result of my message to Mr. Wait which may have looked to you perfectly innocent but was tri-nitro tuluol of the appearance of sugar.

          Until we meet again,

          Sincerely yours,

          (signed) N. Tesla

          Geo Scherff, Esq.,
          8 W. 40 Street,
          New York.

          __________________________________________________ ________________

          Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0160

          17 BATTERY PLACE
          New York

          May 22, 1918.

          Dear Mr. Tesla:

          Day before yesterday, immediately upon receipt of your letter of May 20th, returning papers in the action of Mr. Foster, I consulted Attorney Bernstein, and a telegram to that effect was sent you from his office upon advice. The retainer he asks is the Jewish part of it, I suppose; I believe he will be satisfied with a smaller sum. This morning, upon receipt of your telegram of May 21st, I conferred with him again, and he said that he would communicate with you direct this afternoon, as I have already wired you.

          Mr. Bernstein cannot understand how Mr. Foster can continue to represent you in important litigation and bring suit against you at the same time. He thinks that under the circumstances your cases might be neglected and your interests thus greatly endangered. However, in view of statements in the enclosed letter which I received from Mr. Foster this morning there seems to be no such danger.

          I have told Mr. Bernstein that the most important thing for the moment is to delay the Foster action as much as possible, and he proposes (of course, pending final instructions from you) to sak first for a delay of twenty days, which he believes he can secure, or failing in that, to enter a general denial of the charges.

          You can imagine my surprise upon receiving Mr. Foster's letter this morning. The sentiments expressed therein do not harmonize with his action and I am unable to fathom his psychology. I did not want to write anything to Mr. Foster and told him by telephone that I am not familiar with the details of the De Lavergne cases, which you are in grave danger of losing by default, and therefore could not be of any assistance to him. There is no doubt that your opponents will be quick to take advantage of any weakness shown on your part, and altogether the situation seemed so serious to me, that I felt constrained to telegraph you as I did, recommending your immediate return here, at least for a few days, to give these matters attention. Probably your work there could go ahead in the meantime, and undoubtedly the people there will understand that you have other interests beside theirs, which require your attention. I trust that you will take this into serious consideration.

          Respectfully yours,

          Geo. Scherff

          Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
          The Blackstone,
          Chicago, Ill.

          __________________________________________________ ________________


          • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0161-0162-0163-0164-0165

            Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0161



            May 22d, 1918.

            George Scherff, Esq.,
            8 W. 40 St., New York.

            Dear Mr. Scherff:

            Referring to payment made by the P. N. Co. I am here my accounts are as follow:

            Re Royalties

            Oct. 13, 1917 $1500.00
            Jan. 5, 1918 1500.00
            Apr. 13, 1918 1500.00

            Re Expenses

            Nov. 15, 1917 $1500.00
            Mar.13, 1918 2500.00
            Dec. 7, 1917 2000.00
            Feb. 2, 1918 2000.00
            May 9, 1918 2500.00

            As I have wired you I am having a difficulty in the final adjustment notwithstanding the fact that at a meeting four months ago we came to a clear understanding satisfactory to me. I cannot see how they can back out and believe that it is just the usual bluff. Nevertheless they are strong in the view they are taking as they say that this is the unanimous opinion of their attorneys; but their attitude is unjustified and I am confident that they will see things in a different light. I have written them an energetic but carefully worded letter which has brought forth a request for a meeting to discuss all these matters.

            As I do not know when I shall be able to mail you another check I am compelled to hold you up again for this week's requirements but hope that it will not ghastly inconvenience you.

            __________________________________________________ _______________

            Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0162


            There has been a little delay in the development of my project with the Ch. F. Tool Co. Owing to the wedding of Mr. Pressinger's daughter but I am preparing my material and will resume the campaign Monday next. If my business here is brought to a satisfactory conclusion I shall not need to worry further over my affairs.

            Yours sincerely,

            N. Tesla

            __________________________________________________ _______________

            Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0163

            David Bernstein
            Attorney and Counsellor at Law
            261 Broadway
            Telephone 5038 Barclay New York

            May 22nd, 1918

            1. - N.T.

            In re: Foster v. Tesla Co., Inc.

            Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
            c/o The Blackstone Hotel,
            Chicago, Ill.

            Dear Sir:

            On Monday last, Your Mr. Scherff conferred with me in reference to the above entitled action, and at that time, left with me the summons and complaint, and later sent me by mail copies of bills rendered to the Tesla Co., Inc., and Nikola Tesla Co. By Mr. Foster, dated July 2nd, 1917, and December 31st, 1917, respectively. These bills appear to be for alleged services rendered in various actions. To-day he again conferred with me and brought with him your telegram to him as follows:

            “Your telegram received. Substitution of attorney will mean exposure to issues attacked. How far will retainer fee go in meeting expenses of suit. Return still uncertain owing to matter pending. Please wire. I shall think it over meanwhile,”

            to which telegram I replied, at his suggestion, as follow:

            “Conferred with Scherff. Received copy bills of Foster and your telegram. Substitution of attorney in pending matters absolutely necessary in order to conserve your interests. Owing to confidential relation between attorney and client, substitution cannot expose issues to attack. Foster cannot sue you and at the same time represent your interests properly in pending matters. Retaining fee will be credited upon services to be rendered. Conference with you necessary. Am writing. Wait for your letter.”

            I was given to understand by Mr. Scherff that no services whatever were rendered by Mr. Foster to the Tesla Co., Inc., although copies of the bills left with me show to have been rendered to the Tesla Co., Inc. And

            __________________________________________________ _______________

            Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0164

            David Bernstein
            Attorney and Counsellor at Law
            261 Broadway
            Telephone 5038 Barclay New York

            2. - N.T.

            May 22nd, 1918

            In re: Foster v. Tesla Co., Inc.

            Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
            c/o The Blackstone Hotel,
            Chicago, Ill.

            Dear Sir:

            The $250. I have asked is to be a retaining fee in this action. How far this retainer will go in meeting the final expenses of the suit, I cannot at this time say, owing to the fact that I am unable to say just how much services I will be called upon to render in this $5,000. action. There may be a trial, an appeal, and many other proceedings likely to happen as always does in any litigation. I will say, however, that the $250. will be credited on account of such services, and I am quite sure my fees for representing you can be amicably adjusted satisfactorily to you.

            The matter in which I am as much concerned as the retainer in the above action is: How can Mr. Foster to represent you in various litigations which I understand are still pending undetermined and mentioned in his bill, for instance: De Lavergne v. Tesla; Tesla v. De Lavergne; Tesla Co. v. Lowenstein; Tesla v. Marconi and others, when he has instituted this action for services? How can Mr. Foster properly look after your interests in these actions on the one hand, while he is suing you on the other? It seems to me that Mr. Foster's action against the company for services is incompatible with him properly looking after your interests in the pending suits. I am frank to say, I cannot see how there is any room for doubt in the matter, and that there is but one course open to you, and that is to at once seek a substitution of attorneys in these various pending litigations. Such substitution will not expose the issues to attack, because of the relation of attorney and client existing between you, he cannot divulge information acquired by him during the time of such relation. But your interests cannot be properly looked after by a man who has instituted suit against you. It is in view of that state of affairs that I advise a substitution of attorneys in these pending matters immediately.

            In Order, however, that I may be fully apprised of the subject matters involved in the various actions, from Mr. Foster represents therein, whether you individually or the companies, it is absolutely essential that I have a conference with you. Having this in mind

            __________________________________________________ _______________

            Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0165

            David Bernstein
            Attorney and Counsellor at Law
            261 Broadway
            Telephone 5038 Barclay New York

            3. - N.T.

            I requested Mr. Scherff to ask you when you expect to be here. <If you are to be in the city within the next few weeks, I could confer with you then. If not, I think either my representative or myself could come to Chicago for such conference, which will enable me to learn just what services were rendered by him in the actions mentioned in his bill, if any; in whose behalf they were so rendered, and what arrangements, if any, were made for representing you in those various suits. Substitution of attorneys could also then be discussed and arranged. Of course, you will understand that this is merely a suggestion on my part.

            I shall be glad to hear from you.

            I am

            Yours very truly,

            David Bernstein

            __________________________________________________ _______________


            • Well.... so much for the already faint hopes that I would keep up with you....

              Just finished copying your work and I am surprised that some pages seem to have so much text, that I can barely fit it on one page.
              I hope soon I will find some time to do some of the formatting and QA.

              Thanks again!



              • Hi Ernst,

                I'm stuck again in limbo since yesterday. I can't post any new transcription, preview and submit reply send me to a blank page and nothing gets by. Every few hours I try but so far no go. I can only do short posts.

                Lucky I did a few to keep you busy.

                Yes some of the texts seem to be getting longer but I'm about half done in the second Scherff folder.

                Take care,



                • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0167-0168-0169-0170

                  Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0167


                  Chicago, May 18, 1918.

                  Dear Mr. Scherff:

                  I am returning paper under enclosure. As I wired yesterday I am in accord with you regarding the attorney. A minister's son is not well fitted to grapple with such a man as Mr. Foster.

                  My opinion is now that Mr. Foster means the Wait claim which has been assigned to him and he is endeavoring to make the T. C. I. Responsible. I may have unknowingly signed some paper on which on which he bases the action but in that case a copy should be on hand. Besides I doubt that such a document would have any validity. Your lawyer should delay the case as much as consistent with decent practice so as to give us time to prepare for an evidently vicious attack. I feel certain that Mr. Foster has not rendered services to the T. C. I. And am confident that I have not committed the Company in any way.

                  I am now perfecting a deal with the Chicago Pneumatic Tools Co. Their manager and treasurer, Mr. Pressinger is an old friend of mine. They are anxious to get a good turbo-blower and I think that mine and I think that mine is superior to anything in that line. My plan is to construct quickly a small one just to demonstrate to them the possibilities and then enter into a broader agreement. All the details of the turbine and blower have been already developed by me and it would take no more than two weeks to construct one at their extensive works. If I succeed in this it will be a more lucrative business than that with the P.N. The Government requires such small turbo-blowers in great number.

                  Will write you as soon as I have something definite to say.


                  (signed) N. Tesla.

                  Geo. Scherff, Esq,
                  8 West 40th Street,

                  __________________________________________________ ________________


                  • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0168

                    17 BATTERY PLACE
                    New York

                    Chicago, May 15, 1918.

                    Dear Mr. Tesla:

                    Your letter of May 12th in reference to the action of Mr. Foster reached me last night.

                    I have looked over the records in the office and find that the last bill of Mr. Foster, dated Dec. 31, 1917, and amounting to a little over sixteen hundred dollars, was rendered to Tesla Company, Inc. And Nikola Tesla Company, but I find in it not a single item which has any connection with the business of Tesla Company, Inc. It seems to me, that a complete denial of the charges would be in order. I count among my acquaintance only 2 lawyers, one named Philipbar, who is a minister's son and an honest fellow, the other is named Bernstein, who handled the case in my son's business not long ago. I believe the Jew is the better lawyer of the two; which one shall I select? Of course, I am acquainted with the Sulphur Company's attorneys, but they are the most expensive in the land.

                    Will you kindly return the summons and complaint of Mr. Foster to me and upon receipt of these documents I shall take the matter up immediately.

                    Respectfully yours,

                    Geo. Scherff

                    Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                    The Blackstone,
                    Chicago, Ill.

                    __________________________________________________ ________________


                    • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0169

                      Orig. To Mr. Scherff. 5/14


                      Chicago, May 12, 1918.

                      My dear Mr. Scherff:

                      Matters here were so pressing that I was unable to write to you before this in regard to that action of Mr. Fisher. I can not understand it but I do view it as a breach of faith and distinctly unprofessional.

                      That he has not rendered the service for which he asks payment I am sure, nor has he ever presented a bill of that kind so far as I know. It is possible that I have committed myself unknowingly in some ways, but even in this case, I should think the document would be invalid. I could not have done so important a thing without conferring with you and bringing it before the directors and all he can do is to hold me personally to account.

                      I hope you can secure the services of a lawyer of your acquaintance to handle the case for a moderate charge. As the first step his policy should be to delay action until I return. Later he should ask for a bill of particulars.

                      Mr. Foster holds some judgment originally claimed by Mr. Wait for services and I wonder he has involved the company by some trick or other to pay for these.

                      Please let me know what you can do about taking care of the case so that an answer may be filed in time.

                      Yours sincerely,

                      N. Tesla

                      __________________________________________________ ________________


                      • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0170

                        May 15, 1918.

                        Dear Mr. Scherff:

                        Please find attached statement of total expenses charged to the Pyle-National Company and payments made by them.

                        I received a letter this morning from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue requesting answers to several questions in regard to the Income Tax Return, copy of which I enclose.

                        Very respectfully,

                        2 Enc.

                        George Scherff, Esq.,
                        17 Battery Place,

                        __________________________________________________ ________________


                        • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 0171-0172-0173-0174-0175

                          Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0171

                          PYLE-NATIONAL COMPANY - Account current
                          to March 31, 1918

                          EXPENSES CHARGED: $13,976.28
                          CREDIT: (Canceled Check) 6.00 $13970.28

                          PAYMENTS MADE

                          November 17, 1917 By check 1,500.00
                          January 31, 1918 “ “ 2,000.00
                          February 16, 1918 “ “ 1,000.00
                          March 15, 1918 “ “ 2,500.00
                          May 7, 1918 “ “ 2,500.00 9,500.00

                          March 31, Balance due $4,470.28

                          __________________________________________________ ___________


                          • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0172

                            May 9th, 1918

                            Dear Mr. Scherff:

                            Please find enclosed checks in the amounts of $25. and $395., the former of which is due to you for the month of May and the latter, to reimburse you for cash advanced.

                            I am also forwarding under this cover letter to the Pyle-National Company to be signed by you, and fifteen blank checks of the Tesla Co. Inc. Which require your signature.

                            With kindest regards and hoping that your daughter's health is rapidly improving, I remain,


                            17 Enc.

                            George Scherff, Esq.,
                            17 Battery Place,

                            __________________________________________________ ___________


                            • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0173

                              May 9, 1918

                              Dear Mr. Scherff:

                              Under inclosure please find check for $25. which is due you for the month of May.



                              George Scherff, Esq.,
                              17 Battery Place,

                              __________________________________________________ ___________


                              • Tesla Correspondence Scherff 2 #0174

                                17 BATTERY PLACE
                                New York

                                May 7, 1918.

                                Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
                                The Blackstone,
                                Chicago, Ill.

                                Dear Mr. Tesla:

                                The enclosed summons in a complaint by Mr. Foster has just been served on me. As far as I am aware, Mr. Foster has rendered no services whatever to Tesla Company, Inc., against whom the complaint is made, but to you personally and to the Nikola Tesla Company. Is there anything that I can do in this matter?

                                I was very sorry to hear of your illness and hope that you have now completely recovered, also that your work there is progressing satisfactorily.

                                Respectfully yours,

                                Geo. Scherff

                                __________________________________________________ ___________

